WARNING: Unless you are completely comfortable taking the registry editing leap, we strongly recommend that you use the System Policy Editor to make agent configuration changes. Incorrect settings in the registry can result in serious system problems. Consider yourself warned.The Windows System Policy Editor comes with the Windows 95/98 Resource Kit, and must be installed before you can configure the SNMP agent. The first time you run the System Policy Editor it will ask you for an .adm file. Select C:\WINDOWS\INF \ADMIN.ADM as this file. Select "File
The Agent tab provides a checkbox for each of the seven ISO layers sysServices represents. The DESCRIPTION text in the RFC gives a brief definition for each layer. If you so desire, check each service that is offered by your NT machine. Once you're finished with the Agent tab, select the Traps tab; this allows you to configure the community in which the SNMP agent sends traps. In the "Community Name" box, enter the case-sensitive community name of your choice. Click the "Add" button to the left and then add up to five trap destinations for this community name. The trap destinations can be IPX addresses, IP addresses, or DNS names. Now click on the Security tab. The top of this tab gives you the option to send authentication-error traps. It's a good idea to check this box, since it can help you detect intruders. The "Accepted Community Names" box lists all the community names to which the agent will respond. Click "Add" and enter your community name of choice. Configuring these communities is important, since someone with the correct community string can wreak havoc on your system. If you leave this box blank, the agent will respond to all requests. The bottom half of the Security menu allows you to specify whether the agent will accept SNMP packets from any host or only from a specified list. To create a list, which we strongly recommend, click "Only Accept SNMP Packets from These Hosts" and then use the "Add" button to add the hostnames or addresses of your monitoring stations. The options for the hosts are the same as for trap destinations; IPX addresses, IP addresses, and DNS names are acceptable. Finally, click "OK" to save your changes and update the Windows registry. If at any time you make a mistake, click "Cancel." This aborts the configuration process; no changes will be made to your registry.sysServices OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..127) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A value which indicates the set of services that this entity primarily offers. The value is a sum. This sum initially takes the value zero. Then, for each layer, L, in the range 1 through 7, that this node performs transactions for, 2 raised to (L - 1) is added to the sum. For example, a node which performs primarily routing functions would have a value of 4 (2^(3-1)). In contrast, a node which is a host offering application services would have a value of 72 (2^(4-1) + 2^(7-1)). Note that in the context of the Internet suite of protocols, values should be calculated accordingly: layer functionality 1 physical (e.g., repeaters) 2 datalink/subnetwork (e.g., bridges) 3 internet (e.g., IP gateways) 4 end-to-end (e.g., IP hosts) 7 applications (e.g., mail relays) For systems including OSI protocols, layers 5 and 6 may also be counted." ::= { system 7 }
$ /sbin/init.d/SnmpMaster stop $ /sbin/init.d/SnmpMaster start
The simplest configuration is to edit the file and place more reasonable community names in the first two lines. We can't say it too much: community names are essentially passwords. Use the same rules for picking community names that you would for choosing the root password. You should always set the destination trap host (trap-dest) to the IP address of the host that will receive the trap. The next example configures several different community names:get-community-name: public set-community-name: private trap-dest: contact: B.Gates location: 12 Pyramid - Egypt
We have created two get (read-only) communities and three set (read-write) communities. These communities can be used as you see fit. (In real life, we would have chosen more obscure names.) For example, you might give your operations group in New York public community access and your operations group in Atlanta media community access. The remaining set communities can further be subdivided among various administrators and other staff who need read-write access.get-community-name: public get-community-name: media set-community-name: hushed set-community-name: veryprivate set-community-name: shhhh
You can also configure the agent to restrict access to MIB subtrees based on IP addresses. The next example allows any host to get any object under iso.org.dod.internet.mgmt.mib-2, except for objects in the interfaces subtree. The minus sign (-) in front of interfaces instructs the agent to disallow access to this subtree.get-community-name comname IP: set-community-name private IP:
The final example sets up multiple community names for both sets and gets. An administrator who is located at host and knows the admin community string has read access to the entire MIB tree; with the adminset community string, he has write access to the entire tree. Someone with the operator community string can sit anywhere and access everything in mib-2 except for the interfaces subtree, but must be sitting at his desk ( to issue sets and is not allowed to set anything in the mib-2 subtree.get-community-name public VIEW: mib-2 -interfaces
get-community-name operator VIEW: mib-2 -interfaces get-community-name admin IP: set-community-name operset IP: VIEW: -mib-2 set-community-name adminset IP:
One common option is - -prefix=PATH. This specifies an alternate installation directory. By default, Net-SNMP will install in /usr/local/bin, /usr/local/man, etc. We'll be running configure without any options, which means our Net-SNMP build will have default values assigned for various options. For example, the agent binary will be placed in /usr/local/sbin. Run the following command to begin the configuration process:ucd-snmp-4.2/> ./configure --help
You will see various messages about what features configure is looking for and whether or not they're found. After running for a while, configure will ask for some basic SNMP information:ucd-snmp-4.2/> ./configure
When you type Return, you'll be prompted for the system contact information:************** Configuration Section ************** You are about to be prompted by a series of questions. Answer them carefully, as they determine how the snmp agent and related applications are to function. After the configure script finishes, you can browse the newly created config.h file for further - less important - parameters to modify. Be careful if you re-run configure though since config.h will be over written. -Press return to continue-
We've decided to set our contact information to something useful, but we could have left it blank. The next item you're asked to configure is system location. We've chosen an informative value, but again could have left it blank:disabling above prompt for future runs... yes checking System Contact Information... *** System Contact Information: Describes who should be contacted about the host the agent is running on. This information is available in the MIB-II tree. This can also be over-ridden using the "syscontact" syntax in the agent's configuration files. System Contact Information (root@): snmpadmin@ora.com setting System Contact Information to... snmpadmin@ora.com checking System Location...
The final option you need to configure is the snmpd log file location:*** System Location: Describes the location of the system. This information is available in the MIB-II tree. This can also be over-ridden using the "syslocation" syntax in the agent's configuration files. System Location (Unknown): FTP Server #1, O'Reilly Data Center setting System Location to... FTP Server #1, O'Reilly Data Center checking Location to write logfile...
The default value is /var/log/snmpd.log, which should work on most Unix systems. When the configure script finishes, it creates a system-specific file named config.h. Before you continue, take a look through this file. It houses many local configuration variables that you may want to change before you start compiling. Here are some snippets from my config.h file:*** Logfile location: Enter the default location for the snmpd agent to dump information & errors to. If not defined (enter the keyword "none" at the prompt below) the agent will use stdout and stderr instead. (Note: This value can be over-ridden using command line options.) Location to write logfile (/var/log/snmpd.log): setting Location to write logfile to... /var/log/snmpd.log *** snmpd persistent storage location: Enter a directory for the snmp library to store persistent data in the form of a configuration file. Location to write persistent information (/var/ucd-snmp): setting Location to write persistent information to... /var/ucd-snmp updating cache ./config.cache creating ./config.status creating Makefile creating MakefileMakefile creating snmplib/Makefile creating agent/Makefile creating apps/Makefile creating apps/snmpnetstat/Makefile creating agent/mibgroup/Makefile creating agent/dlmods/Makefile creating local/Makefile creating testing/Makefile creating man/Makefile creating ov/Makefile creating mibs/Makefile creating config.h
You can now compile your new package with the make command. The compilation process displays many messages, most of which you can ignore. In short, if it completes, you've succeeded and can proceed to installation. If not, you will see errors and should investigate what went wrong. If you tweaked the config.h file and your build failed, try recreating config.h. Without modifying this new config.h, try another build. This will weed out any problems you created within that file. Install your new package with the command make install. By default, this command installs various executables in /usr/local/bin and other important information in /usr/local/share/snmp. At this point, you can configure the agent further by using one of two approaches:/* default list of mibs to load */ #define DEFAULT_MIBS "IP-MIB:IF-MIB:TCP-MIB:UDP-MIB:SNMPv2-MIB: \ RFC1213-MIB:UCD-SNMP-MIB:SNMPv2-PARTY-MIB:SNMPv2-M2M-MIB: \ SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB" /* default location to look for mibs to load using the above tokens and/or those in the MIBS environment variable */ #define DEFAULT_MIBDIRS "/usr/local/share/snmp/mibs" /* LOGFILE: If defined it closes stdout/err/in and opens this in out/err's place. (stdin is closed so that sh scripts won't wait for it) */ #define LOGFILE "/var/log/snmpd.log" /* default system contact */ #define SYS_CONTACT "snmpadmin@ora.com" /* system location */ #define SYS_LOC "FTP Server #1, O'Reilly Data Center"
The configuration items should be familiar: we're setting up the system location; the system contact; the read-write, read-only, and trap community strings; and the destination to which traps should be sent. We're also enabling authentication traps. Note that we configured destinations for both SNMP Version 1 and Version 2 traps. The trap destination lines (trapsink and trap2sink) can also have a trap community string, if the NMS at the given host requires a different community name. The rwcommunity and rocommunity lines allow us to be a bit more sophisticated than the example indicates. We're allowed to specify the network or subnet to which the community strings apply, and an object ID that restricts queries to MIB objects that are underneath that OID. For example, if you want to restrict read-write access to management stations on the subnetwork, you could use the line:syslocation "O'Reilly Data Center" syscontact snmpadmin@oreilly.com rwcommunity private rocommunity public authtrapenable 1 trapcommunity trapsRus trapsink nmshost.oreilly.com trap2sink nmshost.oreilly.com
If you take this route, you should certainly look at the EXAMPLE.conf file in the directory in which you built Net-SNMP. You can modify this file and install it in the appropriate location (either ~/.snmp/snmpd.conf or /usr/local/share/snmp/snmpd.conf ), or you can take ideas from it and use them in your own configuration. It includes some particularly clever tricks that we'll discuss in Chapter 11, "Extensible SNMP Agents" but that are well beyond the simple configuration we're discussing here.rwcommunity private
Comment lines begin with a # character. The first parameter sets the read-only community to public. The read-write community is defined to be veryprivate. The two IP addresses following the read-write community string are an access list that tells the agent to allow set operations from localhost ( and only. Always use an access list if possible; without this security feature, any host can execute set operations. Note that there is a space between the two addresses, not a Tab character. The third option tells the agent where to send traps; in this case, to localhost ( The agent sends authentication-failure traps by default, and we strongly recommend using them. If you don't want authentication-failure traps, include the following line in your configuration file:community public read-only community veryprivate read-write community traps
This monitor sends a trap to the NMS, defined earlier as community traps, when the sendmail process dies. The agent then executes /etc/init.d/sendmail start to restart the process. The general form of this command is:watch process procAlive 'sendmail' 1 0x100 60 'Watch Sendmail' '/etc/init.d/sendmail start'
The procname parameter is a regular expression that SystemEDGE uses to select the processes that it is monitoring; in this case, we're watching processes with the name sendmail. Each entry in the process-monitoring table must have a unique index; in this example, we used the value 1. We could have picked any integer, as long as that integer was not already in use in the table. The flag parameter is a hexadecimal[28] flag that changes the behavior of the monitor. We specified a flag of 0x100, which tells the monitor that the process it's watching spawns child processes; this flag ensures that SystemEDGE will take action only when the parent sendmail process dies, not when any of the children die. The use of process-monitor flags is beyond the scope of this chapter; see the manual that comes with SystemEDGE for more information. The interv parameter specifies how often (in seconds) the agent checks the process's status. We have set the interval to 60 seconds. The description parameter contains information about the process being monitored; it can be up to 128 characters in length. It is a good idea to use a description that indicates what is being monitored, since the agent stores this value in the monitor table for retrieval by an NMS and includes it in the variable bindings when a trap is sent. The final parameter is the action the monitor will take when the process dies; we chose to restart the daemon.watch process procAlive 'procname' index flags interv 'description' 'action'
[28]Generally speaking, there are several ways to represent hexadecimal numbers. SystemEDGE uses the notion of a number prefixed with 0x, which should be familiar to C and Perl programmers.SystemEDGE can be extended by using plug-ins. These plug-ins manage and monitor applications such as Apache (web server), Exchange (Microsoft mail), and Oracle (database), to name a few. A "top processes" plug-in named topprocs comes with every distribution. The following statement tells SystemEDGE to load this plug-in for 64-bit Solaris (this statement is similar for NT and other Unix platforms):
The folks at Concord have taken great care to add useful comments to the sysedge.cf file. The comments are often all you need to configure the agent.sysedge_plugin /opt/EMPsysedge/plugins/topprocs/topprocs-sol64bit.so
[29]There are some exceptions to this rule, such as the PIX firewalls. These exceptions usually mean that the product is made by a company that Cisco acquired.To configure the SNMP parameters, you must be in enable mode. You can use the following commands to see what traps are available:
The question mark tells the router to respond with the possible completions for the command you're typing. You can use this feature throughout the entire command-line interface. If the part of the command you have already typed has a syntax error, the router will give you the "Unrecognized command" message when you type the question mark. <cr> tells you that you can exit without configuring the command (snmp-server enable traps in this case) by typing a carriage return.router> enable Password: mypassword router# config terminal router(config)#snmp-server enable traps ? bgp Enable BGP state change traps envmon Enable SNMP environmental monitor traps frame-relay Enable SNMP frame-relay traps isdn Enable SNMP isdn traps <cr>
Most of these commands set parameters with which you should be familiar by now. We define two communities, public and private, with read-only (RO) and read-write (RW) permissions, respectively. snmp-server trap-authentication turns on authentication-failure traps. The command snmp-server host public configures the destination to which traps should be sent. The IP address is set to the address of our NMS. The community string public will be included in the traps.router(config)#snmp-server community private RW router(config)#snmp-server community public RO router(config)#snmp-server trap-authentication router(config)#snmp-server location Delta Building - 1st Floor router(config)#snmp-server contact J Jones router(config)#snmp-server host public
Configuring the trap source is useful because routers, by definition, have multiple interfaces. This command allows you to send all your traps out through a particular interface. There may be times when you want to send only certain traps to your NMS. The next item sends only environmental monitor traps to the specified host, (the envmon option is not available on all Cisco devices):router(config)#snmp-server trap-source VLAN1
One of the most frightening SNMP sets is the Cisco shutdown, which lets you shut down the router from the NMS. The good news is that you have to include a switch in the configuration before the router will respond to shutdown commands. Issuing the following command disables shutdowns:router(config)#snmp-server host public envmon
To receive traps about authentication failures (something trying to poll your device with the wrong community name) add the following line:router(config)#no snmp-server system-shutdown
The final advanced configuration parameter is an access list. The first line sets up access list 15. It states that the IP address is permitted to access the agent. The second line says that anyone that passes access list 15 (i.e., a host with IP address and gives the community name notsopublic has read-only (RO) access to the agent. Access lists are a very powerful tool for controlling access to your network. They're beyond the scope of this book, but if you're not familiar with them, you should be.router(config)#snmp-server trap-authentication
That's it! You now have a working SNMP configuration for your Cisco router.router(config)#access-list 15 permit router(config)#snmp-server community notsopublic RO 15
You need to configure three distinct sections: Access Control, Trap Receiver, and System. To see a summary of the current SNMP settings, use the Summary submenu. This particular device allows us to specify four IP addresses for access control and four IP addresses to receive traps. The access control items allow you to configure the IP addresses of your management stations -- this is similar to the access lists we've seen in other devices, and is obviously basic to security. The UPS will reply only to queries from the IP addresses you have listed. Configuration is a bit awkward -- you need to go to a separate menu to configure each IP address. Here's what you'll see when configuring the Access Control 1 submenu:------- SNMP ------------------------------------------------------------ 1- Access Control 1 2- Access Control 2 3- Access Control 3 4- Access Control 4 5- Trap Receiver 1 6- Trap Receiver 2 7- Trap Receiver 3 8- Trap Receiver 4 9- System 10- Summary ?- Help <ENTER> Redisplay Menu <ESC> Return To Previous Menu >
The first part of the menu summarizes the state of access control. On this menu, we can change only the first item on the list. The special address is a wildcard -- it means that the UPS will respond to queries from any IP address. Although addresses 3 and 4 are set to, these addresses are currently disabled, and that's how we want to keep them. We want the UPS to respond only to the management stations we explicitly list. On this menu, we've configured items 1 (the community string), 2 (the access type), and 3 (the IP address). We've set the community string to public (not a choice you'd want in a real configuration), the access type to Read (allowing various SNMP get operations, but no set operations), and the NMS IP address to The net effect is that the UPS's SNMP agent will accept get requests from IP address with the community name public. When you are satisfied with the configuration, enter a 4 to accept your changes. To configure the second access control item, press Esc to return to the previous menu; then select 2. As you can see, we allow to perform set operations. We don't have any other management stations, so we've left items 3 and 4 disabled. Once the Access Control section is complete, you can start configuring traps. The Trap Receivers section is simply a list of NMSs that receive traps. As with Access Control, four trap receivers can be configured. To get to the first trap receiver, return to the SNMP menu and select menu 5. A typical trap receiver setup looks like this:------- Access Control 1 ------------------------------------------------ Access Control Summary # Community Access NMS IP ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 public Read 2 private Write 3 public2 Disabled 4 private2 Disabled 1- Community : public 2- Access Type : Read 3- NMS IP Address : 4- Accept Changes : ?- Help <ENTER> Redisplay Menu <ESC> Return To Previous Menu >
Once again, the first part of the menu is a summary of the trap receiver configuration. We've already set the first trap receiver to the address of our NMS, enabled trap generation, and enabled the generation of authentication traps -- as always, a good idea. The traps we generate will include the community string public. Note that trap receivers 2, 3, and 4 are set to On this menu, is not a wildcard; it's just an invalid address that means you haven't yet configured the trap receiver's IP address. It's basically the same as leaving the entry disabled. The final configuration items that should be set are on the System submenu, found under the SNMP main menu:------- Trap Receiver 1 ------------------------------------------------- Trap Receiver Summary # Community Generation Authentication Receiver NMS IP ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 public Enabled Enabled 2 public Enabled Enabled 3 public Enabled Enabled 4 public Enabled Enabled 1- Trap Community Name : public 2- Trap Generation : Enabled 3- Authentication Traps: Enabled 4- Receiver NMS IP : 5- Accept Changes : ?- Help <ENTER> Redisplay Menu <ESC> Return To Previous Menu >
After you have finished configuring all your SNMP parameters, use the Summary submenu for a quick look at what you have done. A typical setup will look something like this:------- System ---------------------------------------------------------- 1- sysName : ups1.ora.com 2- sysContact : Douglas Mauro 3- sysLocation : Apache Hilo Deck 4- Accept Changes : ?- Help <ENTER> Redisplay Menu <ESC> Return To Previous Menu >
Upon completion and verification, use the Esc key to take you all the way out to the Logout menu.------------------------------------------------------------------------- SNMP Configuration Summary sysName : ups1.ora.com sysLocation : Apache Hilo Deck sysContact : Douglas Mauro Access Control Summary # Community Access NMS IP ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 public Read 2 private Write 3 public2 Disabled 4 private2 Disabled Trap Receiver Summary # Community Generation Authentication Receiver NMS IP -------------------------------------------------------- 1 public Enabled Enabled 2 public Enabled Enabled 3 public Enabled Enabled 4 public Enabled Enabled Press <ENTER> to continue...
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