Index: Y

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Index: Y
- y command (sed): 12.4. Alphabetical Summary of sed Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- yacc command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- yank command
- Emacs: 10.1.4. Kill and Yank (Linux in a Nutshell)
- ex: 11.14. Alphabetical Summary of ex Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- yanking text: 9.2.4. Deleting, Copying, and Moving Text (Running Linux)
- yast2 program: The networking rc files (Running Linux)
- YAZ extension: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- Year 2000 and time formats: 14.2. File Modification Time (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- YEAR data type: 16.3. Date Data Types (Managing & Using MySQL)
- 19.1. Data Types (Managing & Using MySQL)
- YEAR( ) function: 17.2.2. General Functions (Managing & Using MySQL)
- yes command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- ypbind command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- ypcat command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- ypchfn command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- yp.conf file: 15.5.2. Configuring NIS (Running Linux)
- ypinit command: 2.6.4. Map Manipulation Utilities (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- ypmatch command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- YP/NIS extension: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- yppasswd command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- yppasswdd command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- yppoll command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- yppush command: 2.6.4. Map Manipulation Utilities (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- ypserv command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- ypset command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- yptest command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- ypwhich command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 15.5.2. Configuring NIS (Running Linux)
- ypxfr command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
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