Index: W

Symbols & Numbers
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| W
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| Z
Index: W
- w command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- sed: 12.4. Alphabetical Summary of sed Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- w command, fdisk: 3.1.3. Creating Linux Partitions (Running Linux)
- 3.1.3. Creating Linux Partitions (Running Linux)
- $^W variable: Warnings (Practical mod_perl)
- 21.1.1. The Importance of Warnings (Practical mod_perl)
- wait command
- bash: 7.7. Built-in Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- tcsh: 8.9. Built-in Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- _ _wakeup( ) method: 6.6. Serialization (Programming PHP)
- wall command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- ex: 11.14. Alphabetical Summary of ex Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- Wall, Larry: 9.3. A General Model for Maintainable Perl Programs (Managing & Using MySQL)
- WANTHSREGEX rule: 1.10.5. Configuration Settings and Rules (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- warn( ), error messages and: 21.1.2. Curing "Internal Server Error" Problems (Practical mod_perl)
- warn child process 30388 did not exit, sending another SIGHUP, message: 22.4.2. [warn] child process 30388 did not exit, sending another SIGHUP (Practical mod_perl)
- warning options, gcc: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- warnings: 21.1. Warnings and Errors Explained (Practical mod_perl)
- 13.4.1. Error Reporting (Programming PHP)
- diagnostics pragma: The diagnostics pragma (Practical mod_perl)
- disabling, reasons to: 21.1.1. The Importance of Warnings (Practical mod_perl)
- enabling: Warnings (Practical mod_perl)
- importance of: 6.1.3. Enabling Warnings (Practical mod_perl)
- enabling/disabling, dynamically: 21.1.1. The Importance of Warnings (Practical mod_perl)
- importance of: 21.1.1. The Importance of Warnings (Practical mod_perl)
- localizing: 21.1.1. The Importance of Warnings (Practical mod_perl)
- mod_perl 2.0: PerlWarn (Practical mod_perl)
- public visibility of, disabling for security purposes: 12.1.1. Initialize Variables (Programming PHP)
- triggering errors with: Warnings (Practical mod_perl)
- warnings pragma: Warnings (Practical mod_perl)
- 21.1.1. The Importance of Warnings (Practical mod_perl)
- wasNull( ): 13.2.1. Queries and Result Sets (Managing & Using MySQL)
- watch command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- CVS: 15.6.7. User Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- watch command (gdb): 14.1.1. Tracing a Program (Running Linux)
- Breakpoints and watchpoints (Running Linux)
- watch variable (tcsh): 8.4.3. Predefined Shell Variables (Linux in a Nutshell)
- watchdogs
- hanging process monitoring: 5.11.4. Tracking and Terminating Hanging Processes (Practical mod_perl)
- hanging processes, detecting: 21.7.3. Detecting Hanging Processes (Practical mod_perl)
- server monitoring: mod_perl server watchdogs (Practical mod_perl)
- watchers command (CVS): 15.6.7. User Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- watchlog command (tcsh): 8.9. Built-in Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- watchpoints: 14.1.1. Tracing a Program (Running Linux)
- Breakpoints and watchpoints (Running Linux)
- WBMP image format: 9.2. The GD Extension (Programming PHP)
- output function for: 9.4.1. The Structure of a Graphics Program (Programming PHP)
- wc command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- WDDX extension: Custom storage (Programming PHP)
- B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- Weather Observation Definition Format: 19.1. XML (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- web addresses (see URLs)
- web applications
- Secure Sockets Layer (SSL): 7.7. SSL (Programming PHP)
- security: 12. Security (Programming PHP)
- techniques: 7. Web Techniques (Programming PHP)
- HTTP basics: 7.1. HTTP Basics (Programming PHP)
- HTTP response headers, setting: 7.5. Setting Response Headers (Programming PHP)
- maintaining state: 7.6. Maintaining State (Programming PHP)
- processing forms: 7.4. Processing Forms (Programming PHP)
- server information: 7.3. Server Information (Programming PHP)
- variables, EGPCS: 7.2. Variables (Programming PHP)
- web architecture and database applications: 8.1.3. Web Architecture (Managing & Using MySQL)
- web browsers
- cookies and: 11.5. Managing Sessions (Managing & Using MySQL)
- header( ) function and: 11.5. Managing Sessions (Managing & Using MySQL)
- 11.6. Writing Data with PHP (Managing & Using MySQL)
- HTML <form> and: 11.1. Introducing PHP (Managing & Using MySQL)
- HTTP 1.1 and: 6.5. Browsers and HTTP 1.1 (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- icons and: 7.1. Making Better Indexes in Apache (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- imagemaps: 7.3. Imagemaps (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- KDE: 18.1.2. The Konqueror File Manager and Web Browser (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 18.3.11. Web Browsing (Linux in a Nutshell)
- Mosaic: 1.1. A Brief History of CGI (Practical mod_perl)
- requesting scripts for PHP processing: 11.2. Installing PHP (Managing & Using MySQL)
- retrieving data using: 11.1. Introducing PHP (Managing & Using MySQL)
- securing user data: 11.4. Securing User Data (Managing & Using MySQL)
- web interfaces, persistent connections and: 20.1. Persistent Database Connections with Apache::DBI (Practical mod_perl)
- Web of Trust (WOT), certificates and: 11.3. Certificates (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- web pages
- embedding PHP in: 2.7. Embedding PHP in Web Pages (Programming PHP)
- ASP tags, using: 2.7.3. ASP Style (Programming PHP)
- echoing content directly: 2.7.5. Echoing Content Directly (Programming PHP)
- script style: 2.7.4. Script Style (Programming PHP)
- SGML tags, using: 2.7.2. SGML Style (Programming PHP)
- XML-compliant tags, using: 2.7.1. XML Style (Programming PHP)
- PDF files in: 10.2. Documents and Pages (Programming PHP)
- web pages, static documents: 1.1. A Brief History of CGI (Practical mod_perl)
- web redirection: 8. Redirection (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- web servers: 1.5. What Happens at the Server End? (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- 8.1.1. Client/Server Architecture (Managing & Using MySQL)
- 8.1.3. Web Architecture (Managing & Using MySQL)
- 11.1. Introducing PHP (Managing & Using MySQL)
- 7.1. HTTP Basics (Programming PHP)
- (see also servers)
- Apache (see Apache web servers)
- configuring PHP with: 15.1.2. Configuring PHP with a Web Server (Programming PHP)
- manually configuring Apache: Manually configuring Apache (Programming PHP)
- manually configuring PWS: Manually configuring PWS (Programming PHP)
- prepackaged distributions: Other installers and prepackaged distributions (Programming PHP)
- using PHP installer: Using the PHP installer to automatically configure PHP (Programming PHP)
- document root of: 11.1. Introducing PHP (Managing & Using MySQL)
- 11.2.1. Getting Started Under Unix (Managing & Using MySQL)
- httpd: 1.1. A Brief History of CGI (Practical mod_perl)
- information on: 10.4.1. Server Status (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- controlling access to: 3.4. Other Directives (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- maximum wait for requests: 3.4. Other Directives (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- per-server configuration: 20.4. Per-Server Configuration (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- 21.3. The Module Structure (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- 21.3. The Module Structure (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- 21.3. The Module Structure (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- A.2. Per-Server Configuration (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- Perl CGI module and: 9.2. DBI and CGI (Managing & Using MySQL)
- proxy servers: 1.1.1. Criteria for Choosing a Web Server (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- single, ISPs and: C.1. Users Sharing a Single Web Server (Practical mod_perl)
- supporting PHP: 1.1. What Does PHP Do? (Programming PHP)
- web service server setup
- principles of operation: 12.12.2. The Problem (Practical mod_perl)
- three-tier archetecture
- overview: 12.12. When One Machine Is Not Enough for Your RDBMS DataBase and mod_perl (Practical mod_perl)
- server requirements: 12.12.1. Server Requirements (Practical mod_perl)
- web services: 11.5. Web Services (Programming PHP)
- client, XML-RPC (example): 11.5.2. Clients (Programming PHP)
- servers, XML-RPC (example): 11.5.1. Servers (Programming PHP)
- web sites: 1.2. How Apache Works (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- 0.. Web Sites (Linux in a Nutshell)
- AbiWord: 9.3.1. Word Processors (Running Linux)
- Abiword word processor: 11.5.4. Abiword Word Processor (Running Linux)
- Apache: 2.9. References (Practical mod_perl)
- installing on Windows: 2.4.1. Installing mod_perl with the Perl Package Manager (Practical mod_perl)
- Apache Module Registry: 1.4.1. Apache 1.3 Modules and the mod_perl 1.0 API (Practical mod_perl)
- Apache Modules Registry: 1.5. References (Practical mod_perl)
- Apache Performance Notes: 11.10. References (Practical mod_perl)
- Apache Toolbox: 3.12. References (Practical mod_perl)
- ApacheBench utility: 9.6. References (Practical mod_perl)
- application directories: 1.5.10. Other Applications (Running Linux)
- Blender: 9.4.3. POVRAY (Running Linux)
- Boa server: 12.4. One Light Non-Apache and One mod_perl-Enabled Apache Server (Practical mod_perl)
- CGI online tutorial: 1.1.2. The Common Gateway Interface Specification (Practical mod_perl)
- CGI specification: 1.5. References (Practical mod_perl)
- CPAN: 2.2.2. Building mod_perl (Practical mod_perl)
- 2.9. References (Practical mod_perl)
- cronlog: 5.12. References (Practical mod_perl)
- cross-site scripting information: 1.1.2. The Common Gateway Interface Specification (Practical mod_perl)
- CUPS: 8.4.15. CUPS (Running Linux)
- daemontools: 5.12. References (Practical mod_perl)
- defined: 2.1. What's Behind an Apache Web Site? (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- demonstration: 0.3. Conventions Used in This Book (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- ftformat utility: Backing up to tape (Running Linux)
- GNOME: 11.4.1. Installing and Updating GNOME (Running Linux)
- GNOME software: 11.5.5. Additional Applications and Resources (Running Linux)
- GPL: 1.6. About Linux's Copyright (Running Linux)
- High-Availability Linux Project: 5.12. References (Practical mod_perl)
- HTTP/1.1 standard: 1.5. References (Practical mod_perl)
- httperf(1) utility: 9.6. References (Practical mod_perl)
- http_load(1) utility: 9.6. References (Practical mod_perl)
- I/O filtering: 25.3. I/O Filtering (Practical mod_perl)
- IP filters: 5.12. References (Practical mod_perl)
- KDE documentation: The KDE panel and the K menu (Running Linux)
- kernel version history: 7.4. Building a New Kernel (Running Linux)
- kHTTPd: 12.4. One Light Non-Apache and One mod_perl-Enabled Apache Server (Practical mod_perl)
- KWord: 9.3.1. Word Processors (Running Linux)
- lbnamed server: 12.16. References (Practical mod_perl)
- libgtop C library: 9.6. References (Practical mod_perl)
- libwww-perl: 2.9. References (Practical mod_perl)
- Linux Documentation Project: 9.3.3. SGML, XML, and Docbook (Running Linux)
- Linux, obtaining: 2.1.2. Getting Linux from the Internet (Running Linux)
- Linux Virtual Server Project: 5.12. References (Practical mod_perl)
- log collecting and processing: 5.12. References (Practical mod_perl)
- MIME types: 1.5. References (Practical mod_perl)
- mod_backhand: 5.12. References (Practical mod_perl)
- 12.16. References (Practical mod_perl)
- mod_log_spread: 5.12. References (Practical mod_perl)
- mod_macro: 4.12. References (Practical mod_perl)
- mod_perl: 2.9. References (Practical mod_perl)
- mod_perl binary package for Windows: 2. Getting Started Fast (Practical mod_perl)
- mod_perl sites: 1.3. The Development of mod_perl 1.0 (Practical mod_perl)
- mod_throttle_access: 5.12. References (Practical mod_perl)
- multiple (see virtual hosts)
- OpenOffice: 9.3.1. Word Processors (Running Linux)
- OS-specific performance information: 11.10. References (Practical mod_perl)
- PAM information: 5.7.3. PAM and Other Authentication Methods (Running Linux)
- Perl documentation: 6.1.1. Accessing Documentation (Practical mod_perl)
- Perl Module Mechanics: 6.13. References (Practical mod_perl)
- Plex86: 1.5.9. Interfacing with Windows and MS-DOS (Running Linux)
- port forwarding information: 5.12. References (Practical mod_perl)
- print services information: 8.4. Managing Print Services (Running Linux)
- RAWRITE.EXE: 2.1.2. Getting Linux from the Internet (Running Linux)
- Recall: 5.12. References (Practical mod_perl)
- source code distributions: 2.2.1. Obtaining and Unpacking the Source Code (Practical mod_perl)
- splitlog: 12.16. References (Practical mod_perl)
- Spread: 5.12. References (Practical mod_perl)
- Squid server: 12.6. The Squid Server and mod_perl (Practical mod_perl)
- standards: A.3.8. Internet RFCs and Other Standards (Running Linux)
- SWIG: 13.13. References (Practical mod_perl)
- tar and gzip: 2.2.1. Obtaining and Unpacking the Source Code (Practical mod_perl)
- thttpd server: 12.4. One Light Non-Apache and One mod_perl-Enabled Apache Server (Practical mod_perl)
- USB devices: 12. Windows Compatibility and Samba (Running Linux)
- variable and namespace information: 6.13. References (Practical mod_perl)
- VMWare: 1.5.9. Interfacing with Windows and MS-DOS (Running Linux)
- WebBench utility: 9.6. References (Practical mod_perl)
- Windows emulation software: 12.3. Running MS-DOS and Windows Applications on Linux (Running Linux)
- Wine project: 1.5.9. Interfacing with Windows and MS-DOS (Running Linux)
- Ximian Evolution: 11.5.1. Ximian Evolution: Mail, Calendar, and Contacts (Running Linux)
- webgroup group (example): 2.3.1. webuser and webgroup (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- webuser user (example): 2.3.1. webuser and webgroup (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- wedding gift registry database: 11.3.1. The Wedding Gift Registry Database (Managing & Using MySQL)
- WEEK( ) function: 17.2.2. General Functions (Managing & Using MySQL)
- WEEKDAY( ) function: 17.2.2. General Functions (Managing & Using MySQL)
- well-formed XML: 11.1. Lightning Guide to XML (Programming PHP)
- Welling, Luke: 11.8. Where to Find Out More (Managing & Using MySQL)
- what command: 14.2.6. Revision Control Tools — RCS (Running Linux)
- whatis command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- whatis database, searching with apropos command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- WHERE clause
- bind_where( ) and: 9.3.2. Implementing the Model (Managing & Using MySQL)
- Methods that handle WHERE clauses (Managing & Using MySQL)
- EXPLAIN SELECT command and: EXPLAIN SELECT (Managing & Using MySQL)
- functions in: 3.9.4. Functions (Managing & Using MySQL)
- Generic Where method and: 9.3.1. A Model for Relational Data (Managing & Using MySQL)
- logical operators and: 3.8.1. Logical Operators (Managing & Using MySQL)
- make_where( ) and: Methods that handle WHERE clauses (Managing & Using MySQL)
- performance pros/cons of indexes: Index guidelines (Managing & Using MySQL)
- phantom reads and: Transaction isolation levels (Managing & Using MySQL)
- Primary Key utility and: 9.3.1. A Model for Relational Data (Managing & Using MySQL)
- SELECT statement and: 3.7. Queries (Managing & Using MySQL)
- 15.2. SQL Commands (Managing & Using MySQL)
- UPDATE statement and: 3.6.4. The WHERE Clause (Managing & Using MySQL)
- vs. HAVING clause: 3.7.4. Limiting Results (Managing & Using MySQL)
- where command: 21.6.4. Analyzing the core File (Practical mod_perl)
- where command (tcsh): 8.9. Built-in Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- whereis command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- which command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- tcsh: 8.9. Built-in Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- while command
- bash: 7.7. Built-in Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- gawk: 13.8. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- tcsh: 8.9. Built-in Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- while loops: 2.5.3. while (Programming PHP)
- continue statements in: 2.5.3. while (Programming PHP)
- while loops in PHP: 11.1.1. A Short Language Primer (Managing & Using MySQL)
- whitespace: 14.2.9. Indenting Code (Running Linux)
- in heredocs: 4.1.4. Here Documents (Programming PHP)
- in PHP code: 2.1.3. Whitespace and Line Breaks (Programming PHP)
- in URLs: 9.6. Dynamically Generated Buttons (Programming PHP)
- removing from strings: 4.4.1. Removing Whitespace (Programming PHP)
- trimming from strings: A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
- whitespace, converting to tabs (unexpand): 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- who command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- who variable (tcsh): 8.4.3. Predefined Shell Variables (Linux in a Nutshell)
- whoami command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- whois command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- Widenius, Michael "Monty": 1.2. The History of MySQL (Managing & Using MySQL)
- wildcards
- determining user access rights: The security tables (Managing & Using MySQL)
- specifying host names with: GRANT and REVOKE (Managing & Using MySQL)
- Williams, Hugh E.: 11.8. Where to Find Out More (Managing & Using MySQL)
- Wilson, Torben: 11.8. Where to Find Out More (Managing & Using MySQL)
- Win32: 1.13. Apache Under Windows (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- configuring server: 2.4. Setting Up a Win32 Server (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- home directories: 8.1.1. A Subtle Problem (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- multiple IP addresses: Multiple sites: Win32 (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- passwords: 5.4. Passwords Under Win32 (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- restarting Apache: 3.6. Restarts (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- security: 1.3.2. How Apache Uses TCP/IP (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- 11. Security (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- time display format: 14.2. File Modification Time (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- versions of Apache: 1.7. Windows? (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- window
- history: 16.1.1. Using Konqueror and Other Web Browsers (Running Linux)
- konsole (see konsole)
- management: 10.1. X Concepts (Running Linux)
- window command: 21.5.6. Introduction to the Perl Debugger (Practical mod_perl)
- Window List Applet (GNOME): The Window List Applet (Linux in a Nutshell)
- Window List (GNOME): The panel (Running Linux)
- window managers: 16.1. Desktop Environments and Window Managers (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 1.5.5. The X Window System (Running Linux)
- 11.1.1. xinit (Running Linux)
- Windows
- compatibilities, utilities for: 1.5.9. Interfacing with Windows and MS-DOS (Running Linux)
- compatibility
- document format support: Other document formats (Running Linux)
- MTools and: 12.1. Sharing Disks with MTools (Running Linux)
- partitions: 12.2. Sharing Partitions (Running Linux)
- device driver support: 12. Windows Compatibility and Samba (Running Linux)
- emulation software: 12.3. Running MS-DOS and Windows Applications on Linux (Running Linux)
- file and printer sharing: 1.5.7. Networking (Running Linux)
- file sharing: 12.2.1. Mounting Windows Shares (Running Linux)
- translation utilities: 12.2.3. File Translation Utilities (Running Linux)
- installing mod_perl: 2.4. Installing mod_perl for Windows (Practical mod_perl)
- 2.4.1. Installing mod_perl with the Perl Package Manager (Practical mod_perl)
- mod_perl binary package web site: 2. Getting Started Fast (Practical mod_perl)
- Windows 2000 systems
- installing MySQL on: 2.3.2. Windows NT/2000 Startup (Managing & Using MySQL)
- server startup/shutdown: 4.2.3. Windows NT/2000 (Managing & Using MySQL)
- shared libraries on: 14.1.3. Calling a UDF (Managing & Using MySQL)
- windows (Emacs): 10.1.2. Buffer and Window (Linux in a Nutshell)
- Windows (Microsoft)
- dual booting, NT/2000/XP and Linux: 4.6. Dual-Booting Linux and Windows NT/2000/XP (Linux in a Nutshell)
- restoring the pre-Linux MBR: 4.1. The Boot Process (Linux in a Nutshell)
- share configuration (KDE): Windows Shares (Linux in a Nutshell)
- Windows NT systems
- installing MySQL on: 2.3.2. Windows NT/2000 Startup (Managing & Using MySQL)
- server startup/shutdown: 4.2.3. Windows NT/2000 (Managing & Using MySQL)
- shared libraries on: 14.1.3. Calling a UDF (Managing & Using MySQL)
- Windows operating systems
- Windows 95, style for KDE: Configuring window styles and colors (Running Linux)
- Windows partitions (shares) mounting: 12.2. Sharing Partitions (Running Linux)
- Windows systems
- configuration files on: 4.1.1. File Locations (Managing & Using MySQL)
- error logs on: 4.3.1. The Error Log (Managing & Using MySQL)
- installing MySQL on: 2.3. Windows Installation (Managing & Using MySQL)
- installing PHP on: 11.2.2. Getting Started Under Microsoft Windows (Managing & Using MySQL)
- shared libraries on: 14.1.3. Calling a UDF (Managing & Using MySQL)
- Windows systems, PHP on: 15. PHP on Windows (Programming PHP)
- configuring PHP with web server: 15.1.2. Configuring PHP with a Web Server (Programming PHP)
- manually configuring Apache: Manually configuring Apache (Programming PHP)
- manually configuring PWS: Manually configuring PWS (Programming PHP)
- prepackaged distributions: Other installers and prepackaged distributions (Programming PHP)
- using PHP installer: Using the PHP installer to automatically configure PHP (Programming PHP)
- extensions: 15.1.3. Adding Extensions to the Base Distribution (Programming PHP)
- installing PHP: 15.1. Installing and Configuring PHP on Windows (Programming PHP)
- interfacing with COM: 15.3. Interfacing with COM (Programming PHP)
- API, determining: 15.3.3. Determining the API (Programming PHP)
- Excel files, reading and writing: 15.3.5. Reading and Writing Excel Files (Programming PHP)
- ODBC data sources: 15.4. Interacting with ODBC Data Sources (Programming PHP)
- PHP functions: 15.3.2. PHP Functions (Programming PHP)
- Word document, completing: 15.3.4. Completing a Word Document (Programming PHP)
- writing portable code for Windows and Unix: 15.2. Writing Portable Code for Windows and Unix (Programming PHP)
- determining the platform: 15.2.1. Determining the Platform (Programming PHP)
- end-of-file handling: 15.2.8. End-of-File Handling (Programming PHP)
- end-of-line handling: 15.2.7. End-of-Line Handling (Programming PHP)
- environment information: 15.2.3. The Environment (Programming PHP)
- extensions, platform-specific: 15.2.10. Common Platform-Specific Extensions (Programming PHP)
- paths, handling across platforms: 15.2.2. Handling Paths Across Platforms (Programming PHP)
- remote files: 15.2.6. Remote Files (Programming PHP)
- sending mail: 15.2.4. Sending Mail (Programming PHP)
- server-specific functions: 15.2.5. Server-Specific Functions (Programming PHP)
- shell commands: 15.2.9. External Commands (Programming PHP)
- Windows 9x systems,
installing MySQL on: 2.3.1. Windows 9x Startup (Managing & Using MySQL)
- Wine project (Windows emulation): 1.5.9. Interfacing with Windows and MS-DOS (Running Linux)
- Wine (Windows emulation software): 12.3. Running MS-DOS and Windows Applications on Linux (Running Linux)
- Win4Lin: 12.3. Running MS-DOS and Windows Applications on Linux (Running Linux)
- Winmodem modem: Requirements (Running Linux)
- winmysqladmin.exe utility: 2.3.1. Windows 9x Startup (Managing & Using MySQL)
- winnt MPM: 24.1. What's New in Apache 2.0 (Practical mod_perl)
- WITH GRANT OPTION keyword: GRANT and REVOKE (Managing & Using MySQL)
- WITH_APXS configuration parameter: 3.1.1. Controlling the Build Process (Practical mod_perl)
- wnext command (ex): 11.14. Alphabetical Summary of ex Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- Word
- completing a document with PHP: 15.3.4. Completing a Word Document (Programming PHP)
- macro language, using to expose OLE COM objects and parameters: 15.3.3. Determining the API (Programming PHP)
- starting and adding "Hello, World" to document with COM: 15.3.1. Background (Programming PHP)
- word boundaries
- \b and \B, Perl-style regular expressions: 4.10.4. Anchors (Programming PHP)
- in POSIX regular expressions: 4.9.2. Anchors (Programming PHP)
- word processing: 9.3.1. Word Processors (Running Linux)
- overview: 1.5.2. Text Processing and Word Processing (Running Linux)
- word pronunciations in English, comparing to Soundex and Metaphone algorithms: 4.6.2. Approximate Equality (Programming PHP)
- wordchars variable (tcsh): 8.4.3. Predefined Shell Variables (Linux in a Nutshell)
- WordPerfect Office 2000: 1.5.3. Commercial Applications (Running Linux)
- words in string, changing case of first character: 4.4.2. Changing Case (Programming PHP)
- wordwrap( ): A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
- worker MPM: 24.1. What's New in Apache 2.0 (Practical mod_perl)
- working directories
- CVS: 15.1. Basic Concepts (Linux in a Nutshell)
- pwd command, identifying with: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- Workspace Switcher Applet (GNOME): Workspaces and the Workspace Switcher (Linux in a Nutshell)
- workspace switcher (GNOME): The panel (Running Linux)
- workspaces, KDE: The KDE panel and the K menu (Running Linux)
- World Wide Web: 16.1. The World Wide Web (Running Linux)
- configuring server: 16.1.2. Configuring Your Own Web Server (Running Linux)
- WOT (Web of Trust), certificates and: 11.3. Certificates (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- wq command (ex): 11.14. Alphabetical Summary of ex Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- wqall command (ex): 11.14. Alphabetical Summary of ex Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- wrappers: 16.6. suEXEC on Unix (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- wrappers, file-locking: 19.4. Locking Wrappers Overview (Practical mod_perl)
- write( ): 6.4.7. Formats (Practical mod_perl)
- write command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- ex: 11.14. Alphabetical Summary of ex Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- write handlers for sessions: Custom storage (Programming PHP)
- write locks: 3.9.3. Table Locking (Managing & Using MySQL)
- write permission: 4.13.1. What Permissions Mean (Running Linux)
- writing modules: 21. Writing Apache Modules (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- writing permission: 2.3.5. Unix Permissions (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- wtmp file: 8.3. Managing System Logs (Running Linux)
- WWW-Authenticate header: 7.5.4. Authentication (Programming PHP)
- WYSIWYG word processing: 1.5.2. Text Processing and Word Processing (Running Linux)
- 9.3.1. Word Processors (Running Linux)
Symbols & Numbers
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