19.2. Functions
my_ulonglong mysql_affected_rows(MYSQL *mysql)
| |
the number of rows affected by the most recent query. When used with
a non-
SELECT query, it can be used after the
mysql_query call that sent the query. With
SELECT, this function is identical to
mysql_num_rows. This function returns 0, as
expected, for queries that affect or return no rows. In the case of
an error, the function returns -1.
When an UPDATE query causes no change in the value
of a row, that row is not usually considered to be affected. However,
if the CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS flag is set when
connecting to the MySQL server (see the
mysql_real_connect function), any rows that match
the WHERE clause of the UPDATE
query are considered affected.
/* Insert a row into the people table */
mysql_query(&mysql, "INSERT INTO people VALUES ('', 'Illyana Rasputin', 16)";
num = mysql_affected_rows(&mysql);
/* num should be 1 if the INSERT (of a single row) was successful, and -1 if
there was an error */
/* Make any of 'HR', 'hr', 'Hr', or 'hR' into 'HR'. This is an easy way to
force a consistent capitalization in a field.
mysql_query(&mysql, "UPDATE people SET dept = 'HR' WHERE dept LIKE 'HR'");
affected = mysql_affected_rows(&mysql);
/* By default, 'affected' will contain the number of rows that were changed.
That is, the number of rows that had a dept value of 'hr', 'Hr' or 'hR'.
If the CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS flag was used, 'affected' will contain the number
of rows that matched the where. */
my_bool mysql_change_user(MYSQL *mysql, char *username, char *password,
char *database)
| |
Changes the currently authenticated user
and database. This function reauthenticates the current connection
using the given username and password. It also changes the default
database to the given database (which can be
if no default is desired). If the password is incorrect for the given
username, or if the new user does not have rights to access the given
database, a
false value is returned, and no action
is taken. Otherwise, the rights of the new user take effect, the
default database is selected, and a
true value is
if (! mysql_change_user( &mysql, new_user, new_pass, new_db ) ) {
printf("Change of User unsuccessful!");
/* At this point, the connection is operating under the access rights of the
new username, and the new database is the default. */
char *mysql_character_set_name(MYSQL *mysql)
| |
the name of the default
character set used by the MySQL server. A
generic installation of the MySQL source uses the ISO-8859-1
character set by default.
printf("This server uses the %s character set by default\n",
void mysql_close(MYSQL *mysql)
| |
Ends a
connection to the
database server. If there is a problem when
the connection is broken, the error can be retrieved from the
mysql_err function.
/* The connection should now be terminated */
MYSQL *mysql_connect(MYSQL *mysql, const char *host, const char *user,
const char *passwd)
| |
a connection to a MySQL
database server. The first
parameter must be a predeclared
MYSQL structure.
The second parameter is the hostname or IP address of the MySQL
server. If the host is an empty string or
localhost, a connection is made to the MySQL
server on the same machine. The final two parameters are the username
and password used to make the connection. The password should be
entered as plain text, not encrypted in any way. The return value is
MYSQL structure that was passed as the first
argument, or
NULL if the connection failed.
(Because the structure is contained as an argument, the only use for
the return value is to check if the connection succeeded.)
This function has been deprecated in the newer releases of MySQL, and
the mysql_real_connect function should be used
/* Create a connection to the local MySQL server using the name "bob" and
password "mypass" */
MYSQL mysql;
if(!mysql_connect(&mysql, "", "bob", "mypass")) {
printf("Connection error!\n");
/* If we've reached this point we have successfully connected to the database
server. */
int mysql_create_db(MYSQL *mysql, const char *db)
| |
an entirely new database with the given name. The return value is 0
if the operation was successful and nonzero if there was an error.
This function has been deprecated in the newer releases of MySQL.
MySQL now supports the CREATE
DATABASE SQL statement. This should be used, via
the mysql_query function, instead.
/* Create the database 'new_database' */
result = mysql_create_db(&mysql, "new_database");
void mysql_data_seek(MYSQL_RES *res, unsigned int offset)
| |
Moves to
a specific row in a group of results. The first argument is the
MYSQL_RES structure that contains the results. The
second argument is the row number you wish to seek to, starting from
0. This function works only if the data was retrieved using
mysql_store_result, because datasets retrieved
mysql_use_result are not guaranteed to be
/* Jump to the last row of the results */
mysql_data_seek(results, mysql_num_rows(results)-1);
debugging functions if the client was
compiled with debugging enabled. MySQL uses the
Fred Fish debugging library, which has
far too many features and options to detail here.
/* This is a common use of the debugging library. It keeps a trace of the
client program's activity in the file "debug.out" */
int mysql_drop_db(MYSQL *mysql, const char *db)
| |
the database with the given name. The return value is 0 if the
operation was successful and nonzero if there was an error.
This function has been deprecated in the newer releases of MySQL.
MySQL now supports the DROP DATABASE SQL
statement. This should be used, via the
mysql_query function, instead.
/* Destroy the database 'old_database' */
result = mysql_drop_db(&mysql, "old_database");
int mysql_dump_debug_info(MYSQL *mysql)
| |
This function causes the
database server to enter
debugging information about the current connection into its logs. You
must have
Process privilege in the current
connection to use this function. The return value is 0 if the
operation succeeded and nonzero if there was an error.
result = mysql_dump_debug_info(&mysql);
/* The server's logs should now contain information about this connection.
If something went wrong so that this is not the case, 'result' will have
a false value.*/
my_bool mysql_eof(MYSQL_RES *result)
| |
Returns a
nonzero value if there is no more data in the group of results being
examined. If there is an error in the result set, 0 is returned. This
function works only if the result set was retrieved with the
mysql_use_result function
mysql_store_result retrieves the entire result
set, making a call to
mysql_eof unnecessary).
This function has been deprecated in the newer releases of MySQL. The
mysql_errno and mysql_error
functions return more information about any errors that occur, and
they are more reliable.
/* Read through the results until no more data comes out */
while((row = mysql_fetch_row(results))) {
/* Do work */
printf("Error. End of results not reached.\n");
unsigned int mysql_errno(MYSQL *mysql)
| |
the error number of the last
error associated with the current connection. If there have been no
errors in the connection, the function returns 0. The actual text of
the error can be retrieved using the
function. The defined names for the client errors can be found in the
errmsg.h header file. The defined names for the
server error can be found in the
header file.
error = mysql_errno(&mysql);
printf("The last error was number %d\n", error);
char *mysql_error(MYSQL *mysql)
| |
Returns the
error message of the last error associated with the current
connection. If there have been no errors in the connection, the
function returns an empty string. Error messages originating on the
server will always be in the language used by the server (chosen at
startup time with the
--language option).
The language of the client error messages can be chosen when
compiling the client library. At the time of this writing, MySQL
supports the following languages: Czech, Danish, Dutch, English,
Estonian, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese,
Korean, Norwegian (standard and ny), Polish, Portuguese, Romanian,
Russian, Slovak, Spanish, and Swedish.
printf("The last error was '%s'\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
unsigned int mysql_escape_string(char *to, const char *from, unsigned int length)
| |
a string so that it is safe to insert into a MySQL table. The first
argument is the receiving string, which must be at least one
character greater than twice the length of the second argument: the
original string. (That is,
to must be greater then
or equal to
from*2+1.) The third argument
indicates the number of bytes to be copied from the original string
and encoded. The function returns the number of bytes in the encoded
string, not including the terminating null character.
While not officially deprecated, this function is generally inferior
to the mysql_real_escape_string function, which
does everything this function does, but also takes into account the
character set of the current connection, which may affect certain
escape sequences.
char name[15] = "Bob Marley's";
char enc_name[31];
mysql_escape_string(enc_name, name);
/* enc_name will now contain "Bob Marley\'s" (the single quote is escaped).
MYSQL_FIELD *mysql_fetch_field(MYSQL_RES *result)
| |
MYSQL_FIELD structure describing the current
field of the given result set. Repeated calls to this function return
information about each field in the result set in turn until there
are no more fields left. It then returns a null value.
while((field = mysql_fetch_field(results)))
/* You can examine the field information here */
MYSQL_FIELD * mysql_fetch_field_direct(MYSQL_RES * result, unsigned int fieldno)
| |
function is the same as
mysql_fetch_field, except
that you specify which field you wish to examine, instead of cycling
through the fields. The first field in a result set is 0.
/* Retrieve the third field in the result set for examination */
field = mysql_fetch_field_direct(results, 2);
MYSQL_FIELD *mysql_fetch_fields(MYSQL_RES * result)
| |
function is the same as
mysql_fetch_field, except
that it returns an array of
MYSQL_FIELD structures
containing the information for every field in the result set.
MYSQL_FIELD *field; /* A pointer to a single field */
MYSQL_FIELD *fields; /* A pointer to an array of fields */
/* Retrieve all the field information for the results */
fields = mysql_fetch_fields(results);
/* Assign the third field to 'field' */
field = fields[2];
unsigned long *mysql_fetch_lengths(MYSQL_RES *result)
| |
an array of the lengths of each field in the current row. A null
value is returned in the case of an error. You must have fetched at
least one row (with
mysql_fetch_row) before you
can call this function. This function provides the only way to
determine the lengths of variable-length fields, such as
BLOB and
VARCHAR, before you
use the data.
This function is especially useful when reading binary data from a
BLOB. Since all MySQL data is retrieved as strings
(char *), it is common to use the strlen(
) function to determine the length of a data value.
However, for binary data, strlen( ) returns
inaccurate results, because it stops at the first null character. In
these cases, you can use mysql_fetch_lengths to
retrieve the accurate length for a data value.
unsigned long *lengths;
row = mysql_fetch_row(results);
lengths = mysql_fetch_lengths(results);
printf("The third field is %d bytes long\n", lengths[2]);
MYSQL_ROW mysql_fetch_row(MYSQL_RES *result)
| |
the next row of the result and returns it as a
MYSQL_ROW structure. A null value is returned if
there are no more rows or if there is an error. In the current
implementation, the
MYSQL_ROW structure is an
array of character strings that can be used to represent any data. If
a data element is
NULL within the database, the
MYSQL_ROW array element for that data element is a
null pointer. This is necessary to distinguish between a value that
NULL and a value that is simply an empty string
(which is returned as a non-null pointer to a null value).
row = mysql_fetch_row(results);
printf("The data in the third field of this row is: %s\n", row[2]);
unsigned int mysql_field_count(MYSQL *mysql)
| |
the number of columns contained in a result set. This function is
most useful when checking the type of query last executed. If a call
mysql_store_result returns a null pointer for a
result set, either the query was a non-
query (such as
etc.) or there was an error. By calling
mysql_field_count, you can determine which was the
case, because a non-
SELECT query always returns
zero fields, and a
SELECT query always returns at
least one field. Even if the returned query has no rows, the fields
of the
SELECT query will be reflected here.
MYSQL_RES *result;
// A query has been executed and returned success
result = mysql_store_result( );
if (! result ) {
// Ooops, the result pointer is null, either the query was a non-SELECT
// query or something bad happened!
if ( mysql_field_count(&mysql) ) {
// The number of columns queried is greater than zero, it must have
// been a SELECT query and an error must have occurred.
} else {
// Since the number of columns queried is zero, it must have been
// a non-SELECT query, so all is well...
MYSQL_FIELD_OFFSET mysql_field_seek(MYSQL_RES *result, MYSQL_ FIELD_OFFSET offset)
| |
the internal pointer of a result set to the given field of the
current row. The position set by this function is used when
mysql_fetch_field is called. The
MYSQL_FIELD_OFFSET value passed should be the
return value of a
mysql_field_tell call (or
mysql_field_seek). If the value passed is
0, the function seeks to the beginning of the row. The return value
is the position of the cursor before the function was called.
/* result is a MYSQL_RES structure containing a result set */
/* ... do some stuff */
/* Seek back to the beginning of the row */
old_pos = mysql_field_seek(results, 0);
/* Fetch the first field of the row */
field = mysql_fetch_field(results);
/* Go back to where you were */
mysql_field_seek(results, old_pos);
MYSQL_FIELD_OFFSET mysql_field_tell(MYSQL_RES *result)
| |
the value of the current field position within the current row of the
result set. This value is used with
MYSQL_FIELD field1, field2, field3;
/* results is a MYSQL_RES structure containing a result set */
/* Record my current position */
old_pos = mysql_field_tell(results);
/* Fetch three more fields */
field1 = mysql_fetch_field(results);
field2 = mysql_fetch_field(results);
field3 = mysql_fetch_field(results);
/* Go back to where you where */
mysql_field_seek(results, old_pos);
void mysql_free_result(MYSQL_RES *result)
| |
the memory associated with a
MYSQL_RES structure. This must be called whenever
you are finished using this type of structure, or else memory
problems will occur. This should be used only on a pointer to an
MYSQL_RES structure. For example, if a call
mysql_store_result returns a null pointer, this
function should not be used.
MYSQL_RES *results;
/* Do work with results */
/* free results... we know it's not null since we just did work with
it, but we'll check just to be safe. */
if (results)
char *mysql_get_client_info(void)
| |
a string containing the MySQL library version used by the client
printf("This program uses MySQL client library version %s\n",
mysql_get_client_info( )));
char *mysql_get_host_info(MYSQL *mysql)
| |
a string containing the hostname of the MySQL
database server and the type of
connection used (e.g., Unix socket or TCP).
printf("Connection info: %s", mysql_get_host_info(&mysql));
unsigned int mysql_get_proto_info(MYSQL *mysql)
| |
the MySQL protocol version used in the current connection as an
integer. As a general rule, the MySQL network protocol changes only
between minor releases of MySQL. That is, all releases of MySQL
3.23.x should have the same protocol version number.
printf("This connection is using MySQL connection protocol ver. %d\n",
mysql_get_proto_info( ));
char *mysql_get_server_info(MYSQL *mysql)
| |
a string containing the version number of the MySQL database server
used by the current connection.
printf("You are currently connected to MySQL server version %s\n",
char *mysql_info(MYSQL *mysql)
| |
Returns a
string containing information about the most recent query, if the
query was of a certain type. Currently, the following SQL queries
supply extra information via this function:
INTO (when used with a
clause or a
VALUES clause with more than one
TABLE, and
UPDATE. If the most
recent query provided no additional information (e.g., it was not one
of the above queries), this function returns a null value.
The format of the returned string depends on the query. If the query
ALTER TABLE, the string is:
Records: n Duplicates: n Warnings: n
If the query is LOAD DATA
INFILE, the string is:
Records: n Deleted: n Skipped: n Warnings: n
If the query is UPDATE, the string is:
Rows matched: n Changed: n Warnings: n
/* We just sent LOAD DATA INFILE query reading a set of record from a file into
an existing table */
printf("Results of data load: %s\n", mysql_info(&mysql));
/* The printed string looks like this:
Records: 30 Deleted: 0 Skipped: 0 Warnings: 0
MYSQL *mysql_init(MYSQL *mysql)
| |
Initializes a
MYSQL structure for creating a connection to a
MySQL database server. A call to this function, followed by one to
mysql_real_connect, is currently the approved
method of initializing a server connection. You can pass
mysql_init either a pointer to a
MYSQL structure that you declared or a null
pointer. If you pass your own pointer, you are responsible for
freeing its data when the time comes (which must be after the
connection is closed).
If you pass a null pointer, mysql_init creates a
MYSQL structure, initializes it, and returns a
pointer to the structure. Structures created by this function are
freed automatically when mysql_close is called. A
null value is returned if there is not enough memory available to
initialize the structure.
As of the current release of MySQL, MySQL clients will crash on
certain platforms (such as SCO Unix) when you pass in a pointer to a
MYSQL structure that you allocated yourself. If
this is happening to you, just pass in NULL and
use the pointer created by the MySQL library. As a bonus, you
don't have to worry about freeing the structure if
you do this.
MYSQL mysql;
if (!mysql_init(&mysql)) {
printf("Error initializing MySQL client\n");
/* Now you can call mysql_real_connect( ) to connect to a server... */
/* Alternative method: */
MYSQL *mysql;
mysql = mysql_init(NULL);
if (!mysql) {
printf("Error initializing MySQL client\n");
my_ulonglong mysql_insert_id(MYSQL *mysql)
| |
the generated value for an
AUTO_INCREMENT field if the last query created a new
row. This function is usually called immediately after a value has
been inserted into an
determine the value that was inserted. This value is reset to 0 after
any query that does not insert a new auto-increment row.
The MySQL-specific SQL function LAST_INSERT_ID( )
also returns the value of the most recent auto-increment. In
addition, it is not reset after each query, so it can be called at
any time to retrieve that value of the last auto-increment
INSERT executed during the current session.
/* We just inserted an employee record with automatically generated ID into
a table */
id = mysql_insert_id(&mysql);
printf("The new employee has ID %d\n", id);
/* As soon as we run another query, mysql_insert_id will return 0 */
int mysql_kill(MYSQL *mysql, unsigned long pid)
| |
Attempts to
kill the MySQL server thread with the specified process ID. This
function returns 0 if the operation was successful and nonzero on
failure. You must have
Process privilege in the
current connection to use this function.
The process IDs are part of the process information returned by the
mysql_list_processes function.
/* Kill thread 4 */
result = mysql_kill(&mysql, 4);
MYSQL_RES *mysql_list_dbs(MYSQL *mysql, const char *wild)
| |
Returns a
MYSQL_RES structure containing the names of all
existing databases that match the pattern given by the second
argument. This argument may be any standard SQL regular expression.
If a null pointer is passed instead, all databases are listed. Like
MYSQL_RES structures, the return value of this
function must be freed with
This function returns a null value in the case of an error.
The information obtained from this function can also be obtained
through an SQL query using the statement SHOW
MYSQL_RES databases;
databases = mysql_list_dbs(&mysql, (char *)NULL);
/* 'databases' now contains the names of all of the databases in the
MySQL server */
/* ... */
mysql_free_result( databases );
/* Find all databases that start with 'projectName' */
databases = mysql_list_dbs(&mysql, "projectName%");
MYSQL_RES *mysql_list_fields(MYSQL *mysql, const char *table, const char *wild)
| |
MYSQL_RES structure
containing the names of all existing fields in the given table that
match the pattern given by the third argument. This argument may be
any standard SQL regular expression. If a null pointer is passed
instead, all fields are listed. Like all
structures, the return value of this function must be freed with
mysql_free_result. This function returns a null
value in the case of an error.
The information obtained from this function can also be obtained
through an SQL query using the statement SHOW
MYSQL_RES fields;
fields = mysql_list_fields(&mysql, "people", "address%");
/* 'fields' now contains the names of all fields in the 'people' table
that start with 'address' */
/* ... */
mysql_free_result( fields );
MYSQL_RES *mysql_list_processes(MYSQL *mysql)
| |
MYSQL_RES structure containing information on all
the threads currently running on the MySQL database server. (The term
processes in the function name refers to the
internal MySQL processes, or threads, not to any operating
system-level process.) The information contained in the structure can
be used with
mysql_kill to remove faulty threads.
Like all
MYSQL_RES structures, the return value of
this function must be freed with
mysql_free_result. This function returns a null
value in the case of an error.
The returned result set contains the information in the following
- The MySQL process ID
This is the ID used with mysql_kill to kill a
- Username
The MySQL username of the user executing a thread.
- Hostname
The location of the client running a thread.
- Database
The current database for the client running a thread.
- Action
The type of action last run in a thread. All SQL queries of any type
show up as Query, so this will be the most common
- Time
The amount of time taken (in seconds) to execute the last action in a
- State
The state of the current thread. This indicates whether the thread is
active (currently executing a command) or idle.
- Info
Any extra information about the thread. For SQL queries, this will
contain the text of the query.
The information obtained from this function can also be obtained
through an SQL query using the statement SHOW
MYSQL_RES *threads;
threads = mysql_list_processes(&mysql);
row = mysql_fetch_row( threads );
printf("The ID of the first active thread is %d\n", row[0]);
MYSQL_RES *mysql_list_tables(MYSQL *mysql, const char *wild)
| |
MYSQL_RES structure
containing the names of all existing tables in the current database
that match the pattern given by the second argument. This argument
may be any standard SQL regular expression. If a null pointer is
passed, all tables are listed. Like all
structures, the return value of this function must be freed with
mysql_free_result. This function returns a null
value in the case of an error.
The information obtained from this function can also be obtained
through an SQL query using the statement SHOW
MYSQL_RES tables;
tables = mysql_list_tables(&mysql, "p%");
/* 'tables' now contains the names of all tables in the current database
that start with 'p' */
unsigned int mysql_num_fields(MYSQL_RES *result)
| |
the number of fields contained in each row of the given result set.
This is different from the
function, in that it operates on an actual result set, which is known
to contain data, whereas
mysql_field_count checks
the last executed query (usually to determine if an error occurred).
/* 'results' is a MYSQL_RES result set structure */
num_fields = mysql_num_fields(results);
printf("There are %d fields in each row\n", num_fields);
int mysql_num_rows(MYSQL_RES *result)
| |
the number of rows of data in the result set. This function is
accurate only if the result set was retrieved with
mysql_store_result. If
mysql_use_result was used, the value returned by
this function is the number of rows accessed so far.
/* 'results' is a MYSQL_RES result set structure */
num_rows = mysql_num_rows(results);
printf("There were %d rows returned, that I know about\n", num_rows);
char *mysql_odbc_escape_string(MYSQL *mysql, char *result_string, unsigned long
result_string_length, char *original_string, unsigned long original_string_length,
void *parameters, char *(*extend_buffer))
| |
a properly escaped SQL query string from a given string. This
function is intended for use with
ODBC clients, and
mysql_real_escape_string provides the same
functionality with a simpler interface. This function takes the
string given in the fourth argument (with the length given in the
fifth argument, not including the terminating null character) and
escapes it so that the resulting string (which is put into the
address given in the second argument, with a maximum length given in
the third argument) is safe to use as a MySQL SQL statement. This
function returns a copy of the result string (the second argument).
The seventh argument must be a pointer to a function that can be used
to allocate memory for the result string. The function must take
three arguments: a pointer to a set of parameters that control how
the memory is allocated (these parameters are passed in as the sixth
argument to the original function), a pointer to the result string,
and a pointer to the maximum length of the result string.
char *data = "\000\002\001";
int data_length = 3;
char *result;
int result_length = 5; /* We don't want the final string to be longer than 5.
extend_buffer( ) is a function that meets the criteria given above. */
mysql_odbc_escape_string( &mysql, result, result_length, data, data_length,
NULL, extend_buffer );
/* 'result' now contains the string '\\\000\002\001'
(that is, a backslash, followed by ASCII 0, then ASCII 2 then ASCII 1. */
void mysql_odbc_remove_escape(MYSQL *mysql, char *string )
| |
escape characters from a string. This
function is intended for ODBC drivers themselves, and not for general
use. Given a string, this function removes the escape character
\) preceding any other escape characters. This
modifies (and thus shortens) the original string that was passed in.
char *escaped = "\\'an escaped quoted string.\\'";
/* escaped contains the string: \' and escaped quoted string.\' */
mysql_odbc_remove_escape(&mysql, escaped);
/* escaped now contains the string: 'an escaped quoted string.' */
int mysql_options(MYSQL *mysql, enum mysql_option option, void *value)
| |
Sets a
connect option for an upcoming MySQL connection. This function must
be called after a
MYSQL structure has been
initialized using
mysql_init and before a
connection has actually been established using
mysql_real_connect. This function can be called
multiple times to set more than one option. The options affect the
upcoming connection. The value of the third argument depends on the
type of option. Some options require a character string as an
argument, while others take a pointer to an integer, or nothing at
all. The options are as follows (the type of the third argument is
given in parentheses after the option name):
Specifies an SQL query to execute as soon as the connection is
established. This query is reexecuted if the connection is lost and
automatically reconnected.
Causes the connection to use a compressed protocol with the server to
increase speed.
- MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT (unsigned int *)
Specifies the number of seconds to wait before giving up on
connecting to the server.
Causes the connection to use named pipes, as opposed to TCP, to
connect to a local MySQL server running on Windows NT.
Specifies the name of the file to read for default options, in place
of the default file my.cnf.
Specifies the name of a section within the configuration file to read
for the connection options, in place of the default
client. See Chapter 4 for
information about the configuration file options.
MYSQL mysql;
mysql_init( &mysql );
/* Prepare this connection to use the compressed protocol, execute the
query "SHOW tables" upon connection, and read addition options from the
'startup' stanze in the file .mysqlrc */
mysql_options(&mysql, MYSQL_OPT_COMPRESS, 0 );
mysql_options(&mysql, MYSQL_INIT_COMMAND, "SHOW tables" );
mysql_options(&mysql, MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_FILE, ".mysqlrc" );
mysql_options(&mysql, MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_GROUP, "startup" );
/* Now it is time to call mysql_real_connect( ) to make the connection using
these options */
int mysql_ping(MYSQL *mysql)
| |
Checks to see
if the connection to the MySQL server is still alive. If it is not,
the client attempts to reconnect automatically. This function returns
if the connection is alive and nonzero if it cannot successfully
contact the server.
while(mysql_ping(&mysql)) printf("Error, attempting reconnection...\n");
int mysql_query(MYSQL *mysql, const char *query)
| |
Executes the
SQL query given in the second argument. If the query contains any
binary data (particularly the null character), this function cannot
be used, and
mysql_real_query should be used
instead. The function returns 0 if the query was successful and
nonzero in the case of an error.
Once a query has been executed using this function, the result set
can be retrieved using the mysql_store_result or
mysql_use_result function.
error = mysql_query(&mysql, "SELECT * FROM people WHERE name like 'Bill%'");
if (error) {
printf("Error with query!\n");
int mysql_read_query_result(MYSQL *mysql)
| |
the result of a query executed with the
mysql_send_query command. Any data processed this
way is not returned. Therefore, this function is useful only when
running non-
SELECT queries or for debugging
(because the return value still accurately reports if there was an
error). The function returns 0 on success and a nonzero number if an
error occurred.
mysql_send_query(&mysql, "SELECT * INTO OUTFILE results.out FROM mytable");
/* This executes the query, but does not process the results, which is necessary
in order to write the values into the outfile */
/* Now the results have been processed and the data written to the outfile */
MYSQL *mysql_real_connect(MYSQL *mysql, const char *host, const char *user,
const char *passwd, const char *db, uint port,
const char *unix_socket, uint client_flag)
| |
Creates a connection with a MySQL
database server. There are
eight arguments to this function:
An initialized MYSQL structure, created with
The hostname or IP address of the MySQL database server (use an empty
string or localhost to connect to the local MySQL
server over a Unix socket).
The username used to connect to the database server (an empty string
indicates that the Unix login name of the person running the client
should be used).
The password used to authenticate the given user. If an empty string
is used, only users with no passwords are checked for authentication.
That is, if a user happened to have a password set to an empty
string, he would never be authenticated.
The initial database selected when you connect (an empty string
indicates that no database should be selected).
The port used to remotely connect to a MySQL database server over
TCP. (0 may be used to accept the default port).
The filename of the Unix socket used to connect to a MySQL server on
the local machine (an empty string may be used to accept the default
Zero or more of a set of flags used under special circumstances:
When using queries that change tables, returns the number of rows
found in the table, not the number of rows affected.
Allows spaces after built-in MySQL functions in SQL queries.
Traditionally, functions must be followed immediately by their
arguments in parentheses. If this option is used, the function names
become reserved words and cannot be used for names of tables,
columns, or databases.
Causes the server to wait for a longer amount of time (specified by
the interactive_timeout server variable) before
automatically breaking a connection. This is useful for interactive
clients that do not allow the user to enter any data for significant
periods of time.
Prevents the client from using the full
database.table.column form to specify a column
from any database.
Causes the client to use compression when communicating with the
Tells the server the client is an ODBC connection.
Tells the client to use SSL encryption to secure the connection. The
server must have been compiled to support SSL.
MYSQL *mysql;
mysql = mysql_init( NULL );
/* Connect to the server on the local host with standard options. */
if (! mysql_real_connect(&mysql, "localhost", "bob", "mypass", "", 0, "", 0))
{ print "Error connecting!\n";
/* or... */
/* Connect to the server at my.server.com using a compressed, secure protocol */
if (! mysql_real_connect(&mysql, "my.server.com", "bob", "mypass",
print "Error connecting!\n";
unsigned long mysql_real_escape_string(MYSQL *mysql, char *result_string,
char *original_string,
unsigned long orginal_string_length)
| |
a properly escaped SQL query string from a given string. This
function takes the string given in the third argument (with the
length given in the fourth argument, not including the terminating
null character) and escapes it so that the resulting string (which is
put into the address given in the second argument) is safe to use as
a MySQL SQL statement. This function returns the new length of the
resulting string (not including the terminating null character). To
be completely safe, the space allocated for the result string should
be at least twice as big as the original string (in case each
character has to be escaped) plus one (for the terminating null
This function is safe to use with binary data. The string can contain
null characters or any other binary data. This is why it is necessary
to include the length of the string. Otherwise, the MySQL library
could not determine how long the string was if any null characters
were present.
# Properly escape a query that contains binary data.
char *data = "\002\001\000";
int original_length = 4 # 3 characters plus one for the null.
char real_data[7]; # Twice as big as the original string (3)
# plus one for the null.
int new_length;
new_length = mysql_real_escape_string(&mysql, data, real_data, original_length);
/* real_query can now be safely used in as a SQL query. */
/* The returned length is '4' since the only character that needed escaping
was \000 (the null character) */
int mysql_real_query(MYSQL *mysql, const char *query, unsigned int length)
| |
the SQL query given in the second argument. The length of the query
(not including any terminating null character) must be given in the
third argument. By supplying the length, you can use binary data,
including null characters, in the query. This function is also faster
mysql_query. The function returns 0 if the
query was successful and nonzero in the case of an error.
Once a query has been executed using this function, the result set
can be retrieved using the mysql_store_result or
mysql_use_result function.
error = mysql_real_query(&mysql, "SELECT * FROM people WHERE name like 'Bill%'",
if (error) {
printf("Error with query!\n");
int mysql_refresh(MYSQL *mysql, unsigned int options)
| |
Instructs the server to refresh
various system operations. Which operations are refreshed depends on
the second argument, which is a bitwise combination of any of the
following options:
Reloads the permissions tables. This is the same as
mysql_reload( ) or the FLUSH
Flushes the log files to disk and then closes and reopens them.
Flushes any open tables to disk.
Reinstates the read lock on the database files stored on disk.
Reloads the internal cache MySQL keeps of known hostnames to limit
DNS lookup calls.
Refreshes the status of the server by checking the status of various
internal operations.
Clears out any dead or inactive threads from the internal cache of
Flushes, closes, and reopens the binary log that tracks all changes
to MySQL tables. This log is sent to all slave servers for
Resets the connection with any slave servers that are replicating the
master MySQL server.
/* Flush the log files and the table data to disk */
if (!mysql_refresh( &mysql, REFRESH_LOG|REFRESH_TABLES )) {
printf("Error sending refresh command...\n");
int mysql_reload(MYSQL *mysql)
| |
Reloads the
permission tables on the MySQL
database server. You must have
Reload permission on the current connection to use
this function. If the operation is successful, 0 is returned;
otherwise, a nonzero value is returned.
This function is deprecated and will be removed in a future version
of the API. The same functionality can be obtained by using the SQL
/* Make some changes to the grant tables... */
result = mysql_reload(&mysql);
/* The changes now take effect... */
MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET mysql_row_seek(MYSQL_RES *result, MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET offset)
| |
Moves the
pointer for a result set (
MYSQL_RES structure) to
a specific row and returns the original row number. This function
requires that the offset be an actual
MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET structure, not a simple row
number. If you have only a row number, use the
mysql_data_seek function. You can obtain a
MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET structure from a call to either
mysql_row_tell or
This function is useful only if the result set contains all the data
from the query. Therefore, it should be used in conjunction with
mysql_store_result and not used with
/* result is a result set pointer created with mysql_store_result( ) */
MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET where, other_place;
where = mysql_row_tell( result );
/* Do some more work with the result set... */
/* Go back to where you were before, but remember where you are now: */
other_place = mysql_row_seek( result, where );
/* Do some more work... */
/* Go back to the second marker: */
mysql_row_seek( result, other_place );
MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET mysql_row_tell(MYSQL_RES *result)
| |
the value of the cursor as
mysql_fetch_row reads
the rows of a result set. The return value of this function can be
used with
mysql_row_seek to jump to a specific row
in the result set. Values from the function are useful only if the
result set was created with
(which contains all the data) and not
mysql_use_result (which does not).
/* results is a result set pointer created with mysql_store_result( ) */
MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET saved_pos = mysql_row_tell(results);
/* I can now jump back to this row at any time using mysql_row_seek( ) */
int mysql_select_db(MYSQL *mysql, const char *db)
| |
the current database. The user must have permission to access the new
database. The function returns 0 if the operation was successful and
nonzero in the case of an error.
if ( mysql_select_db(&mysql, "newdb") ) {
printf("Error changing database, you probably don't have permission.\n");
int mysql_send_query(MYSQL *mysql, char *query, unsigned int query_length)
| |
a single MySQL query, without providing any results to the user. This
function is useful for quickly executing a
SELECT statement that does not return any data
to the user. This function is also useful for debugging, since the
return value still accurately reports whether an error occurred. The
function returns 0 on success and nonzero if an error occurred.
/* Quickly insert a row into a table */
mysql_send_query(&mysql, "INSERT INTO mytable VALUES ('blah', 'fnor')");
int mysql_shutdown(MYSQL *mysql)
| |
Shuts down
the MySQL
database server. The user must have
Shutdown privileges on the current connection to
use this function. The function returns 0 if the operation was
successful and nonzero in the case of an error.
if ( mysql_shutdown(&mysql) ) {
printf("Server not shut down... Check your permissions...\n");
} else {
printf("Server successfully shut down!\n");
char *mysql_ssl_cipher(MYSQL *mysql)
| |
the name of the
cipher that is used (or will be used) with the current connection.
This could be RSA, blowfish, or any other cipher supported by the
server's SSL library (MySQL uses OpenSSL by default,
if SSL is enabled). The MySQL server and client must both have been
compiled with SSL support for this function to work properly.
printf("This connection is using the %s cipher for security.\n",
int mysql_ssl_clear(MYSQL *mysql)
| |
SSL information associated with the current connection. If
mysql_ssl_clear is called before the connection
has been made, the connection will be made without SSL. The function
returns 0 on success and nonzero if an error occurs. It must be
called before
mysql_real_connect to have any
effect. The MySQL server and client must both have been compiled with
SSL support for this function to work properly.
/* init a MYSQL structure and set SSL options...*/
/* Changed my mind, I don't want this connection to use SSL: */
int mysql_ssl_set(MYSQL *mysql, char *key, char *certificate, char *authority,
char *authority_path)
| |
information for the current connection and causes the connection to
be made using SSL for encryption. This function must be called before
mysql_real_connect to have any effect. The
arguments are (beyond the pointer to the
structure) the text of the SSL public key used for the connection,
the filename of the certificate used, the name of the authority that
issued the certificate, and the directory that contains the
authority's certificates.
The function returns 0 on success and nonzero if an error occurs. The
MySQL server and client both must have been compiled with SSL support
for this function to work properly.
/* 'key' contains an SSL public key.
'cert' contains the filename of a certificate
'ca' contains the name of the certificate authority
'capath' contains the directory containing the certificate
/* Create an initialized MYSQL structure using mysql_init */
mysql_ssl_set(&mysql, key, cert, ca, capath);
/* Now, when mysql_real_connect is called, the connection will use SSL for
encryption. */
char *mysql_stat(MYSQL *mysql)
| |
information about the current operating status of the
database server. This includes the
uptime, the number of running threads, and the number of queries
being processed, among other information.
printf("Server info\n-----------\n%s\n", mysql_stat(&mysql));
/* Output may look like this:
Server info
Uptime: 259044 Threads: 1 Questions: 24 Slow queries: 0 Opens: 6
Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 0 Queries per second avg: 0.000
Everything below the row of hyphens is all on one line
MYSQL_RES *mysql_store_result(MYSQL *mysql)
| |
the entire result of a query and stores it in a
MYSQL_RES structure. Either this function or
mysql_use_result must be called to access return
information from a query. You must call
mysql_free_result to free the
MYSQL_RES structure when you are done with it.
The function returns a null value in the case of an error. The
function also returns a null value if the query was not of a type
that returns data (such as an INSERT or
UPDATE query). If you receive a null pointer and
are not sure if the query was supposed to return data or not, you can
call mysql_field_count to find the number of
fields the query was supposed to return. If zero, then it was a
non-SELECT statement, and the pointer should be
null. Otherwise, an error has occurred.
If the query was a SELECT-type statement, but
happens to contain no data, this function will still return a valid
(but empty) MYSQL_RES structure (it will not be a
null pointer).
MYSQL_RES results;
mysql_query(&mysql, "SELECT * FROM people");
results = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
/* 'results' should now contain all of the information from the 'people' table */
if (!results) { printf("An error has occurred!\n"); }
/* 'query' is some query string we obtained elsewhere,
we're not sure what it is... */
mysql_query(&mysql, query);
results = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
if (!results) { /* An error might have occurred,
or maybe this is just a non-SELECT statement */
if (! mysql_field_count(&mysql) ) { /* Aha! This is zero so it was
a non-SELECT statement */
printf("No error here, just a non-SELECT statement...\n");
} else {
printf("An error has occurred!\n");
unsigned long mysql_thread_id(MYSQL * mysql)
| |
thread ID of the current connection.
This value can be used with
mysql_kill to
terminate the thread in case of an error. The thread ID will change
if you disconnect from the server and reconnect (which may happen
automatically, without warning, if you use
mysql_ping). Therefore, you should call this
function immediately before you use the value.
thread_id = mysql_thread_id(&mysql);
/* This number can be used with mysql_kill( ) to terminate the current thread. */
unsigned int mysql_thread_safe(void)
| |
whether the MySQL client library is safe to use in a threaded
environment. The function returns a
true value if
the library is thread safe and 0 (
false) if it is
if (mysql_thread_safe( )) {
printf("This library is thread safe... thread away!\n");
} else {
printf("This library is *not* thread safe, be careful!\n");
MYSQL_RES *mysql_use_result(MYSQL *mysql)
| |
the result of a query row by row and allows access to the data
through a
MYSQL_RES structure. Either this
function or
mysql_store_result must be called to
access return information from a query. Because this function does
not read the entire data set all at once, it is faster and more
memory efficient than
mysql_store_result. However,
when using this function, you must read all the rows of the data set
from the server or else the next query will receive the leftover
data. Also, you cannot run any other queries until you are done with
the data in this query. Even worse, no other threads running on the
server can access the tables used by the query until you are
finished. For this reason, you should use this function only when you
are certain you can read the data in a timely manner and release it.
You must call
mysql_free_result to free the
MYSQL_RES structure when you are done with it.
The function returns a null value in the case of an error. The
function also returns a null value if the query was not of a type
that returns data (such as an INSERT or
UPDATE query). If you receive a null pointer and
are not sure if the query was supposed to return data or not, you can
call mysql_field_count to find the number of
fields the query was supposed to return. If zero, then it was a
non-SELECT statement, and the pointer should be
null. Otherwise, an error has occurred.
If the query was a SELECT-type statement, but
happens to contain no data, this function still returns a valid (but
empty) MYSQL_RES structure; i.e., it does not
return a null pointer.
MYSQL_RES results;
mysql_query(&mysql, "SELECT * FROM people");
results = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
/* 'results' will now allow access (using mysql_fetch_row) to the table
data, one row at a time */
 |  |  |
19. C Reference |  | 20. The Python DB-API |
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