11.3. Troubleshooting locking problems
Lock problems will be evident when an NFS client tries
to lock a file, and it fails because
someone has it locked. For applications that share access to files,
the expectation is that locks will be short-lived. Thus, the pattern
your users will notice when something is awry is that yesterday an
application started up quite quickly, but today it hangs. Usually it
is because an NFS/NLM client holds a lock on a file that your
application needs to lock, and the holding client has crashed.
11.3.1. Diagnosing NFS lock hangs
On Solaris, you can use tools like
pstack and
truss to verify that
are hanging in a lock request:
client1% ps -eaf | grep SuperApp
mre 23796 10031 0 11:13:22 pts/6 0:00 SuperApp
client1% pstack 23796
23796: SuperApp
ff313134 fcntl (1, 7, ffbef9dc)
ff30de48 fcntl (1, 7, ffbef9dc, 0, 0, 0) + 1c8
ff30e254 lockf (1, 1, 0, 2, ff332584, ff2a0140) + 98
0001086c main (1, ffbefac4, ffbefacc, 20800, 0, 0) + 1c
00010824 _start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) + dc
client1% truss -p 23796
fcntl(1, F_SETLKW, 0xFFBEF9DC) (sleeping...)
This verifies that the application is stuck in a lock request. We can
pfiles to see what is going on with the
files of process
client1% pfiles 23796
pfiles 23796
23796: SuperApp
Current rlimit: 256 file descriptors
0: S_IFCHR mode:0620 dev:136,0 ino:37990 uid:466 gid:7 rdev:24,37
1: S_IFREG mode:0644 dev:208,1823 ino:5516985 uid:466 gid:300 size:0
advisory write lock set by process 3242
2: S_IFCHR mode:0620 dev:136,0 ino:37990 uid:466 gid:7 rdev:24,37
That we are told that there is an advisory lock set on file
descriptor 1 that is set by another process, process ID 3242, is
useful, but unfortunately it doesn't tell us if 3242 is a local
process or a process on another NFS client or NFS server. We also
aren't told if the file mapped to file descriptor 1 is a local
file, or an NFS file. We are, however, told that the major and minor
device numbers of the filesystem are 208 and 1823 respectively. If
you run the mount command without any arguments, this dumps the list
of mounted file systems. You should see a display similar to:
/ on /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 read/write/setuid/intr/largefiles/onerror=panic/dev=2200000
on Thu Dec 21 11:13:33 2000
/usr on /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s6 read/write/setuid/intr/largefiles/onerror=panic/
dev=2200006 on Thu Dec 21 11:13:34 2000
/proc on /proc read/write/setuid/dev=31c0000 on Thu Dec 21 11:13:29 2000
/dev/fd on fd read/write/setuid/dev=32c0000 on Thu Dec 21 11:13:34 2000
/etc/mnttab on mnttab read/write/setuid/dev=3380000 on Thu Dec 21 11:13:35 2000
/var on /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s7 read/write/setuid/intr/largefiles/onerror=panic/
dev=2200007 on Thu Dec 21 11:13:40 2000
/home/mre on spike:/export/home/mre remote/read/write/setuid/intr/dev=340071f on
Thu Dec 28 08:51:30 2000
The numbers after
dev= are in hexadecimal.
Device numbers are constructed by taking the major number, shifting
it left several bits, and then adding the minor number. Convert the
minor number 1823 to hexadecimal, and look for it in the mount table:
client1% printf "%x\n" 1823
client1% mount | grep 'dev=.*71f'
/home/mre on spike:/export/home/mre remote/read/write/setuid/intr/dev=340071f on
Thu Dec 28 08:51:30 2000
We now know four things:
This is an NFS file we are blocking on.
The NFS server name is spike.
The filesystem on the server is /export/home/mre.
The inode number of the file is 5516985.
One obvious cause you should first eliminate is whether the NFS
spike has crashed or not. If it
hasn't crashed, then the next step is to examine the
11.3.2. Examining lock state on NFS/NLM servers
Solaris and other System V-derived systems have a useful tool
crash for
analyzing system state. Crash actually reads the Unix kernel's
memory and formats its data structures in a more human readable form.
Continuing with the example from
Section 11.3.1, "Diagnosing NFS lock hangs",
/export/home/mre is a directory on a
UFS filesystem, which can be verified by doing:
spike# df -F ufs | grep /export
/export (/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s7 ): 503804 blocks 436848 files
then you can use
crash to get more lock state.
crash command is like a shell, but with
internal commands for examining kernel state. The internal command we
will be using is
lck :
spike# crash
dumpfile = /dev/mem, namelist = /dev/ksyms, outfile = stdout
> lck
Active and Sleep Locks:
30000c3ee18 w 0 0 13 136 0021 3 48bf0f8 ae9008 6878d00
30000dd8710 w 0 MAXEND 17 212 0001 3 8f1a48 8f02d8 8f0e18
30001cce1c0 w 193 MAXEND -1 3242 2021 3 6878850 c43a08 2338a38
Summary From List:
3 3 0
An important field is PROC. PROC is the "slot" number of
the process. If it is -1, that indicates that the lock is being held
by a nonlocal (i.e., an NFS client) process, and the PID field thus
indicates the process ID, relative to the NFS client. In the sample
display, we see one such entry:
30001cce1c0 w 193 MAXEND -1 3242 2021 3 6878850 c43a08 2338a38
Note that the process id, 3242, is equal to that which the
pfiles command displayed earlier in this
example. We can confirm that this lock is for the file in question
> uinode 30001cce1c0
30001cce1c0 136, 7 5516985 2 1 466 300 403 f---644 mt rf
The inode numbers match what
pfiles earlier
displayed on the NFS client. However, inode numbers are unique per
local filesystem. We can make doubly sure this is the file by
comparing the major and minor device numbers from the
uinode command, 136 and 7, with that of the
filesystem that is mounted on
/export :
spike# ls -lL /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s7
brw------- 1 root sys 136, 7 May 6 2000 /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s7
11.3.3. Clearing lock state
Continuing with our example from
Section 11.3.2, "Examining lock state on NFS/NLM servers",
at this point we know that the file is locked by another NFS client.
Unfortunately, we don't know which client it is, as
crash won't give us that information. We
do however have a potential list of clients in the server's
/var/statmon/sm directory:
spike# cd /var/statmon/sm
spike# ls
client1 ipv4. ipv4. gonzo java
The entries prefixed with ipv4 are just symbolic links to other
entries. The non-symbolic link entries identify the hosts we want to
check for.
The most likely cause of the lock not getting released is that the
holding NFS client has crashed. You can take the list of hosts from
/var/statmon/sm directory and check if any
are dead, or not responding due to a network partition. Once you
determine which are dead, you can use Solaris's
clear_locks command to clear lock state.
Let's suppose you determine that
gonzo is
dead. Then you would do:
spike# clear_locks gonzo
If clearing the lock state of dead clients doesn't fix the
problem, then perhaps a now-live client crashed, but for some reason
after it rebooted, its status monitor did not send a notification to
the NLM server's status monitor. You can log onto the live
clients and check if they are currently mounting the filesystem from
the server (in our example,
spike:/export). If
they are not, then you should consider using
clear_locks to clear any residual lock state
those clients might have had.
Ultimately, you may be forced to reboot your server. Short of that
there are other things you could do. Since you know the inode number
and filesystem of file in question, you can determine the
file's name:
spike# cd /export
find . -inum 5516985 -print
You could rename file
database to something
else, and copy it back to a file named
Then kill and restart the
SuperApp application
client1. Of course, such an approach requires
intimate knowledge or experience with the application to
know if
this will be safe.
 |  |  |
11.2. NFS and file locking |  | 12. Network Security |