7.5. File locking
File locking allows one process to gain
exclusive access to a file or part of a file, and forces other
processes requiring access to the file to wait for the lock to be
released. Locking is a stateful operation and does not mesh well with
the stateless design of NFS. One of NFS's design goals is to
maintain Unix filesystem semantics on all files, which includes
supporting record locks on files.
Unix locks come in two flavors: BSD-style file locks and System
V-style record locks. The BSD locking mechanism implemented in the
flock( ) system call exists for whole file
locking only, and on Solaris is implemented in terms of the more
general System V-style locks. The System V-style locks are
implemented through the
fcntl( ) system call and
lockf( ) library routine, which uses
fcntl( ). System V locking operations are
separated from the NFS protocol and handled by an RPC lock daemon and
a status monitoring daemon that recreate and verify state information
when either a client or server reboot.
7.5.1. Lock and status daemons
The RPC lock daemon,
lockd, runs on
the client and server. When a lock request is made for an NFS-mounted
lockd forwards the request to the
lockd. The lock daemon asks the
status monitor daemon,
statd, to note that the
client has requested a lock and to begin monitoring the client.
The file locking daemon and status monitor daemon keep two
directories with lock "reminders" in them:
/var/statmom/sm and
/var/statmon/sm.bak. (On some systems, these
directories are
/etc/sm and
/etc/sm.bak.) The first directory is used by the
status monitor on an NFS server to track the names of hosts that have
locked one or more of its files. The files in
/var/statmon/sm are empty and are used primarily
as pointers for lock renegotiation after a server or client crash.
statd is asked to monitor a system, it
creates a file with that system's name in
If the system making the lock request must be notified of a server
reboot, then an entry is made in
/var/statmon/sm.bak as well. When the status
monitor daemon starts up, it calls the status daemon on all of the
systems whose names appear in
/var/statmon/sm.bak to notify them that the NFS
server has rebooted. Each client's status daemon tells its lock
daemon that locks may have been lost due to a server crash. The
client-side lock daemons resubmit all outstanding lock requests,
recreating the
file lock state (on the server) that
existed before the server crashed.
7.5.2. Client lock recovery
If the server's
statd cannot reach
client's status daemon to
inform it of the crash recovery, it begins printing annoying messages
on the server's console:
statd: cannot talk to statd at client, RPC: Timed out(5)
These messages indicate that the local
process could not find the portmapper on the client to make an RPC
call to its status daemon. If the client has also rebooted and is not
quite back on the air, the server's status monitor should
eventually find the client and update the file lock state. However,
if the client was taken down, had its named changed, or was removed
from the network altogether, these messages continue until
statd is told to stop looking for the missing
To silence
statd, kill the status daemon
process, remove the appropriate file in
/var/statmon/sm.bak, and restart
statd. For example, if server
onaga cannot find the
daemon on client
noreaster, remove that
client's entry in
/var/statmon/sm.bak :
onaga# ps -eaf | fgrep statd
root 133 1 0 Jan 16 ? 0:00 /usr/lib/nfs/statd
root 8364 6300 0 06:10:27 pts/13 0:00 fgrep statd
onaga# kill -9 133
onaga# cd /var/statmon/sm.bak
onaga# ls
onaga# rm noreaster
onaga# cd /
onaga# /usr/lib/nfs/statd
Error messages from
statd should be expected
whenever an NFS client is removed from the network, or when clients
and servers boot at the
same time.
7.5.3. Recreating state information
Because permanent state (state that survives crashes) is
maintained on the server host owning the locked file, the server is
given the job of asking clients to re-establish their
locks when state is lost. Only a server
crash removes state from the system, and it is missing state that is
impossible to regenerate without some external help.
When a client reboots, it by definition has given up all of its
locks, but there is no state
lost. Some state
information may remain on the server and be out-of-date, but this
"excess" state is flushed by the server's status
monitor. After a client reboot, the server's status daemon
notices the inconsistency between the locks held by the server and
those the client thinks it holds. It informs the server
lockd that locks from the rebooted client need
reclaiming. The server's
lockd sets a
grace period -- 45 seconds by default -- during which the
locks must be reclaimed or be lost. When a client reboots, it will
not reclaim any locks, because there is no record of the locks in its
lockd. The server releases all of them,
removing the old state from the client-server system.
Think of this server-side responsibility as dealing with your
checkbook and your local bank branch. You keep one set of records,
tracking what your balance is, and the bank maintains its own
information about your account. The bank's information is the
"truth," no matter how good or bad your recording keeping
is. If you vanish from the earth or stop contacting the bank, then
the bank tries to contact you for some finite grace period. After
that, the bank releases its records and your money. On the other
hand, if the bank were to lose its computer records in a disaster, it
could ask you to
checks and deposit slips to recreate
the records of your account.
 |  |  |
7.4. Caching |  | 7.6. NFS futures |