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Index: M

accessing zval fields: 14.6.4. Accessor Macros
PHP_INI_MH( ) prototype: 14.12. Extension INI Entries
RETURN-related: 14.8.1. Simple Types
STD_PHP_INI_ENTRY( ): 14.12. Extension INI Entries
ZEND_NUM_ARGS( ): 14.7. Parameter Handling
ZEND_SET_SYMBOL( ): 14.11. Creating Variables
zval dereferencing: 14.6.4. Accessor Macros
magic_quotes_gpc option (php.ini), automatic quoting of form parameters: 7.4.3. Automatic Quoting of Parameters
mail( ) function: A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q)
configuring on Unix: 15.2.4. Sending Mail
Mail Exchange (MX) records for host: A.2b. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (f-i)
MAKE_STD_ZVAL( ) macro: 14.6.1. MAKE_STD_ZVAL( )
masks, using in string searches: Searches using masks
matching with regular expressions: 4.8. Regular Expressions
4.8. Regular Expressions
Perl-style: 4.10.2. Match Behavior
functions for: Matching
POSIX-style, functions for: Matching
BCMath library: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing
functions for: A.1. PHP Functions by Category
GNU MP (GMP) library: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing
max( ) function: A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q)
MCAL (Modular Calendar Access Library): B.1. Optional Extensions Listing
mcrypt extension: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing
md5( ) function: A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q)
freeing from database query results: Finishing the result
managing in extensions: 14.5. Memory Management
managing in PHP: 2.3.4. Garbage Collection
reducing requirements for scripts: 13.5.4. Optimizing Memory Requirements
shmop extension: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing
System V extension: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing
memory_limit directive (php.ini file): 14.5. Memory Management
merging two arrays: 5.9.2. Merging Two Arrays
Mersenne Twister generator, seeding: A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q)
message digests, mhash library: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing
metacharacters, regular expression: 4.8.1. The Basics
database: 8.4.6. Metadata
PDF file: 10.2.3. Setting Metadata
metaphone( ) function: 4.6.2. Approximate Equality
A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q)
method_exists( ) function: 6.5.2. Examining an Object
A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q)
methods: 2.2.6. Objects
6.1. Terminology
accessing: 6.3. Accessing Properties and Methods
class and object, PEAR DB library: 8.3. PEAR DB Basics
class, getting: 6.5.1. Examining Classes
A.2b. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (f-i)
declaring: 6.4.1. Declaring Methods
HTTP: 7.1. HTTP Basics
7.1. HTTP Basics
in form processing: 7.4.1. Methods
object, as XML parsing handlers: 11.3.9. Methods as Handlers
overriding: 6.4.3. Inheritance
static: 6.3. Accessing Properties and Methods
XML-RPC: 11.5.1. Servers
mhash library: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing
Access, PHP ODBC support for: 15.4.4. Working with Access
Active Server Pages (ASP): 2.7.3. ASP Style
developer's site: 15.3.3. Determining the API
Excel (see Excel)
Personal Web Server (see PWS)
SQL Server extension: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing
Windows (see Windows systems, PHP on)
Word (see Word)
microtime( ) function: 13.5.2. Profiling
A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q)
MIME types
launching appropriate program for: 10.5.2. Links
specifying for browser: 7.1. HTTP Basics
specifying for HTTP response: 7.1. HTTP Basics
min( ) function: A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q)
Ming library (for Shockwave Flash movies): B.1. Optional Extensions Listing
minimal (non-greedy) matching: 4.10.5. Quantifiers and Greed
minimum number of characters (printf( ) format modifier): Format modifiers
MINIT( ) function, registering destructor function for resource: 14.13. Resources
mixed-case string, converting to "title case": 4.4.2. Changing Case
mkdir( ) function: A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q)
mktime( ) function: A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q)
mnoGoSearch extension: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing
modes, row arrays from database query results: Inside a row array
pattern matches: 4.10.8. Trailing Options
Modular Calendar Access Library (MCAL): B.1. Optional Extensions Listing
modulus (%) operator: 2.4.5. Arithmetic Operators
modulus assignment (%=) operator: Assignment with operation
move_uploaded_file( ) function: 12.3.3. Surviving register_globals
A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q)
movies (Flash)
Ming library for: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing
SWF extension: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing
mSQL extension: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing
mt_getrandmax( ) function: A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q)
mt_rand( ) function: A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q)
mt_srand( ) function: A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q)
multi-valued parameters, HTML forms: 7.4.6. Multivalued Parameters
sticky: 7.4.7. Sticky Multivalued Parameters
multidimensional arrays: 5.4. Multidimensional Arrays
multiplication (*) operator: 2.4.5. Arithmetic Operators
multiplication assignment (*=) operator: Assignment with operation
MySQL database
accessing, querying, and printing result: 1.4.3. Databases
MySQL extension: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing
replication: MySQL replication
session store, using for: Custom storage

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