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Index: G

global attributes: 2.3.3. Flat Design, Global Components Attributes
defining: Attributes
in Namespaces in XML: 10.3. To Qualify Or Not to Qualify?
10.4. Disruptive Attributes
limitations of: 6.6. Back to Our Library
global definitions of complex datatypes: 7.2.2. Named Versus Anonymous Types
creating simple content models: 7.3.1. Creation of Simple Content Models
xs:redefine element and: 8.2. Schema Inclusion with Redefinition Elements Elements
global elements: 2.3.3. Flat Design, Global Components Elements
defining: Elements Elements
documenting schemas: 14.1.2. Think Globally
substitution groups and: 12.1. Substitution Groups Using substitution groups
globally defining components: 2.2. Our First Schema
13.1.1. Global Components
glossary: Gloss
grammar-based XML Schema languages: A.2.2. Grammar-Based XML Schema Languages
group character ( ) (parentheses): 6.4.4. Oring and Grouping
attribute (see attribute groups)
element (see element groups)
guided editing applications: 1.1.5. Guided Editing

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