The answers for all exercises can be found in Section A.1.
The Oogaboogoo natives on the island have unusual names for the days and months. Here is some simple but not very well-written code from Gilligan. Fix it up, add a conversion function for the month names, and make the whole thing into a library. For extra credit, add suitable error checking and consider what should be in the documentation.
@day = qw(ark dip wap sen pop sep kir); sub number_to_day_name { my $num = shift @_; $day[$num]; } @month = qw(diz pod bod rod sip wax lin sen kun fiz nap dep);
Make a program that uses your library and the following code to print out a message, such as Today is dip, sen 11, 2008, meaning that today is a Monday in August. (Hint: The year and month numbers returned by localtime may not be what you'd expect, so you need to check the documentation.)
my($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday) = localtime;
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