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The Many Dates and Times of Perl
By Dave Rolsky

Some Basic Concepts

In order to understand what you might want to do with dates and times, it's good to have a handle on some basic concepts. Here are some terms that I'll be using in this article:

What Needs Doing with Dates and Times?

There are a lot of things you can do with dates and times, and different modules/distributions provide different types of functionality. Broadly speaking, we can consider the following areas of functionality:

There are plenty of other things we can do with datetimes, but these are largely elaborations of the above areas of functionality.

Perl's Built-in Date/Time Functionality

Perl has some built-in functionality for handling dates and times. This functionality includes:

The Big Stars

These are the modules that have the longest history, and are the most widely used.

And a Cast of Thousands ...

It wouldn't be Perl if there weren't at least a dozen other modules with overlapping functionality, right? In this case, there's more than two dozen! For sanity's sake, I've excluded more than a few modules, in particular those that either appeared to be unmaintained, or those without enough comprehensible documentation for me to figure out what the heck they do. In alphabetical order, those remaining are:

But Wait, There's More!

Not content to leave well enough alone, I've recently started a project to fix what I see as the fundamental problem with the state of Perl datetime modules. That fundamental problem is that despite the fact that almost all the possible functionality you could want exists, it is scattered over a large number of incompatible modules.

For example, Date::Calc provides good functionality for various datetime calculations and date math, but the values it returns are not well suited for being passed to Date::Format. And while Date::Manip has powerful parsing, the return value from its parsing routine cannot be passed to any other module without further massaging. And so and so on.

For example, if I wanted to parse a date with Date::Parse and then calculate the date one week later with Date::Calc, and then format it with Date::Format, I'd have to do the following:

my $time1 = str2time($date_string); # Date::Parse

# Today() from Date::Calc returns
# date information for an epoch time
my ($y1, $m1, $d1) = Today($time);

my ($y2, $m2, $d2) = Add_Delta_Days($y1, $m1, $d1, 7);

my $time2 = Date_to_Time($y2, $m2, $d2);

print strftime('%B %d, %Y', $time2);

Of course, I didn't have to use the strftime() function for formatting a date. I could have done it with just Date::Calc as:

print sprintf('%s %02d %04d',
Month_to_Text($m2), $d2, $y2);

But I want convenience. If I'm dealing with many datetimes and I need to parse various inputs, generate different formats, and do lots of calculations, then a convenient and uniform API can go a long way towards code maintainability. The extra glue code needed to make different modules cooperate can quickly obscure the actual intent of the program.

Efforts in the past to herd all the existing module authors towards a common API have failed, so rather than try that again, I decided to just write even more datetime code. As we all know, the best way to put out a fire is to pour copious amounts of gasoline on it. In order to make my project sound cool, I'm calling it the "Perl DateTime Suite", which sounds much better than "more date and time modules".

The goal for this project is to produce a suite of datetime modules that do everything you'd ever need related to dates and times. The modules in this suite will cooperate with each other, which means that a module that parses datetimes will return a standard object, and a module for formatting datetimes will accept that standard object.

So far, this project has attracted interest from a number of people, and discussions on the list have gone well. Recently, I released alpha versions of the core object,, as well as DateTime::TimeZone, which provides complete time zone support based on the Olson database. There is also an alpha of DateTime::Format::ICal on CPAN, a module for parsing and formatting iCal datetimes and durations. In the future, look for more modules in the suite, all of which will begin with "DateTime::".

Further Resources and Reading

Some excellent online resources include Claus Tondering's Calendar FAQ at as well as the US Naval Observatory Time Service site at For more information on time zones and the Olson database, see

If you're interested in discussing anything related to Perl and datetimes, check out the list. You can subscribe by sending a message to


Thanks to Jonathan Scott Duff, Nick Tonkin, and Iain Truskett for reviewing this article before publication.

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