13.4. NIS tools
Tools discussed to this point help to dissect the session and
transport layers under an application such as NIS. The application
and the utilities that analyze its behavior and performance all rely
on a well-behaved network. Assuming that the lower layers are in
place, NIS-oriented tools fine-tune the NIS system and help resolve
problems that are caused by information in the NIS maps, rather than
the way in which the maps are accessed. The tools described in this
section alter client-server bindings, locate NIS servers and
information for a particular map, and look up keys in maps.
13.4.1. Key lookup
ypmatch is a
for NIS maps.
ypmatch finds a single key in an
NIS map and prints the data associated with that key:
% ypmatch help-request aliases
% ypmatch onaga hosts onaga
This procedure differs from using
grep on the
ASCII source file that produced the map in two ways:
- ypmatch can be run from any client, while the
NIS map source files may only exist on a server with limited user
access. Therefore, users who need to parse maps such as the password,
ipnodes, or hosts files must use NIS-oriented tools to gather their
- The client may be bound to an NIS server with a corrupted map set or
one that is out-of-date with the NIS master server. In this case, the
output of ypmatch will not agree with the output
of grep run on the ASCII source file.
Associated with
ypmatch is
ypcat, which is the equivalent of
cat for NIS files. It writes the entire map file
to the standard output:
% ypcat hosts vineyard hannah positive
NIS maps are stored as DBM databases, indexed files with fast access
provided through a hash table. Standard utilities such as
grep do not produce meaningful results when used
on DBM data files. To peek into the contents of an NIS map, you must
ypmatch or
Output from NIS tools is colored by the underlying DBM index file
organization, and presents several avenues of confusion:
- By default, only the value paired with the key in the map is
displayed, and not the key itself. Some maps retain the key as part
of the data value because it is needed by applications that retrieve
the map entry. Library routines that locate a password file entry
based on UID, for example, return the user's login name as part
of the password file structure. Other maps such as
aliases simply store the value associated with
the key, when applications (such as mail) that reference the NIS map
already have the key value. The following excerpt from
ypcat aliases is of little value because there
are no alias names associated with the alias expansions:
% ypcat aliases
dan, lauri, paul, harry, bob
dave, michael
michael, jan, stewart, tom
Both ypcat and ypmatch use
the -k option to print the data value with its
associated key:
% ypcat -k aliases
south-sales dan, lauri, paul, harry, bob
engin-managers dave, michael
north-engin michael, jan, stewart, tom
- Some maps do not associate a data value with a key. The most common
map of this variety is the ypservers map, which
simply contains hostnames of NIS servers without any additional
information. When using ypcat or
ypmatch with value-less maps, blank lines are
produced as output:
% ypcat ypservers
unless the -k option is specified:
% ypcat -k ypservers
- An NIS server implements separate procedures to get the
"first" and each successive key in a map.
ypcat uses the "get first key" and
"get next key" procedures to locate the first key in the
DBM file and to walk through all keys. The ordering of the keys is
determined by a linear scan through the DBM index file, rather than
the order in which the records appear in the plain text file. Because
keys are encountered in the order in which they are hash chained
together, ypcat produces a seemingly random
ordering of the keys. In the hosts file example earlier, the original
/etc/inet/hosts file was sorted by increasing
host number in the IP addresses; but the process of hashing the keys
into the DBM file produced the ordering seen with
As a diagnostic tool,
ypmatch can be used to
identify NIS maps that are out of synchronization even after a map
transfer has been requested or scheduled. It is often used to see if
a change has taken place. After a new map is built, it is generally
pushed to other servers using
yppush. However,
NIS map changes may not propagate as quickly as desired. A slave
server may be down when a map transfer
occurs, in which case it will not get
an updated map until the next
ypxfr transfer.
13.4.2. Displaying and analyzing client bindings
ypwhich provides information about
client's NIS domain binding, and the availability of master
servers for various maps in the domain. With no arguments, it returns
the name of the NIS server to which the client is currently bound by
% ypwhich
If a hostname is passed as a parameter, then
ypwhich queries the named host for its current
binding. If
ypwhich cannot resolve the hostname
into an IP address, it reports an error:
% ypwhich gonzo
ypwhich: clnt_create error: RPC: Unknown host
An IP address may be used in place of a hostname if you are debugging
NIS problems, since NIS itself is used to map the hostname into an IP
address. If NIS operation is not reliable, then explicit IP addresses
should be used with all of the NIS-oriented debugging tools. For
% ypwhich
Querying client bindings individually is useful for debugging client
problems, but it doesn't provide much useful information about
the use of NIS on the network.
ypwhich is better
suited for answering questions about NIS servers: Are there enough
servers? Are the clients evenly distributed among the NIS servers?
There is no client binding information kept by an NIS server --
the binding is something created by the client and known only to the
client. The server simply answers requests that are sent to it. To
determine the distribution of NIS clients to servers, you must poll
the clients.
ypwhich, embedded in a shell script, collects
NIS client demographics to perform a "census" of server
#! /bin/sh
# ypcensus - poll for ypservers
( for h in `ypcat hosts | awk '{print $2}'`
ypwhich $h
done ) | grep -v 'not running' | sort | uniq -c
for expression dumps the
hosts NIS file, and
extracts the second field -- the hostname -- from each
entry. The loop then queries each host for its NIS server, and then
the output from the loop is sorted. The entire loop is executed in a
subshell so that its output is treated as a single stream by the next
stage of the command pipeline. The
grep command
filters out errors from
ypwhich, produced when
an NIS client has not found a server for its domain. At the end of
the pipe,
uniq -c counts the occurrences of each
line, producing the census of NIS servers. Sample output from the
script is:
% ypcensus
26 onaga
7 mahimahi
8 thud
You may find that the total number of bindings recorded is less than
the number of clients -- some clients may not have formed a
server binding when the script was run. Executing
ypwhich causes the client to bind to a server,
so if you "miss" some hosts on the first attempt, execute
the script again after all clients have been forced to find servers.
What does the output indicate? With multiple NIS servers, it is
possible for the client distribution to load one server more heavily
than the others. In the previous example, the large number of clients
bound to server
onaga could be caused by several
- The NIS server onaga is significantly faster
than the other NIS servers, so it always replies to
ypbind requests before other servers.
- The servers have about the same CPU speed, so the lopsided binding
indicates that onaga has the lightest CPU load.
It generates replies faster than the other servers.
- onaga may be "closer" to more NIS
clients on the network, counting delays in network hardware. Network
topology favors NIS servers that are physically close to the client
if bridges or repeaters separate clients and potential NIS servers,
adding packet transmission delays that can overshadow CPU scheduling
delays on loaded servers.
The few clients bound to
mahimahi and
thud may experience NIS timeouts if these NIS
servers are heavily loaded. The relatively small number of clients
bound to these servers may indicate that they aren't the best
candidates for NIS service because they have a higher CPU load.
Results of the binding poll should be compared to desired goals for
balancing NIS server usage. If one NIS server is much faster than the
others, you may improve the NIS binding distribution by shifting the
fast machine's NIS service to one or two machines that are more
similar to the other NIS servers.
To see if you have enough NIS servers, or if your choice of servers
provides adequate NIS service, watch for broadcasts from NIS clients
to the
yserv port. You can observe network
broadcasts using a tool like
snoop or
ethereal, both of which watch every packet on
the network and print those that meet a defined criteria.
ethereal and
snoop are
introduced in
Section 13.5, "Network analyzers". To
find all
ypbind broadcasts, use the following
snoop command line:
# snoop broadcast port sunrpc
aqua -> NIS C DOMAIN_NONACK mydomain.com
semaphore -> NIS C DOMAIN_NONACK mydomain.com
ypbind sends its RPC broadcast to the portmapper
on the
sunrpc port (port 111), and the
portmapper calls the
ypserv process indirectly.
If you see a large number of broadcast calls being made to the
portmapper, then your NIS clients are rebinding frequently and you
should add more NIS servers or choose servers that have
a lighter load.
13.4.3. Other NIS map information
In addition to providing NIS server
binding information,
ypwhich examines the NIS map information: the
master server for a map, the list of all maps, and map nickname
translations. Map nicknames are more mnemonic forms of map names used
in place of the actual DBM filenames in NIS-related utilities; the
nickname usually has the
.byaddr or
.byname suffix removed. Nicknames exist only
within the
ypwhich utilities; they are not part of the
maps and are not part of the NIS servers. No application will ever
perform a key lookup in map
passwd; it has to
passwd.byname or
ypwhich -x prints the table of nicknames:
% ypwhich -x
Use "passwd" for map "passwd.byname"
Use "group" for map "group.byname"
Use "networks" for map "networks.byaddr"
Use "hosts" for map "hosts.byname"
Use "protocols" for map "protocols.bynumber"
Use "services" for map "services.byname"
Use "aliases" for map "mail.aliases"
Use "ethers" for map "ethers.byname"
Use "ipnodes" for map "ipnodes.byname"
Use "project" for map "project.byname"
While map nicknames provide a shorter command-line option for tools
that take a map name as a parameter, they can also create name
conflicts with non-standard maps that share commonly used map names.
For example, a daemon that maps popular internal resource server
names to IP ports might create an NIS map called
services advertising its default mappings. This
map name will not conflict with the NIS map created from
/etc/inet/services because the latter is
converted into the map
services.byname. Users of
ypcat and
ypmatch may be
surprised by output that appears to confuse the map names.
The following example doesn't work at first because the
ypmatch utility turns the map name
services into
services.byname, using the standard nickname
translation. NIS completely ignores the map you want. If you use
ypmatch -t, nickname translation is suppressed
and you locate the desired map:
% ypmatch cullinet services
Can't match key cullinet in map services.byname. Reason: no such key in map.
% ypmatch -t cullinet services
cullinet 6667
If you create your own maps, it's best to pick names that do
not conflict with the standard map nicknames. Finally,
ypwhich finds the master server for a map, or
prints the list of all known maps if passed the
-m option:
% ypwhich -m passwd
% ypwhich -m
excerpt follows
protocols.byname mahimahi
passwd.byuid mahimahi
passwd.byname mahimahi
hosts.byname mahimahi
rpc.bynumber mahimahi
group.bygid mahimahi
netmasks.byaddr mahimahi
hosts.byaddr mahimahi
netgroup mahimahi
group.byname mahimahi
mail.aliases mahimahi
services.byname mahimahi
netgroup.byhost mahimahi
protocols.bynumber mahimahi
ethers.byname mahimahi
bootparams mahimahi
ypservers mahimahi
ypwhich -m examines the NIS master server name
embedded in the NIS map DBM file.
You can also explode an NIS map using
-u, which "undoes" a DBM file. You see the
data records as well as the two additional records added by DBM
containing the NIS master name and the map's timestamp. If you
have concerns about data disappearing from NIS maps, dump the entire
map (including keys) using
makedbm -u:
[wahoo]% cd /var/yp/nesales
[wahoo]% /usr/etc/yp/makedbm -u ypservers
wahoo wahoo
redsox redsox
thud thud
The map master information is useful if you have changed NIS master
servers and need to verify that client maps are built correctly
synchronized with the new master server.
13.4.4. Setting initial client bindings
ypinit command is used to
preconfigure a list of NIS servers to
contact at startup time.
ypinit stores the list
of NIS servers in the file
/var/yp/binding/domainname/ypservers, where
domainname resolves to your NIS domain name.
ypinit is run only once after
installing the system, though it may also be run whenever a new NIS
server is added to the network or an existing one is decommissioned:
# ypinit -c
In order for NIS to operate sucessfully, we have to construct a list of the
NIS servers. Please continue to add the names for YP servers in order of
preference, one per line. When you are done with the list, type a <control D>
or a return on a line by itself.
next host to add: onaga
next host to add: mahimahi
next host to add:
next host to add: ^D
The current list of yp servers looks like this:
Is this correct? [y/n: y] y
Make sure to include the necessary hostname to IP address mappings in
/etc/inet/ipnodes or
/etc/inet/hosts before running the
ypinit command, otherwise
ypinit will fail. The resulting
ypservers file:
% cat ypservers
Note that it is not necessary to preconfigure an initial list of NIS
servers, since
ypbind will broadcast a request
on the network to find the available servers if the initial list does
not exist.
ypbind is started by
/usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypstart which in turn is
invoked by the
/etc/init.d/rpc startup script:
Excerpt from /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypstart:
if [ -d /var/yp/binding/$domain -a -f /var/yp/binding/$domain/ypservers ]; then
/usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypbind > /dev/null 2>&1
echo " ypbind\c"
elif [ -d /var/yp/binding/$domain ]; then
/usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypbind -broadcast > /dev/null 2>&1
echo " ypbind\c"
The next section will explain in more detail when and why you may
want to bind to specific NIS servers, and how you can modify the
binding once
ypbind has been started.
13.4.5. Modifying client bindings
ypset utility forcefully changes the server
binding. It is mostly used to dissect tangles of intertwined NIS
servers and to point a client at a server that is not hearing its
broadcasts. The normal NIS server search is conducted by
ypbind through a broadcast request. The first
server answering the request is bound to the domain, and is probably
the most lightly loaded or closest server to the requesting host. As
shown in the previous
rpcinfo examples, a
server's response time, relative to other NIS servers, varies
over time as its load fluctuates.
If the server's load increases so that NIS requests are not
serviced before the RPC call times out on the client machine, then
the client's
ypbind daemon dissolves the
current binding and rebroadcasts a request for NIS service. With
varying server loads and local network traffic conditions, the
timeout/rebroadcast system effects a dynamic load balancing scheme
between NIS clients and servers.
ypset nor
should be used to implement a static load balancing scheme for two
- The initial ypinit or ypset
may implement your chosen server allocation, but poor response time
from this server causes the client to break the binding and perform a
broadcast-based search. This dynamic rebinding will undo the attempts
to effect a preferred binding.
- Extreme disparity in NIS server usage is indicative of other network
problems or of excessive server loading imposed by NFS service,
interactive use, or print spooling.
There are four valid uses of
ypinit and
- Point a client at an NIS server that is isolated from it by a router
or gateway that does not forward broadcast packets.
- Test the services provided by a particular server, if you have
recently installed or rebuilt the maps on that server.
- Force servers to rebind to themselves instead of cross-binding.
- Point a client to use a known and trusted server for security
reasons, instead of using any NIS server on the network.
ypinit is used to set the initial static
binding at boot time,
ypset is used to change
this binding after boot time. It is recommended to use an IP address
as the argument to
ypset to avoid using the very
same NIS service that
ypbind is having trouble
# ypset
# ypwhich
Alternatively, you can verify that the
/etc/inet/ipnodes or
/etc/inet/hosts file lists the IP address for
the new NIS server, and that
is configured to use
files before it uses NIS.
In some NIS implementations (Solaris and others),
ypbind no longer allows
ypset to change its binding unless this
functionality is explicitly enabled. If the
-ypset option is used when
ypbind is started, then
ypbind accepts requests from any remote machine
to rebind to a specified server:
ypbind -ypset
The use of
-ypset is a security risk as it
allows a third party to change the binding to a potentially hostile
server. Without the
-ypset parameter, attempts
to change the server binding will fail:
wahoo# ypset thud
ypset: Sorry, ypbind on host localhost has rejected your request.
A more restrictive form is:
ypbind -ypsetme
which only allows root on the local machine to invoke
ypset to alter the binding. To discourage
manually changing the binding, the startup
script does not
specify either of these options when it invokes
 |  |  |
13.3. Remote procedure call tools |  | 13.5. Network analyzers |