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B.4. Element Information Items

An Element Information Item holds the most frequently needed data in an XML document. There is one top-level element, associated with the Document Information Item, and all but a handful of information items are its descendants.

This information item starts with a ContentHandler.startElement() call, and ends with a ContentHandler.endElement() call.





[namespace name]

ContentHandler.startElement(), namespaceURI parameter

[local name]

ContentHandler.startElement(), localName parameter


ContentHandler.startElement(), qName parameter (when available)

The QName (namespace-prefixed name) includes any prefix available; for example, a QName xhtml:a uses the prefix xhtml.


See the sections for each type of information item: Element, Processing Instruction, Unexpanded Entity Ref, Character, Comment.


ContentHandler.startElement(), attributes parameter, DeclHandler.attributeDecl()

When the [namespace attributes] property value is accessible, both groups of attributes are intermixed. Values that are #IMPLIED, but not specified in the document text, are only visible through the attributeDecl() callback. If you need to know about such attributes, record them during DTD processing.

[namespace attributes]

ContentHandler.startElement(), attributes parameter (when available)

If the namespace-prefixes feature flag is true, these attributes are mixed with the [attributes] property. They're the ones with QName values of xmlns, or starting with xmlns:. [28] Otherwise, this data is unavailable.

[in-scope namespaces]

See the section on Namespace Information Items.

[base URI]

computed using xml:base

In the absence of xml:base attributes, this is normally the value that Locator.getSystemId() exposes during the startElement() callback.


Applications must keep track of this information item if it is needed.

Manually associate these with the namespace URI

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