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Index: J

Jakarta Tomcat (see Tomcat)
James ClarkÕs XP parser, online resources: 11.2.3. Writing the Server
Castor: 15.2. Castor
compatible operating systems: 1.3.1. An Operating System and Java
datatypes supported in XML-RPC: 11.2.2. Writing the Handler
DOM and: 5.1.1. Language Bindings
language bindings: 5.1.1. Language Bindings
ouput forms: 5.2.3. DOMSerializer
platforms: 0.3. Software and Versions
properties files: 7.2.1. Java Properties Files
XML, conversion to: 7.2.2. Converting to XML, source files: 5.2.1. Getting a DOM Parser
SOAP implementation projects: 12.2. Setting Up
XML, and, future developments: 16. Looking Forward
Java & XML, changes since first edition: 2. Nuts and Bolts
Java API for XML Parsing (see JAXP)
Java Document Object Model, see JDOM: 0.6. Acknowledgments
Javadocs, string-interning: Interning and entities class: 11.2.4. Writing the Client
java.text.SimpleDateFormat class: 11.3.1. A Shared Handler
java.util.Enumeration class: 11.3.1. A Shared Handler
JavaXML.explorer-html.xsl: 10.3.3. Browser-Dependent Styling 10.4.1. Creating an XSP Page
JavaXML.html.xsl: 10.3.3. Browser-Dependent Styling
JavaXML.wml.xsl: 10.3.4. WAP and XML
javax.xml.parsers package: A.3.1. Package: javax.xml.parsers
javax.xml.transform package: A.3.2. Package: javax.xml.transform
javax.xml.transform.dom package: A.3.3. Package: javax.xml.transform.dom
javax.xml.transform.sax package: A.3.4. Package: javax.xml.transform.sax
JAXB (Java Architecture for Data Binding): 15.4. JAXB
JAXP (Java API for XML Parsing): 9. JAXP
A.3. JAXP 1.1
classes: 9.1. API or Abstraction
compared to other APIs: 9.1. API or Abstraction
download site: 9.1. API or Abstraction
parsing capability, lack of: 9.1. API or Abstraction
TrAX API: 9.3.2. The TrAX API
version 1.1: 9.3. JAXP 1.1
changes from v. 1.0: 9.3. JAXP 1.1
DefaulstHandler class: The road to SAX 2.0
download site: 9.3. JAXP 1.1
versions and supported parsers: 9.1.2. The Old and the New
JCP (Java Community Process): 7.4.1. JDOM as a JSR
JDK (Java Development Kit), versions: 1.3.1. An Operating System and Java
JDOM (Java Document Object Model): 8. Advanced JDOM
architecture: 8.1. Helpful JDOM Internals
Attribute class: 7.2.3. Creating XML with JDOM
builder classes: 8.2.2. Building with Custom Classes
classes: 7.1. The Basics
document viewer implementation: 8.3.4. Endgame
DOM, contrasted with: 7. JDOM
7.5.1. JDOM isn't DOM
Element class, subclassing: 8.2. JDOM and Factories
element methods: 8.2.1. Creating a Factory
EntityRef class: 8.1.2. The EntityRef Class
factories: 8.2. JDOM and Factories
creating: 8.2.1. Creating a Factory
input/output model: 7.1.3. Input and Output
interfaces, absence of: 8.3. Wrappers and Decorators
iteration using Text class: 8.1.1. The Text Class
Java Collections support: 7.1.1. Java Collections Support
JDOM Beta 7: 8.1. Helpful JDOM Internals
JDOMNode interface: 8.3.1. JDOMNode
Namespace class: 8.1.3. The Namespace Class
null values: 7.5.2. Null Return Values
PropsToXML class: 7.2. PropsToXML
SimpleXPathViewer class: 8.3.4. Endgame
standardization: 7.4. Is JDOM a Standard?
subclassing: 8.4.1. More on Subclassing
Text class: 8.1.1. The Text Class
Version 1.0: A.4. JDOM 1.0 (Beta 7)
XML output, formatting methods: 7.2.4. Outputting XML with JDOM
XML, outputting: 7.2.4. Outputting XML with JDOM
XML, storing: 7.3.1. Storing XML
XML to RSS, for conversion of: 14.3.2. Creating an XML RSS Document
XML trees, and: 7.1. The Basics
XMLProperties class: 7.3. XMLProperties
XPathDisplayNode class: 8.3.3. Providing Support for XPath
JDOMException class: A.4.1.8. JDOMException
JDOMFactory interface: 8.2.1. Creating a Factory
A.4.3.3. JDOMFactory
JDOMNode interface: 8.3.1. JDOMNode
JRMP: 11.1.1. What Is RMI?
JSP (Java Server Pages): 10.4. XSP
limitations: 10.4. XSP
JSR (Java Specification Request): 7.4.1. JDOM as a JSR
JTreeContentHandler class: 3.3. Content Handlers
jUDDI, online resources: 13.2. UDDI

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