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Thus far, we've assumed that if you create a subdomain, you'll want to delegate it to another organization, thereby making it a separate zone from the parent. Is this always true, though? Not necessarily.
Think carefully about how the computers and networks within a subdomain are managed when deciding whether or not to delegate it. It doesn't make sense to delegate a subdomain to an entity that doesn't manage its own hosts or networks. For example, in a large corporation, the personnel department probably doesn't run its own computers: the MIS (Management Information Systems) or IT (Information Technology -- same animal as MIS) department manages them. So while you may want to create a subdomain for personnel, delegating management for that subdomain to them is probably wasted effort.
Partial contents of file db.movie.edu:
Now users can log into db.personnel.movie.edu to get to the employee database. We could make this setup especially convenient for personnel department employees by adding personnel.movie.edu to their PCs' or workstations' search lists; they'd need to type only telnet db to get to the right host.brazil.personnel IN A IN MX 10 brazil.personnel.movie.edu. IN MX 100 postmanrings2x.movie.edu. employeedb.personnel IN CNAME brazil.personnel.movie.edu. db.personnel IN CNAME brazil.personnel.movie.edu.
We can make this more convenient for ourselves by using the $ORIGIN control statement to change the origin to personnel.movie.edu so that we can use shorter names.
Partial contents of file db.movie.edu:
If we had a few more records, we could create a separate file for them and use $INCLUDE to include it in db.movie.edu and change the origin at the same time.$ORIGIN personnel.movie.edu. brazil IN A IN MX 10 brazil.personnel.movie.edu. IN MX 100 postmanrings2x.movie.edu. employeedb IN CNAME brazil.personnel.movie.edu. db IN CNAME brazil.personnel.movie.edu.
Notice that there's no SOA record for personnel.movie.edu ? There's no need for one, since the movie.eduSOA record indicates the start of authority for the entire movie.edu zone. Since there's no delegation to personnel.movie.edu, it's part of the movie.edu zone.
We need to create a new subdomain of movie.edu for our special effects lab. We've chosen the name fx.movie.edu -- short, recognizable, unambiguous. Because we're delegating fx.movie.edu to administrators in the lab, it'll be a separate zone. The hosts bladerunner and outland, both within the special effects lab, will serve as the zone's name servers (bladerunner will serve as the primary master). We've chosen to run two name servers for the zone for redundancy -- a single fx.movie.eduname server would be a single point of failure that could effectively isolate the entire special effects lab. Since there aren't many hosts in the lab, though, we feel two name servers should be enough.
The special effects lab is on movie.edu's new 192.253.254/24 network.
Partial contents of /etc/hosts:
First, we create a zone data file that includes records for all the hosts that will live in fx.movie.edu. movie-gw.movie.edu movie-gw # fx primary bladerunner.fx.movie.edu bladerunner br # fx secondary outland.fx.movie.edu outland starwars.fx.movie.edu starwars empire.fx.movie.edu empire jedi.fx.movie.edu jedi
Contents of file db.fx.movie.edu:
Then we create the db.192.253.254 file:$TTL 1d @ IN SOA bladerunner.fx.movie.edu. hostmaster.fx.movie.edu. ( 1 ; serial 3h ; refresh 1h ; retry 1w ; expire 1h ) ; negative caching TTL IN NS bladerunner IN NS outland ; MX records for fx.movie.edu IN MX 10 starwars IN MX 100 wormhole.movie.edu. ; starwars handles bladerunner's mail ; wormhole is the movie.edu mail hub bladerunner IN A IN MX 10 starwars IN MX 100 wormhole.movie.edu. br IN CNAME bladerunner outland IN A IN MX 10 starwars IN MX 100 wormhole.movie.edu. starwars IN A IN MX 10 starwars IN MX 100 wormhole.movie.edu. empire IN A IN MX 10 starwars IN MX 100 wormhole.movie.edu. jedi IN A IN MX 10 starwars IN MX 100 wormhole.movie.edu.
Notice that the PTR record for points to movie-gw.movie.edu. That's intentional. The router connects to the other movie.edu networks, so it really doesn't belong in fx.movie.edu, and there's no requirement that all the PTR records in 254.253.192.in-addr.arpa map into a single zone -- though they should correspond to the canonical names for those hosts.$TTL 1d @ IN SOA bladerunner.fx.movie.edu. hostmaster.fx.movie.edu. ( 1 ; serial 3h ; refresh 1h ; retry 1w ; expire 1h ) ; negative caching TTL IN NS bladerunner.fx.movie.edu. IN NS outland.fx.movie.edu. 1 IN PTR movie-gw.movie.edu. 2 IN PTR bladerunner.fx.movie.edu. 3 IN PTR outland.fx.movie.edu. 4 IN PTR starwars.fx.movie.edu. 5 IN PTR empire.fx.movie.edu. 6 IN PTR jedi.fx.movie.edu.
Next, we create an appropriate named.conf file for the primary master name server:
Here are the contents of the corresponding named.boot file for BIND 4:options { directory "/var/named"; }; zone "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa" { type master; file "db.127.0.0"; }; zone "fx.movie.edu" { type master; file "db.fx.movie.edu"; }; zone "254.253.192.in-addr.arpa" { type master; file "db.192.253.254"; }; zone "." { type hint; file "db.cache"; };
Of course, if we'd used h2n, we could have just run:directory /var/named primary 0.0.127.in-addr.arpa db.127.0.0 ; loopback primary fx.movie.edu db.fx.movie.edu primary 254.253.192.in-addr.arpa db.192.253.254 cache . db.cache
and saved ourselves some typing. h2n would have created essentially the same db.fx.movie.edu, db.192.253.254, and named.boot files.% h2n -d fx.movie.edu -n 192.253.254 -s bladerunner -s outland \ -u hostmaster.fx.movie.edu -m 10:starwars -m 100:wormhole.movie.edu
Now we need to configure bladerunner 's resolver. Actually, this may not require creating resolv.conf. If we set bladerunner 's hostname to its new domain name, bladerunner.fx.movie.edu, the resolver can derive the local domain name from the fully qualified domain name.
Next we start up the named process on bladerunner and check for syslog errors. If named starts okay and there are no syslog errors that need tending to, we'll use nslookup to look up a few hosts in fx.movie.edu and in 254.253.192.in-addr.arpa:
The output looks reasonable, so it's now safe to set up a slave name server for fx.movie.eduand then delegate fx.movie.edu from movie.edu.Default Server: bladerunner.fx.movie.edu Address: > jedi Server: bladerunner.fx.movie.edu Address: Name: jedi.fx.movie.edu Address: > set type=mx > empire Server: bladerunner.fx.movie.edu Address: empire.fx.movie.edu preference = 10, mail exchanger = starwars.fx.movie.edu empire.fx.movie.edu preference = 100, mail exchanger = wormhole.movie.edu fx.movie.edu nameserver = outland.fx.movie.edu fx.movie.edu nameserver = bladerunner.fx.movie.edu starwars.fx.movie.edu internet address = wormhole.movie.edu internet address = wormhole.movie.edu internet address = bladerunner.fx.movie.edu internet address = outland.fx.movie.edu internet address = > ls -d fx.movie.edu [bladerunner.fx.movie.edu] $ORIGIN fx.movie.edu. @ 1D IN SOA bladerunner hostmaster ( 1 ; serial 3H ; refresh 1H ; retry 1W ; expiry 1H ) ; minimum 1D IN NS bladerunner 1D IN NS outland 1D IN MX 10 starwars 1D IN MX 100 wormhole.movie.edu. bladerunner 1D IN A 1D IN MX 10 starwars 1D IN MX 100 wormhole.movie.edu. br 1D IN CNAME bladerunner empire 1D IN A 1D IN MX 10 starwars 1D IN MX 100 wormhole.movie.edu. jedi 1D IN A 1D IN MX 10 starwars 1D IN MX 100 wormhole.movie.edu. outland 1D IN A 1D IN MX 10 starwars 1D IN MX 100 wormhole.movie.edu. starwars 1D IN A 1D IN MX 10 starwars 1D IN MX 100 wormhole.movie.edu. @ 1D IN SOA bladerunner hostmaster ( 1 ; serial 3H ; refresh 1H ; retry 1W ; expiry 1H ) ; minimum > set type=ptr > Server: bladerunner.fx.movie.edu Address: name = outland.fx.movie.edu > ls -d 254.253.192.in-addr.arpa. [bladerunner.fx.movie.edu] $ORIGIN 254.253.192.in-addr.arpa. @ 1D IN SOA bladerunner.fx.movie.edu. hostmaster.fx.movie.edu. ( 1 ; serial 3H ; refresh 1H ; retry 1W ; expiry 1H ) ; minimum 1D IN NS bladerunner.fx.movie.edu. 1D IN NS outland.fx.movie.edu. 1 1D IN PTR movie-gw.movie.edu. 2 1D IN PTR bladerunner.fx.movie.edu. 3 1D IN PTR outland.fx.movie.edu. 4 1D IN PTR starwars.fx.movie.edu. 5 1D IN PTR empire.fx.movie.edu. 6 1D IN PTR jedi.fx.movie.edu. @ 1D IN SOA bladerunner.fx.movie.edu. hostmaster.fx.movie.edu. ( 1 ; serial 3H ; refresh 1H ; retry 1W ; expiry 1H ) ; minimum > exit
Contents of file named.conf:
Or, the equivalent named.boot file:options { directory "/var/named"; }; zone "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa" { type master; file "db.127.0.0"; }; zone "fx.movie.edu" { type slave; masters {; }; file "bak.fx.movie.edu"; }; zone "254.253.192.in-addr.arpa" { type slave; masters {; }; file "bak.192.253.254"; }; zone "." { type hint; file "db.cache"; };
Like bladerunner, outland really doesn't need a resolv.conf file, as long as its hostname is set to outland.fx.movie.edu.directory /var/named primary 0.0.127.in-addr.arpa db.127.0.0 secondary fx.movie.edu bak.fx.movie.edu secondary 254.253.192.in-addr.arpa bak.192.253.254 cache . db.cache
Again, we start named and check for errors in the syslog output. If the syslog output is clean, we'll look up a few records in fx.movie.edu.
Partial contents of file db.movie.edu:
According to RFC 1034, the domain names in the resource record-specific portion of these two lines (bladerunner.fx.movie.edu and outland.fx.movie.edu) must be the canonical domain names for the name servers. A remote name server following delegation expects to find one or more address records attached to that domain name, not an alias (CNAME) record. Actually, the RFC extends this restriction to any type of resource record that includes a domain name as its value -- all must specify the canonical domain name.fx 86400 IN NS bladerunner.fx.movie.edu. 86400 IN NS outland.fx.movie.edu.
These two records alone aren't enough, though. Do you see the problem? How can a name server outside fx.movie.edu look up information within fx.movie.edu ? Well, a movie.edu name server would refer it to the name servers authoritative for fx.movie.edu, right? That's true, but the NS records in db.movie.edu give only the names of the fx.movie.edu name servers. The foreign name server needs the IP addresses of the fx.movie.edu name servers in order to send queries to them. Who can give it those addresses? Only the fx.movie.edu name servers. A real chicken-and-egg problem!
The solution is to include the addresses of the fx.movie.edu name servers in the movie.edu zone data file. While these aren't strictly part of the movie.edu zone, they're necessary for delegation to fx.movie.edu to work. Of course, if the name servers for fx.movie.edu weren't within fx.movie.edu, these addresses -- called glue records -- wouldn't be necessary. A foreign name server would be able to find the address it needed by querying other name servers.
So, with the glue records, the records added look like the following.
Partial contents of file db.movie.edu:
Be sure you don't include unnecessary glue records in the file. Older BIND name servers (pre-4.9) load these records into their caches and give them out in referrals to other name servers. If the name server listed in the address record changes IP addresses and you forget to update the glue, your name server will continue giving out the outdated address information, resulting in poor resolution performance for name servers looking for data in the delegated zone or even rendering them unable to resolve names in the delegated zone.fx 86400 IN NS bladerunner.fx.movie.edu. 86400 IN NS outland.fx.movie.edu. bladerunner.fx.movie.edu. 86400 IN A outland.fx.movie.edu. 86400 IN A
A BIND 4.9 or later name server automatically ignores any glue you include that isn't strictly necessary and logs the fact that it has ignored the record(s) to syslog on the primary master or in the slave's backup copy of the zone data. For example, if we had an NS record for movie.edu that pointed to an off-site name server, ns-1.isp.net, and we made the mistake of including its address in db.movie.edu on the movie.edu primary master name server, we'd see a message like this in named 's syslog output:
If we were running a pre-4.9 name server as our primary master and it mistakenly included an unnecessary glue record in a zone transfer to a newer name server, we'd see a message like this in the backup zone data file:Aug 9 14:23:41 terminator named[19626]: dns_master_load: db.movie.edu:55: ignoring out-of-zone data
Note that the extraneous A record has been commented out.; Ignoring info about ns-1.isp.net, not in zone movie.edu ; ns-1.isp.net 258983 IN A
Also, remember to keep the glue up to date. If bladerunner gets a new network interface, and hence another IP address, then you should add another A record to the glue data.
We might also want to include aliases for any hosts moving into fx.movie.edu from movie.edu. For example, if we were to move plan9.movie.edu, a server with an important library of public domain special effects algorithms, into fx.movie.edu, we should create an alias in movie.edupointing the old domain name to the new one:
This will allow people outside movie.eduto reach plan9 even though they're using its old domain name, plan9.movie.edu.plan9 IN CNAME plan9.fx.movie.edu.
You shouldn't put any information about domain names in fx.movie.edu into the db.movie.edu file. The plan9 alias is actually in the movie.edu zone (the owner of the record is plan9.movie.edu), so it belongs in db.movie.edu. An alias pointing p9.fx.movie.edu to plan9.fx.movie.edu, on the other hand, is in the fx.movie.edu zone, and belongs in db.fx.movie.edu. If you were to put a record in the zone data file that was outside the zone the file described, a BIND 4.9 or later name server would ignore it, as shown earlier in the unnecessary glue example. An older name server might load it into cache or even into authoritative data, but since the behavior is unpredictable and is eliminated in newer versions of BIND, it's best to do it the right way even if the software doesn't force you to.
First, we need to figure out what 254.253.192.in-addr.arpa 's parent zone is and who runs it. Figuring this out may take some sleuthing; we covered how to do this in Chapter 3, "Where Do I Start?"
As it turns out, the in-addr.arpazone is 254.253.192.in-addr.arpa 's parent. And, if you think about it, that makes some sense. There's no reason for the administrators of in-addr.arpa to delegate 253.192.in-addr.arpa or 192.in-addr.arpa to a separate authority, because unless 192/8 or 192.253/16 is all one big CIDR block, networks like 192.253.253/24 and 192.253.254/24 don't have anything in common with each other. They may be managed by totally unrelated organizations.
You might have remembered (from Chapter 3, "Where Do I Start?") that the in-addr.arpa zone is managed by ARIN, the American Registry of Internet Numbers. (Of course, if you didn't remember, you could always use nslookup to find the contact address in in-addr.arpa 's SOA record, like we showed you in that chapter.) All that's left is for us to use the web-based " Modify Tool" at http://www.arin.net/cgi-bin/amt.pl to request registration of our reverse-mapping zone.
We've decided to make bladerunner a slave for movie.edu. This won't interfere with bladerunner 's primary mission: acting as the primary master name server for fx.movie.edu, that is. A single name server, given enough memory, can be authoritative for literally thousands of zones. One name server can load some zones as a primary master and others as a slave.[67]
[67]Clearly, though, a name server can't be both the primary master and a slave for a single zone. Either the name server gets the data for a given zone from a local zone data file (and is a primary master for the zone) or from another name server (and is a slave for the zone).The configuration change is simple: we add one statement to bladerunner 's named.conf file to tell named to load the movie.eduzone from the IP address of the movie.edu primary master name server, terminator.movie.edu.
Contents of file named.conf:
Or, if you're using a BIND 4 name server, here are the contents of the named.boot file:options { directory "/var/named"; }; zone "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa" { type master; file "db.127.0.0"; }; zone "fx.movie.edu" { type master; file "db.fx.movie.edu"; }; zone "254.253.192.in-addr.arpa" { type master; file "db.192.253.254"; }; zone "movie.edu" { type slave; masters {; }; file "bak.movie.edu"; }; zone "." { type hint; file "db.cache"; };
directory /var/named primary 0.0.127.in-addr.arpa db.127.0.0 ; loopback primary fx.movie.edu db.fx.movie.edu primary 254.253.192.in-addr.arpa db.192.253.254 secondary movie.edu bak.movie.edu cache . db.cache