22.5. XPath Functions
XPath 1.0
27 built-in functions for use in XPath expressions. Various
technologies that use XPath, such as XSLT and XPointer, also extend
this list with functions they need. XSLT even allows user-defined
extension functions.
Every function is evaluated in the context of a particular node,
called the context node. The higher-level
specification in which XPath is used, such as XSLT or XPointer,
decides exactly how this context node is determined. In some cases
the function operates on the context node. In other cases it operates
on the argument, if present, and the context node, if no argument
exists. The context node is ignored in other cases.
In the following sections, each function is described with at least
one signature in this form:
return-type function-name(type argument, type argument, ...)
Compared to languages like Java, XPath argument lists are quite
loose. Some XPath functions take a variable number of arguments and
fill in the arguments that are omitted with default values or the
context node.
Furthermore, XPath is weakly typed. If you pass an argument of the
wrong type to an XPath function, it generally converts that argument
to the appropriate type using the boolean( ),
string( ), or number( )
functions, described later. The exceptions to the weak-typing rule
are the functions that take a node-set as an argument. Standard XPath
1.0 provides no means of converting anything that
isn't a node-set into a node-set. In some cases a
function can operate equally well on multiple argument types. In this
case, its type is given simply as object.
boolean boolean(object o)
| |
boolean( ) function converts its argument to a
Boolean according to these rules:
Zero and NaN are false. All other numbers are true.
Empty node-sets are false. Nonempty node-sets are true.
Empty strings are false. Nonempty strings are true.
ceiling( ) function returns the smallest
integer greater than or equal to
x. For example,
ceiling(3.141592) is 4.
ceiling(-3.141592) is -3. Before the ceiling is
calculated, non-number types are converted to numbers as if by the
number( ) function.
string concat(string s1, string s2)
string concat(string s1, string s2, string s3)
string concat(string s1, string s2, string s3, string s4)
| |
This function concatenates its arguments in order from left to right
and returns the combined string. It may take two or more arguments.
Nonstrings may be passed to this function as well, in which case
they're converted to strings automatically as if by
string( ) function.
boolean contains(string s1, string s2)
| |
This function returns true if
s2 is a substring of
s1--that is, if
s2--false otherwise. For example,
contains("A very Charming cat",
"Charm") is true, but
contains("A very Charming cat",
"Marjorie") is false. The test is case-sensitive.
For example,
contains("A very charming cat",
"Charm") is false. Nonstrings may also be passed
to this function, in which case they're
automatically converted to strings as if by the
) function.
number count(node-set set)
| |
count( ) function returns the number of nodes
in the argument node-set, that is, the length of the set.
false( ) function always returns false. It
makes up for the lack of Boolean literals in XPath.
floor( ) function returns the greatest integer
less than or equal to
x. For example,
floor(3.141592) is 3.
floor(-3.141592) is -4. Before their floor is
calculated, non-number types are converted to numbers as if by the
number( ) function.
node-set id(string IDs)
node-set id(node-set IDs)
| |
id( ) function returns a node-set containing
all elements in the document with any of the specified IDs. If the
argument is a string, then this string is interpreted as a
whitespace-separated list of IDs, and the function returns a node-set
containing any elements that have an ID matching one of these IDs. If
the argument is a node-set, then each node in the set is converted to
a string, which is in turn treated as a white-space-separated list of
IDs. The returned node-set contains all the elements whose ID matches
any ID in the string value of any of these nodes. Finally, if the
argument is any other type, then it's converted to a
string, as by the
string( ) function, and it
returns the same result as passing that string value to
) directly.
boolean lang(string languageCode)
| |
lang( ) function returns true if the context
node is written in the language specified by the
languageCode argument; false otherwise. The
xml:lang attribute on the context node or
one of its ancestors determines the language of any given node. If no
xml:lang attribute exists, then
lang( ) returns false.
The lang( ) function takes into account country
and other subcodes before making its determination. For example,
lang('fr') returns true for elements whose
language code is fr-FR, fr-CA,
or fr. However, lang('fr-FR')
is not true for elements whose language code is
fr-CA or fr.
last( ) function returns the size of (i.e.,
the number of nodes in) the context node-set.
string local-name( )
string local-name(node-set nodes)
| |
With no arguments, this function returns the context
node's local name, that is, the part of the name
after the colon, or the entire name if it isn't
prefixed. For a node-set argument, it returns the local name of the
first node in the node-set. If the node-set is empty or the first
node in the set does not have a name (e.g., it's a
comment or root node), then it returns the empty string.
string name( )
string name(node-set nodes)
| |
With no arguments, this function returns the qualified (prefixed)
name of the context node or the empty string if the context node does
not have a name (e.g., it's a comment or root node).
With a node-set as an argument, it returns the qualified name of the
first node in the node-set. If the node-set is empty or if the
set's first node does not have a name, then it
returns the empty string.
string namespace-uri( )
string namespace-uri(node-set nodes)
| |
With no arguments, this function returns the namespace URI of the
context node. With a node-set as an argument, it returns the
namespace URI of the first node in the node-set. If this node does
not have a namespace URI (i.e., it's not an element
or an attribute node; it is an element or attribute node, but is not
in any namespace; or the node-set is empty), then it returns the
empty string.
string normalize-space( )
string normalize-space(string s)
| |
normalize-space( ) function strips all leading
and trailing whitespace from its argument and replaces each run of
whitespace with a single space character. Among other effects, this
removes all line breaks. If the argument is omitted, it normalizes
the string value of the context node. A nonstring may be passed to
this function, in which case it's automatically
converted to a string, as if by the
string( )
function, and that string is normalized and returned.
not( ) function inverts its argument; that is,
false becomes true and true becomes false. For example,
not(3 >
2) is false, and
not(2+2=5) is
true. Non-Booleans are converted as by the
) function before being processed.
number number( )
number number(object o)
| |
number( ) function converts its argument to a
number according to these rules:
A string is converted by first stripping leading and trailing
whitespace and then picking the IEEE 754 value that is closest
(according to the IEEE 754 round-to-nearest rule) to the mathematical
value represented by the string. If the string does not seem to
represent a number, it is converted to NaN. Exponential notation
(e.g., 75.2E-12) is not recognized.
True Booleans are converted to 1; false Booleans are converted to 0.
Node-sets are first converted to a string as if by the
string( ) function. The resulting string is then
converted to a number.
If the argument is omitted, then it converts the context node.
position( ) function returns a number equal to
the position of the current node in the context node-set. For most
axes it counts forward from the context node. However, if the axis in
use is ancestor, ancestor-or-self, preceding, or preceding-sibling,
then it counts backward from the context node instead.
round( ) function returns the integer closest
x. For example,
round(3.141592) returns 3.
round(-3.141592) returns -3. If two integers are
equally close to
x, then the one that is closer to
positive infinity is returned. For example,
round(3.5) returns 4, and
round(-3.5) returns -3. Non-number types are
converted to numbers as if by the
number( )
function, before rounding.
boolean starts-with(string s1, string s2)
| |
starts-with( ) function returns true if
s1 starts with
s2; false
otherwise. For example,
cat", "Charm") is true, but
starts-with ("Charming cat",
"Marjorie") is false. The test is case-sensitive.
For example,
cat", "charm") is false.
Nonstrings may be passed to this function as well, in which case
they're automatically converted to strings as if by
string( ) function, before the test is made.
string string( )
string string(object o)
| |
string( ) function converts an object to a
string according to these rules:
A node-set is converted to the string value of the first node in the
node-set. If the node-set is empty, it's converted
to the empty string.
A number is converted to a string as follows:
NaN is converted to the string NaN.
Positive Inf is converted to the string Infinity.
Negative Inf is converted to the string -Infinity.
Integers are converted to their customary English form with no decimal point and no leading zeros. A minus sign is used if the number is negative, but no plus sign is used for positive numbers.
Nonintegers (numbers with nonzero fractional parts) are converted to their customary English form with a decimal point, with at least one digit before the decimal point and at least one digit after the decimal point. A minus sign is used if the number is negative, but no plus sign is used for positive numbers.
A Boolean with the value true is converted to the
English word "true." A Boolean with
the value false is converted to the English word
"false." Lowercase is always used.
The object to be converted is normally passed as an argument, but if
omitted, the context node is converted instead.
The XPath specification specifically notes that the
"string function is not intended for converting
numbers into strings for presentation to users." The
primary problem is that it's not localizable and not
attractive for large numbers. If you intend to show a string to an
end user, use the format-number( ) function and/or
xsl:number element in XSLT instead.
number string-length(string s)
number string-length( )
| |
string-length( ) function returns the number
of characters in its argument. For example,
string-length("Charm") returns 5. If the argument
is omitted, it returns the number of characters in the string value
of the context node. A nonstring may be passed to this function, in
which case it's automatically converted to a string,
as if by the
string( ) function, and that
string's length is returned.
string substring(string s, number index, number length)
string substring(string s, number index)
| |
substring( ) function returns the substring of
s starting at
index and
continuing for
length characters. The first
character in the string is at position 1 (not 0, as in Java and
JavaScript). For example,
cat', 1, 5) returns
"Charm". If
length is omitted,
then the substring to the end of the string is returned. For example,
substring('Charming cat',
10) returns
"cat". As usual,
any type of object may be passed to this function in place of the
normal argument, in which case it is automatically converted to the
correct type.
string substring-after(string s1, string s2)
| |
substring-after( ) function returns the
substring of
s1 that follows the first occurrence
s2 in
s1, or it returns the
empty string, if
s1 does not contain
s2. For example,
substring-after('Charming cat',
'harm') returns
"ing cat". The
test is case-sensitive. As usual, nonstring objects may be passed to
this function, in which case they're automatically
converted to strings as if by the
string( )
string substring-before(string s1, string s2)
| |
substring-before( ) function returns the
substring of
s1 that precedes the first occurrence
of the
s2 in
s1, or it returns
the empty string if
s1 does not contain
s2. For example,
cat', 'ing') returns
"Charm". The test is case-sensitive. Nonstring
objects may be passed to this function, in which case
they're automatically converted to strings as if by
string( ) function.
number sum(node-set nodes)
| |
sum( ) function converts each node in the
node-set to a number, as if by the
number( )
function, then it adds up those numbers and returns the sum.
string translate(string s1, string s2, string s3)
| |
translate( ) function looks in
s1 for any characters found in
s2. It replaces each character with the
corresponding character from
s3. For example,
translate("XML in a Nutshell",
" ", "_")
replaces the spaces with underscores and returns
translate("XML in a
Nutshell", "XMLN", "xmln") replaces the
uppercase letters with lowercase letters and returns
"xml in
a nutshell". If
s3 is shorter than
s2, then characters in
s1 and
s2 with no corresponding character in
s3 are simply deleted. For example,
translate("XML in a Nutshell",
" ", "")
deletes the spaces and returns
Once again, nonstring objects may be passed to this function, in
which case they're automatically converted to
strings, as if by the
string( ) function.
true( ) function simply returns true. It makes
up for the lack of Boolean
in XPath.
 |  |  |
22.4. Predicates |  | 23. XSLT Reference |
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