7.5. Secure Copy with scp
The secure copy program,
scp, obeys keywords in your client configuration
file just as
ssh does. In addition,
scp provides other features and options that
we'll cover in this section.
7.5.1. Full Syntax
So far,
we've described the syntax of
scp only in
general: [
Section 2.2.1, "File Transfer with scp"]
scp name-of-source name-of-destination
Each of the two names, or
path specifications, on
the command line represents files or directories in the following
manner (it is fairly consistent with the behavior of Unix
cp or
- If name-of-source is a file,
name-of-destination may be a file (existing or
not) or a directory (which must exist). In other words, a single file
may be copied to another file or into a directory.
- If name-of-source is two or more files, one or
more directories, or a combination,
name-of-destination must be an existing
directory into which the copy takes place.[106]
In other words, multiple files and directories may be copied only
into a directory.
name-of-source and
name-of-destination may have the following form
from left to right:
- The username of the account containing the file
or directory, followed by @. This part is optional and if omitted,
the value is the username of the user invoking
- The hostname of the host containing the file or
directory, followed by a colon. This part is optional if the path is
present, and the username isn't; if omitted, the value is
localhost. SSH2 permits an
optional TCP port number for the SSH connection to
be inserted between the hostname and the colon, preceded by a hash
- The directory path to the file or directory.
(Optional if the hostname is present.) Relative pathnames are assumed
relative to the default directory, which is the
current directory (for local paths) or the user's home
directory (for remote paths). If omitted entirely, the path is
assumed to be the default directory.
Although each field is optional, you can't omit them all at the
same time, yielding the empty string. Either the hostname (2) or the directory path (3) must be present. Some examples:
- MyFile
- The file . /MyFile on localhost
- MyDirectory
- The directory ./MyDirectory on
- .
- The current directory on localhost
- server.example.com:
- The directory ~username on server.example.com
- server.example.com
- A local file named "server.example.com" (oops: did you
forget the trailing colon -- a common mistake)
- server.example.com:MyFile
- The file MyFile in the remote user's home
directory on server.example.com
- bob@server.example.com:
- The directory ~bob on server.example.com
- bob@server.example.com
- A local file named "bob@server.example.com" (oops; forgot
the trailing colon again)
- bob@server.example.com:MyFile
- The file ~bob/MyFile on server.example.com
- server.example.com:dir/MyFile
- The file dir/MyFile in the remote user's
home directory on server.example.com
- server.example.com:/dir/MyFile
- The file /dir/MyFile on
server.example.com (note the absolute
- bob@server.example.com:dir/MyFile
- The file ~bob/dir/MyFile on server.example.com
- bob@server.example.com:/dir/MyFile
- The file /dir/MyFile on server.example.com (although you
authenticate as bob, the path is absolute)
- server.example.com#2000:
- The remote user's home directory on server.example.com, via TCP port 2000
(SSH2 only)
Here are a few complete examples:
$ scp myfile myfile2
A local copy just like cp
$ scp myfile bob@host1:
Copy . /myfile to ~bob on host1
$ scp bob@host1:myfile .
Copy ~bob/myfile on host1 to ./myfile
$ scp host1:file1 host2:file2
Copy file1 from host1 to file2 on
$ scp bob@host1:file1 jen@host2:file2
Same as above, but copying from bob's to jen's account
Table 7-3 summarizes the syntax of an
scp path.
Table 7-3. scp Path Specifications
Field |
Other Syntax |
Optional? |
Default for Local Host |
Default for Remote Host |
Username |
Followed by @ |
Yes |
Invoking user's username |
Invoking user's username |
Hostname |
Followed by : |
Only if username is omitted and path is present |
None, file is accessed locally |
N/A |
Port number [107] |
Preceded by # |
Yes |
22 |
22 |
Directory path |
N/A |
Only if hostname is present |
Current (invoking) directory |
Username's remote home directory |
[107]SSH2 only.
7.5.2. Handling of Wildcards
scp for SSH1 and OpenSSH has no special support
for wildcards in filenames. It simply lets the shell expand them:
$ scp *.txt server.example.com:
Watch out for wildcards in remote file specifications, as they are
evaluated on the local machine, not the remote. For example, this
attempt is likely to fail:
$ scp1 server.example.com:*.txt . Bad idea!
The Unix shell attempts to expand the wildcard before
scp1 is invoked, but the current directory
contains no filename matching "server.example.com:*.txt".
C shell and its derivatives will report "no match" and
not execute
scp1. Bourne-style shells, noticing no
match in the current directory, will pass the unexpanded wildcard to
scp1, and the copy may succeed as planned, but
this coincidental behavior shouldn't be relied on. Always
escape your wildcards so they are explicitly ignored by the shell and
passed to
$ scp1 server.example.com:\*.txt .
scp2 does its own regular expression matching
after shell-wildcard expansion is complete. The
sshregex manpage for SSH2 (see
Appendix A, "SSH2 Manpage for sshregex") describes the supported operators. Even so,
escape your wildcard characters if you want your local shell to leave
them alone.
7.5.3. Recursive Copy of Directories
Sometimes you want to copy not just a single file but a directory
hierarchy. In this case, use the
-r option, which
stands for recursive. If you are familiar with
rcp, its
-r option has the same
For example, to securely copy the directory
/usr/local/bin and all its files and
subdirectories to another machine:
# SSH1, SSH2, OpenSSH
$ scp -r /usr/local/bin server.example.com:
If you forget the
-r option when copying
scp complains:
$ scp /usr/local/bin server.example.com:
/usr/local/bin: not a regular file
scp can copy directories, it isn't
necessarily the best method. If your directory contains hard links or
soft links, they won't be duplicated. Links are copied as plain
files (the link targets), and worse, circular directory links cause
scp1 to loop indefinitely.
scp2 detects symbolic links and copies their
targets instead.) Other types of special files, such as named pipes,
also aren't copied correctly.
[108] A better solution is
to use
tar, which handles special files correctly,
and send it to the remote machine to be untarred, via SSH:
$ tar cf - /usr/local/bin | ssh server.example.com tar xf -
7.5.4. Preserving Permissions
scp copies files, the destination files are
created with certain file attributes. By default, the file
permissions adhere to a umask on the destination host, and the
modification and last access times will be the time of the copy.
Alternatively, you can tell
scp to duplicate the
permissions and timestamps of the original files. The
-p option accomplishes this:
# SSH1, SSH2, OpenSSH
$ scp -p myfile server.example.com:
For example, if you transfer your entire home directory to a remote
machine, you probably want to keep the file attributes the same as
the original:
$ scp -rp $HOME server.example.com:myhome/
7.5.5. Automatic Removal of Original File
After copying a file,
scp2 can optionally remove
the original if desired. The
-u command-line option
specifies this:
# SSH2 only
$ scp2 myfile server.example.com:
$ ls myfile
$ scp2 -u myfile server.example.com:
$ ls myfile
myfile: No such file or directory
If you've ever wanted a "secure move" command in
addition to secure copy, you can define one in terms of
$ alias smv='scp2 -u'
7.5.6. Safety Features
scp has two features to protect you from running
dangerous commands. Suppose you want to copy a local file
myfile to a remote directory. You type:
# SSH1, SSH2, OpenSSH
$ scp2 myfile server.example.com:mydir
$ rm myfile
Then you connect to
server.example.com and find, to your
horror, that
mydir was a file, not a directory,
and you just overwrote it! The
-d option prevents
this tragedy. If the destination isn't a directory,
scp complains and exits without copying the file.
# SSH1, SSH2, OpenSSH
$ scp2 -d myfile server.example.com:mydir
warning: Destination file is not a directory.
warning: Exiting.
This option is necessary only if you are copying a single file. If
you are copying multiple files or a directory, all the
scp implementations check by default that the
remote destination is a directory.
Another safety feature of
scp2 is the
-n option, which instructs the program to
describe its actions but not perform any copying. This is useful for
verifying the behavior of
scp2 before executing a
potentially risky command.
# SSH2 only
$ scp2 -n myfile server.example.com:
Not transferring myfile -> server.example.com:./myfile (1k)
7.5.7. Statistics Display
scp copies files, it may print
statistics about its progress. scp1 statistics
scp1, the statistics display is configurable
by command-line options and environment variables:
$ scp1 myfile* server.example.com:
myfile1 | 50 KB | 50.0 kB/s | ETA: 00:00:00 | 100%
myfile2 | 31 KB | 31.3 kB/s | ETA: 00:00:00 | 100%
myfile3 | 3 KB | 3.8 kB/s | ETA: 00:00:00 | 100%
For each file,
scp1 displays the name, the size,
the transfer rate, and a two-part progress meter about the
transmission. "ETA" (Estimated Time of Arrival) is the
estimated transfer time, and the final number is the percentage of
the file transmitted so far. While the file is transferring, the ETA
value counts down to zero and the percentage increases to 100, though
you can't see this on the printed page.
Although the statistics are informative, you might want to change or
disable them. For example, you might prefer to turn them off when
scp1 is part of a batch job that shouldn't
produce screen output.
This statistics display can be configured in several ways, using
command-line options and
environment variables (see
Table 7-4: note that command-line options take
precedence over environment variables).
Table 7-4. Controlling Statistics in scp1
Desired Outcome |
Using Options |
Setting Environment Variables |
No output [112] |
scp1 -q |
Output, but not file-by-file |
scp1 -Q
-A |
Output file-by-file |
scp1 -Q
-a |
[112]Also works for OpenSSH's
scp client.
First, you may control the presence or absence of statistics at all.
This is done with the options
-q and
-Q, or the environment variables
To disable statistics, use either of the following:
# SSH1, OpenSSH
$ scp -q myfile server.example.com:
# SSH1 only
$ setenv SSH_NO_SCP_STATS 1
$ scp1 myfile server.example.com:
To enable statistics, use either of these:
# SSH1 only
$ scp1 -Q myfile server.example.com:
# SSH1 only
$ setenv SSH_SCP_STATS 1
$ scp1 myfile server.example.com:
If statistics are enabled, you may also choose to print file-by-file
statistics. This is done with the options
-a and
-A, or the environment variables
To print file-by-file statistics, use either of these:
# SSH1 only
$ scp1 -Q -a myfile server.example.com:
# SSH1 only
$ setenv SSH_ALL_SCP_STATS 1
$ scp1 myfile server.example.com:
or to print a single, cumulative statistic:
# SSH1 only
$ scp1 -Q -A myfile server.example.com:
# SSH1 only
$ scp1 myfile server.example.com: scp2 statistics
The statistics display for
scp2 is configurable as
well, but as of SSH2 2.1.0, this information is missing from the
manpage. By default, the statistics display is enabled, and
there's no compile-time option like SSH1's
-- with-scp-stats to disable
it. The display looks different from that of
$ scp2 myfile* server.example.com:
Transfering myfile1 -> server.example.com:./myfile1 (50k)
51200 bytes transferred in 1.00 seconds [50.0 kB/sec].
Transfering myfile2 -> server.example.com:./myfile2 (30k)
31744 bytes transferred in 1.03 seconds [31.3 kB/sec].
Transfering myfile3 -> server.example.com:./myfile3 (3k)
3068 bytes transferred in 0.79 seconds [3.8 kB/sec].
The progress indicators (dotted lines) change as the files are
transferred, but frankly we find them unintuitive. To suppress the
statistics display, use the
-Q command-line
option (yes, it has the opposite meaning of SSH1's
-Q option):
$ scp2 -Q myfile server.example.com:
7.5.8. Locating the ssh Executable
To copy files securely,
scp invokes
ssh internally. Therefore,
needs to know where the
ssh executable resides on
disk. Normally, the path to
ssh is made known to
scp at compile time (by the compile-time flag
-- prefix), but you can
specify the path manually if you like. [
Section, "Installation, files, and directories"]
For instance, you can test a new version of
with an old version of
scp. The command-line
-S specifies the path:
# SSH1, SSH2
$ scp -S /usr/alternative/bin/ssh myfile server.example.com:
7.5.9. For Internal Use Only
scp for SSH1 and OpenSSH has two undocumented
-t and
-f, for internal
use. Most likely you will never need to use them explicitly. They
scp of the direction of the copy: from the
local to the remote machine, or from remote to local. The
-t option means copying to a remote machine and
-f means copying from a remote machine.
Whenever you invoke
scp, it invisibly runs a
scp process on the remote host that
includes either
-t or
-f on its
command line. You can see this if you run
scp in
verbose mode. If copying from the local to the remote machine, you
$ scp -v myfile server.example.com:
Executing: host server.example.com, ..., command scp -v -t .
On the other hand, if you copy from the remote to the local machine,
you see:
$ scp -v server.example.com:myfile .
Executing: host server.example.com, ..., command scp -v -f .
Again, it's likely you'll never use these options, but
they're useful to know when reading
scp's output in verbose mode. Also, the
scp2 manpage mentions them, so it's good to
understand what they are.
 |  |  |
7.4. Client Configuration in Depth |  | 7.6. Summary |