3.6. As-User Access (userfile)
SSH server usually runs as root (as does
the client, in some circumstances). At various points, SSH needs to
access files belonging to the source or target accounts. The root
account privilege overrides most access controls, but not all. For
instance, the root account on an NFS client doesn't necessarily
have any special access to files on a remote filesystem. Another
example is POSIX access control lists (ACLs); only the file owner can
change a file ACL, and root doesn't override this restriction.
In Unix, there is a way for a process to take on the identity of a
different user than its current user ID: the setuid system call. Root
can use this facility to "become" any user. However, this
call is irreversible for the duration of the process; a program
can't regain its previous privileges, making setuid unsuitable
for SSH. Some Unix implementations have a reversible form, seteuid
(set effective user ID), but it isn't universally available and
isn't part of POSIX.
To aid in portability, SSH1 and SSH2 use the reliably available
setuid system call. The first time they need to access a file as a
regular user, they start a subprocess. The subprocess calls setuid to
change (irrevocably) to the desired uid, but the main SSH program
continues running as root. Then, whenever SSH needs file access as
that user, the main program sends a message to the subprocess, asking
it to perform the needed operation and return the results.
Internally, this facility is called the
Keep this behavior in mind when debugging an SSH process with SunOS
trace, Solaris
truss, Linux
strace, or another process tracer. By default,
these programs trace only the topmost process, so always remember to
trace subprocesses as well. (See the tracer's manpage for the
appropriate option, though it is usually
-f. ) If
you forget to do this, and the problem is with file access, you might
not see it, since the userfile subprocess performs the file-access
system calls (
stat, etc.).
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3.5. Inside SSH-2 |  | 3.7. Randomness |