Index: R
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Index: R
- \r special character (carriage return): 6.4.1. Special Characters (XML Schema)
- Ragget, Dave: 7.1.1. Moving from HTML to XHTML (XML in a Nutshell)
- Rahtz, Sebastian: 13.3.2. Generating the Finished Document (XML in a Nutshell)
- random access, providing for XML data: 1.3. Why Not to Choose SAX? (SAX2)
- range( ): 11.7.1. The range( ) function (XML in a Nutshell)
- range-inside( ): 11.7.2. The range-inside( ) function (XML in a Nutshell)
- Range module: 6.3.3. Range (Java & XML)
- online resources: 6.3.3. Range (Java & XML)
- range-to( ): 11.7.3. The range-to( ) function (XML in a Nutshell)
- ranges in user-defined character classes, defining: User-defined character classes (XML Schema)
- ranges in XPointers: 11.6. Points (XML in a Nutshell)
- 11.7. Ranges (XML in a Nutshell)
- raw names: 4.2.1. Qualified Names, Prefixes, and Local Parts (XML in a Nutshell)
- defining: 4.4.1. Parameter Entity References for Namespace Prefixes (XML in a Nutshell)
- RDDL (Resource Directory Description Language): 0.. What This Book Covers (XML in a Nutshell)
- 14. Resource Directory Description Language (RDDL) (XML in a Nutshell)
- document example: 14.2. RDDL Syntax (XML in a Nutshell)
- namespace URIs and: 4.2.3. Namespace URIs (XML in a Nutshell)
- namespace URLs and: 14. Resource Directory Description Language (RDDL) (XML in a Nutshell)
- natures of related resources: 14.3. Natures (XML in a Nutshell)
- purposes of related resources: 14.4. Purposes (XML in a Nutshell)
- syntax for: 14.2. RDDL Syntax (XML in a Nutshell)
- rddl:resource element: 14. Resource Directory Description Language (RDDL) (XML in a Nutshell)
- RDF (Resource Description Framework): 0.. What This Book Covers (XML in a Nutshell)
- 7.4.1. RDF (XML in a Nutshell)
- Dublin Core and: 4.1. The Need for Namespaces (XML in a Nutshell)
- 7.4.2. Dublin Core (XML in a Nutshell)
- RDF (Resource Description Framework) Site Summary: 6.1. Rich Site Summary: RSS (SAX2)
- RDF (Resources Description Framework) specification
- element types and: 3.2.3. Where Have the Element Types Gone? (XML Schema)
- W3C XML Schema's impact on: B.1.3. RDF (XML Schema)
- Really Simple Syndication (RSS): 9.2.1. Introduction to RSS (Perl & XML)
- recode (conversion tool): 5.8. Converting Between Character Sets (XML in a Nutshell)
- recurrence modifiers: Elements (Java & XML)
- recursion: 1.1. The Design of XSLT (XSLT)
- examples of: 4.6. Using Recursion to Do Most Anything (XSLT)
- performing mathematics with: 7.2.1. An Aside: Doing Math with Recursion (XSLT)
- recursion when processing XML: 3.5. XML::LibXML (Perl & XML)
- recursive design: Recursive design (XSLT)
- Recursive design (XSLT)
- recursive schemas: 3.2.1. Depth Versus Modularity? (XML Schema)
- redefinition, schema inclusion with: 8.2. Schema Inclusion with Redefinition (XML Schema)
- 8.2. Schema Inclusion with Redefinition (XML Schema)
- (see also xs:redefine element)
- redirect namespace prefix: Example: Generating multiple output files (XSLT)
- refer attribute (xs:keyref element): 10.5. Namespaces and XPath Expressions (XML Schema)
- references (entity): 2.5. Entities (Perl & XML)
- region-after child element (XSL-FO): 13.3. Laying Out the Master Pages (XML in a Nutshell)
- region-before child element (XSL-FO): 13.3. Laying Out the Master Pages (XML in a Nutshell)
- region-body child element (XSL-FO): 13.3. Laying Out the Master Pages (XML in a Nutshell)
- region-end child element (XSL-FO): 13.3. Laying Out the Master Pages (XML in a Nutshell)
- region-start child element (XSL-FO): 13.3. Laying Out the Master Pages (XML in a Nutshell)
- registration of services: 13.2. UDDI (Java & XML)
- 13.4.2. Registering with UDDI (Java & XML)
- regular expressions: 6. Using Regular Expressions to Specify Simple Datatypes (XML Schema)
- (see also patterns)
- specifying simple datatypes with: 6. Using Regular Expressions to Specify Simple Datatypes (XML Schema)
- treating XML as text: 17.1.1. Treating XML as Text (XML in a Nutshell)
- xs:pattern element and: 21.2. Schema Elements (XML in a Nutshell)
- related resources: 14.2. RDDL Syntax (XML in a Nutshell)
- natures of: 14.3. Natures (XML in a Nutshell)
- purposes of: 14.4. Purposes (XML in a Nutshell)
- relational operators in XPath: 9.4. Predicates (XML in a Nutshell)
- 9.6.2. Strings (XML in a Nutshell)
- relative expressions: 3.2.3. Relative and Absolute Expressions (XSLT)
- relative location paths: 22.3. Location Paths (XML in a Nutshell)
- building compound location paths: 9.3.1. Building Compound Location Paths from Location Steps with / (XML in a Nutshell)
- relative locators in XPath: 8.2. XPath (Perl & XML)
- relative pathnames: 6.3.3. Source Code (Java and XSLT)
- relative units of length (CSS properties): 12.6. Pixels, Points, Picas, and Other Units of Length (XML in a Nutshell)
- relative XPath expressions, defining constraints with: 9.2.1. Uniqueness (XML Schema)
- relative XPointers: 11.7.5. Relative XPointers (XML in a Nutshell)
- RELAX NG schema language: A.1.3. Intrusive Modeling Tools (XML Schema)
- A.3.3. The RELAX NG Family (XML Schema)
- 1.1. The Benefits of XML (XML in a Nutshell)
- 1.4. The Evolution of XML (XML in a Nutshell)
- 16.1. Overview (XML in a Nutshell)
- sample application: A.7. RELAX NG (XML Schema)
- RelaxNG: 3.7.2. Schemas (Perl & XML)
- remote method invocation (see RMI)
- Remote Procedure Call (RPC): 6.2.1. XML/Internet Versus Older Technologies (SAX2)
- remote resources (extended links): 10.4. Extended Links (XML in a Nutshell)
- third-party links and: 10.5. Linkbases (XML in a Nutshell)
- removeAttribute( ) (DOM): 24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
- removeAttribute method for Element node: Methods (Perl & XML)
- removeAttributeNode( ) (DOM): 24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
- removeAttributeNode method for Element node: Methods (Perl & XML)
- removeAttributeNS( ) (DOM): 24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
- removeAttributeNS method for Element node: Methods (Perl & XML)
- removeChild( ): 6.1.2. Modifying a DOM Tree (Java & XML)
- removeChild( ) (DOM): 24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
- removeEvent( ): 11.3.1. A Shared Handler (Java & XML)
- 11.3.1. A Shared Handler (Java & XML)
- removeNamedItem class for Node class (DOM): Methods (Perl & XML)
- removeNamedItem( ) (DOM): 24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
- removeNamedItemNS class for Node class (DOM): Methods (Perl & XML)
- removeNamedItemNS( ) (DOM): 24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
- 7.4. Servlet Implementation (Java and XSLT)
- RenderX formatting program (XEP): 13.3.2. Generating the Finished Document (XML in a Nutshell)
- replaceChild( ) (DOM): 24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
- replaceChild method for Node class (DOM): Methods (Perl & XML)
- replaceData( ) (DOM): 24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
- replaceData method for CharacterData class (DOM): Methods (Perl & XML)
- repository of DTDs: 3.10. Locating Standard DTDs (XML in a Nutshell)
- 7.4. Servlet Implementation (Java and XSLT)
- 7.4. Servlet Implementation (Java and XSLT)
- RequestDispatcher class: 4.1.5. The Hybrid Approach (Java and XSLT)
- RequestHandler: 4.3. XSLT and EJB (Java and XSLT)
- #REQUIRED attribute: 4.3.1. The DeclHandler Interface (SAX2)
- #REQUIRED default declaration: 3.3.2. Attribute Defaults (XML in a Nutshell)
- 20.3.2. DTD (Document Type Definition) (XML in a Nutshell)
- value must be assigned to attributes: 20.4.2. Validity Constraints (XML in a Nutshell)
- reserved characters, escaping: Entity references and constants (Java & XML)
- reset( ) function: 5.1.3. The NamespaceSupport Class (SAX2)
- resolveEntity( ), avoiding errors with: 4.5.1. Return Values from an EntityResolver (Java & XML)
- resolve_entity( ) method: Entity resolver (Perl & XML)
- resolveIDREFS template: Solution #3: Use recursion to process the IDREFS datatype (XSLT)
- Resource Description Framework (see RDF)
- Resource Description Framework (RDF) Site Summary: 6.1. Rich Site Summary: RSS (SAX2)
- Resource Directory Description Language (see RDDL)
- resource element (RDDL): 14. Resource Directory Description Language (RDDL) (XML in a Nutshell)
- resource elements: 10.4.3. Local Resources (XML in a Nutshell)
- resources and RDF documents: 7.4.1. RDF (XML in a Nutshell)
- restrictions
- applying new ones to datatypes: 5.1.2. Multiple Restrictions and Fixed Attribute (XML Schema)
- derivation by (see derivation methods, by restriction)
- redefining attribute/element groups: Restriction (XML Schema)
- of substitution groups: Restricting substitution groups (XML Schema)
- Result interface: 5.2.1. JAXP 1.1 Implementation (Java and XSLT)
- Result interface: A.3.2.3. Result (Java & XML)
- 5.3.2. JAXP I/O Design (Java and XSLT)
- B. JAXP API Reference (Java and XSLT)
- result tree: 2.1. XSLT Introduction (Java and XSLT)
- result-tree fragment: B.5. Datatypes (XSLT)
- reusable attributes/elements
- creating: Element and attribute groups (XML Schema)
- 8. Creating Building Blocks (XML Schema)
- reusable schemas, creating: 13. Creating Extensible Schemas (XML Schema)
- Rich Site Summary (see RSS)
- 6.1. Rich Site Summary: RSS (SAX2)
- Rich Site Summary (RSS): 9.2.1. Introduction to RSS (Perl & XML)
- Ritchie, Dennis: 2.2. Transforming Hello World (XSLT)
- RMI (remote method invocation): 11.1.1. What Is RMI? (Java & XML)
- method calls: 11.2.3. Writing the Server (Java & XML)
- registry: 11.1.1. What Is RMI? (Java & XML)
- RPC, compared to: 11.1. RPC Versus RMI (Java & XML)
- robots processing instruction: 7.4.3. Robots (XML in a Nutshell)
- role attribute (Xlink): 10.3. Link Semantics (XML in a Nutshell)
- role attributes for arcs: Arc roles (XML in a Nutshell)
- root( ) module: 8.2. XPath (Perl & XML)
- root element: 14.3.2. Creating an XML RSS Document (Java & XML)
- The root element (XML in a Nutshell)
- 20.3.1. Global Syntax Structures (XML in a Nutshell)
- determining name of: 20.4.2. Validity Constraints (XML in a Nutshell)
- in narrative-oriented documents: 6.2. Narrative Document Structures (XML in a Nutshell)
- of TEI documents: 6.3. TEI (XML in a Nutshell)
- vs. root node: 9.1. The Tree Structure of an XML Document (XML in a Nutshell)
- of XSL-FO documents: 13.2. The Structure of an XSL-FO Document (XML in a Nutshell)
- WML: 10.3.1. A WML Example (Java and XSLT)
- root elements: The root element (Java & XML)
- 2.5. Entities (Perl & XML)
- root interface (DOM Core): 18.3. Node and Other Generic Interfaces (XML in a Nutshell)
- root location path: 9.2.1. The Root Location Path (XML in a Nutshell)
- 22.3. Location Paths (XML in a Nutshell)
- root node
- default template for: 8.7.2. The Default Template Rule for Element and Root Nodes (XML in a Nutshell)
- vs. root element: 9.1. The Tree Structure of an XML Document (XML in a Nutshell)
- XPath data model and: 22.1. The XPath Data Model (XML in a Nutshell)
- root node (XPath): 3.1.1. The Root Node (XSLT)
- B.1.1. The Root Node (XSLT)
- XML data tree: 2.1.1. An XSLT Example (Java and XSLT)
- 2.2.1. XML Tree Data Structure (Java and XSLT)
- round( ) function: C. XSLT and XPath Function Reference (XSLT)
- round( ) (XPath): 9.7. XPath Functions (XML in a Nutshell)
- 9.7.4. Number Functions (XML in a Nutshell)
- 22.5. XPath Functions (XML in a Nutshell)
- RPC (Remote Procedure Call): 6.2.1. XML/Internet Versus Older Technologies (SAX2)
- RPC (remote procedure calls): 11.1.2. What Is RPC? (Java & XML)
- handlers, registering: 11.2.3. Writing the Server (Java & XML)
- limitations: 11.1.2. What Is RPC? (Java & XML)
- method calls: 11.2.3. Writing the Server (Java & XML)
- RMI, compared to: 11.1. RPC Versus RMI (Java & XML)
- SOAP, using: 12.3.2. An RPC Service (Java & XML)
- RSS (Rich Site Summary): 14.3.1. Rich Site Summary (Java & XML)
- 9.2.1. Introduction to RSS (Perl & XML)
- 6.1. Rich Site Summary: RSS (SAX2)
- applications, building with: 6.1.3. Building Applications with RSS (SAX2)
- channels: 14.3.1. Rich Site Summary (Java & XML)
- data model for: 6.1.1. Data Model for RSS Classic (SAX2)
- online resources: 14.3.2. Creating an XML RSS Document (Java & XML)
- parsing events, consuming and producing: 6.1.2. Consuming and Producing RSS Parsing Events (SAX2)
- RSS file creation: 14.3.2. Creating an XML RSS Document (Java & XML)
- RSS (Rich Style Sheets): 14.3.2. Creating an XML RSS Document (Java & XML)
- RssConsumer class: 6.1.2. Consuming and Producing RSS Parsing Events (SAX2)
- RssHandler interface: 6.1.2. Consuming and Producing RSS Parsing Events (SAX2)
- Ruby Annotation (W3C specification): 7.3.1. Mixing XHTML into Your Applications (XML in a Nutshell)
- ruby module (XHTML DTD): 7.3. Authoring Compound Documents with Modular XHTML (XML in a Nutshell)
- rule-based logic: 2.4. Producer-Side Validation (SAX2)
- rule-based XML schema languages: A.2.1. Rule-Based XML Schema Languages (XML Schema)
- rules
- for built-in templates: 2.4.5. Built-in Template Rules (XSLT)
- for XML documents: 1.2.2. XML Document Rules (XSLT)
- Russian doll design
- defining attributes using: Attributes (XML Schema)
- defining elements using: Elements (XML Schema)
- Elements (XML Schema)
- documenting schemas: 14.1.2. Think Globally (XML Schema)
- object orientation and: 3.2.2. Russian Doll and Object-Oriented Design (XML Schema)
- Russian language, Unicode block for: 26.3.7. Cyrillic (XML in a Nutshell)
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