Index: C
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Index: C
- C0 controls in ASCII character sets: 26.1.1. ASCII
- C1 controls in ISO-8859 character sets: C1 controls
- Canonical XML: 1.4. The Evolution of XML
- 17.2.1. What You Get Is Not What You Saw
- Cascading Style Sheets (CSS): 1.4. The Evolution of XML
- 12. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
- 12. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
- (see also stylesheets)
- color properties: 12.9. Colors
- display property: 12.5. The Display Property
- font properties: 12.7. Font Properties
- selectors: 12.4. Selectors
- style rules for: 12.2. CSS Syntax
- syntax of: 12.2. CSS Syntax
- text properties: 12.8. Text Properties
- units of length: 12.6. Pixels, Points, Picas, and Other Units of Length
- vs. transformation-based presentation: 6.6. Transformation and Presentation
- vs. XSL-FO: 13.5. Choosing Between CSS and XSL-FO
- web browser support for: 13.5. Choosing Between CSS and XSL-FO
- XML documents and: 12.3. Associating Stylesheets with XML Documents
- Cascading Style Sheets Level 1 (CSS1): 7.2. Direct Display of XML in Browsers
- 12.1. The Three Levels of CSS
- case sensitivity in elements: 0.. Conventions Used in This Book
- Case sensitivity
- CDATA sections: 2.6. CDATA Sections
- 2.6. CDATA Sections
- (see also character data)
- attribute type: CDATA
- 20.3.2. DTD (Document Type Definition)
- LexicalHandler interface and: 25.4. The org.xml.sax.ext Package
- XML specification for: 20.2. Annotated Sample Documents
- 20.3.1. Global Syntax Structures
- CDATASection interface (DOM): CDATASection
- 24.2. Object Reference
- nodeName attribute and: 24.2. Object Reference
- nodeValue attribute and: 24.2. Object Reference
- object hierarchy: 24.1. Object Hierarchy
- CDATA_SECTION_NODE (DOM node type) and nodeType attribute: 18.3. Node and Other Generic Interfaces
- 24.2. Object Reference
- ceiling( ) (XPath): 9.7.4. Number Functions
- 22.5. XPath Functions
- character data: 2.2. Elements, Tags, and Character Data
- (see also CDATA entries)
- comments in: 2.7. Comments
- parsed: 2.5. Entity References
- 3.1.1. A Simple DTD Example
- character data characters (Unicode): 26.1. Character Tables
- character encodings: 5. Internationalization
- autodetection of: 20.3.1. Global Syntax Structures
- character references: 5.10. Character References
- for HTML 4.0 entity sets: 26.2. HTML4 Entity Sets
- predefined: 20.2. Annotated Sample Documents
- 20.3.1. Global Syntax Structures
- XML specification for: 20.2. Annotated Sample Documents
- 20.3.1. Global Syntax Structures
- 20.4.1. Well-Formedness Constraints
- character sets: 5. Internationalization
- 26. Character Sets
- ASCII: 26.1.1. ASCII
- converting between: 5.8. Converting Between Character Sets
- Cp1252: C1 controls
- ISO: 5.6. ISO Character Sets
- metadata: 5.1. Character-Set Metadata
- names of: 26. Character Sets
- national standard: 5.6. ISO Character Sets
- platform-dependent: 5.7. Platform-Dependent Character Sets
- Unicode: 5.5. Unicode
- XML-defined: 5.4. XML-Defined Character Sets
- XML document default: 5.9. The Default Character Set for XML Documents
- character tables for Unicode: 26.1. Character Tables
- CharacterData interface (DOM): CharacterData
- 24.2. Object Reference
- attributes for: 24.2. Object Reference
- methods for: 24.2. Object Reference
- characters( ) (SAX): 19.1. The ContentHandler Interface
- using filters with: 19.3. Filters
- charset pseudoattribute: The charset pseudoattribute
- 12.3. Associating Stylesheets with XML Documents
- child axis: 9.5. Unabbreviated Location Paths
- 22.3.2. Axes
- child elements: Parents and children
- 3.2.2. Child Elements
- determining the number of: 3.2.4. The Number of Children
- location steps: 9.2.2. Child Element Location Steps
- 22.3.1. Abbreviated Syntax
- in narrative-oriented documents: 6.2. Narrative Document Structures
- vs. attributes: 2.3. Attributes
- childNodes attribute (Node interface): 24.2. Object Reference
- Chinese characters
- using subcodes for dialects: 5.11.2. Subcodes
- UTF-8/UTF-16 encodings: 5.5.2. UTF-8
- 26. Character Sets
- choices in element declarations: 3.2.5. Choices
- Clark, James: 1.4. The Evolution of XML
- 26. Character Sets
- client-side image map module (XHTML DTD): 7.3. Authoring Compound Documents with Modular XHTML
- cloneNode( ) (DOM): 24.2. Object Reference
- Cocoon (Apache XML Project XSLT processor): 8.3. Stylesheet Processors
- code points: 5. Internationalization
- unassigned: 26.1. Character Tables
- code samples and CDATA sections: 2.6. CDATA Sections
- color property (CSS): 12.9. Colors
- command-line XSLT processors: 8.3.1. Command-Line Processors
- comment( )
- location step: 9.2.4. The comment( ), text(), and processing-instruction( ) Location Steps
- node test: 22.3.3. Node Tests
- Comment interface (DOM): Comment
- 24.2. Object Reference
- nodeName attribute and: 24.2. Object Reference
- nodeValue attribute and: 24.2. Object Reference
- object hierarchy: 24.1. Object Hierarchy
- comment nodes
- default template for: 8.7.3. The Default Template Rule for Comment and Processing Instruction Nodes
- XPath data model and: 22.1. The XPath Data Model
- COMMENT_NODE (DOM node type) and nodeType attribute: 18.3. Node and Other Generic Interfaces
- 24.2. Object Reference
- comments
- IGNORE directive acting as: 3.8. Conditional Inclusion
- LexicalHandler interface and: 25.4. The org.xml.sax.ext Package
- loopholes in XML specification: 17.2.1. What You Get Is Not What You Saw
- vs. annotations in schemas: 16.2.2. Annotations
- in XML documents: 2.7. Comments
- XML specification for: 20.2. Annotated Sample Documents
- 20.3.1. Global Syntax Structures
- communications protocols and XML: 15.1.2. Communications
- comparison operators in XPath: 9.6.2. Strings
- complex types: 16.4. Complex Types
- attribute groups and: Attribute groups
- deriving
- by extension: Deriving by extension
- by restriction: Deriving by restriction
- final attribute and: 16.9.2. The Final Attribute
- occurrence constraints: 16.4.1. Occurrence Constraints
- xs:complexContent element and: 16.5.1. complexContent
- concat( ) (XPath): 9.7. XPath Functions
- 22.5. XPath Functions
- conditional sections: 20.2. Annotated Sample Documents
- 20.3.2. DTD (Document Type Definition)
- parameter entity nesting and: 20.4.2. Validity Constraints
- constrained child nodes: 20.2. Annotated Sample Documents
- 20.3.2. DTD (Document Type Definition)
- constraints
- namespace: 20.4.3. Namespace Constraints
- validity: 20.4.2. Validity Constraints
- well-formedness: 20.4.1. Well-Formedness Constraints
- container nodes: 11.6. Points
- contains( ) (XPath): 9.7.2. String Functions
- 22.5. XPath Functions
- content, element
- any type: 16.8. Allowing Any Content
- empty elements: 16.5. Empty Elements
- mixed: 16.7. Mixed Content
- simple: 16.6. Simple Content
- content nodes (DOM Core): 18.4.2. Content Nodes
- content specifications in element declarations: 3.2. Element Declarations
- ContentHandler interface (SAX): 19.1. The ContentHandler Interface
- 25.1. The org.xml.sax Package
- methods called by parser: 19.1. The ContentHandler Interface
- overriding methods in: 19.1. The ContentHandler Interface
- vs. class: 19.1. The ContentHandler Interface
- context node: 9.2. Location Paths
- 22.3.2. Axes
- attribute location steps and: 9.2.3. Attribute Location Steps
- changing, using here( ) and origin(): 11.7.5. Relative XPointers
- child element location steps and: 9.2.2. Child Element Location Steps
- compound location paths and: 9.3. Compound Location Paths
- selecting, using a period (.): 9.3.4. Selecting the Context Node with .
- 22.3.1. Abbreviated Syntax
- unabbreviated location paths: 9.5. Unabbreviated Location Paths
- Coptic Unicode block: 26.3.6. Greek and Coptic
- count( ) (XPath): 9.7.1. Node-Set Functions
- 22.5. XPath Functions
- Cover, Robin: 3.10. Locating Standard DTDs
- Cp1252 character set: 5.7.1. Cp1252
- C1 controls
- createAttribute( ) (DOM): 24.2. Object Reference
- createAttributeNS( ) (DOM): 24.2. Object Reference
- createCDATASection( ) (DOM): 24.2. Object Reference
- createComment( ) (DOM): 24.2. Object Reference
- createDocument( ) (DOM): 24.2. Object Reference
- createDocumentFragment( ) (DOM): 24.2. Object Reference
- createDocumentType( ) (DOM): 24.2. Object Reference
- createElement( ) (DOM): 24.2. Object Reference
- createElementNS( ) (DOM): 24.2. Object Reference
- createEntityReference( ) (DOM): 24.2. Object Reference
- createProcessingInstruction( ) (DOM): 24.2. Object Reference
- createTextNode( ) (DOM): 24.2. Object Reference
- createXMLReader( ) (SAX): 19. Simple API for XML (SAX)
- 25.2. The org.xml.sax.helpers Package
- SAX filters and: 19.3. Filters
- CSS (see Cascading Style Sheets)
- CSS1 (Cascading Style Sheets Level 1): 7.2. Direct Display of XML in Browsers
- 12.1. The Three Levels of CSS
- Currency Symbols Unicode block: 26.3.18. Currency Symbols
- current( ) (XSLT): 23.3. XSLT Functions
- Cyrillic Unicode block: 26.3.7. Cyrillic
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