0.6. Acknowledgments
It would be an understatement to say that this book was a long time
in the making. It would never have been published without the
patience and support of Michael Loukides. Thanks Mike! We would also
like to thank the individuals who provided us with valuable technical
review feedback and general help and guidance: Mike DeGraw-Bertsch at
O'Reilly & Associates; Donald Cooley at Global Crossing;
Jacob Kirsch at Sun Microsystems, Inc.; Bobby Krupczak, Ph.D., at
Concord Communications; John Reinhardt at Road Runner; Patrick Bailey
and Rob Sweet at Netrail; and Jürgen Schönwälder at
the Technical University of Braunschweig. Rob Romano, O'Reilly
& Associates graphic artist, deserves a thank you for making the
figures throughout the book look great. Finally, thanks to Jim
Sumser, who took the project over in its final stages, and to Rachel
Wheeler, the production editor, for putting this book together.
0.6.1. Douglas
For years I worked as a system and network administrator and often
faced the question, "How are things running?" This is
what led me to SNMP and eventually the idea for this book. Of course
I would like to thank Kevin for his hard work and dedication. Special
thanks go to the two special girls in my life: my wife, Amy, and our
daughter, Kari, for putting up with my long absences while I was
writing in the computer room. Thanks also go to my family and
friends, who provided support and encouragement.
0.6.2. Kevin
While at MindSpring Enterprises (now Earthlink) I was fortunate
enough to work for Allen Thomas, who gave me the freedom to explore
my technical interests, including SNMP. I would like to thank Bobby
Krupczak for providing me with valuable feedback on the SystemEDGE
agent. Thanks also to my colleagues Patrick Bailey and Rob Sweet at
Netrail, who provided some general Perl code feedback. I'm very
fortunate to have worked with Douglas on this book; thanks for
allowing me to help out. My parents deserve a thank you for buying me
my first computer all those years ago. And finally, I would like to
thank Callie, my significant other, for allowing me to use our nights
and weekends to work on this book.
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0.5. Comments and Questions |  | 1. What Is SNMP? |
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