12.3. Other SSH Resources
If we haven't answered your questions in this chapter, try the
following good sources of help available on the Internet.
12.3.2. Usenet Newsgroups
Usenet, the newsgroup
comp.security.ssh discusses technical issues
about SSH. If you don't have Usenet access, you can read and
search for its articles on the Web at Deja.com:
or any other site that archives Usenet posts.
12.3.3. Mailing Lists
you are a software developer interested
in contributing to SSH or working with beta software, or if you want
to discuss the installation or internals of SSH applications,
consider joining the SSH mailing list. To subscribe, send an email
message to
majordomo@clinet.fi as follows:
To: majordomo@clinet.fi
Subject: (blank)
subscribe ssh
Please note that this list is for technical discussion, not for
asking "Where can I find SSH for the Commodore 64?"
Before subscribing, read the latest messages in the SSH mailing list
archive to see if the list is appropriate for you:
Before posting a troubleshooting question on this mailing list, run
the SSH client and server in debug or verbose mode and include the
full text of the debug messages in your note.
If you aren't interested in developing or testing SSH
applications but want to receive major announcements about SSH, join
ssh-announce mailing list.
To: majordomo@clinet.fi
Subject: (blank)
subscribe ssh-announce
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12.2. Problems and Solutions |  | 12.4. Reporting Bugs |