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10.3. Configuration Logging

Apache is able to report to a client a great deal of what is happening to it internally. The necessary module is contained in the mod_info.c file, which should be included at build time. It provides a comprehensive overview of the server configuration, including all installed modules and directives in the configuration files. This module is not compiled into the server by default. To enable it, either load the corresponding module if you are running Win32 or Unix with DSO support enabled, or add the following line to the server build Config file and rebuild the server:

AddModule modules/standard/mod_info.o

It should also be noted that if mod_info is compiled into the server, its handler capability is available in all configuration files, including per-directory files (e.g., .htaccess). This may have security-related ramifications for your site. To demonstrate how this facility can be applied to any site, the Config file on .../site.info is the .../site.authent file slightly modified:

User webuser
Group webgroup
ServerName www.butterthlies.com

LogLevel debug

<VirtualHost www.butterthlies.com>
#CookieLog logs/cookies
AddModuleInfo mod_setenvif.c "This is what I've added to mod_setenvif"
ServerAdmin sales@butterthlies.com
DocumentRoot /usr/www/APACHE3/site.info/htdocs/customers
ServerName www.butterthlies.com
ErrorLog /usr/www/APACHE3/site.info/logs/error_log
TransferLog /usr/www/APACHE3/site.info/logs/customers/access_log
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin /usr/www/APACHE3/cgi-bin

<Location /server-info>
SetHandler server-info


<VirtualHost sales.butterthlies.com>
CookieLog logs/cookies
ServerAdmin sales_mgr@butterthlies.com
DocumentRoot /usr/www/APACHE3/site.info/htdocs/salesmen
ServerName sales.butterthlies.com
ErrorLog /usr/www/APACHE3/site.info/logs/error_log
TransferLog /usr/www/APACHE3/site.info/logs/salesmen/access_log
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin /usr/www/APACHE3/cgi-bin
<Directory /usr/www/APACHE3/site.info/htdocs/salesmen>
AuthType Basic
#AuthType Digest
AuthName darkness

AuthUserFile /usr/www/APACHE3/ok_users/sales
AuthGroupFile /usr/www/APACHE3/ok_users/groups

#AuthDBMUserFile /usr/www/APACHE3/ok_dbm/sales
#AuthDBMGroupFile /usr/www/APACHE3/ok_dbm/groups

#AuthDigestFile /usr/www/APACHE3/ok_digest/sales
require valid-user
satisfy any
order deny,allow
allow from
deny from all
#require user daphne bill
#require group cleaners
#require group directors

<Directory /usr/www/APACHE3/cgi-bin>
AuthType Basic
AuthName darkness
AuthUserFile /usr/www/APACHE3/ok_users/sales
AuthGroupFile /usr/www/APACHE3/ok_users/groups
#AuthDBMUserFile /usr/www/APACHE3/ok_dbm/sales
#AuthDBMGroupFile /usr/www/APACHE3/ok_dbm/groups
require valid-user


Note the AddModuleInfo line and the <Location ...> block.

10.3.1. AddModuleInfo

The AddModule directive allows the content of string to be shown as HTML-interpreted additional information for the module module-name.

AddModuleInfo module-name string
Server config, virtual host

For example:

AddModuleInfo mod_auth.c 'See <A HREF="http://www.apache.org/docs/mod/
    mod auth.html">http://www.apache.org/docs/mod/mod_auth.html</A>'

To invoke the module, browse to www.butterthlies.com/server-info,and you will see something like the following:

Apache Server Information
Server Settings, mod_setenvif.c, mod_usertrack.c, mod_auth_digest.c, mod_auth_db.c, 
mod_auth_anon.c, mod_auth.c, mod_access.c, mod_rewrite.c, mod_alias.c, mod_userdir.c, 
mod_actions.c, mod_imap.c, mod_asis.c, mod_cgi.c, mod_dir.c, mod_autoindex.c, mod_
include.c, mod_info.c, mod_status.c, mod_negotiation.c, mod_mime.c, mod_log_config.c, 
mod_env.c, http_core.c 
Server Version: Apache/1.3.14 (Unix)
Server Built: Feb 13 2001 15:20:23
API Version: 19990320:10
Run Mode: standalone
User/Group: webuser(1000)/1003
Hostname/port: www.butterthlies.com:0
Daemons: start: 5 min idle: 5 max idle: 10 max: 256
Max Requests: per child: 0 keep alive: on max per connection: 100
Threads: per child: 0 
Excess requests: per child: 0 
Timeouts: connection: 300 keep-alive: 15
Server Root: /usr/www/APACHE3/site.info
Config File: /usr/www/APACHE3/site.info/conf/httpd.conf
PID File: logs/httpd.pid
Scoreboard File: logs/apache_runtime_status

Module Name: mod_setenvif.c 
Content handlers: none 
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs, 
Create Server Config, Merge Server Configs 
Request Phase Participation: Post-Read Request, Header Parse 
Module Directives: 
SetEnvIf - A header-name, regex and a list of variables. 
SetEnvIfNoCase - a header-name, regex and a list of variables. 
BrowserMatch - A browser regex and a list of variables. 
BrowserMatchNoCase - A browser regex and a list of variables. 
Current Configuration: 
Additional Information: 
This is what I've added to mod_setenvif

The file carries on to document all the compiled-in modules.

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