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0.4. Conventions Used in This Book

0.4.1. Programming Conventions

We've generally omitted from examples in this book the <?php and ?> opening and closing markers that begin and end a PHP program, except in examples where the body of the code includes an opening or closing marker. To minimize naming conflicts, function and class names in the PHP Cookbook begin with pc_.

The examples in this book were written to run under PHP Version 4.2.2. Sample code should work on both Unix and Windows, except where noted in the text. Some functions, notably the XML-related ones, were written to run under PHP Version 4.3.0. We've noted in the text when we depend on a feature not present in PHP Version 4.2.2.

0.4.2. Typesetting Conventions

The following typographic conventions are used in this book:

Used for file and directory names, email addresses, and URLs, as well as for new terms where they are defined.

Constant width
Used for code listings and for keywords, variables, functions, command options, parameters, class names, and HTML tags where they appear in the text.

Constant width bold
Used to mark lines of output in code listings and command lines to be typed by the user.

Constant width italic
Used as a general placeholder to indicate items that should be replaced by actual values in your own programs.

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