system designed to operate securely in an environment where networks
may be monitored and user workstations aren't under central
control. [
] It was developed as part of
Project Athena, a wide-ranging research and development effort
carried out at MIT between 1983 and 1991, funded primarily by IBM and
Digital Equipment Corporation. Project Athena contributed many other
pieces of technology to the computing world, including the well-known
X Window System.
Kerberos is very different in character and design from SSH; each
includes features and services the other lacks. In this study, we
compare the two systems in detail, and then discuss how to combine
them to obtain the advantages of both. If your site already uses
Kerberos, you can add SSH while maintaining your existing account
base and authentication infrastructure. (
shows where Kerberos fits into the scheme of SSH configuration.) If
you aren't using Kerberos, its advantages may also be
compelling enough to motivate you to install it, especially for large
computing environments.
There are two versions of the Kerberos protocol, Kerberos-4 and
Kerberos-5. Free reference implementations of both are available from
Kerberos-5 is the current version, and Kerberos-4 is no longer
actively developed at MIT. Even so, Kerberos-4 is still in use in
many contexts, especially bundled into commercial systems (e.g., Sun
Solaris, Transarc AFS). SSH1 supports Kerberos-5, and OpenSSH/1
supports Kerberos-4. The current draft of the SSH-2 protocol
doesn't yet define a Kerberos authentication method, but as
this book went to press SSH 2.3.0 was released with
"experimental" Kerberos-5 support, which we haven't
covered here (but which should work substantially as described with
11.4.1. Comparing SSH and Kerberos
While they solve many of
the same problems, Kerberos and SSH are very different systems. SSH
is a lightweight, easily deployed package, designed to work on
existing systems with minimal changes. Kerberos, in contrast,
requires you to establish a significant infrastructure before use. Infrastructure
Let's consider an
example: allowing users to create secure sessions between two
machines. With SSH, you simply install the SSH client on the first
machine and the server on the second, start the server, and
you're ready to go. Kerberos, however, requires the following
administrative tasks:
- Establish at least one Kerberos
Key Distribution Center
(KDC) host. The KDCs are central to the Kerberos system and must be
heavily secured; typically they run nothing but the KDC, don't
allow remote login access, and are kept in a physically secure
location.[139] Kerberos
can't operate without a KDC, so it is wise to establish backup
or "slave" KDCs also, which then must be synchronized
periodically with the master. A KDC host might also run a remote
administration server, a credentials-conversion server for Kerberos-4
compatibility in a Kerberos-5 installation, and other server programs
depending on your needs.
- For each Kerberos user, add an account (or "user
principal") to the KDC database.
- For each application server that will use Kerberos to authenticate
clients, add an account (or "service principal") to the
KDC database. A separate principal is required for each server on
each host.
- Distribute the service principal cryptographic keys in files on their
respective hosts.
- Write a sitewide Kerberos configuration file (
) and install it on all hosts.
- Install Kerberos-aware applications. Unlike SSH, Kerberos isn't
transparent to TCP applications. For example, you might install a
version of telnet that uses Kerberos to provide a
strongly authenticated, encrypted remote login session similar to
that of ssh.
- Deploy a clock-synchronization system such as Network Time Protocol
(NTP). Kerberos relies on timestamps for proper operation.
Clearly, deploying Kerberos requires much more work and more changes
to existing systems than SSH does. Integrating with other applications
Another difference between SSH and Kerberos
is their intended use. SSH is a set of programs that work together
via the SSH protocol, designed to use in combination with existing
applications with minimal changes. Consider programs like CVS [
Section, "Example: CVS and $LOGNAME "] and Pine [
Section 11.3, "Pine, IMAP, and SSH"] that
invoke the insecure
rsh program internally to run
remote programs. If configured to use
ssh instead
rsh, the program's remote connections
become secure; the introduction of
ssh is
transparent to the program and its remote partner. Alternatively, if
an application makes a direct network connection to a TCP service,
SSH port forwarding can secure that connection simply by telling the
application to use a different server address and port.
Kerberos, on the other hand, is designed as an authentication
infrastructure, together with a set of programming
[140] The libraries are for adding Kerberos
authentication and encryption to existing applications; this process
is called
kerberizing the application. The MIT
Kerberos distribution comes with a set of common, kerberized
services, including secure versions of
su, etc. Security of authenticators
extra complexity of Kerberos provides properties and capabilities
that SSH doesn't. One major win of Kerberos is its transmission
and storage of authenticators (i.e., passwords, secret keys, etc.).
To demonstrate this advantage, let's compare Kerberos's
ticket system with SSH's password and
public-key authentication.
SSH password authentication requires your password each time you log
in, and it is sent across the network each time. The password
isn't vulnerable during transmission, of course, since SSH
encrypts the network connection. However, it does arrive at the other
side and exist in plaintext inside the SSH server long enough for
authentication to occur, and if the remote host has been compromised,
an adversary has an opportunity to obtain your password.
SSH cryptographic authentication, on the other hand, may require you
to store your private keys on each client host, and you must have
authorization files in each server account you want to access. This
presents security and distribution problems. A stored key is
protected by encryption with a passphrase, but having it stored at
all on generally accessible hosts is a weakness Kerberos
doesn't have. An adversary who steals your encrypted key may
subject it to an offline dictionary attack to try to guess your
passphrase. If successful, your adversary has access to your accounts
until you notice and change all your key and authorization files.
This change may be time-consuming and error-prone if you have several
accounts on different machines, and if you miss one, you're in
ensures that a user's password
[141] travels as
little as possible and is never stored outside the KDC. When a user
identifies herself to the Kerberos system, the identifying program
uses her password for an exchange with the KDC, then immediately
erases it, never having sent it over the network in any form nor
stored it on disk. A client program that subsequently wants to use
Kerberos for authentication sends a "ticket," a few bytes
of data cached on disk by
kinit, which convinces a
kerberized server of the user's identity. Tickets are cached in
files readable only by their users, of course, but even if they are
stolen, they are of limited use: tickets expire after a set amount of
time, typically a few hours, and they are specific to a particular
client/server/service combination.
A stolen Kerberos ticket cache can be the target of a dictionary
attack, but with an important difference: user passwords aren't
present. The keys in the cache belong to server principals, and
moreover, they are typically generated randomly and hence less
vulnerable to a dictionary attack than user passwords. Sensitive keys
are stored only on the KDCs, under the theory that it is much easier
to effectively secure a small set of limited-use machines, rather
than a large set of heterogeneous, multipurpose servers and
workstations over which the administrator may have little control.
Much of Kerberos's complexity results from this philosophy. Account administration
Kerberos also serves other functions
beyond the scope of SSH. Its centralized user account database can
unify those of disparate operating systems, so you may administer one
set of accounts instead of keeping multiple sets synchronized.
Kerberos supports access control lists and user policies for closely
defining which principals are allowed to do what; this is
authorization, as opposed to authentication. Finally, a Kerberos
service area is divided into realms, each with its own KDC and set of
user accounts. These realms can be arranged hierarchically, and
administrators can establish trust relationships between parent/child
or peer realms, allowing automatic cross-authentication between them. Performance
authentication is generally faster than SSH public-key
authentication. This is because Kerberos usually employs DES or 3DES,
whereas SSH uses public-key cryptography, which is much slower in
software than any symmetric cipher. This difference may be
significant if your application needs to make many short-lived secure
network connections and isn't running on the fastest hardware.
To sum up: Kerberos is a system of broader scope than SSH, providing
authentication, encryption, key distribution, account management, and
authorization services. It requires substantial expertise and
infrastructure to deploy and requires significant changes to an
existing environment for use. SSH addresses fewer needs, but has
features that Kerberos installations typically don't, such as
port forwarding. SSH is much more easily and quickly deployed and is
more useful for securing existing applications with minimal
11.4.2. Using Kerberos with SSH
Kerberos is an authentication and authorization (AA) system. SSH is a
remote-login tool that performs AA as part of its operation, and one
AA system it can use is (you guessed it) Kerberos. If your site
already uses Kerberos, its combination with SSH is compelling, since
you can apply your existing infrastructure of principals and access
controls to SSH.
Even if you're not already using Kerberos, you might want to
roll it out together with SSH as an integrated solution because of
the advantages Kerberos provides. By itself, the most flexible SSH
authentication method is public-key with an agent. Passwords are
annoying and limited because of the need to type them repeatedly, and
the trusted-host method isn't appropriate or secure enough for
many situations. Unfortunately, the public-key method incurs
substantial administrative overhead: users must generate, distribute,
and maintain their keys, as well as manage their various SSH
authorization files. For a large site with many nontechnical users,
this can be a big problem, perhaps a prohibitive one. Kerberos
provides the key-management features SSH is missing. SSH with
Kerberos behaves much like public-key authentication: it provides
cryptographic authentication that doesn't give away the
user's password, and the ticket cache gives the same advantages
as the key agent, allowing for single sign-on. But there are no keys
to generate, authorization files to set up, or configuration files to
edit; Kerberos takes care of all this automatically.
There are some disadvantages.
First of all, only the Unix SSH packages have Kerberos support; we
know of no Windows or Macintosh products containing it. Only the
SSH-1 protocol currently supports Kerberos, although there is work in
progress in the SECSH working group to add Kerberos to SSH-2. Second,
public-key authentication is tied to other important features of SSH,
such as forced commands in the authorization file, that can't
be used with Kerberos authentication. This is an unfortunate artifact
of the way Unix SSH has evolved. Of course, you can still use
public-key authentication as needed. You may find the access controls
of Kerberos adequate for most needs and use public-key for a few
situations in which you need finer-grained control.
In the following sections, we explain how to use the SSH Kerberos
support. If your site has a kerberized SSH installed, this should be
enough to get you going. We can't discuss all the gory detail
of building a Kerberos infrastructure, but we do give a quick outline
of how to set up Kerberos from scratch, if you have your own systems
and want to try it. However, these are just hints, and the
description is incomplete. If you're going to use, install, and
manage kerberized SSH, you need a more complete understanding of
Kerberos than you will get here. A good place to start is:
11.4.3. A Brief Introduction to Kerberos-5
this section, we introduce the important concepts of principals,
tickets, and ticket-granting-tickets (TGTs), and follow them with a
practical example. Principals and tickets
can authenticate a user or a piece of software providing or
requesting a service. These entities have names, called
that consist of three parts: a name, an instance, and a realm,
notated as
name/instance@REALM.[142] Specifically:
- The
commonly corresponds to a username for the host operating system.
- The
which may be null, typically distinguishes between the same name in
different roles. For example, the user res might have a normal,
user-level principal res@REALM (note the null instance), but he could have a second principal with special
privileges, res/admin@REALM, for
his role as a system administrator.
- The
is an administrative division identifying a single instance of the
Kerberos principal database (that is, a list of principals under
common administrative control). Each host is assigned a realm, and
this identification is relevant to authorization decisions, which we
discuss shortly. Realms are always uppercase, by convention.
As we've discussed, Kerberos is based on
If you want to use a network service -- say, the
telnet server on a host, to log in
remotely -- you must obtain a ticket for that service from the
Kerberos Key Distribution
Center, or KDC. The ticket contains an authenticator, proving your
identity to the software providing the service. Since both you and
the service must be identified to the KDC, both must have principals.
The system administrator establishes principals by adding them to the
KDC database. Each principal has a secret key, known only to the
principal owner and to the KDC; the operation of the Kerberos
protocol is based on this fact. For instance, when you request a
ticket for a service, the KDC gives you some bits that have been
encrypted with the secret key of the service. Therefore, only the
intended service can decrypt and verify the ticket. Moreover, a
successful decryption proves that the KDC issued the ticket, since
only the service and the KDC know the service's secret key.
For a user principal, the secret key is derived from the user's
Kerberos password. Service principal keys are usually stored in the
on the host where the service runs, and the service calls a Kerberos
library routine to read the file and extract its secret key.
Obviously this file must be protected from general read access, since
anyone who can read it can impersonate the service. Obtaining credentials with kinit
Let's use an example to get a practical look at Kerberos.
Suppose you are on a Unix host spot in the realm FIDO, and you want
to use kerberized
telnet to log into another host,
rover. First, you obtain Kerberos credentials by
running the command
[res@spot res]$ kinit
Password for res@FIDO
: *********
kinit assumes that since your username is res
and the host spot is in the realm FIDO, you want to obtain
credentials for the principal res@FIDO. If you had wanted a
different principal, you could have supplied it as an argument to
kinit. Listing credentials with klist
Having successfully gotten your credentials with
kinit, you can examine them with the
klist command, which lists all tickets you
have obtained:
[res@spot res]$ klist
Ticket cache: /tmp/krb5cc_84629
Default principal: res@FIDO
Valid starting Expires Service principal
07/09/00 23:35:03 07/10/00 09:35:03 krbtgt/FIDO@FIDO
So far, you have only one ticket, for the service
krbtgt/FIDO@FIDO. This is your
Kerberos TGT, and it is your initial credential: proof to be
presented later to the KDC that you have successfully authenticated
yourself as res@FIDO. Note that the
TGT has a validity period: it expires in 10 hours. After that, you
must do another
kinit to reauthenticate
yourself. Running a kerberized application
gotten your credentials, you now
telnet to the
remote host:
[res@spot res]$ telnet -a rover
Connected to rover (
Escape character is '^]'.
[Kerberos V5 accepts you as "res@FIDO"]
Last login: Sun Jul 9 16:06:45 from spot
You have new mail.
[res@rover res]$
-a option to this kerberized
telnet client tells it to do auto-login: that is,
it attempts to negotiate Kerberos authentication with the remote
side. It succeeds: the remote side accepts your Kerberos
identification, and allows you to log in without providing a
password. If you return to spot and do a
klist, you will see what
[res@spot res]$ klist
Ticket cache: /tmp/krb5cc_84629
Default principal: res@FIDO
Valid starting Expires Service principal
07/09/00 23:35:03 07/10/00 09:35:03 krbtgt/FIDO@FIDO
07/09/00 23:48:10 07/10/00 09:35:03 host/rover@FIDO
Note that you now have a second ticket, for the service "
host/rover@FIDO". This
principal is used for remote login and command execution services on
the host rover, such as kerberized
rsh, etc. When you ran
telnet -a rover, the
client requested a ticket for host/rover@FIDO from the KDC,
supplying your TGT with the request. The KDC validated the TGT,
verifying that you had recently identified yourself as
res@FIDO , and issued the ticket.
telnet stored the new ticket in your Kerberos
ticket cache, so that the next time you connect to rover, you can
just use the cached ticket instead of contacting the KDC again (at
least, until the ticket expires). It then presented the host/rover@FIDO ticket to the
telnet server, which verified it and in turn
believed that the client had been identified as res@FIDO to the KDC. Authorization
So far we've taken care of authentication, but what about
telnet server on rover believes that you are res@FIDO, but why should res@FIDO be allowed to log in? This
comes back to the host/realm correspondence we've mentioned.
Section, "Obtaining credentials with kinit"] Since you didn't specify
otherwise, the
telnet client told the server that
you wanted to log into the account res on rover. (You could have
changed that with
telnet -l username.) Since rover
is also in the realm FIDO, Kerberos applies a default authorization
rule: if host H is in realm R, the Kerberos principal u@R is allowed
access to the account u@H. Using this default rule
implies that the system administrators are managing the
correspondence between operating system (OS) usernames and Kerberos
principals. If you had tried to log into your friend Bob's
account instead, here's what would have happened:
[res@spot res]$ telnet -a -l bob rover
Connected to rover (
Escape character is '^]'.
[Kerberos V5 accepts you as "res@FIDO"]
telnetd: Authorization failed.
Note that authentication was still successful: the
telnet server accepted you as res@FIDO. The authorization
decision failed, though: Kerberos decided that the principal res@FIDO was not allowed to access
the account bob@rover . Bob can allow
you to log into his account by creating the file
and placing a line in it containing your principal name, res@FIDO. He would also have to
place his own principal in there, since if a
.k5login file exists, it overrides the default
authorization rule, and Bob would be unable to log into his own
account. So Bob's authorization file would look like this:
11.4.4. Kerberos-5 in SSH1
To enable
Kerberos support in SSH1, compile it
-- with-kerberos5. [
Section, "Authentication"] If your Kerberos support files (libraries and
C header files) aren't in a standard place and
configure can't find them, you can tell it
where to look using:
# SSH1 only
$ configure ... --with-kerberos5=/path/to/kerberos ...
Two notes on doing this build:
- The MIT Kerberos-5 Release 1.1 renamed the library
libcrypto.a to
libk5crypto.a, and the SSH1 build files have not
been updated to reflect this. You can either alter the SSH1 Makefile,
or just use:
# cd your_Kerberos_library_directory
# ln -s libk5crypto.a libcrypto.a
- The routine krb5_xfree( ) , used in
auth-kerberos.c, also appears to have
disappeared in 1.1. Replacing all occurrences of
krb5_xfree with
xfree appears to work.
If you compile in Kerberos support, the resulting SSH programs work
only on a system with Kerberos installed, even if you aren't
using Kerberos authentication. The programs will likely refer to
Kerberos shared libraries that must be present for the programs to
run. Also, SSH performs Kerberos initialization on startup and
expects a valid host Kerberos configuration file (
/etc/krb5.conf ).
After installation, we recommend setting the serverwide configuration
/etc/sshd_config to "yes" for
clarity, even though it is on by default:
# SSH1 only
KerberosAuthentication yes
Additionally, the host/server@REALM principal must be in the KDC database, and its key must be stored in
/etc/krb5.keytab on the server.
Once running with Kerberos support, SSH1 operates essentially as we
described for kerberized
Figure 11-12 illustrates the process. [
Section, "Running a kerberized application"] On the client, simply run
kinit to obtain your Kerberos TGT, and then try
ssh -v. If Kerberos authentication succeeds, you
will see:
$ ssh -v server
server: Trying Kerberos V5 authentication.
server: Kerberos V5 authentication accepted.
and in the server log:
Kerberos authentication accepted joe@REALM for login to account joe from client_host
Figure 11-12. SSH with Kerberos authentication
As with
telnet, if you want to allow someone else
to log into your account using Kerberos and
-l your_username, you
must create a
~/.k5login file and place their
principal name in it, along with your own. Kerberos password authentication
Kerberos authentication
is enabled in the SSH server, password authentication changes in
behavior. Passwords are now validated by Kerberos instead of the host
operating system. This behavior is usually desired in a fully
kerberized environment, where local passwords might not be usable at
all. In a mixed environment, however, it may be useful to have SSH
fall back on the operating system (OS) password if Kerberos
validation fails. The SSH server option that controls this feature is
# SSH1, OpenSSH
KerberosOrLocalPasswd yes
This fallback is useful as a fail-safe: if the KDC isn't
functioning, you can still authenticate by your OS password (although
public-key would be a stronger failsafe authentication method).
Another feature of kerberized password authentication is that
sshd stores your TGT upon login, so you
don't need to run
kinit and retype your
password to get Kerberos credentials on the remote host. Kerberos and NAT
SSH is
frequently used across
firewalls, and these days such a
boundary often includes network address translation. Unfortunately,
Kerberos has a serious problem with NAT. Kerberos tickets usually
include a list of IP addresses from which they are allowed to be
used; that is, the client presenting the ticket must be transmitting
from one of those addresses. By default,
requests a TGT limited to the IP addresses of the host it's
running on. You can see this with the
-a option to
klist :
[res@spot res]$ klist -a -n
Ticket cache: /tmp/krb5cc_84629
Default principal: res@FIDO
Valid starting Expires Service principal
07/09/00 23:35:03 07/10/00 09:35:03 krbtgt/FIDO@FIDO
07/09/00 23:48:10 07/10/00 09:35:03 host/rover@FIDO
-n switch tells
klist to
display the addresses by number, rather than translating them to
names.) Host spot 's IP address is, and so the KDC
issues the TGT limited to use from that address. If spot has multiple
network interfaces or addresses, they are listed here as well. When
you obtain subsequent service tickets based on this TGT, they are
also limited to the same set of addresses.
Now, imagine you connect to an SSH server on the other side of a NAT
gateway, which is rewriting your (the client's) IP address, but
the KDC is inside the NAT boundary, with you.
When you obtain the service ticket from the KDC, it contains your
real IP address. The SSH server, however, sees your NAT'd
address as the source of the connection, notes that this
doesn't match the address encoded in the ticket, and refuses
authentication. In this case,
ssh -v reports:
Trying Kerberos V5 authentication.
Kerberos V5: failure on credentials (Incorrect net address).
Figure 11-13 illustrates this problem. It has no good
solution at the moment. One workaround is the undocumented
kinit -A
switch, which causes
kinit to request a ticket
no addresses in it at all. This trick
decreases security, because a stolen ticket cache can then easily be
used from anywhere, but it gets around the problem.
Figure 11-13. Kerberos and NAT Cross-realm authentication
Kerberos realms are distinct
collections of principals under separate administrative control. For
instance, you might have two departments, Sales and Engineering, that
don't trust each other (just for the sake of example, of
course). The Sales people don't want any of those weird
Engineers to be able to create accounts in their space, and
Engineering certainly doesn't want any sales-droids mucking
about with their logins. So you create two Kerberos realms, SALES and
ENGINEERING, and have their respective administrators deal with
account management in each realm.
The catch is, of course, that Sales and Engineering do need to work
together. Sales guys need to log into Engineering machines to try out
new products, and Engineering needs access to Sales desktops to fix
the problems they constantly get into. Suppose Erin the engineer
needs Sam from Sales to access her account on an Engineering machine,
erin@bulwark . She can place
Sam's principal name in her Kerberos authorization file, like
However, this won't work. To log in, Sam needs a service ticket
for host/bulwark@ENGINEERING. Only
a KDC for the ENGINEERING realm can issue such a ticket, but an
ENGINEERING KDC won't know the principal
sam@SALES . In general, an ENGINEERING
host has no way of authenticating a principal from the SALES realm.
It looks as if Sam will need a principal in the ENGINEERING domain as
well, but this poor solution violates the whole idea of having
separate realms. It's also cumbersome, since Sam would have to
do another
kinit each time he wants to access
resources in a different realm.
The solution to this problem is called
authentication. First, both realms must be described in
/etc/krb5.conf files on all machines in both
realms; Kerberos knows only those realms listed in the configuration
file. Then the administrators of the two realms establish a shared
secret key between them, called a cross-realm key. The key is
realized as a common key for two specially named principals, one in
each realm. The key has a direction, and its existence allows one KDC
to issue a TGT for the other realm; the other KDC can verify that
this TGT was issued by its trusted peer realm using the shared key.
With one cross-realm key in place, authentication in one realm
provides a verifiable identity in the other realm as well. If the
trust is symmetric -- that is, if each realm should trust the
other -- then two cross-realm keys are needed, one for each
Hierarchical Realms in Kerberos-5
For a large number of realms, the system as described quickly becomes
unwieldy. If you want cross-realm trust between all of them, you must
manually establish cross-realm keys for each pair of realms.
Kerberos-5 supports hierarchical realms to address this problem. A
realm name containing dots, such as ENGINEERING.BIGCORP.COM, implies
the (possible) existence of realms BIGCORP.COM and COM. When
attempting cross-realm authentication from SALES.BIGCORP.COM to
ENGINEERING.BIGCORP.COM, if Kerberos doesn't find a direct
cross-realm key, it attempts to navigate up and then down the realm
hierarchy, following a chain of cross-realm relations to the target
realm. That is, if there are cross-realm keys from SALES.BIGCORP.COM
cross-realm authentication from SALES to ENGINEERING succeeds without
needing an explicit cross-realm setup between them. This allows for
scalable, complete, cross-realm relationships among a large
collection of realms.
Note that Sam doesn't have a second principal now, sam@ENGINEERING. Rather, an
ENGINEERING KDC can now verify that Sam was authenticated as sam@SALES by a SALES KDC and can
therefore use the principal sam@SALES in authorization
decisions. When Sam tries to log into bulwark using SSH, Kerberos
notices that the target machine is in a different realm from
Sam's principal and automatically uses the appropriate
cross-realm key to obtain another TGT for him in the ENGINEERING
realm. Kerberos then uses that to obtain a service ticket
authenticating sam@SALES to
sshd on bulwark reads
~/.k5login file, sees that sam@SALES is allowed access, and
permits the login.
That's the basic idea. However, when SSH enters the picture,
cross-realm authentication can fail due to a confusing catch. Suppose
Sam uses bulwark so often that he's given an account there. The
sysadmin puts "sam@SALES" into
bulwark:~sam/.k5login, so that Sam can log in there with his SALES credentials. But, it doesn't
work. Even with everything set up correctly so that cross-realm
telnet works, SSH Kerberos
authentication still fails for him. Even more mysteriously, every
other form of authentication starts failing as well. Sam had
public-key authentication set up and working before, and you'd
expect it to try Kerberos, fail, then try public-key and succeed. But
all the public-key attempts fail, too. Sam won't get much of a
hint of what the problem is unless password authentication is turned
on, and SSH eventually tries it:
[sam@sales sam]$ ssh -v bulwark
Trying Kerberos V5 authentication.
Kerberos V5 authentication failed.
Connection to authentication agent opened.
Trying RSA authentication via agent with 'Sam's personal key'
Server refused our key.
Trying RSA authentication via agent with 'Sam's work key'
Server refused our key.
Doing password authentication.
sam@SALES@bulwarks's password:
That last prompt doesn't look right at all: "sam@SALES@bulwark"?
There's another hint from
sshd -d:
Connection attempt for sam@SALES from sales
SSH is mistakenly using the principal name as if it were the account
name -- as if Sam had typed,
ssh -l sam@SALES
bulwark. Of course, there's no account named "sam@SALES"; there's one
named "sam ". And in fact,
the quick fix for this problem is for Sam to specify his username
explicitly, with
ssh -l sam bulwark, even though
this seems redundant.
The reason for this odd problem is a Kerberos-5 feature that SSH
employs, called
mapping (authentication name to local name mapping).
Kerberos can be used with a variety of operating systems, some of
whose notions of a username don't correspond easily with
Kerberos principal names. Perhaps the usernames allow characters that
are illegal in principal names, or there are multiple operating
systems with conflicting username syntaxes. Or perhaps when you merge
two existing networks, you find username conflicts among existing
accounts, so that the principal
must translate to the
account res on some systems, but rsilverman on others. The Kerberos-5
designers thought it would be good if Kerberos could automate
handling this problem itself, and so they included the aname

lname facility for translating principals to the correct local
account names in various contexts.
SSH1 uses aname

lname. When doing Kerberos authentication,
the SSH1 client supplies the principal name as the target account
name by default, rather than the current local account name (that is,
it behaves as if Sam had typed
ssh -l sam@SALES
bulwark). The server in turn applies the aname

lname mapping to this, to turn it into a local account name. When the
principal name and the server host are in the same realm, this works
automatically, because there is a default aname

lname rule
that maps
"user" if REALM is the host's REALM. However, Sam
is doing cross-realm authentication, and so the two realms are
different: his principal is
, but the server's
realm is ENGINEERING. So the aname

lname mapping fails, and
sshd goes ahead with using "sam@SALES" as the local
account name. Since there is no account with that name, every form of
authentication is guaranteed to fail.
The system administrators of the ENGINEERING realm can fix this
problem by configuring an aname

lname mapping for SALES. As
it happens, though, the aname

lname facility in MIT
Kerberos-5 Release 1.1.1 appears to be unfinished. It's almost
entirely undocumented and includes references to utilities and files
that don't appear to exist. However, we did manage to uncover
enough information to give one example solution. From the comments in
the source file
src/lib/krb5/os/an_to_ln.c, we
devised the following "auth_to_local" statements that can
fix Sam's problem:
kdc =
admin_server =
default_domain =
auth_to_local = RULE:[1:$1]
auth_to_local = RULE:[2:$1]
auth_to_local = DEFAULT
These rules cause the aname

lname function on this host to
map principals of the form foo@REALM or foo/bar@REALM
to the username
"foo" for all realms, as well as applying the default
translation rule for the host's realm. TGT forwarding
Recall that Kerberos
tickets are normally issued to be usable only from the requesting
host. If you do a
kinit on spot, then use SSH to
log into rover, you are now stuck as far as Kerberos is concerned. If
you want to use some Kerberos service on rover, you must run another
kinit, because your credentials cache is stored on spot. And it
won't help to copy the credentials cache file from spot to
rover because the TGT won't be valid there; you need one issued
for rover. If you do another
kinit, your password
is safe traveling over the network through SSH, but this is still not
a single sign-on, and it's annoying.
SSH has an analogous problem with public-key authentication and
solves it with agent forwarding. [
Section 6.3.5, "Agent Forwarding"]
Similarly, Kerberos-5 solves it with
forwarding. The SSH client asks the KDC to issue a TGT
valid on the server host, based on the client's holding an
existing valid TGT. When it receives the new TGT, the client passes
it to
sshd, which stores it in the remote
account's Kerberos credentials cache. If successful,
you'll see this message in the output from
ssh -v
Trying Kerberos V5 TGT passing.
Kerberos V5 TGT passing was successful.
and a
klist on the remote host shows the forwarded
In order to use TGT forwarding, you must compile SSH with the switch
-- enable-kerberos-tgt-passing.
You must also request a forwardable TGT with
kinit -f
; otherwise, you see:
Kerberos V5 krb5_fwd_tgt_creds failure (KDC can't fulfill requested option) SSH1 Kerberos ticket-cache bug
Prior to Version 1.2.28, SSH1
had a serious flaw in its Kerberos ticket cache handling. Under some
circumstances SSH1 mistakenly set the KRB5CCNAME environment variable
on the remote side to the string "none". This variable
controls where the ticket cache is stored. The ticket cache contains
sensitive information; anyone who steals your ticket cache can
impersonate you for the lifetime of its tickets. Normally, the ticket
cache file is kept in
/tmp, which is reliably
local to each machine. Setting KRB5CCNAME to
means that when the user does a
kinit, the ticket
cache is established in a file named
none in the
current working directory. This directory can easily be an NFS
filesystem, allowing the tickets to be stolen by network snooping. Or
it can be an inappropriate spot in the filesystem, perhaps one where
inherited ACLs give someone else the right to read the file,
regardless of the ownership and permissions set by SSH.
Don't use Kerberos authentication in SSH1 versions earlier than
This bug was fixed by SSH Communications Security in Version 1.2.28
in response to our bug report. Note that this problem occurs if SSH1
is compiled with Kerberos support, even if Kerberos authentication
isn't in use for the session at hand. The OpenSSH Kerberos-4
code has never had this bug. Kerberos-5 setup notes
we present an abbreviated "quick-start" menu of steps to
set up a working, one-host Kerberos system from scratch, using the
MIT Kerberos-5 distribution Version 1.1.1. This is far from complete
and might be wrong or misleading for some environments or builds.
It's just meant to get you started, if you want to give
Kerberos a try. Suppose the local host's name is, and your chosen realm
name is FOO, and your username is "fred":
- Compile and install krb5-1.1.1. We complied with
-- localstatedir=/var so the KDC
database files go under /var.
- Run:
$ mkdir /var/krb5kdc
- Install an
/etc/krb5.conf file as follows. Note the log files;
these will be useful to examine later in case of problems (or just
for information):
ticket_lifetime = 600
default_realm = FOO
default_tkt_enctypes = des-cbc-crc
default_tgs_enctypes = des-cbc-crc
FOO = {
kdc =
admin_server =
default_domain =
[domain_realm] = FOO = FOO
kdc = FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc.log
admin_server = FILE:/var/log/kadmin.log
default = FILE:/var/log/krb5lib.log
Install a file /var/krb5kdc/kdc.conf like this:
kdc_ports = 88,750
FOO = {
database_name = /var/krb5kdc/principal
admin_keytab = /var/krb5kdc/kadm5.keytab
acl_file = /var/krb5kdc/kadm5.acl
dict_file = /var/krb5kdc/kadm5.dict
key_stash_file = /var/krb5kdc/.k5.FOO
kadmind_port = 749
max_life = 10h 0m 0s
max_renewable_life = 7d 0h 0m 0s
master_key_type = des-cbc-crc
supported_enctypes = des-cbc-crc:normal des-cbc-crc:v4
- Run:
$ kdb5_util create
This creates the KDC principal database in
/var/krb5kdc. You are prompted for the KDC
master key, a password the KDC needs to operate. The key is stored in
/var/krb5kdc/.k5.FOO, which allows the KDC
software to start without human intervention but which is obviously
not wise unless the KDC machine is extremely well
protected. - Run:
$ kadmin.local
This program modifies the principal database. Issue the following kadmin commands:
kadmin.local: ktadd -k /var/krb5kdc/kadm5.keytab kadmin/admin
Entry for principal kadmin/admin with kvno 4, encryption type DES cbc
mode with
CRC-32 added to keytab WRFILE:/var/krb5kdc/kadm5.keytab.
Entry for principal kadmin/changepw with kvno 4, encryption type DES cbc mode with
CRC-32 added to keytab WRFILE:/var/krb5kdc/kadm5.keytab.
kadmin.local: add_principal -randkey host/
WARNING: no policy specified for host/; defaulting to no policy
Principal "host/" created.
kadmin.local: ktadd -k /etc/krb5.keytab host/
Entry for principal host/ with kvno 3, encryption type DES cbc mode
with CRC-32 added to keytab WRFILE:/etc/krb5.keytab.
kadmin.local: add_principal fred
WARNING: no policy specified for fred@FOO; defaulting to no policy
Enter password for principal "fred@FOO": ********
Re-enter password for principal "fred@FOO": ********
Principal "fred@FOO" created.
kadmin.local: quit
- Now, start the KDC and the kadmin daemons,
krb5kdc and kadmind.
If all goes well, you should be able to use kinit
to get a TGT using the password you gave to
kadmin.local when creating the "fred"
principal, klist to see the TGT, and
kpasswd to change your Kerberos password.
- Try out kerberized SSH.
11.4.5. Kerberos-4 in OpenSSH
also supports Kerberos but only the
older Kerberos-4 standard. The mechanics from a user perspective are
mostly the same: in a functioning Kerberos realm, you use
kinit to obtain a TGT, and then run the SSH client
KerberosAuthentication turned on (which it is
by default). The sysadmin must compile OpenSSH using
-- with-kerberos4, ensure there is a Kerberos host principal with its keys installed on the SSH
server machine, and turn on
in the SSH server configuration. The host principal is
[143] and the keytab file is
Kerberos-Authentication is on by default in the
server only if
/etc/srvtab exists when it
Access control for an account is via the file
~/.klogin. With Kerberos-4, it
isn't necessary to include the account's default
principal in
~/.klogin if that file exists; the
default principal always has access.
Table 11-1 summarizes the salient differences
between Kerberos-4 and Kerberos-5 with respect to SSH.
Table 11-1. Differences Between Kerberos-4 and Kerberos-5 with Respect to SSH
Kerberos-4 |
Kerberos-5 |
Host principal |
rcmd.hostname@REALM |
host/hostname@REALM |
Config files |
/etc/krb.realms |
/etc/krb5.conf |
Server principal keys |
/etc/srvtab |
/etc/krb5.keytab |
Authorization file |
~/.klogin |
~/.k5login | Kerberos-4 compatibility mode in Kerberos-5
If you have a
Kerberos-5 realm, you
don't need to set up a separate Kerberos-4 KDC just to support
OpenSSH. Kerberos-5 has a version 4 (v4) compatibility mode, in which
the v5 KDC responds to v4 requests. If v4 compatibility is on, you
can install v4
/etc/krb.conf and
/etc/krb.realms files that point to your existing v5 KDC,
and the v4
kinit can obtain a v4 TGT. Following
the example in the previous section, these look like:
/etc/krb.realms: FOO
The KDC satisfies v4 requests for
rcmd.hostname@REALM tickets, using the key of
the corresponding v5
principal, so you don't need to create separate
"rcmd/hostname" principals in your v5 KDC. Since v4-only
servers still need the principal key, you need to create a v4 version
of the key file (
/etc/srvtab) with that key;
you can do this with the v5 program
kutil to read
in an existing
krb5.keytab and write out a v4
srvtab. Direct cross-realm authentication also
automatically works using existing cross-realm keys; however,
Kerberos-4 doesn't support
hierarchical realms.
Using the Kerberos-5 credentials conversion service, you can even
avoid having to do a separate v4
kinit. On the
KDC, the separate server program
krb524d must be
running. Then, after doing a v5
kinit, the user
simply runs the program
krb524init. This obtains a
v4 TGT using the v5 one, which you can verify with the v4
klist command.
Note that OpenSSH
and SSH1 can't interoperate using Kerberos authentication. They
use the same SSH protocol messages in each case but implicitly expect
encapsulated Kerberos tickets of the appropriate Kerberos version.
You can't use Kerberos-5 v4 compatibility mode to overcome this
limitation. We hope OpenSSH will eventually add Kerberos-5 support.
Also note that Kerberos-4 doesn't have an analog to the
kinit -A switch. We don't know of
any way to overcome the Kerberos/NAT problem using Kerberos-4. [
Section, "Kerberos and NAT "] We have heard, however, that the Transarc AFS
KDC ignores IP addresses in tickets, thus avoiding the problem. Kerberos on Solaris
Sun Microsystems's Solaris
operating system comes with a limited, special-purpose implementation
of Kerberos-4, which supports Kerberos authentication for Sun's
NFS and secure RPC. As far as we can tell, it doesn't suffice
for compiling or running OpenSSH with Kerberos-4, so you probably
want to install another Kerberos-4 package such as MIT's.
Beware of confusion once you do so; the Solaris
/bin/kinit, for instance, won't have any
effect on the MIT Kerberos-4 operation.