Index: L

Symbols & Numbers
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Index: L
- l command (sed): 12.4. Alphabetical Summary of sed Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- laddering (printing problems): 8.4.1. Checking Printer Hardware (Running Linux)
- LAN (local area network), NFS and NIS: 15.5. NFS and NIS Configuration (Running Linux)
- Lane, David: 11.8. Where to Find Out More (Managing & Using MySQL)
- LANG environment variable (tcsh): 8.4.6. Environment Variables (Linux in a Nutshell)
- language for KDE: Internationalization (Running Linux)
- language negotiation: 6.3. Language Negotiation (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- language, PHP: 2. Language Basics (Programming PHP)
- LanguagePriority property: 6.3. Language Negotiation (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- languages, Template Toolkit: D.4. Template Toolkit Language (Practical mod_perl)
- laptop computers, support for: 1.5.8. Laptop Support (Running Linux)
- last command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- last-in first-out (LIFO) stacks: 5.10.2. Stacks (Programming PHP)
- last-modified header: 16.1.2. Last-Modified Header (Practical mod_perl)
- set_last_modified( ) method: 16.1.2. Last-Modified Header (Practical mod_perl)
- last-modified, update_mtime( ): 16.1.2. Last-Modified Header (Practical mod_perl)
- lastb command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- LAST_INSERT_ID( ) function: 3.6.2. Sequence Generation (Managing & Using MySQL)
- 17.2.2. General Functions (Managing & Using MySQL)
- LAST_INSERT_ID option (SET statement): 15.2. SQL Commands (Managing & Using MySQL)
- lastlog command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- lastlog file: 8.3. Managing System Logs (Running Linux)
- LaTeX text processing: 9.3.2. TEX and LATEX (Running Linux)
- formatting and printing: Formatting and printing (Running Linux)
- Laurie, Ben: 11.8. Where to Find Out More (Managing & Using MySQL)
- Laurie, Peter: 11.8. Where to Find Out More (Managing & Using MySQL)
- layering modules: B.15.1. Apache::OutputChain—Chain Stacked Perl Handlers (Practical mod_perl)
- layers, filters: 20.9. Filters, Buckets, and Bucket Brigades (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- layers, modules: B. Apache Perl Modules (Practical mod_perl)
- lbnamed server web site: 12.16. References (Practical mod_perl)
- LCASE( ) function: 17.2.2. General Functions (Managing & Using MySQL)
- LC_CTYPE environment variable (tcsh): 8.4.6. Environment Variables (Linux in a Nutshell)
- lcd command (ftp): 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- lcg_value( ): A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q) (Programming PHP)
- ld command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- LDAP-compliant directory services: User management (Managing & Using MySQL)
- LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol): B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- ldconfig command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 7.2.1. Upgrading Libraries (Running Linux)
- 7.2.1. Upgrading Libraries (Running Linux)
- ldd command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 7.2.1. Upgrading Libraries (Running Linux)
- ldd utility: Creating shared libraries (Running Linux)
- LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable: 14.1.3. Calling a UDF (Managing & Using MySQL)
- LDP (Linux Documentation Project): 0.1. Why People Like Linux (Running Linux)
- 0.1. Why People Like Linux (Running Linux)
- A.1. Linux Documentation Project (Running Linux)
- A.1. Linux Documentation Project (Running Linux)
- file: 7.2.1. Upgrading Libraries (Running Linux)
- file: 7.2.1. Upgrading Libraries (Running Linux)
- leading parameter for PDF text: 10.3.2. Text Functions (Programming PHP)
- leak_test( ): 14.2.6. Memory Leakage (Practical mod_perl)
- LEAST( ) function: 17.2.2. General Functions (Managing & Using MySQL)
- left command (ex): 11.14. Alphabetical Summary of ex Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- LEFT( ) function: 3.9.4. Functions (Managing & Using MySQL)
- 17.2.2. General Functions (Managing & Using MySQL)
- LEFT JOIN keywords: 3.9.5. Outer Joins (Managing & Using MySQL)
- left outer joins: 1.4. MySQL Features (Managing & Using MySQL)
- 3.9.5. Outer Joins (Managing & Using MySQL)
- left shift (<<) operator: 2.4.9. Bitwise Operators (Programming PHP)
- legal issues (see GPL)
- 1.6. About Linux's Copyright (Running Linux)
- length
- of output buffers: 13.3.1. Output Buffering (Programming PHP)
- of strings: A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
- strlen( ) function (example): 3.1. Calling a Function (Programming PHP)
- length command (gawk): 13.8. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- LENGTH( ) function: 3.9.4. Functions (Managing & Using MySQL)
- String functions (Managing & Using MySQL)
- 17.2.2. General Functions (Managing & Using MySQL)
- length keyword (expr): 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- length parameter (main routine): The main routine (Managing & Using MySQL)
- Lerdorf, Rasmus: 1.2. A Brief History of PHP (Programming PHP)
- less command: 4.4.3. Viewing Files, More or Less (Running Linux)
- less program: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- bzless: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- commands: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- keybindings, configuring for (lesskey): 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- options: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- less-than comparison operator (<): 3.8. SQL Operators (Managing & Using MySQL)
- 17.1.3. Comparison Operators (Managing & Using MySQL)
- less than (<) operator: 2.4.8. Comparison Operators (Programming PHP)
- less-than-or-equal-to comparison operator (<=): 3.8. SQL Operators (Managing & Using MySQL)
- 17.1.3. Comparison Operators (Managing & Using MySQL)
- less than or equal to (<=) operator: 2.4.8. Comparison Operators (Programming PHP)
- less-than sign (<), input redirection: 4.9. Saving Your Output (Running Linux)
- lesskey command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- let command (bash): 7.7. Built-in Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- level numbers: 6.4. Type Maps (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- levels of conditions, error reporting: 13.4.1. Error Reporting (Programming PHP)
- levenshtein( ): A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q) (Programming PHP)
- levenshtein( ) function: 4.6.2. Approximate Equality (Programming PHP)
- Levenshtein algorithm, calculating similarity of strings: 4.6.2. Approximate Equality (Programming PHP)
- Levine, John: 3.1. SQL Basics (Managing & Using MySQL)
- lex (see flex)
- lexical variables
- changing to global: 6.2.1. The First Mystery: Why Does the Script Go Beyond 5? (Practical mod_perl)
- closures and: 6.2.1. The First Mystery: Why Does the Script Go Beyond 5? (Practical mod_perl)
- lexically scoped variables, Apache::RegistryLexInfo module and: Variable unsharing caused by regular expressions (Practical mod_perl)
- lexicographic (textual) comparisons: 2.4.8. Comparison Operators (Programming PHP)
- lf variable (printcap): The rest of the printcap variables (Running Linux)
- lftp command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- lftpget command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- /lib directory: 14.1.3. Calling a UDF (Managing & Using MySQL)
- libc library, upgrading: 7.2.1. Upgrading Libraries (Running Linux)
- 7.2.1. Upgrading Libraries (Running Linux)
- libexec/ open failed: No such file or directory message: 22.1.1. libexec/ open failed: No such file or directory (Practical mod_perl)
-, errors with Makefile.PL: Missing or misconfigured (Practical mod_perl)
- libgtop C library: 9.3. Process Memory Measurements (Practical mod_perl)
- web site: 9.6. References (Practical mod_perl)
- libm library, upgrading: 7.2.1. Upgrading Libraries (Running Linux)
- libncurses library: 7.2.1. Upgrading Libraries (Running Linux)
- libperl.a library: 3.5.4. Building mod_perl as a DSO via APACI (Practical mod_perl)
- libraries: 3.5.4. Building mod_perl as a DSO via APACI (Practical mod_perl)
- libraries: 1.3. Installing PHP (Programming PHP)
- (see also extensions)
- code: 13.1. Code Libraries (Programming PHP)
- concealing for security: 12.5. Concealing PHP Libraries (Programming PHP)
- dbm, troubleshooting: Missing or misconfigured (Practical mod_perl)
- libgdbm errors: Missing or misconfigured (Practical mod_perl)
- mod_perl: 3.5.4. Building mod_perl as a DSO via APACI (Practical mod_perl)
- namespace conflicts: A first faulty scenario (Practical mod_perl)
- PEAR, installing: 1.3. Installing PHP (Programming PHP)
- programming: 13.1.1. Quick Overview (Running Linux)
- 13.1.7. More Fun with Libraries (Running Linux)
- reloading
- Apache::Reload and: Using Apache::Reload (Practical mod_perl)
- Apache::StatINC and: Using Apache::StatINC (Practical mod_perl)
- dynamic configuration files and: Using dynamic configuration files (Practical mod_perl)
- forcing: Restarting the server (Practical mod_perl)
- saving as subroutines: 6.2.1. The First Mystery: Why Does the Script Go Beyond 5? (Practical mod_perl)
- shared: Creating shared libraries (Running Linux)
- corrupt links: 8.6.2. Accessing Damaged Files (Running Linux)
- support for: 1.4.3. Kernel (Running Linux)
- upgrading: 7.2.1. Upgrading Libraries (Running Linux)
- libraries, APR: 20.2. APR (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- libraries directory, porting to mod_perl 2.0: 25.1.3. Code Porting (Practical mod_perl)
- library functions (PHP): 18. MySQL PHP API Reference (Managing & Using MySQL)
- frequently-used: 11.3.4. Frequently Used MySQL Library Functions (Managing & Using MySQL)
- handling results: 11.3.3. Handling Results (Managing & Using MySQL)
- managing sessions: 11.5. Managing Sessions (Managing & Using MySQL)
- opening/using database connections: 11.3.2. Opening and Using a Database Connection (Managing & Using MySQL)
- securing user data: 11.4. Securing User Data (Managing & Using MySQL)
- LIBRARY_PATH environment variable: Creating shared libraries (Running Linux)
- /Library/StartupItems directory: 4.2.2. Mac OS X (Managing & Using MySQL)
- libswf extension, configuring external dependencies: 14.4.2. External Dependencies (Programming PHP)
- libwww-perl web site: 2.9. References (Practical mod_perl)
- license, Apache: 0.1. Who Wrote Apache, and Why? (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- licenses, X Window System: 10. Installing the X Window System (Running Linux)
- Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- LIKE operator
- using indexes with: Index guidelines (Managing & Using MySQL)
- pattern matching and: 3.8.4. Pattern Matching (Managing & Using MySQL)
- boot time options: Specifying boot time options (Running Linux)
- configuration: The /etc/lilo.conf file (Running Linux)
- installing: 3.1.7. Creating the Boot Floppy or Installing LILO (Running Linux)
- overview: 5.2.2. Using LILO (Running Linux)
- removiong: Removing LILO (Running Linux)
- as secondary bootloader: Using LILO as a secondary bootloader (Running Linux)
- lilo command: 4.2. LILO: The Linux Loader (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 4.2.2. The lilo Command (Linux in a Nutshell)
- LILO (Linux Loader): 4.2. LILO: The Linux Loader (Linux in a Nutshell)
- boot-time kernel options: 4.7. Boot-Time Kernel Options (Linux in a Nutshell)
- configuration file: 4.2.1. The LILO Configuration File (Linux in a Nutshell)
- global options: Global options (Linux in a Nutshell)
- image options: Image options (Linux in a Nutshell)
- kernel options: Kernel options (Linux in a Nutshell)
- GRUB, compared to: 4.3. GRUB: The Grand Unified Bootloader (Linux in a Nutshell)
- initrd option: 4.8. initrd: Using a RAM Disk (Linux in a Nutshell)
- LIMIT clause: 3.7.4. Limiting Results (Managing & Using MySQL)
- 15.2. SQL Commands (Managing & Using MySQL)
- limit command (tcsh): 8.9. Built-in Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- Limit directive: 4.10.5. Protecting Private Status Locations (Practical mod_perl)
- line breaks in PHP code: 2.1.3. Whitespace and Line Breaks (Programming PHP)
- line-end character sequence: 1.1.2. The Common Gateway Interface Specification (Practical mod_perl)
- line endings on Unix and Windows: 15.2.7. End-of-Line Handling (Programming PHP)
- linefeed characters, inserting: 8.4.7. Print Filters (Running Linux)
- lines, drawing: 9.4.5. Basic Drawing Functions (Programming PHP)
- from current point back to starting point: 10.4.2. Graphics (Programming PHP)
- LINES environment variable (tcsh): 8.4.6. Environment Variables (Linux in a Nutshell)
- LINES TERMINATED BY keyword: 15.2. SQL Commands (Managing & Using MySQL)
- lingerd: 12.7.4. Closing Lingering Connections with lingerd (Practical mod_perl)
- link( ): A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q) (Programming PHP)
- link command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- link editor (ld): 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- linker: 13.1.1. Quick Overview (Running Linux)
- linker options, gcc: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- linkinfo( ): A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q) (Programming PHP)
- links: A.2b. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (f-i) (Programming PHP)
- in PDF documents[links
- PDF}: 10.5.2. Links (Programming PHP)
- lstat( ) function: A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q) (Programming PHP)
- readlink( ) function: A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
- symbolic: A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
- unlinking: A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
- Linux: 0. Preface (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 1. Introduction (Linux in a Nutshell)
- advantages of: 1.1. The Excitement of Linux (Linux in a Nutshell)
- application development
- suitability for: 1.5.4. Programming Languages and Utilities (Running Linux)
- copying distributions
- restrictions: 2.1.1. Getting Linux via Mail Order or Other Hard Media (Running Linux)
- default shell: 7. bash: The Bourne-Again Shell (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 7. bash: The Bourne-Again Shell (Linux in a Nutshell)
- changing: 8. tcsh: An Extended C Shell (Linux in a Nutshell)
- distributions and support: 1.2. Distribution and Support (Linux in a Nutshell)
- Documentation Project (see LDP)
- feature overview: 1.4.2. A Bag of Features (Running Linux)
- 1.4.2. A Bag of Features (Running Linux)
- history of: 0. Preface (Running Linux)
- 1.2. A Brief History of Linux (Running Linux)
- installing Alpha systems: B.2.2.1. Firmware options (Running Linux)
- B.3. Installing Linux (Running Linux)
- B.3.1. General Procedure (Running Linux)
- obtaining
- Internet sources: 2.1.2. Getting Linux from the Internet (Running Linux)
- mail order: 2.1.1. Getting Linux via Mail Order or Other Hard Media (Running Linux)
- online support: 0.. Online Linux Support (Linux in a Nutshell)
- periodicals: 0.. Linux Journal and Linux Magazine (Linux in a Nutshell)
- shells (see shells)
- Unix, compared to: 1. Introduction (Linux in a Nutshell)
- Unix knowledge, necessary level of: 1.7.1. Hints for Unix Novices (Running Linux)
- usefulness of: 1. Introduction to Linux (Running Linux)
- 1.3. Who's Using Linux? (Running Linux)
- 1.3. Who's Using Linux? (Running Linux)
- Usenet newsgroups: 0.. Usenet Newsgroups (Linux in a Nutshell)
- user groups and distribution packages: 2.1.1. Getting Linux via Mail Order or Other Hard Media (Running Linux)
- version numbers: 7.4. Building a New Kernel (Running Linux)
- web sites devoted to: 0.. Web Sites (Linux in a Nutshell)
- Linux, buffer sizes, changing: 12.7.3. Buffering Feature (Practical mod_perl)
- Linux Distribution HOWTO: 2.1. Distributions of Linux (Running Linux)
- Linux documentation: 0.. Online Documentation (Linux in a Nutshell)
- Linux Documentation Project (LDP): A.1. Linux Documentation Project (Running Linux)
- Linux systems
- installing MySQL on: 2. Installation (Managing & Using MySQL)
- 2.2.2. Binary (RPM) Distributions (Managing & Using MySQL)
- log rotation and: 4.3.4. Log Rotation (Managing & Using MySQL)
- server startup/shutdown: 4.2.1. Unix/Linux (Managing & Using MySQL)
- Linux User Groups (LUGs): 0.. Linux User Groups (Linux in a Nutshell)
- Linux Virtual Server Project web site: 5.12. References (Practical mod_perl)
- LISP language: 13.6. Other Languages (Running Linux)
- list( ): A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q) (Programming PHP)
- combining with array_slice( ): 5.5.1. Slicing an Array (Programming PHP)
- copying array values into variables: 5.5. Extracting Multiple Values (Programming PHP)
- list command: 21.5.6. Introduction to the Perl Debugger (Practical mod_perl)
- List command, displaying breakpoints: 21.5.6. Introduction to the Perl Debugger (Practical mod_perl)
- list command (ex): 11.14. Alphabetical Summary of ex Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- list_dbs( ): 10.2. Proprietary Operations (Managing & Using MySQL)
- Listen directive: 4.2.4. Port-Based Virtual Hosting (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- 4.3. Two Copies of Apache (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- ListenBacklog directive: 4.3. Two Copies of Apache (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- 1.2.1. Forking (Practical mod_perl)
- listflags variable (tcsh): 8.4.3. Predefined Shell Variables (Linux in a Nutshell)
- listing loaded modules (lsmod): 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- listjobs variable (tcsh): 8.4.3. Predefined Shell Variables (Linux in a Nutshell)
- listlinks variable (tcsh): 8.4.3. Predefined Shell Variables (Linux in a Nutshell)
- listmax variable (tcsh): 8.4.3. Predefined Shell Variables (Linux in a Nutshell)
- listmaxrows variable (tcsh): 8.4.3. Predefined Shell Variables (Linux in a Nutshell)
- lists, strings, performance: 13.4. Interpolation, Concatenation, or List (Practical mod_perl)
- list_tables( ): 10.2. Proprietary Operations (Managing & Using MySQL)
- literals: 2.1.5. Literals (Programming PHP)
- string: 2.2.3. Strings (Programming PHP)
- literals used in SQL: 15.1.1. Literals (Managing & Using MySQL)
- live filesystems, installing Linux: 3.1.6. Installing the Software (Running Linux)
- ln command: 3.2. Butterthlies, Inc., Gets Going (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- 3.5.1. FollowSymLinks, SymLinksIfOwnerMatch (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 7.2.1. Upgrading Libraries (Running Linux)
- load balancing: Load balancing and redirection (Programming PHP)
- load balancing, definition: 8.2. Choosing the Right Hardware (Practical mod_perl)
- LOAD DATA INFILE statement: GRANT and REVOKE (Managing & Using MySQL)
- LOAD statement: The LOAD command (Managing & Using MySQL)
- 15.2. SQL Commands (Managing & Using MySQL)
- loadable device drivers: 7.5. Loadable Device Drivers (Running Linux)
- loadable module support, building kernel and: 7.4.2. Building the Kernel (Running Linux)
- LOAD_FILE( ) function: 17.2.2. General Functions (Managing & Using MySQL)
- loading code and HTML from another module: 2.6. Including Code (Programming PHP)
- loadkeys command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- Loadlin: 4.5. Loadlin: Booting from MS-DOS (Linux in a Nutshell)
- initrd option: 4.8. initrd: Using a RAM Disk (Linux in a Nutshell)
- LoadModule directive: 2.4.1. Installing mod_perl with the Perl Package Manager (Practical mod_perl)
- DSO support: 3.1. Configuring the Source (Practical mod_perl)
- local access method (CVS): 15.6.1. Repository Locators (Linux in a Nutshell)
- local command (bash): 7.7. Built-in Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- local installation, Apache: 3.9.4. Making a Local Apache Installation (Practical mod_perl)
- LOCAL keyword: The LOAD command (Managing & Using MySQL)
- local networks: 2.3.6. A Local Network (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- local scope: Local scope (Programming PHP)
- function parameters: Function parameters (Programming PHP)
- local server application: 15.3.1. Background (Programming PHP)
- local variables, freeing values in memory management: 2.3.4. Garbage Collection (Programming PHP)
- locale command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- locale system (Unix): 4.9. POSIX-Style Regular Expressions (Programming PHP)
- localeconv( ): A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q) (Programming PHP)
- localhost, make test errors and: make test fails due to misconfigured localhost entry (Practical mod_perl)
- localized sorting: Localized sorting (Managing & Using MySQL)
- localtime( ): A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q) (Programming PHP)
- locate command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- LOCATE( ) function: 17.2.2. General Functions (Managing & Using MySQL)
- <Location> directive: 3.3. Block Directives (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- Location header: 7.5.2. Redirections (Programming PHP)
- <Location> section (Apache configuration file): 4.1.3. <Directory>, <Location>, and <Files> Sections (Practical mod_perl)
- <Location URI> ... </Location> (Practical mod_perl)
- overriding: 4.2.2. <Location /perl> Sections (Practical mod_perl)
- <LocationMatch> directive: 3.3. Block Directives (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- <Location/perl> section: 4.2.2. <Location /perl> Sections (Practical mod_perl)
- lock boot option: 3.1.1. Booting Linux (Running Linux)
- lock command (GRUB): 4.4.2. Command-Line and Menu Entry Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- LOCK IN SHARE MODE clause: 15.2. SQL Commands (Managing & Using MySQL)
- LOCK statement: 3.9.3. Table Locking (Managing & Using MySQL)
- 15.2. SQL Commands (Managing & Using MySQL)
- Locker keyword (RCS): Keywords (Linux in a Nutshell)
- lockfile command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- LockFile directive: 3.4. Other Directives (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- locking
- critical sections: Critical section (Practical mod_perl)
- databases, Apache::DBI and: Database locking risks (Practical mod_perl)
- tie( ) calls: 19.3. Flawed Locking Methods (Practical mod_perl)
- untie( ) calls: 19.3. Flawed Locking Methods (Practical mod_perl)
- locking files: 14.2.6. Revision Control Tools — RCS (Running Linux)
- locking model: 14. RCS (Linux in a Nutshell)
- CVS: 15.1.1. Locking and Merging (Linux in a Nutshell)
- locks
- DB_File::Lock module and: 19.6.2. Read/Write Access (Practical mod_perl)
- deadlocks: 19.2.1. Deadlocks (Practical mod_perl)
- exclusive: 19.2. Resource Locking (Practical mod_perl)
- file-locking wrappers: 19.4. Locking Wrappers Overview (Practical mod_perl)
- flawed methods: 19.3. Flawed Locking Methods (Practical mod_perl)
- resource locking, DBM and: 19.2. Resource Locking (Practical mod_perl)
- shared locks: 19.2. Resource Locking (Practical mod_perl)
- log10( ): A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q) (Programming PHP)
- --log-bin-index=file option: 4.3.2. The Binary Log (Managing & Using MySQL)
- --log-bin=file option: 4.3.2. The Binary Log (Managing & Using MySQL)
- log command
- CVS: 15.6.7. User Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- gawk: 13.8. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- tcsh: 8.9. Built-in Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- log files
- centralized: Centralized logging (Practical mod_perl)
- collecting and processing tools web site: 5.12. References (Practical mod_perl)
- MySQL: 4.3. Logging (Managing & Using MySQL)
- rotation
- non-scheduled: Non-scheduled emergency log rotation (Practical mod_perl)
- scheduled: Scheduled log file rotation (Practical mod_perl)
- server maintenance: 5.11.1. Handling Log Files (Practical mod_perl)
- LOG( ) function: 17.2.2. General Functions (Managing & Using MySQL)
- Log keyword (RCS): Keywords (Linux in a Nutshell)
- Log objects, serializing/deserializing (example): 6.6. Serialization (Programming PHP)
- --log-slow-queries=filename option: 4.3.3. The Slow Query Log (Managing & Using MySQL)
- --logfilediroption: 3.9.4. Making a Local Apache Installation (Practical mod_perl)
- LogFormat directive: 10.2. Apache's Logging Facilities (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- logger command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- logging: 10.2. Apache's Logging Facilities (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- API functions: A.6.20. Logging Functions (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- CGI script information: 16.5. Script Directives (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- cookies: 16.4.1. Apache Cookies (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- 16.4.1. Apache Cookies (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- in error handlers: Logging in error handlers (Programming PHP)
- error messages to syslog: A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
- example: 10.2.1. site.authent — Another Example (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- format of log files: 10.2. Apache's Logging Facilities (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- functions for: A.1. PHP Functions by Category (Programming PHP)
- logs directory: 1.2. How Apache Works (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- module for: 21.3. The Module Structure (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- opening connection to system logger: A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q) (Programming PHP)
- session errors: Custom storage (Programming PHP)
- SSL activity: 11.8.1. Apache-SSL Directives for Apache v1.3 (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- URL substitutions: 8.2. Rewrite (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- logging (Apache request processing): 1.4. Apache 1.3 Request Processing Phases (Practical mod_perl)
- logging out of sessions: 11.5. Managing Sessions (Managing & Using MySQL)
- logging-phase handlers, modules: B. Apache Perl Modules (Practical mod_perl)
- B.16.1. Apache::RedirectLogFix—Correct Status While Logging (Practical mod_perl)
- logical operators: 3.8.1. Logical Operators (Managing & Using MySQL)
- 17.1.4. Logical Operators (Managing & Using MySQL)
- 2.4.10. Logical Operators (Programming PHP)
- logical operators (expr): 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- login
- overview: 4.1. Logging In (Running Linux)
- passwords, setting: 4.2. Setting a Password (Running Linux)
- troubleshooting: Problems logging in (Running Linux)
- login command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- CVS: 15.6.7. User Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- tcsh: 8.9. Built-in Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- login shells, changing (chsh): 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- login startup file: 4.15. Startup Files (Running Linux)
- logincheck( ): 11.3.2. Opening and Using a Database Connection (Managing & Using MySQL)
- 11.5. Managing Sessions (Managing & Using MySQL)
- logins
- display of
- bad login attempts (lastb): 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- last: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- lastlog: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- KDE, management in: Login Manager (Linux in a Nutshell)
- loginsh variable (tcsh): 8.4.3. Predefined Shell Variables (Linux in a Nutshell)
- Logitech mice: 10.4. Configuring XFree86 (Running Linux)
- logname command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- LOGNAME environment variable (tcsh): 8.4.6. Environment Variables (Linux in a Nutshell)
- logout command
- bash: 7.7. Built-in Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- CVS: 15.6.7. User Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- tcsh: 8.9. Built-in Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- logout variable (tcsh): 8.4.3. Predefined Shell Variables (Linux in a Nutshell)
- logrotate command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- logrotate utility: 4.3.4. Log Rotation (Managing & Using MySQL)
- logs
- printer error: The rest of the printcap variables (Running Linux)
- rotating: 8.3. Managing System Logs (Running Linux)
- system management: 8.3. Managing System Logs (Running Linux)
- logs directory: 2.1. What's Behind an Apache Web Site? (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- specifying location of: 2.5.3. ServerRoot (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- long data type: A.2b. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (f-i) (Programming PHP)
- storing integers as: 14.6. The pval/zval Data Type (Programming PHP)
- LONGBLOB data type: 3.4.3. Binary Data Types (Managing & Using MySQL)
- 16.2. String Data Types (Managing & Using MySQL)
- long2ip( ): A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q) (Programming PHP)
- longmess macro: 21.7.5. mod_perl gdb Debug Macros (Practical mod_perl)
- long_query_time variable: 4.3.3. The Slow Query Log (Managing & Using MySQL)
- LONGTEXT data type: 16.2. String Data Types (Managing & Using MySQL)
- storage space required by: 3.4.2. Character Types (Managing & Using MySQL)
- look command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- lookahead and lookbehind assertions: 4.10.10. Lookahead and Lookbehind (Programming PHP)
- conditional expressions: 4.10.12. Conditional Expressions (Programming PHP)
- lookup, symbolic links: 11.7. Symbolic Links Lookup (Practical mod_perl)
- loop constructs in PHP: 11.1.1. A Short Language Primer (Managing & Using MySQL)
- loop devices, setting up (losetup): 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- loopback address: 15.1.1. TCP/IP Concepts (Running Linux)
- Your network configuration (Running Linux)
- loopback addresses: 2.3.3. Running Apache Under Unix (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- looping over array elements with each( ): 5.7.2. The Iterator Functions (Programming PHP)
- loops: 2.5. Flow-Control Statements (Programming PHP)
- do/while: 2.5.3. while (Programming PHP)
- foreach: 2.2.5. Arrays (Programming PHP)
- 5.7.1. The foreach Construct (Programming PHP)
- Template Toolkit language: D.4. Template Toolkit Language (Practical mod_perl)
- while: 2.5.3. while (Programming PHP)
- losetup command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- Lout package (printing): 8.4.4. Checking Print Utilities (Running Linux)
- LOWER( ) function: 17.2.2. General Functions (Managing & Using MySQL)
- lp command: 9.6. Printing (Running Linux)
- lp variable (printcap): The rest of the printcap variables (Running Linux)
- LPAD( ) function: 17.2.2. General Functions (Managing & Using MySQL)
- lpadmin command: 9.6. Printing (Running Linux)
- lpc command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- lpc utility: 8.4.7. Print Filters (Running Linux)
- 8.4.11. Exercising the Printer Daemon (Running Linux)
- 9.6. Printing (Running Linux)
- implementing: 8.4.12. Controlling Printer Services with lpc (Running Linux)
- lpd command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- lpd daemon: 2.2. Overview of Networking (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 8.4. Managing Print Services (Running Linux)
- implementing: 8.4.11. Exercising the Printer Daemon (Running Linux)
- troubleshooting: 8.4.14. Printer System Troubleshooting (Running Linux)
- lpq command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 9.6. Printing (Running Linux)
- lpr command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 9.6. Printing (Running Linux)
- lprm command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 9.6. Printing (Running Linux)
- LPRng line printer daemon: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- printer capability database, inspection and repair: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- lpstat command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 9.6. Printing (Running Linux)
- lptest command: 8.4.11. Exercising the Printer Daemon (Running Linux)
- lptest file: 8.4.1. Checking Printer Hardware (Running Linux)
- ls command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 4.4.2. Listing Files (Running Linux)
- ftp: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- ls-F command (tcsh): 8.9. Built-in Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- lsattr command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- LS_COLORS environment variable: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- LS_COLORS environment variable (tcsh): 8.4.6. Environment Variables (Linux in a Nutshell)
- lshift command (gawk): 13.8. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- lsmod command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- lsmod command, listing loaded drivers: 7.5. Loadable Device Drivers (Running Linux)
- lstat( ): A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q) (Programming PHP)
- < (angle bracket, left)
- converting to HTML entity: Entity-quoting all special characters (Programming PHP)
- < (less than) operator: 2.4.8. Comparison Operators (Programming PHP)
- in string comparisons: 4.6.1. Exact Comparisons (Programming PHP)
- <= (less than or equal to) operator: 2.4.8. Comparison Operators (Programming PHP)
- in string comparisons: 4.6.1. Exact Comparisons (Programming PHP)
- << (left shift) operator: 2.4.9. Bitwise Operators (Programming PHP)
- <<< (heredoc identifier): 4.1.4. Here Documents (Programming PHP)
- < (left angle bracket)
- in Boolean mode searches: Boolean mode (Managing & Using MySQL)
- less-than comparison operator: 3.8. SQL Operators (Managing & Using MySQL)
- 17.1.3. Comparison Operators (Managing & Using MySQL)
- <= (less-than-or-equal-to comparison operator): 3.8. SQL Operators (Managing & Using MySQL)
- 17.1.3. Comparison Operators (Managing & Using MySQL)
- < (less than sign), input redirection: 4.9. Saving Your Output (Running Linux)
- ltrim( ): 4.4.1. Removing Whitespace (Programming PHP)
- A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q) (Programming PHP)
- LTRIM( ) function: 17.2.2. General Functions (Managing & Using MySQL)
- <script> tags, enclosing PHP code in: 2.7.4. Script Style (Programming PHP)
- <xsp:expr> tag: E.3.2. Handling Cookies (Practical mod_perl)
- LUGs (Linux User Groups): 0.. Linux User Groups (Linux in a Nutshell)
- Luhn checksum: Matching (Programming PHP)
- Lutz, Mark: 10. Python (Managing & Using MySQL)
- lwp-request, testing mod_perl status: 3.10.5. Testing via lwp-request (Practical mod_perl)
- LWP::UserAgent, spoofs and: 14.2.3. Small Input, Big Damage (Practical mod_perl)
- Lynx browser: 16.1.1. Using Konqueror and Other Web Browsers (Running Linux)
- LyX word processor: 9.3.1. Word Processors (Running Linux)
Symbols & Numbers
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