7.4. Caching
Caching involves keeping frequently
data "close" to where it is needed, or preloading data in
anticipation of future operations. Data read from disks may be cached
until a subsequent write makes it invalid, and data written to disk
is usually cached so that many consecutive changes to the same file
may be written out in a single operation. In NFS, data caching means
not having to send an RPC request over
network to a server: the data is cached
on the NFS client and can be read out of local memory instead of from
a remote disk. Depending upon the filesystem structure and usage,
some cache schemes may be prohibited for certain operations to
guarantee data integrity or consistency with multiple processes
reading or writing the same file. Cache policies in NFS ensure that
performance is acceptable while also preventing the introduction of
state into the client-server relationship.
7.4.1. File attribute caching
Not all filesystem operations touch
the data in files; many of them
either get or set the attributes of the file such as its length,
owner, modification time, and inode number. Because these
attribute-only operations are frequent and do not affect the data in
a file, they are prime candidates for using cached data. Think of
ls -l as a classic example of an attribute-only
operation: it gets information about directories and files, but
doesn't look at the contents of the files.
NFS caches file attributes on the client side
getattr operation does not have to go all
the way to the NFS server. When a file's attributes are read,
they remain valid on the client for some minimum period of time,
typically three seconds. If the file's attributes remain static
for some maximum period, normally 60 seconds, they are flushed from
the cache. When an application on the NFS client modifies an NFS
attribute, the attribute is immediately written back to the server.
The only exceptions are implicit changes to the file's size as
a result of writing to the file. As we will see in the next section,
data written by the application is not immediately written to the
server, so neither is the file's size attribute.
The same mechanism is used for directory attributes, although they
are given a longer minimum lifespan. The usual defaults for directory
attributes are a minimum cache time of 30 seconds and a maximum of 60
seconds. The longer minimum cache period reflects the typical
behavior of periods of intense filesystem activity -- files
themselves are modified almost continuously but directory updates
(adding or removing files) happen much less frequently.
The attribute cache can get updated by NFS operations that include
attributes in the results. Nearly all of NFS Version 3's RPC
procedures include attributes in the results.
Attribute caching allows a client to make a steady stream of access
to a file without having to constantly get attributes from the
server. Furthermore, frequently accessed files and directories, such
as the current working directory, have their attributes cached on the
client so that some NFS operations can be performed without having to
make an RPC call.
In the previous section, we saw how the async thread fills and drains
the NFS client's buffer or page cache. This presents a cache
consistency problem: if an async thread performs read-ahead on a
file, and the client accesses that information at some later time,
how does the client know that the cached copy of the data is valid?
What guarantees are there that another client hasn't changed
the file, making the copy of the file's data in the buffer
cache invalid?
An NFS client needs to maintain cache consistency with the copy of
the file on the NFS server. It uses file attributes to perform the
consistency check. The file's modification time is used as a
cache validity check; if the cached data is newer than the
modification time then it remains valid. As soon as the file's
modification time is newer than the time at which the async thread
read data, the cached data must be flushed. In page-mapped systems,
the modification time becomes a "valid bit" for cached
pages. If a client reads a file that never gets modified, it can
cache the file's pages for as long as needed.
This feature explains the "accelerated make"
seen on NFS clients when
compiling code. The second and successive times that a software
module (located on an NFS fileserver) is compiled, the
make process is faster than the first build. The
reason is that the first make reads in header files and causes them
to be cached. Subsequent builds of the same modules or other files
using the same headers pick up the cached pages instead of having to
read them from the NFS server. As long as the header files are not
modified, the client's cached pages remain valid. The first
compilation requires many more RPC requests to be sent to the server;
the second and successive compilations only send RPC requests to read
those files that have changed.
The cache consistency checks themselves
are by the file attribute
cache. When a cache validity check is done, the kernel compares the
modification time of the file to the timestamp on its cached pages;
normally this would require reading the file's attributes from
the NFS server. Since file attributes are kept in the file's
inode (which is itself cached on the NFS server), reading file
attributes is much less "expensive" than going to disk to
read part of the file. However, if the file attributes are not
changing frequently, there is no reason to re-read them from the
server on every cache validity check. The data cache algorithms use
the file attribute cache to speed modification time comparisons.
Keeping previously read data blocks cached on the client does not
introduce state into the NFS system, since nothing is being modified
on the client caching the data. Long-lived cache data introduces
consistency problems if one or more other clients have the file open
for writing, which is one of the motivations for limiting the
attribute cache validity period. If the attribute cache data never
expired, clients that opened files for reading only would never have
reason to check the server for possible modifications by other
clients. Stateless NFS operation requires each client to be oblivious
to all others and to rely on its attribute cache only for ensuring
consistency. Of course, if clients are using different attribute
cache aging schemes, then machines with longer cache attribute
lifetimes will have stale data. Attribute caching and its effects on
NFS performance
is revisited in
Section 18.6, "Attribute caching".
7.4.2. Client data caching
In the previous section, we looked
at the async thread's management of
an NFS client's buffer cache. The async threads perform
read-ahead and write-behind for the NFS client processes. We also saw
how NFS moves data in NFS buffers, rather than in page- or buffer
cache-sized chunks. The use of NFS buffers allows NFS operations to
utilize some of the sequential disk I/O optimizations of Unix disk
device drivers.
Reading in buffers that are multiples
of the local filesystem block size allows
NFS to reduce the cost of getting file blocks from a server. The
overhead of performing an RPC call to read just a few bytes from a
file is significant compared to the cost of reading that data from
the server's disk, so it is to the client's and
server's advantage to spread the RPC cost over as many data
bytes as possible. If an application sequentially reads data from a
file in 128-byte buffers, the first read operation brings over a full
(8 kilobytes for NFS Version 2, usually more for NFS Version 3)
buffer from the filesystem. If the file is less than the buffer size,
the entire file is read from the NFS server. The next
read( ) picks up data that is in the buffer (or
page) cache, and following reads walk through the entire buffer. When
the application reads data that is not cached, another full NFS
buffer is read from the server. If there are async threads performing
read-ahead on the client, the next buffer may already be present on
the NFS client by the time the process needs data from it. Performing
reads in NFS buffer-sized operations improves NFS performance
significantly by decoupling the client application's system
call buffer size and the VFS implementation's buffer size.
Going the other way, small write operations to the same file are
buffered until they fill a complete page or buffer. When a full
buffer is written, the operating system gives it to an async thread,
and async threads try to cluster write buffers together so they can
be sent in NFS buffer-sized requests. The eventual
write RPC call is performed synchronous to the
async thread; that is, the async thread does not continue execution
(and start another write or read operation) until the RPC call
completes. What happens on the server depends on what version of NFS
is being used.
- For NFS Version 2, the write RPC operation does not return to the
client's async thread until the file block
has been committed to stable, nonvolatile storage. All write
operations are performed synchronously on the server to ensure that
no state information is left in volatile storage, where it would be
lost if the server crashed.
- For NFS Version 3, the write RPC operation typically is done with the
stable flag set to off. The server will return
as soon as the write is stored in volatile or nonvolatile storage.
Recall from Section 7.2.6, "NFS Version 3" that
the client can later force the server to synchronously write the data
to stable storage via the commit operation.
There are elements of a write-back cache in the async threads.
Queueing small write operations until they can be done in
buffer-sized RPC calls leaves the client with data that is not
present on a disk, and a client failure before the data is written to
the server would leave the server with an old copy of the file. This
behavior is similar to that of the Unix buffer cache or the page
cache in memory-mapped systems. If a client is writing to a local
file, blocks of the file are cached in memory and are not flushed to
disk until the
operating system schedules them.
If the machine crashes between the time the data is updated in a file
cache page and the time that page is flushed to disk, the file on
disk is not changed by the write. This is also expected of systems
with local disks -- applications running at the time of the
crash may not leave disk files in well-known states.
Having file blocks cached on the server during writes poses a problem
if the server crashes. The client cannot determine which RPC write
operations completed before the crash, violating the stateless nature
of NFS. Writes cannot be cached on the server side, as this would
allow the client to think that the data was properly written when the
server is still exposed to losing the cached request during a reboot.
Ensuring that writes are
completed before they are acknowledged
introduces a major bottleneck for NFS write operations, especially
for NFS Version 2. A single Version 2 file write operation may
require up to three disk writes on the server to update the
file's inode, an indirect block pointer, and the data block
being written. Each of these server write operations must complete
before the NFS
write RPC returns to the client.
Some vendors eliminate most of this bottleneck by committing the data
to nonvolatile, nondisk storage at memory speeds, and then moving
data from the NFS write buffer memory to disk in large (64 kilobyte)
buffers. Even when using NFS Version 3, the introduction of
nonvolatile, nondisk storage can improve performance, though much
less dramatically than with NFS Version 2.
Using the buffer cache and allowing async threads to cluster multiple
buffers introduces some problems when several machines are reading
from and writing to the same file. To prevent file inconsistency with
multiple readers and writers of the same file, NFS institutes a
flush-on-close policy:
- All partially filled NFS buffers are written to the NFS server when a
file is closed.
- For NFS Version 3 clients, any writes that were done with the stable
flag set to off are forced onto the server's stable storage via
the commit operation.
This ensures that a process on another NFS client sees all changes to
a file that it is opening for reading:
Client A |
Client B |
open( ) |
write( ) |
NFS Version 3 only: commit |
close( ) |
open( ) |
read( ) |
The read( ) system call on Client B will see all
of the data in a file just written by Client A, because Client A
flushed out all of its buffers for that file when the
close( ) system call was made. Note that file
consistency is less certain if Client B opens the file before Client
A has closed it. If overlapping read and write operations will be
performed on a single file, file locking must be used to prevent
cache consistency problems. When a file has been locked, the use of
the buffer cache is disabled for that file, making it more of a
write-through than a write-back cache. Instead of bundling small NFS
requests together, each NFS write request for a locked file is sent
to the NFS server immediately.
7.4.3. Server-side caching
The client-side caching
-- file attribute and buffer caching -- reduce the number
of requests that need to be sent to an NFS server. On the server,
additional cache policies reduce the time required to service these
requests. NFS servers have three caches:
- The inode cache, containing
file attributes. Inode entries read from
disk are kept in-core for as long as possible. Being able to read and
write these attributes in memory, instead of having to go to disk,
make the get- and set-attribute NFS requests much faster.
- The directory name lookup cache, or DNLC,
recently read directory entries. Caching directory entries means that
the server does not have to open and re-read directories on every
pathname resolution. Directory searching is a fairly expensive
operation, since it involves going to disk and searching linearly for
a particular name in the directory. The DNLC cache works at the VFS
layer, not at the local filesystem layer, so it caches directory
entries for all types of filesystems. If you have a CD-ROM drive on
your NFS server, and mount it on NFS clients, the DNLC becomes even
more important because reading directory entries from the CD-ROM is
much slower than reading them from a local hard disk. Server
configuration effects that affect both the inode and DNLC cache
systems are discussed in Section 16.5.5, "Kernel configuration".
- The server's buffer cache, used for data read from files. As
mentioned before, file blocks that are written to NFS servers cannot
be cached, and must be written to disk before the client's RPC
write call can complete. However, the
server's buffer or page cache acts as an efficient read cache
for NFS clients. The effects of this caching are more pronounced in
page-mapped systems, since nearly all of the server's memory
can be used as a read cache for file blocks.
For NFS Version 3 servers, the buffer cache is used also for data
written to files whenever the write RPC has the
stable flag set to off. Thus, NFS Version 3 servers that do not use
nondisk, nonvolatile memory to store writes can perform almost as
fast as NFS Version 2 servers that do.
Cache mechanisms on NFS clients and servers provide acceptable NFS
performance while preserving many -- but not all -- of the
semantics of a local filesystem. If you need finer consistency
control when multiple clients
are accessing the
same files, you need
to use file locking.
 |  |  |
7.3. NFS components |  | 7.5. File locking |