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Index: G

Galazka, Wojciech: 5.8. Converting Between Character Sets (XML in a Nutshell)
GCA (Graphic Communications Association): 2.1. A Brief History of XML (Perl & XML)
GCC Java (GCJ): 1.6.1. Ælfred2 (SAX2)
GCJ (GNU General Public License): 1.6.1. Ælfred2 (SAX2)
general entities: 2.5. Entities (Perl & XML)
external parsed: 3.5. External Parsed General Entities (XML in a Nutshell)
attribute values and: 20.4.1. Well-Formedness Constraints (XML in a Nutshell)
no recursion allowed: 20.4.1. Well-Formedness Constraints (XML in a Nutshell)
text declarations and: 5.3. Text Declarations (XML in a Nutshell)
XML specification for: 20.2. Annotated Sample Documents (XML in a Nutshell)
20.3.2. DTD (Document Type Definition) (XML in a Nutshell)
external unparsed: 3.6. External Unparsed Entities and Notations (XML in a Nutshell)
20.3.2. DTD (Document Type Definition) (XML in a Nutshell)
declaring notations: 20.4.2. Validity Constraints (XML in a Nutshell)
internal: 20.2. Annotated Sample Documents (XML in a Nutshell)
20.3.2. DTD (Document Type Definition) (XML in a Nutshell)
general entity declarations: 20.2. Annotated Sample Documents (XML in a Nutshell)
20.3.2. DTD (Document Type Definition) (XML in a Nutshell)
declaring: 20.4.2. Validity Constraints (XML in a Nutshell)
general entity references: 3.4. General Entity Declarations (XML in a Nutshell)
(see also entity references)
XML specification for: 20.2. Annotated Sample Documents (XML in a Nutshell)
20.3.1. Global Syntax Structures (XML in a Nutshell)
General Punctuation Unicode block: 26.3.17. General Punctuation (XML in a Nutshell)
Generalized Markup Language (GML): 2.1. A Brief History of XML (Perl & XML)
generate-id( ) function: 5.3. Generating Links in Unstructured Documents (XSLT)
C. XSLT and XPath Function Reference (XSLT)
grouping elements/nodes and: 6.2. Grouping Nodes (XSLT)
generate-id( ) (XSLT): 23.3. XSLT Functions (XML in a Nutshell)
generateRSSContentMethod( ): 14.3.2. Creating an XML RSS Document (Java & XML)
JPEG files: 8.3.1. Generating JPEG Files from XML Content (XSLT)
9.5.7. Generating the JPEG Files (XSLT)
links (see links, creating)
main menu panel: 9.5.3. Generating the Main Menu Panel (XSLT)
output files: Example: Generating multiple output files (XSLT)
panels: 9.5.5. Generating the Individual Panels (XSLT)
PDF files: 9.5.6. Generating the PDF Files (XSLT)
section indexes: 9.5.4. Generating the Section Indexes (XSLT)
zip files: 9.5.8. Generating the Zip File (XSLT)
generic coding in markup language: 2.1. A Brief History of XML (Perl & XML)
Geometric Shapes Unicode block: 26.3.24. Geometric Shapes (XML in a Nutshell)
get*( ) method: 3.3. Configuring XMLReader Behavior (SAX2)
GET requests: 6.1.1. Splash Screen Servlet Example (Java and XSLT)
6.2.3. XML Messaging over HTTP with SAX2 (SAX2)
getAttribute( ): Working with the factory (Java & XML)
getAttribute( ) (DOM): 24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
getAttribute method for Element node: Methods (Perl & XML)
getAttributeNode( ) (DOM): 24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
getAttributeNode method for Element node: Methods (Perl & XML)
getAttributeNodeNS( ) (DOM): 24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
getAttributeNodeNS method for Element node: Methods (Perl & XML)
getAttributeNS( ) (DOM): 24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
getAttributeNS method for Element node: Methods (Perl & XML)
getAttributes( ): Working with nodes (Java & XML)
getAttributeValue( ): 7.3.4. Backtracking (Java & XML)
getBaseURI( ) function: 5.1.1. The AttributesImpl Class (SAX2)
getBody( ): 13.4.1. A Messaging Service (Java & XML)
getCause( ) method: 2.5.1. SAX2 Exception Classes (SAX2)
getChild( ): 7.2.3. Creating XML with JDOM (Java & XML)
getChildNodes( ): Working with nodes (Java & XML)
getChildNodes( ) method: 3.5. XML::LibXML (Perl & XML)
7.3. XML::DOM (Perl & XML)
getChildren( ): 7.3.2. Loading XML (Java & XML)
getColumnNumber( ): 3.3.1. The Document Locator (Java & XML)
getColumnNumber( ) function: 4.1.2. The Locator Interface (SAX2)
getContent( ): 7.3.4. Backtracking (Java & XML)
7.3.4. Backtracking (Java & XML)
getDetailEntries( ): 12.4.2. Better Error Handling (Java & XML)
getDocument( ): 5.2.2. DOM Parser Output (Java & XML)
getDocumentElement( ): Working with nodes (Java & XML)
getDTDHandler( ) function: 3.1.1. The XMLReader Interface (SAX2)
getElementById( ) (DOM): Document (XML in a Nutshell)
24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
getElementById method: Methods (Perl & XML)
getElementsByTagName( ) (DOM): Document (XML in a Nutshell)
Document interface: 24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
Element interface: 24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
getElementsByTagName method: Methods (Perl & XML) Methods (Perl & XML)
7.3. XML::DOM (Perl & XML)
getElementsByTagNameNS( ): 6.2. Namespaces (Java & XML)
getElementsByTagNameNS( ) (DOM): Document (XML in a Nutshell)
Document interface: 24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
Element interface: 24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
getElementsByTagNameNS method: Methods (Perl & XML)
for Element node: Methods (Perl & XML)
getEntityResolver( ) function: 3.1.1. The XMLReader Interface (SAX2)
getErrorHandler( ) function: 3.1.1. The XMLReader Interface (SAX2)
getException( ): 3.3.2. The Beginning and the End of a Document (Java & XML)
getException( ) function: 2.5.1. SAX2 Exception Classes (SAX2)
getException( ) (SAX): 25.1. The org.xml.sax Package (XML in a Nutshell)
getFeature( ): 4.1.1. Setting Properties and Features (Java & XML) Changes in SAX classes (Java & XML)
getFeature( ) function: 3.1.1. The XMLReader Interface (SAX2)
namespace feature flags: 2.6.3. Namespace Feature Flags (SAX2)
getFeature( ) (SAX): 19.2. SAX Features and Properties (XML in a Nutshell)
getFirstChild( ): 6.1.2. Modifying a DOM Tree (Java & XML)
getIndex( ) function: Attribute lookup by name (SAX2)
getInstance( ): 11.4.2. Shared Instances (Java & XML)
getItem( ): 15.2.2. Source Generation (Java & XML)
getLength( ) function: Attribute lookup by index (SAX2)
getLineNumber( ): 3.3.1. The Document Locator (Java & XML)
getLineNumber( ) function: 4.1.2. The Locator Interface (SAX2)
getListOfEvents( ): 11.3.1. A Shared Handler (Java & XML)
getLocalName( ) function, naming attributes: Attribute naming (SAX2)
getLocalName(int index) method: 3.3.5. Element Callbacks (Java & XML)
getNamedItem class for Node class (DOM): Methods (Perl & XML)
getNamedItem( ) (DOM): 24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
getNamedItemNS class for Node class (DOM): Methods (Perl & XML)
getNamedItemNS( ) (DOM): 24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
getNamespace( ), JDOM: 8.1.3. The Namespace Class (Java & XML)
getNamespaceURI( ): 6.2. Namespaces (Java & XML)
getNodeName( ): Working with nodes (Java & XML)
getNodeType( ): Working with nodes (Java & XML)
getNodeValue( ): 5.4.2. Polymorphism and the Node Interface (Java & XML)
textual data, printing: Working with nodes (Java & XML)
getNodeValue( ) method: 7.3. XML::DOM (Perl & XML)
getOutputProperties( ): 5.4.1. Templates API (Java and XSLT)
getOutputStream( ): 6.1.1. Splash Screen Servlet Example (Java and XSLT)
8.4.2. XSLT Transformation Filter (Java and XSLT)
ServletResponse interface: 8.4.1. Filter Overview (Java and XSLT)
ServletResponseWrapper class: 8.4.1. Filter Overview (Java and XSLT)
getParameter( ): 6.1.1. Splash Screen Servlet Example (Java and XSLT)
getParent( ): 4.3.1. XMLFilters (Java & XML)
getPersonalData( ): 6.3.3. Source Code (Java and XSLT)
getPrefix( ): 6.2. Namespaces (Java & XML)
6.2. Namespaces (Java & XML)
getPrefix( ) function: 5.1.3. The NamespaceSupport Class (SAX2)
getProperty( ): 4.1.1. Setting Properties and Features (Java & XML)
7.2.3. Creating XML with JDOM (Java & XML) Changes in SAX classes (Java & XML)
getProperty( ) function: 3.1.1. The XMLReader Interface (SAX2)
getProperty( ) (SAX): 19.2. SAX Features and Properties (XML in a Nutshell)
getPublicId( ) function: 4.1.2. The Locator Interface (SAX2)
getQName( ) function, naming attributes: Attribute naming (SAX2)
getResource( ): 6.2.4. Servlet API Highlights (Java and XSLT)
getResourceAsStream( ): 6.2.4. Servlet API Highlights (Java and XSLT)
getRootElement( ): 7.3.2. Loading XML (Java & XML) 14.3.2. Creating an XML RSS Document (Java & XML)
getServletInfo( ): 6.1.1. Splash Screen Servlet Example (Java and XSLT)
getSystemId( ) function: 4.1.2. The Locator Interface (SAX2)
getText( ): 7.3.2. Loading XML (Java & XML)
getTextTrim( ): 7.3.2. Loading XML (Java & XML)
getTodaysShows( ): 4.1.2. Servlets as CGI Replacements (Java and XSLT)
getType( ) function: Attribute lookup by name (SAX2)
getURI( ) function, naming attributes: Attribute naming (SAX2)
getURI(int index) method: 3.3.5. Element Callbacks (Java & XML)
getValue( ) function: Attribute lookup by name (SAX2)
getWriter( ): 6.1.1. Splash Screen Servlet Example (Java and XSLT)
8.4.2. XSLT Transformation Filter (Java and XSLT)
getXMLReader( ): The road to SAX 2.0 (Java & XML)
getXPath( ): 8.3.3. Providing Support for XPath (Java & XML)
global attributes: 2.3.3. Flat Design, Global Components (XML Schema) Attributes (XML Schema)
defining: Attributes (XML Schema)
in <Emphasis>Namespaces in XML<Default Para Font>: 10.3. To Qualify Or Not to Qualify? (XML Schema)
10.4. Disruptive Attributes (XML Schema)
limitations of: 6.6. Back to Our Library (XML Schema)
global definitions of complex datatypes: 7.2.2. Named Versus Anonymous Types (XML Schema)
creating simple content models: 7.3.1. Creation of Simple Content Models (XML Schema)
xs:redefine element and: 8.2. Schema Inclusion with Redefinition (XML Schema) Elements (XML Schema) Elements (XML Schema)
global elements: 2.3.3. Flat Design, Global Components (XML Schema) Elements (XML Schema)
defining: Elements (XML Schema) Elements (XML Schema)
documenting schemas: 14.1.2. Think Globally (XML Schema)
substitution groups and: 12.1. Substitution Groups (XML Schema) Using substitution groups (XML Schema)
global. naming convention: 7.2.3. XSLT Stylesheets (Java and XSLT)
global parameters: 4.4.3. Global Parameters (XSLT)
global properties list, Ant buildfiles: 3.6.2. Stylesheet Functionality (Java and XSLT)
global variables: 3.2.1. <xsl:variable> (Java and XSLT)
global variables, initializing: 9.5.2. Initializing Global Variables (XSLT)
globally defining components: 2.2. Our First Schema (XML Schema)
13.1.1. Global Components (XML Schema)
glossary: Glossary (XML Schema)
Glossary (XSLT)
Glue: 13.4.4. WSDL (Java & XML)
glyph areas (XSL-FO): 13.1. XSL Formatting Objects (XML in a Nutshell)
GML (Generalized Markup Language): 2.1. A Brief History of XML (Perl & XML)
GNOME project: 3.5. XML::LibXML (Perl & XML)
GNU Classpath Extensions project: 1.6.1. Ælfred2 (SAX2)
GNU General Public License (GCJ): 1.6.1. Ælfred2 (SAX2)
GNU pipeline framework: 4.5. XML Pipelines (SAX2)
GNUJAXP: 4.4.1. SAX-to-DOM Consumers (SAX2)
gnujaxp.jar file: 1.6.1. Ælfred2 (SAX2)
XMLWriter and: 2.2.3. XMLWriter: an Event Consumer (SAX2)
gnu.xml.pipeline framework: 4.5.4. The gnu.xml.pipeline Framework (SAX2)
gnu.xml.pipeline.CallFilter class: 6.2.3. XML Messaging over HTTP with SAX2 (SAX2)
Goldfarb, Charles: 2.1. A Brief History of XML (Perl & XML)
1.2.1. XML's Heritage (XSLT)
1.4. The Evolution of XML (XML in a Nutshell)
6.1. SGML's Legacy (XML in a Nutshell)
Goodman, Danny: 24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
grammar-based XML Schema languages: A.2.2. Grammar-Based XML Schema Languages (XML Schema)
grammar for XML documents: 20.5. XML Document Grammar (XML in a Nutshell)
Graphic Communications Association (GCA): 2.1. A Brief History of XML (Perl & XML)
greater-than sign (>), CSS child element selector: 12.4.2. Matching Descendants, Children, and Siblings (XML in a Nutshell)
greater than operator (>): 4.2.1. The <xsl:if> Element (XSLT)
using (>) entity instead of: 4.2.1. The <xsl:if> Element (XSLT)
greater-than-or-equal operator (>=): 4.2.1. The <xsl:if> Element (XSLT)
4.2.1. The <xsl:if> Element (XSLT)
Greek Extended Unicode block: 26.3.16. Greek Extended (XML in a Nutshell)
Greek Unicode block: 26.3.6. Greek and Coptic (XML in a Nutshell)
greeting elements: 2.3.4. Walking Through Our Example (XSLT)
<xsl:template> for: 2.4.4. The <xsl:template> for <greeting> Elements (XSLT)
grep program working with XML::PYX: 4.5. XML::PYX (Perl & XML)
group character ( ) (parentheses): 6.4.4. Oring and Grouping (XML Schema)
grouping: 6. Sorting and Grouping Elements (XSLT)
(see also sorting)
elements/nodes: 6. Sorting and Grouping Elements (XSLT)
using <xsl:key> element: 6.2.4. The <xsl:key> Approach (XSLT)
using <xsl:variable> element: 6.2.3. Grouping with <xsl:variable> (XSLT)
XML documents: 7.4.3. Grouping Across Multiple Documents (XSLT)
attribute (see attribute groups)
element (see element groups)
guided editing applications: 1.1.5. Guided Editing (XML Schema)
gun.xml.dom.Consumer class: 4.4.1. SAX-to-DOM Consumers (SAX2)

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