9.2. Invocation and the master map
Now that we've seen how the
automounter manages NFS mount information in various maps,
we'll look at how it chooses which maps to use and how it gets
started. The key file that tells the automounter about map files and
mount points is the master map, which is the default map read by the
automounter if no other command-line options are specified. This
covers the format and use of the master map, some command-line
options, and some timeout tuning techniques.
9.2.1. The master map
The master map is the map of maps. When the automounter is started,
it reads the master map from where the
/etc/nsswitch.conf configuration file says to
read it, as determined by the
entry named
automount:. Thedefault
nsswitch.conf -- whether
files, or NIS is used -- has
files listed
first. The master map file,
lists all direct and indirect maps and their associated directories.
It consists of triplets of directory name, map name, and mount
options to be used with that map. Suppose your
/etc/auto_master file contains:
# Directory Map NFS Mount Options
/tools /etc/auto_tools -ro
/- /etc/auto_direct
The first entry is for the indirect map
/etc/auto_tools; entries in this map are mounted
read-only (due to the
-ro option) under the
/tools directory. The second line of the master
file is for a direct map; because there is no directory for the
automounter to manage, the place holder
/- is
used. Note that the master map format is different from other
automounter maps in the following ways:
With the master maps, the mount options are in the third column,
whereas regular automounter maps place the options in the second
The first column in a master map is always an absolute pathname that
starts with a leading slash (/) and can have one or more additional
slashes, whereas with indirect maps the first column is a map key
that must not contain a slash.
The earlier example is somewhat limiting in that changes to the
auto_tools or
map must be made by editing each
/etc/auto_direct file on each NFS
client. Instead, if we drop the
/etc/ prefix, we
can allow the maps to be maintained in NIS or files:
# Directory Map NFS Mount Options
/tools auto_tools -ro
/- auto_direct
In this example, we observe three things:
Two map names -- auto_direct and
auto_tools -- are used in place of the
files pulled from /etc in the previous example.
The system decides to use NIS or files for
auto_direct and auto_tools
based on whether files or
nis (or both) are specified in
Even though the corresponding map names in NIS are
auto_direct and auto_tools,
the auto_master file uses a canonical name form,
which uses underscores and not periods to separate the prefix
auto from the unique suffix
(direct or tools). The
reason is that in some directory systems, such as NIS+, a period is a
reserved character.
There is no requirement that the master map be maintained as a local
file. Indeed you might find it easier if you configure your
network's clients' nfsswitch.conf file to read all the
maps, including the master map from NIS by setting automount: line in
nsswitch.conf as:
automount: nis
This way you can exercise control over each client's namespace
without having to reconfigure every client each time you want to add
or delete a map from the master map. We will cover how the
automounter maps are integrated into NIS later, in
Section 9.3, "Integration with NIS".
The default master map is not going to appear as in the examples
presented so far. The default Solaris
/etc/auto_master file looks something like this:
/net -hosts -nosuid,nobrowse
/home auto_home -nobrowse
/xfn -xfn
We will discuss the first entry,
+auto_master in
Section 9.3.1, "Mixing NIS and files in the same map". The second entry,
/net, will be covered in
Section, "The -hosts map". The
third entry,
/home, will be covered in
Section 9.4.1, "Key substitutions".
The last entry,
/xfn, is for the X/Open
Federated Naming Standard (XFN), which
is a
now-deprecated standard for federating directory systems. Recall from
Section 2.2, "Brief survey of common directory services" that there are lots of directory
services. XFN represented an attempt to allow them all to seamlessly
co-exist in a global namespace. The idea was to allow users in one
DNS domain to browse or access information (such as files, printers,
or calendars) from another domain, even if the naming system that
organized the information did not easily support cross-domain
operations (as is the case with NIS). Because it appears that the
world will be unifying under LDAP, and because
nsswitch.conf meets most of the requirements for
directory service switching, XFN has been deprecated. While the
/xfn entry persists to allow you to browse any
NIS or files data represented in XFN, expect XFN and
/xfn to disappear from future Solaris releases.
9.2.2. Command-line options
autofs automounter is started during the
boot sequence
from the
/etc/init.d/autofs script. The automounter
consists of two programs:
- automount
Used to initialize the automounter's mount points after it
reads the master map.
- automountd
A daemon that handles requests
the in-kernel autofs filesystem to mount and
unmount filesystems.
Each program has several command-line options. Automount command-line options
- -t time
This is the time, in seconds, to wait before attempting to unmount a
quiescent filesystem. The default is 600 seconds, but this value may
need to be adjusted to accommodate various client usage patterns as
described in Section 9.2.4, "Tuning timeout values".
- -v
If set, this option prints out any new autofs
mounts or unmounts. The automount command will perform a mount for
each new direct and indirect map, and will perform an unmount for
each map no longer listed in the master map or any of its submaps. Automountd command-line options
- -T
Turns on NFS call tracing, so the user sees the expansion of NFS
calls handled by the automounter. If this option is used for
debugging, then the standard output and standard error of the
automounter daemon should be redirected to a file from its invocation
in /etc/init/autofs:
/usr/lib/autofs/automountd -T > /tmp/auto_nfscalls
Excerpt from /tmp/auto_nfscalls
t8 LOOKUP REQUEST: Tue Sep 28 10:39:36 1999
t8 name=news[] map=auto.tools opts=intr,nosuid path=/tools direct=0
t8 LOOKUP REPLY : status=0
t1 MOUNT REQUEST: Tue Sep 28 10:39:36 1999
t1 name=news[] map=auto.tools opts=intr,nosuid path=/tools direct=0
In this example, the automounter daemon was asked by
autofs to look up the directory
news. It returned a status structure indicating
that the daemon is requesting an NFS mount. The
autofs filesystem then asked the daemon to
perform the NFS mount, and the automounter returned a successful
status. The prefixes t8 and
t1 indicate the thread in the automounter daemon
that did the operation.
- -v
Turns on a verbose mode that logs status messages to the console.
- -n
Turns off browsing of indirect maps.
- -D var=value
Assigns the value to the variable
var within the automounter's environment.
Section 9.4.2, "Variable substitutions" contains more
information on variable substitutions within automounter maps.
9.2.3. The null map
The automounter also
has a map "white-out" feature,
via the
-null special map. It is used after a
directory to effectively delete any map entry affecting that
directory from the automounter's set of maps. It must precede
the map entry being deleted. For example:
/tools -null
This feature is used to override
auto_master or
direct map entries that may have been inherited from an NIS map. If
you need to make per-machine changes to the automounter maps, or if
you need local control over a mount point managed by the automounter,
white-out the conflicting map entry with the
-null map.
9.2.4. Tuning timeout values
When a filesystem has remained
quiescent for some time, it is a candidate for unmounting. If the
filesystem is busy, the attempts to unmount it will fail until the
last open files and directories are closed. If an unmount attempt
fails, the automounter tries it again later. However, it is difficult
for the automounter to know if the filesystem is in fact in use. The
simplest way to find out is to attempt to unmount it. So every ten
minutes (or the period specified with the
flag to
automount) the automounter attempts to
unmount every mounted filesystem.
There are two situations in which increasing the default unmount
timeout period improves performance of the automounter:
When client processes keep files open for more than ten minutes
When one or more processes requiring automounted filesystems run
regularly, with periods greater than the default timeout
When the automounter attempts to unmount a filesystem, it either
succeeds, or the one or more open files from one or more processes
cause the
umount( ) call to return EBUSY. If
there are several filesystems used by processes that behave in this
fashion, then the automounter wastes numerous
) system calls. The cost isn't just the overhead of
checking to see if a filesystem is in use. There are several caches
that hold references on the filesystem that must be flushed. All this
activity consumes CPU time, which can impact the performance of a
system that is already under high load. Increasing the default
unmount timeout period (using the
-t option) to
match the average filehandle lifetime reduces the overhead of using
the automounter:
automount -t 3600
The timeout period is specified in seconds. The reduced number of
mount operations comes at a cost of a longer binding to the NFS
server. If the filesystem is mounted when the NFS server crashes, you
will have lost the "working set" advantage of using the
automounter -- your system hangs until the server recovers.
As mentioned earlier, regularly scheduled processes may require
longer automounter timeout periods. Regularly scheduled processes
include those run by
cron and repetitive
operations performed by interactive users, such as
make runs done several times an hour during
bug-fixing cycles. Each regularly scheduled process begins by causing
a filesystem mount; a corresponding unmount is done sometime before
its next invocation if the default timeout period is shorter than the
time between invocations.
If the time between process instances is long, the overhead of these
repetitive mount operations is negligible. However, a job that is run
every ten minutes initiates a sequence of mount and unmount
operations, adding to the overhead incurred by running the
automounter. For interactive processes that run to completion in a
minute or less, the time to complete the mount increases the response
time of the system, and it is sure to elicit complaints. In both
cases, system performance is improved by reducing the overhead of the
automounter through a longer default unmount timeout period.
You may not want to use the automounter for filesystems that are
mounted or accessed nearly constantly through the day. The mail
spool, for example, might be better placed in each client's
/etc/vfstab file because it will be in
near-constant use on the client. Most other filesystems benefit from
the streamlined NFS administration provided by the automounter. Using
the automounter is simplified even further
by managing the
themselves with NIS.
 |  |  |
9. The Automounter |  | 9.3. Integration with NIS |