14.3. Obtaining and Installing the Server
Okhapkin's SSH1 server,
sshd, can run under
Windows NT installed as a service. It supports most server
configuration features from
Chapter 5, "Serverwide Configuration" with the
notable exception of public-key authentication. NT login
authentication requires an NT username and password, and SSH
can't get around this barrier to provide authentication by
public key.
Like the clients, the server requires tricky installation.
We'll assume you have already installed the Cygwin library and
the SSH1 clients.
14.3.1. Obtain sshd
Sergey Okhapkin makes
sshd 1.2.26 available on his
site in two forms: as a precompiled executable or as source code
diffs. We used the executable. Additionally, some other folks have
created packages containing Sergey's executable and other
support files. One of our favorites is:
14.3.2. Obtain the NT Resource Kit
To run sshd as an NT service, you need
three programs from the
NT Resource Kit:
instsrv.exe, srvany.exe,
and kill.exe. The first two are utilities for
turning ordinary programs into NT services. The third is for killing
processes that can't be killed by the NT Task Manager.
14.3.3. Create an Administrative User
sshd will be invoked as an NT service running
under an administrative user's account, so now let's
create that administrative user. Run User Manager and do the
- Create a local user called (say) root.
- Make root a member of the Administrators group.
- Under "Options/User Rights", check the checkbox
"Show Advanced User Rights".
Now grant root the following rights:
Close the application, and you're ready to continue.
14.3.4. Install the Server
First copy the server program, sshd.exe, to a
folder of your choice, say, C:\Bin. To complete
the installation, you must convert
sshd to an NT
service run by your new administrative user and create some registry
- To install the server as an NT service, run the following command,
assuming your administrative user is root, your NT Resource Kit
programs are in C:\reskit, and your
computer's name is mypc. (This is one command on a single
C:\> C:\reskit\instsrv.exe SecureShellDaemon
C:\reskit\srvany.exe -a mypc\root -p root
- Create the following registry
- In
create a string value called "ObjectName" with the value
- In
create a string value "Application" with the value
"C:\\Bin\\sshd.exe", and a string value
"AppParameters" with value "-f
14.3.5. Generate Host Key
Your server needs a
host key
to identify it uniquely to SSH clients. [
Section, "Host key files"]
Use the
ssh-keygen1 program to generate it and
store the key pair in C:\etc:
C:\> ssh-keygen1 -f /etc/ssh_host_key -N "" -C ""
14.3.6. Edit sshd_config
Your server is almost ready to
run. Now it's time to create a server-wide configuration file
sshd behaves according to your system's
security policy. [
Section 5.3.1, "Server Configuration Files"] On NT this file resides
in C:\etc\sshd_config. For our recommended
settings, see
Chapter 10, "A Recommended Setup".
Be sure to indicate the correct locations of files, such as the host
key. In Cygwin, "/" stands for the root of your boot
drive. For example:
HostKey /etc/ssh_host_key
PidFile /etc/sshd.pid
RandomSeed /etc/ssh_random_seed
If you make changes in sshd_config while the SSH
server is running, you must terminate and restart
sshd for those changes to take effect. [Section 14.3.9, "Terminate the Server"] Stopping and restarting the service with the
Services control panel isn't sufficient.
14.3.7. Run the Server
To run
open the Services control panel and look for the service
SecureShellDaemon. Select it, and click the Start button.
That's it! In the NT Task Manager, the process shows up as
14.3.8. Test the Server
If you've installed both
sshd and
ssh1 on your local PC, try connecting to yourself:
C:\> ssh1 localhost
smith@'s password: ********
Otherwise, try connecting from another site:
$ ssh1 -l smith mypc.mydomain.org
smith@mypc.mydomain.org's password: ********
If the connection doesn't work, use
ssh1 -v
to print diagnostic output and figure out the problem.
14.3.9. Terminate the Server
an NT service, one normally uses the Stop button on the Services
control panel. Unfortunately, this doesn't work for
sshd under NT, even though the service appear to
have stopped in the control panel. You need to kill the process
manually. This can be done with the program
kill.exe from the NT Resource Kit. Get the pid of
sshd.exe from the NT Task Manager (suppose it is
392), and then type:
C:\> kill 392
 |  |  |
14.2. Client Use |  | 14.4. Troubleshooting |