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8.167. Opcode

Permits defining an operator mask (opmask) so that any code containing a masked opcode will not compile or execute when Perl next compiles any code. Not usually used directly; for examples of Opcode's use, see the ops pragma and the Safe module.

Valid opcodes are listed in the array op_name in the file opcode.h. Many Opcode functions and methods take lists of operators, which are composed of elements. Each element can be a:

name (opname) or negated name
Name of operator, usually lowercase. Prefixing the name with an exclamation mark (!) removes it from the accumulated set of operations.

set (opset)
Operator set. Binary string holding a set of zero or more operators.

tag name (optag) or negated tag
Operator tag name; refers to groups (or sets) of operators. Begins with a colon (:). Negated by prefixing with an exclamation mark (!). Several optags are predefined, including the following. See the Opcode module's manpage for the opcodes included in each tag.

:base_core      :base_io        :base_loop
:base_math      :base_mem       :base_orig
:browse         :dangerous      :default
:filesys_open   :filesys_read   :filesys_write
:others         :ownprocess     :still_to_be_decided
:subprocess     :sys_db

8.167.1. Functions

All the following functions can be exported.


define_optag (optag, opset)

Defines optag as symbolic name for the set opset.



Returns an empty opset.



Returns an opset that includes all operators.


invert_opset (opset)

Returns an opset that is the inverse of opset.



In scalar context, returns the number of opcodes in this version of Perl.


opdesc (op, ...)

Takes list of operator names and returns the corresponding list descriptions.


opdump ([pat])

Writes two-column list of operator names and descriptions to STDOUT. If pat is specified, only lines matching the (case-insensitive) pattern are output.



Returns an opset corresponding to the current opmask.


opmask_add (opset)

Adds opset to the current opmask.


opset (op, ...)

Returns an opset containing the listed operators.


opset_to_hex (opset)

Returns string representation of opset.


opset_to_ops (opset)

Returns list of operator names corresponding to the operators in the set opset.


verify_opset (opset[, ...])

Returns true if opset appears to be a valid opset, else returns false. croak s instead of returning false if optional second parameter is true.

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