14.4. Publicly available diagnostics
Only a handful of publicly available NFS diagnostic
tools exist at the time of this
writing. The
ethereal/tethereal network analyzer
introduced in
Chapter 13, "Network Diagnostic and Administrative Tools" provides detailed
information for diagnosis of NFS problems at the protocol level. The
NFSWATCH utility is mainly used to monitor NFS
traffic over the network. The
nfsbug and
SATAN utilities are used to report potential
security problems on NFS servers.
14.4.1. ethereal / tethereal
As described in
Chapter 13, "Network Diagnostic and Administrative Tools",
ethereal/tethereal can be used
to capture network traffic and decode it to
a great level of detail. Since
ethereal/tethereal can decode NFS Version 2 and
NFS Version 3 packets, it can be used to debug NFS communication,
permissions, performance, and data corruption problems. It is very
similar in functionality to
snoop. It provides
powerful filtering and is available for a diverse set of platforms
snoop is not.
Consider the example presented in the previous
snoop section, where the NFS client
rome attempts to access the contents of the
filesystems exported by the server
zeus through
/net automounter path:
rome% ls -la /net/zeus/export
total 5
dr-xr-xr-x 3 root root 3 Jul 31 22:51 .
dr-xr-xr-x 2 root root 2 Jul 31 22:40 ..
drwxr-xr-x 3 root other 512 Jul 28 16:48 eng
dr-xr-xr-x 1 root root 1 Jul 31 22:51 home
rome% ls /net/zeus/export/home
/net/zeus/export/home: Permission denied
The network traffic is captured into the
/tmp/ethereal.cap file concurrently with the
operation. Note that only traffic between
zeus is captured:
rome# tethereal -w /tmp/ethereal.cap host rome and host zeus
46 ^C
rome# tethereal -r /tmp/ethereal.cap
1 0.000000 rome -> zeus PORTMAP V2 GETPORT Call XID 0x398fd3ea
2 0.003138 zeus -> rome PORTMAP V2 GETPORT Reply XID 0x398fd3ea
3 0.003328 rome -> zeus NFS V3 NULL Call XID 0x398fd3eb
4 0.004613 zeus -> rome NFS V3 NULL Reply XID 0x398fd3eb
5 0.005823 rome -> zeus PORTMAP V2 GETPORT Call XID 0x398fca35
6 0.008871 zeus -> rome PORTMAP V2 GETPORT Reply XID 0x398fca35
7 0.009823 rome -> zeus TCP 49699 > 33168 [SYN] Seq=1251769928 Ack=0
Win=24820 Len=0
8 0.011067 zeus -> rome TCP 33168 > 49699 [SYN, ACK] Seq=3939269366
Ack=1251769929 Win=24820 Len=0
9 0.011100 rome -> zeus TCP 49699 > 33168 [ACK] Seq=1251769929
Ack=3939269367 Win=24820 Len=0
10 0.011339 rome -> zeus MOUNT V1 EXPORT Call XID 0x398f20d9
11 0.012102 zeus -> rome TCP 33168 > 49699 [ACK] Seq=3939269367
Ack=1251769973 Win=24776 Len=0
12 0.018302 zeus -> rome MOUNT V1 EXPORT Reply XID 0x398f20d9
13 0.018332 rome -> zeus TCP 49699 > 33168 [ACK] Seq=1251769973
Ack=3939269463 Win=24820 Len=0
14 0.018588 rome -> zeus TCP 49699 > 33168 [FIN, ACK] Seq=1251769973
Ack=3939269463 Win=24820 Len=0
15 0.019245 zeus -> rome TCP 33168 > 49699 [ACK] Seq=3939269463
Ack=1251769974 Win=24820 Len=0
16 0.020104 zeus -> rome TCP 33168 > 49699 [FIN, ACK] Seq=3939269463
Ack=1251769974 Win=24820 Len=0
17 0.020143 rome -> zeus TCP 49699 > 33168 [ACK] Seq=1251769974
Ack=3939269464 Win=24820 Len=0
18 0.020661 rome -> zeus PORTMAP V2 GETPORT Call XID 0x398f0440
19 0.024550 zeus -> rome PORTMAP V2 GETPORT Reply XID 0x398f0440
20 0.024731 rome -> zeus MOUNT V3 NULL Call XID 0x398f0441
21 0.026323 zeus -> rome MOUNT V3 NULL Reply XID 0x398f0441
22 0.026881 rome -> zeus MOUNT V3 MNT Call XID 0x398f0442
23 0.179757 zeus -> rome MOUNT V3 MNT Reply XID 0x398f0442
The explanation given in the
snoop section
describing each packet applies to the
capture file as well. The main difference is that listing the XID
next to the operation type is less intuitive than expanding the
arguments to the call as performed by
snoop. We
suspect this will be addressed in the future. You can see that the
reason for failure is not obvious by just looking at this output
tethereal has extensive filtering
capabilities and we can request all mount operations that failed.
Using the
mount.status filter, we determine that
packet 23 returned a failure. We can then print the protocol tree for
packet 23 alone and verify that indeed it failed with ERR_ACCESS:
rome# tethereal -r /tmp/ethereal.cap -R "mount.status != 0"
23 0.179757 zeus -> rome MOUNT V3 MNT Reply XID 0x398f0442
rome# tethereal -r /tmp/ethereal.cap -V -R "frame.number == 23"
Remote Procedure Call
XID: 0x398f0442 (965674050)
Message Type: Reply (1)
Program: MOUNT (100005)
Program Version: 3
Procedure: MNT (1)
Reply State: accepted (0)
Flavor: AUTH_NULL (0)
Length: 0
Accept State: RPC executed successfully (0)
Mount Service
Program Version: 3
Procedure: MNT (1)
Status: ERR_ACCESS (13)
For simplicity, only the RPC and Mount portions of the packet are
shown. The RPC header decodes the transaction ID, message type
indicating this to be a reply, program, and version number as well as
the procedure invoked. The credential verifier is also decoded
indicating that the server used no verifier in its reply (since the
call did not specify it to begin with). A nice feature of
snoop, that
tethereal does
not yet have, is the ability to indicate the frame for which this is
a reply.
As expected, the status field of the mount service reply reports an
error. Packet 12 contains the results of the export information
rome# tethereal -r /tmp/ethereal.cap -V -R "frame.number == 12"
Remote Procedure Call
Last Fragment: Yes
Fragment Length: 92
XID: 0x398f20d9 (965681369)
Message Type: Reply (1)
Program: MOUNT (100005)
Program Version: 1
Procedure: EXPORT (5)
Reply State: accepted (0)
Flavor: AUTH_NULL (0)
Length: 0
Accept State: RPC executed successfully (0)
Mount Service
Program Version: 1
Procedure: EXPORT (5)
Data (68 bytes)
0 0000 0001 0000 000b 2f65 7870 6f72 742f ......../export/
10 656e 6700 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 000c eng.............
20 2f65 7870 6f72 742f 686f 6d65 0000 0001 /export/home....
30 0000 0006 7665 726f 6e61 0000 0000 0000 ....verona......
40 0000 0000 ....
The Data field of the Mount packet shows a hex dump of the export
list. The interpreted text value is in the far right column. We can
see how the export list is encoded into the packet as a set of
exported directories
, each followed by the list of hosts
(or group of hosts) that they give access to.
14.4.2. Useful filters
Read filters help you remove the noise from a
trace and let you see only the packets that interest you. If a packet
meets the requirements expressed in the read filter, then it is
printed. Read filters let you compare the fields within a protocol
against a specific value, compare fields against other fields, and
check the existence of specified fields or protocols altogether. One
of the main strengths of
tethereal is its
powerful filters. You are encouraged to learn more about them from
tethereal documentation. The following list
includes some of the read filters you are most likely to use when
analyzing NFS-related traffic:
- nfs
Displays NFS traffic regardless of the version. Note that MOUNT, NLM,
and Portmapper traffic is not captured. Useful once the mount has
already occurred. The following example displays all NFS protocol
traffic involving the host rome:
# tethereal -R "nfs and ip.addr == rome"
- nfs.status
Displays all replies to successful NFS calls when
nfs.status == 0 or the replies to unsuccessful
NFS calls otherwise. The originating call can be obtained using the
rpc.xid filter. The following example displays all NFS failures:
# tethereal -R "nfs.status != 0"
- rpc
Displays all RPC traffic regardless of the program number. The
following example displays all RPC traffic on the wire:
# tethereal -R "rpc"
- rpc.xid
Displays the RPC call or reply matching a given Transaction ID. This
is useful when the call packet is available and the matching reply is
needed, or viceversa. The following example finds the RPC call and
reply with transaction ID equal to 0x398f0441:
# tethereal -R "rpc.xid == 0x398f0441"
- tcp.port == 111 or udp.port == 111
Displays rpcbind and portmapper traffic. Useful during filesystem
mount negotiation. The following example displays all rpcbind traffic
on the network:
# tethereal -R "tcp.port == 111 or udp.port == 111"
- rpc.program, rpc.programversion, rpc.procedure
Use rpc.program == 100005 to capture MOUNT
protocol related traffic. Useful during the mount process. The
following example displays all MOUNT protocol traffic between the
hosts zeus and rome:
# tethereal -R "rpc.program == 100005 and ip.addr == zeus \
and ip.addr ==
Use rpc.program == 100021 to capture NLM
traffic. Useful for tracking lock manager-related traffic. The
following example displays all NFS Version 3 Network Lock Manager
traffic between hosts zeus and
rome. Note that NLM v4 is used for NFS
# tethereal -R "rpc.program == 100021 and rpc.programversion == 4 \
and ip.addr == rome and ip.addr == zeus"
14.4.3. NFSWATCH
NFSWATCH was developed by David Curry of Purdue University
the late
1980s, with some improvements to the basic framework provided by Jeff
Mogul of Digital Equipment Corporation (now Compaq). It is mainly
used to monitor NFS activity on a given server, or NFS activity on
the local network. NFSWATCH gathers its data by monitoring the
network interface of the system where it is invoked.
NFSWATCH 4.3 is the most recent version at the time of this writing,
and only supports NFS Version 2 over UDP. You should be aware that at
the time of this writing, a bug in the tool causes NFS Version 3
traffic to the server to incorrectly increment the NFS Version 2
counters. This is due to the fact that the tool does not check the
NFS version number of the packet received.
Regardless of its current limitations, NFSWATCH is still a very
useful tool whose main features are worth mentioning:
The tool categorizes the incoming network traffic and continuously
updates the statistics on the display. You can also instruct the tool
to create a more detailed log file of the network traffic.
It allows you to log statistics for every NFS operation, for every
exported filesystem, for files for which you specify particular
interest, or for NFS clients that access your server.
It reports usage of NFS clients and users of the filesystems.
It can be run interactively or remotely (via rsh), or it can be
scheduled to run from cron.
Total runtime can be specified for unsupervised traffic monitoring.
NFSWATCH is available at
The following example shows a sample log file of an NFSWATCH run on
zeus for a period of five seconds:
# NFSwatch log file
# Packets from: all hosts
# Packets to: zeus
# begin
Date: Tue Aug 1 16:31:22 2000
Cycle Time: 5
Elapsed Time:
# total packets network to host dropped
Interval Packets: 2371 2371 0
Total Packets: 2371 2371 0
# packet counters int pct total
ND Read: 0 0% 0
ND Write: 0 0% 0
NFS Read: 166 7% 166
NFS Write: 346 15% 346
NFS Mount: 0 0% 0
YP/NIS/NIS+: 0 0% 0
RPC Authorization: 0 0% 0
Other RPC Packets: 1844 78% 1844
TCP Packets: 2 0% 2
UDP Packets: 2358 99% 2358
ICMP Packets: 1 0% 1
Routing Control: 2 0% 2
Address Resolution: 10 0% 10
Reverse Addr Resol: 0 0% 0
Ethernet/FDDI Bdcst: 13 1% 13
Other Packets: 0 0% 0
# nfs counters int pct total
/export/home: 512 100% 512 (0/0/5/0/12/0/154/0/
# file counters int pct total
# nfs procs
Procedure int pct total completed ave.resp var.resp max.resp
CREATE 2 0% 2
GETATTR 0 0% 0
GETROOT 0 0% 0
LINK 0 0% 0
LOOKUP 12 2% 12
MKDIR 3 1% 3
READ 154 30% 154
READDIR 0 0% 0
REMOVE 0 0% 0
RENAME 0 0% 0
RMDIR 1 0% 1
SETATTR 5 1% 5
STATFS 0 0% 0
SYMLINK 0 0% 0
WCACHE 0 0% 0
WRITE 335 65% 335
The NFSWATCH log shows the distribution of NFS READ, NFS WRITE, NFS
MOUNT, NIS, and RPC AUTHORIZATION packets among others. The NFS
counters section indicates the total number NFS operations per
filesystem exported (one in this case) during the interval. The
operation distribution denoted by
indicates that the majority of the operations occurred in the middle
of the interval. The
packet counters and
nfs procs indicate that there were close to
twice as many writes as reads. The low lookup count leads us to
believe that
most writes occurred to the same file.
14.4.4. nfsbug
nfsbug utility was written by
Leendert van Doorn in the mid-1990s to
test hosts for well-known NFS problems and bugs.
nfsbug is available at
http://www.cs.vu.nl/~leendert. Use it to
identify (and consequently correct) the following problems:
Find worldwide exportable filesystems. This is a common occurrence in
large organizations with hundreds or thousands of NFS clients. System
administrators choose to export filesystems to all clients instead of
grouping the hosts into netgroups and exporting the filesystems only
to the netgroups that really need access to the filesystems.
Determine the effectiveness of the export list.
Determine if filesystems can be mounted through the portmapper.
Attempt to guess filehandles and obtain access to filesystems not
exported to the test client.
Exercise the system for well-known bugs.[34]
14.4.5. SATAN
SATAN is a tool used to find well-known
security holes in Unix systems. SATAN stands for Security
Administrator's Tool for Analyzing Networks. At the time of
this writing, none of the problems SATAN probes for are new. Each one
has already been discussed in CERT bulletins and each can be
countered either by installing the appropriate patch or fixing a
system configuration flaw. SATAN is available at
SATAN was written by Dan Farmer and Wietse Venema and first released
for general availability in April of 1995. The tool is intended to
help system administrators identify several common network-related
security problems, hopefully before someone else has a chance to
exploit them. The tool provides a description of the problem,
explains the consequences if no action is taken, and indicates how to
correct the problem. Note that the tool itself will not exploit the
security hole. At the time of this writing, SATAN can identify and
fix the following problems related to NFS and NIS:
NFS filesystems exported to arbitrary hosts
NFS filesystems exported to unprivileged programs
NFS filesystems exported via the portmapper
NIS password file access from arbitrary hosts
An extensive discussion of SATAN and its
can be found in
Martin Freiss' book titled
Protecting Networks with
SATAN (O'Reilly & Associates).
 |  |  |
14.3. snoop |  | 14.5. Version 2 and Version 3 differences |