Index: Q
Symbols & Numbers
| A
| B
| C
| D
| E
| F
| G
| H
| I
| J
| K
| L
| M
| N
| O
| P
| Q
| R
| S
| T
| U
| V
| W
| X
| Y
| Z
Index: Q
- Q names: 3.3.5. Element Callbacks (Java & XML)
- qualified names: 2.3. Namespaces (Perl & XML)
- Qualified names (XML Schema)
- 4.2.1. Qualified Names, Prefixes, and Local Parts (XML in a Nutshell)
- defining: 4.4.1. Parameter Entity References for Namespace Prefixes (XML in a Nutshell)
- XML specification for: 20.3.4. Namespaces (XML in a Nutshell)
- qualified names, naming attributes and elements: 2.6.2. Element and Attribute Naming with Namespaces (SAX2)
- qualified vs. unqualified attributes: 10.3. To Qualify Or Not to Qualify? (XML Schema)
- quantifiers in patterns: 6.3. Quantifying (XML Schema)
- quantum mechanics symbols, Unicode block for: 26.3.22. Miscellaneous Technical (XML in a Nutshell)
- Query Language, XML: 1.4. The Evolution of XML (XML in a Nutshell)
- querying support for XML documents: 1.1.3. Querying Support (XML Schema)
- question mark (?) in PYX notation: 4.5. XML::PYX (Perl & XML)
- " entity, quoting attribute values and: D.1. How Do I Put Quotes Inside an Attribute Value? (Java and XSLT)
- quotation marks: Attributes (Java & XML)
- quotes (see double quotes)
- D.1. How Do I Put Quotes Inside an Attribute Value? (XSLT)
- "Hello World" sample document
- converting into
- Java program: 2.5.3. The Hello World Java Program (XSLT)
- PDF file: 2.5.2. The Hello World PDF File (XSLT)
- SVG file: 2.5.1. The Hello World SVG File (XSLT)
Symbols & Numbers
| A
| B
| C
| D
| E
| F
| G
| H
| I
| J
| K
| L
| M
| N
| O
| P
| Q
| R
| S
| T
| U
| V
| W
| X
| Y
| Z

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