6.2. Exporting filesystems
Usually, a host decides to become an NFS server
if it has
filesystems to export to the network. A server does not explicitly
advertise these filesystems; instead, it keeps a list of currently
exported filesystems and associated access restrictions in a file and
compares incoming NFS mount requests to entries in this table. It is
up to the server to decide if a filesystem can be mounted by a
client. You may change the rules at any time by rebuilding its
exported filesystem table.
This section uses filenames and command names
that are specific to Solaris. On
non-Solaris systems, you will find the rough equivalents shown in
Table 6-1.
Table 6-1. Correspondence of Solaris and non-Solaris export components
Initial list of filesystems to export
Command to export initial list
List of currently exported filesystems
Command to export one filesystem
List of local filesystems on server
The exported filesystem table is initialized from the /etc/dfs/dfstab
file. The superuser may export other filesystems once the server is
up and running, so the /etc/dfs/dfstab file and
the actual list of currently exported filesystems,
/etc/dfs/sharetab, are maintained separately.
When a fileserver boots, it checks for the existence of
/etc/dfs/dfstaband runs shareall(1M) on it to make
filesystems available for client use. If, after
shareall runs,
/etc/dfs/sharetab has entries, the
nfsd and mountddaemons are run.
After the system is up, the superuser can
export additional filesystems via the
A common usage error is invoking the share command manually on a
system that booted without entries in
/etc/dfs/dfstab. If the nfsd and mountd daemons
are not running, then invoking the share command manually does not
enable NFS service. Before running the share command manually, you
should verify that nfsd and mountd are running. If they are not, then
start them. On Solaris, you would use the
/etc/init.d/nfs.server script, invoked as
/etc/init.d/nfs.server start. However, if there
is no entry in /etc/dfs/dfstab, you must add one before the
/etc/init.d/nfs.server script will have an effect.
6.2.1. Rules for exporting filesystems
There are four rules for making a
filesystem available to NFS:
Any filesystem, or proper subset of a filesystem, can be exported
from a server. A proper subset of a filesystem is a file or directory
tree that starts below the mount point of the filesystem. For
example, if /usr is a filesystem, and the
/usr/local directory is part of that filesystem,
then /usr/local is a proper subset of
You cannot export any subdirectory of an exported filesystem unless
the subdirectory is on a different physical device.
You cannot export any parent directory of an exported filesystem
unless the parent is on a different physical device.
You can export only local filesystems.
The first rule allows you to export selected portions of a large
filesystem. You can export and mount a single file, a feature that is
used by diskless clients. The second and third rules seem both
redundant and confusing, but are in place to enforce the selective
views imposed by exporting a subdirectory of a filesystem.
The second rule allows you to export
/usr/local/bin when
/usr/local is already exported from the same
server only if
/usr/local/bin is on a different
disk. For example, if your server mounts these filesystems using
/etc/vfstab entries like:
then exporting both of them is allowed, since the exported
directories reside on different filesystems. If, however,
bin was a subdirectory of
/usr/local, then it could not be exported in
conjunction with its parent.
The third rule is the converse of the second. If you have a
subdirectory exported, you cannot also export its parent unless they
are on different filesystems. In the previous example, if
/usr/local/bin is already exported, then
/usr/local can be exported only if it is on a
different filesystem. This rule prevents entire filesystems from
being exported on the fly when the system administrator has carefully
chosen to export a selected set of subdirectories.
Together, the second and third rules say that you can export a local
filesystem only one way. Once you export a subdirectory of it, you
can't go and export the whole thing; and once you've made
the whole thing public, you can't go and restrict the export
list to a subdirectory or two.
One way to check the validity of subdirectory exports is to use the
df command to determine on which local
filesystem the current directory resides. If you find that the parent
directory and its subdirectory appear in the output of
df, then they are on separate filesystems, and
it is safe to export them both.
Exporting subdirectories is similar to creating views on a relational
database. You choose the portions of the database that a user needs
to see, hiding information that is extraneous or sensitive. In NFS,
exporting a subdirectory of a filesystem is useful if the entire
filesystem contains subdirectories with names that might confuse
users, or if the filesystem contains several parallel directory trees
of which only
one is useful to the user.
6.2.2. Exporting options
/etc/dfs/dfstab file contains a list of
that a server exports and any restrictions
or export options for each. The
file is really just a list of individual
and so the entries in the file follow the command-line syntax
of the
share [ -d description ] [ -F nfs ] [ -o suboptions ] pathname
Before we discuss the options,
pathnameis the filesystem or subdirectory of the
filesystem being exported.
-d option allows you to insert a comment
describing what the exported filesystem contains. This option is of
little use since there are no utilities to let an NFS client see this
-F option allows you to specify the type of
fileserver to use. Since the share command supports just one
fileserver -- NFS -- this option is currently redundant. Early
releases of Solaris supported a distributed file-sharing system known
as RFS, hence the historical reason for this option. It is
conceivable that another file sharing system would be added to
Solaris in the future. For clarity, you should specify
-F nfs to ensure that the
NFS service is used.
The -o option allows you to specify a list of suboptions. (Multiple
suboptions would be separated by commas.) For example:
# share -F nfs /export/home
# share -F nfs -o rw=corvette /usr/local
Several options modify the way a filesystem is exported to the
- rw
Permits NFS clients to read from or write to the filesystem. This
option is the default; i.e., if none of rw,
ro=client_list, or
rw=client_list are
specified, then read/write access to the world is granted.
- ro
Prevents NFS clients from writing to the filesystem. Read-only
restrictions are enforced when a client performs an operation on an
NFS filesystem: if the client has mounted the filesystem with read
and write permissions, but the server specified
ro when exporting it, any attempt by the client
to write to the filesystem will fail, with "Read-only
filesystem" or "Permission denied" messages.
- rw=client_list
Limits the set of hosts that may write to the filesystem to the NFS
clients identified in client_list.
A client_list has the form of a colon-separated
list of components, such that a component is one of the following:
- hostname
The hostname of the NFS client.
- netgroup
The NIS directory services support the concept of a set of hostnames
named collectively as a netgroup. See Chapter 7, "Network File System Design and Operation" for a description on how to set up netgroups
under NIS.
- DNS domain
An Internet Domain Name Service domain is indicated by a preceding
dot. For example:
# share -o rw=.widget.com /export2
grants access to any host in the widget.com
domain. In order for this to work, the NFS server must be using DNS
as its primary directory service ahead of NIS (see Chapter 4, "System Management Using NIS").
- netmask
A netmask is indicated by a preceding at-sign (@) and possibly by a
suffix with a slash and length to indicate the number of bits in the
netmask. Examples will help here:
# share -o rw=@ /export
# share -o rw=@ /export2
The notation of four decimal values separated by periods is known as
a dotted quad.
In the first example, any client with an Internet Protocol (IP)
address such that its first two octets are 129 and 100 (in decimal),
will get read/write access to /export.
In the second example, a client with an address such that the first
27 bits match the first 27 bits of will get read/write access. The
notation is an example of
classless addressing, which was previously
discussed in Section 1.3.3, "IPv4 address classes".
So in the second example, a client with an address of get access, but another client with the address not. Chapter 6, "System Administration Using the Network File System" clarifies this.
Table 6-2. Netmask matching
Client Address dotted quad
Client Address hexadecimal
Netmask dotted quad
Netmask hexadecimal
- -component
Each component in the client_list can be
prefixed with a minus sign (-) to offer negative
matching. This indicates that the component should not get access,
even if it is included in another component in the
client_list. For example:
# share -o rw=-wrench.widget.com:.widget.com /dir
would exclude the host wrench in the domain
widget.com, but would give access to all other
hosts in the domain widget.com. Note that order
matters. If you did this:
# share -o rw=.widget.com:-wrench.widget.com /dir
host wrench would not be
denied access. In other words, the NFS server will stop processing
the client_list once it gets a positive or
negative match.
- ro=client_list
Limits the set of hosts that may read (but not write to) the
filesystem to the NFS clients identified in
client_list. The form of
client_list is the same as that described for
the rw=client_list option.
- anon=uid
Maps anonymous, or unknown, users to the user identifier
uid. Anonymous users are those that do not
present valid credentials in their NFS requests. Note that an
anonymous user is not one that does not appear
in the server's password file or NIS
passwd map. If no credentials are included with
the NFS request, it is treated as an anonymous request. NFS clients
can submit requests from unknown users if the proper user validation
is not completed; we'll look at both of these problems in later
chapters. Section 12.4, "NFS security" discusses the
anon option in more detail.
- root=client_list
Grants superuser access to the NFS clients identified in
client_list. The form of
client_list is the same as that described for
the rw=client_list option.
To enforce basic network security, by default, superuser privileges
are not extended over the network. The root
option allows you to selectively grant root access to a filesystem.
This security feature will be covered in Section 12.4.2, "Superuser mapping".
- sec=mode[:mode ...]
Requires that NFS clients use the security mode(s) specified.
Security modes can be:
- sys
This is the default form of security, which assumes a trusted
relationship between NFS clients and servers.
- dh
This is a stronger form of security based on a cryptographic
algorithm known as Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange.
- krb5
- krb5i
- krb5p
This is a trio of stronger forms of security based on a key
management system called Kerberos Version 5.
- none
This is the weakest form of security. All users are treated as
unknown and are mapped to the anonymous user.
The sec= option can be combined with
rw, ro,
rw=, ro=, and
root= in interesting ways. We will look at that
and other security modes in more detail in Section 12.4.4, "Access to filesystems".
- aclok
ACL stands for Access Control List. The aclok
option can sometimes prevent interoperability problems involving NFS
Version 2 clients that do not understand Access Control Lists. We
will explore ACLs and the aclokoption in Section 12.4.8, "Access control lists".
- nosub
- nosuid
Under some situations, the nosub and
nosuid options prevent security exposures. We
will go into more detail in Chapter 12, "Network Security".
- public
This option is useful for environments that have to cope with
firewalls. We will discuss it in more detail also in Chapter 12, "Network Security".
Your system may support additional options, so
your vendor's
manual pages.
 |  |  |
6. System Administration Using the Network File System |  | 6.3. Mounting filesystems |