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Index: S

\s character class: Classical Perl character classes (XML Schema)
SAF (Schema Adjunct Framework): 14.2. The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element (XML Schema)
foreign attributes and: 14.3. Foreign Attributes (XML Schema)
Sanskrit language, Unicode block for: 26.3.11. Devanagari (XML in a Nutshell)
save( ): 7.3. XMLProperties (Java & XML)
SAX 2.1: 1.4. The Evolution of XML (XML in a Nutshell)
SAX parsers: 3.1. Pull Mode Event Production with XMLReader (SAX2)
SAX (Simple API for XML): 1.2.1. Low-Level APIs (Java & XML)
3. SAX (Java & XML)
3.4. Putting Parsers to Work (Perl & XML)
5. SAX (Perl & XML)
0.. What This Book Covers (XML in a Nutshell)
1.4. The Evolution of XML (XML in a Nutshell)
19. Simple API for XML (SAX) (XML in a Nutshell)
1.2.3. DOM and SAX (XSLT)
APIs and: 1. The Simple API for XML (SAX2)
Attributes interface: 25.1. The org.xml.sax Package (XML in a Nutshell)
AttributesImpl class: 25.2. The org.xml.sax.helpers Package (XML in a Nutshell)
classes: 3.1.2. Getting the SAX Classes and Interfaces (Java & XML)
ContentHandler interface: 19.1. The ContentHandler Interface (XML in a Nutshell)
25.1. The org.xml.sax Package (XML in a Nutshell)
controlling parser behavior with URIs: 19.2. SAX Features and Properties (XML in a Nutshell)
25.3. SAX Features and Properties (XML in a Nutshell)
DBI and: 9.3.2. Further Ruminations on DBI and SAX (Perl & XML)
DeclHandler interface: 25.4. The org.xml.sax.ext Package (XML in a Nutshell)
DefaultHandler class: 19.1. The ContentHandler Interface (XML in a Nutshell)
25.2. The org.xml.sax.helpers Package (XML in a Nutshell)
documentation: 3.1.2. Getting the SAX Classes and Interfaces (Java & XML)
drivers for non-XML sources: 5.4. Drivers for Non-XML Sources (Perl & XML)
DTDHandler interface: 25.1. The org.xml.sax Package (XML in a Nutshell)
EntityResolver interface: 25.1. The org.xml.sax Package (XML in a Nutshell)
ErrorHandler interface: 25.1. The org.xml.sax Package (XML in a Nutshell)
exceptions, thrown by DOM parsers: 5.4.3. DOM Parsers Throwing SAX Exceptions (Java & XML)
external entity resolution: 5.3. External Entity Resolution (Perl & XML)
features of: 19.2. SAX Features and Properties (XML in a Nutshell)
25.3. SAX Features and Properties (XML in a Nutshell)
filters: 4.3.1. XMLFilters (Java & XML)
19.3. Filters (XML in a Nutshell)
HandlerBase class: 9.2.1. Starting with SAX (Java & XML)
handlers: 3.3. Content Handlers (Java & XML)
5.5. A Handler Base Class (Perl & XML)
DTD: 5.2. DTD Handlers (Perl & XML)
event: 5.1. SAX Event Handlers (Perl & XML)
hierarchical character: SAX siblings (Java & XML)
history of: 1.4. A Short History of SAX (SAX2)
InputSource class: 25.1. The org.xml.sax Package (XML in a Nutshell)
InputSource vs. URI: 3.2.3. Using an InputSource (Java & XML)
Javadocs: 3.1.2. Getting the SAX Classes and Interfaces (Java & XML)
JAXP, versions supported under: 9.1.2. The Old and the New (Java & XML)
LexicalHandler interface: 25.4. The org.xml.sax.ext Package (XML in a Nutshell)
limitations with XML: 6.1. Changes (Java & XML)
Locator interface: 25.1. The org.xml.sax Package (XML in a Nutshell)
LocatorImpl class: 25.2. The org.xml.sax.helpers Package (XML in a Nutshell)
methods called by parser in ContentHandler: 19.1. The ContentHandler Interface (XML in a Nutshell)
NamespaceSupport class: 25.2. The org.xml.sax.helpers Package (XML in a Nutshell)
nondeterministic code details: 19.1. The ContentHandler Interface (XML in a Nutshell)
org.xml.sax package: 19. Simple API for XML (SAX) (XML in a Nutshell)
25.1. The org.xml.sax Package (XML in a Nutshell)
org.xml.sax.ext package: 25.4. The org.xml.sax.ext Package (XML in a Nutshell)
org.xml.sax.helpers package: 25.2. The org.xml.sax.helpers Package (XML in a Nutshell)
org.xml.sax.XMLReader interface: 3.2. SAX Readers (Java & XML)
instantiating: 3.2.1. Instantiating a Reader (Java & XML)
parser interface: 5.7.3. SAX2 Parser Interface (Perl & XML)
ParserAdapter class: 25.2. The org.xml.sax.helpers Package (XML in a Nutshell)
ParserFactory class: 9.2.1. Starting with SAX (Java & XML)
parsing a document with: 19. Simple API for XML (SAX) (XML in a Nutshell)
properties of: 19.2. SAX Features and Properties (XML in a Nutshell)
25.3. SAX Features and Properties (XML in a Nutshell)
reasons for using: Why use SAX at all? (Java & XML)
reference: 25. SAX Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
Release 2.0, parsers, not supported by: 3.5.1. My Parser Doesn't Support SAX 2.0 (Java & XML)
SAX1 vs. SAX2: 19. Simple API for XML (SAX) (XML in a Nutshell)
25. SAX Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
SAXException class: 19. Simple API for XML (SAX) (XML in a Nutshell)
25.1. The org.xml.sax Package (XML in a Nutshell)
SAXNotRecognizedException class: 19.2. SAX Features and Properties (XML in a Nutshell)
25.1. The org.xml.sax Package (XML in a Nutshell)
25.4. The org.xml.sax.ext Package (XML in a Nutshell)
SAXNotSupportedException class: 19.2. SAX Features and Properties (XML in a Nutshell)
25.1. The org.xml.sax Package (XML in a Nutshell)
SAXParseException class: 25.1. The org.xml.sax Package (XML in a Nutshell)
sequential model: SAX is sequential (Java & XML)
specification for: The Simple API for XML (SAX) (XSLT)
standardization: 7.4.2. SAX and DOM as Standards (Java & XML)
TrAX and: 23.4. TrAX (XML in a Nutshell)
uses: Why use SAX at all? (Java & XML)
Version 1.0: 3.2. SAX Readers (Java & XML)
vs. DOM: 19.1. The ContentHandler Interface (XML in a Nutshell)
web publishing frameworks, support by: 10.1.2. Integration with Other XML Tools and APIs (Java & XML)
XML-RPC server, driver for: 11.2.3. Writing the Server (Java & XML)
XMLFilter interface: 25.1. The org.xml.sax Package (XML in a Nutshell)
XMLFilterImpl class: 25.2. The org.xml.sax.helpers Package (XML in a Nutshell)
XMLReader interface: 19. Simple API for XML (SAX) (XML in a Nutshell)
25.1. The org.xml.sax Package (XML in a Nutshell)
XMLReaderAdapter class: 25.2. The org.xml.sax.helpers Package (XML in a Nutshell)
XMLReaderFactory class: 19. Simple API for XML (SAX) (XML in a Nutshell)
25.2. The org.xml.sax.helpers Package (XML in a Nutshell)
XML::SAX module and: 5.7. XML::SAX: The Second Generation (Perl & XML)
XSLT, limitations in use with: SAX siblings (Java & XML)
SAXBuilder class: 7.1.3. Input and Output (Java & XML)
A.4.3.4. SAXBuilder (Java & XML)
SAXException class: 3.3.2. The Beginning and the End of a Document (Java & XML)
A.1.1.12. SAXException (Java & XML)
2.4.2. Handling Validity Errors (SAX2)
2.5.1. SAX2 Exception Classes (SAX2)
3.1.1. The XMLReader Interface (SAX2)
A.1.12. SAXException (SAX2)
19. Simple API for XML (SAX) (XML in a Nutshell)
25.1. The org.xml.sax Package (XML in a Nutshell)
error and diagnostics when using: 2.5.3. Errors and Diagnostics (SAX2)
SAXExceptions: 3.3.2. The Beginning and the End of a Document (Java & XML)
SAXNot SupportedExceptions: Namespaces (Java & XML)
SAXNotRecognizedException: A.1.13. SAXNotRecognizedException (SAX2)
SAXNotRecognizedException class: A.1.1.13. SAXNotRecognizedException (Java & XML)
19.2. SAX Features and Properties (XML in a Nutshell)
25.1. The org.xml.sax Package (XML in a Nutshell)
25.4. The org.xml.sax.ext Package (XML in a Nutshell)
SAXNotRecognizedExceptions: Namespaces (Java & XML)
SAXNotSupportedException: A.1.14. SAXNotSupportedException (SAX2)
SAXNotSupportedException class: A.1.1.14. SAXNotSupportedException (Java & XML)
19.2. SAX Features and Properties (XML in a Nutshell)
25.1. The org.xml.sax Package (XML in a Nutshell)
SAXON Java XSLT engine: 4.5.3. The javax.xml.transform.sax Package (SAX2)
Saxon processor: 0.2.3. I Don't Care Which Standards-Compliant Tools You Use (XSLT)
extension elements, defining for: Example: Using extension functions from multiple processors (XSLT)
extension functions and: 8.2. Extending the Saxon Processor (XSLT)
global parameters and: Saxon (XSLT)
sorting and: 8.2. Extending the Saxon Processor (XSLT)
SAXON (XSLT processor): 8.3. Stylesheet Processors (XML in a Nutshell)
SAXOutputter: 7.1.3. Input and Output (Java & XML)
7.2.4. Outputting XML with JDOM (Java & XML)
8.1.3. The Namespace Class (Java & XML)
A.4.4. Package: org.jdom.output (Java & XML)
SAXParseException: A.1.15. SAXParseException (SAX2)
SAXParseException class: A.1.1.15. SAXParseException (Java & XML)
2.5.3. Errors and Diagnostics (SAX2)
Locator class and: 4.1.2. The Locator Interface (SAX2)
SAXParseException class (SAX): 25.1. The org.xml.sax Package (XML in a Nutshell)
SAXParseExceptions: 3.4. Error Handlers (Java & XML)
SAXParser class: Working with the SAXParser class (Java & XML)
A.3.1.5. SAXParser (Java & XML)
SAXParser interface
parse( ): The road to SAX 2.0 (Java & XML)
SAXParserFactory class: A look at the SAXParserFactory class (Java & XML)
A.3.1.6. SAXParserFactory (Java & XML)
JAXP v. 1.1: 9.3.1. Updating the Standards (Java & XML)
SAXResult class: SAX in Push-Mode with XSLT (SAX2)
sax.SAXCount class: 2.10. Checking Documents for Well-Formedness (XML in a Nutshell)
3.1.4. Validating a Document (XML in a Nutshell)
SAXTransformerFactory class: 4.5.3. The javax.xml.transform.sax Package (SAX2) SAX in Pull-Mode with XSLT (SAX2)
SAXTreeViewer class: 3.2. SAX Readers (Java & XML)
3.2.1. Instantiating a Reader (Java & XML)
Scalable Vector Graphics (see entries at SVG) Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) (XSLT)
Scheduler class: 11.3.1. A Shared Handler (Java & XML)
import statement: 11.3.1. A Shared Handler (Java & XML)
returning events: 11.3.1. A Shared Handler (Java & XML)
sorting algorithm: 11.3.1. A Shared Handler (Java & XML)
SchedulerClient class: 11.3.3. A Useful Client (Java & XML)
schema adornments (SAF): 14.2. The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element (XML Schema)
schema-based XML-RPC, defining: 11.2.1. Defining Simple Types (XML Schema)
schema extensions and error messages: B.3.3. Schema Extensions: Error Messages (XML Schema)
Schema for Object-Oriented XML (SOX) proposal: A.3.2. The W3C XML Schema Family (XML Schema)
schema languages: A.1. What Is a XML Schema Language? (XML Schema)
1.1. The Benefits of XML (XML in a Nutshell)
1.4. The Evolution of XML (XML in a Nutshell)
schema validators
guessing element types: 11.2. Defining Element Types (XML Schema)
locating schemas: 11.1. Associating Schemas with Instance Documents (XML Schema)
schema (XML): 2.11. Schemas (Perl & XML)
3.7.2. Schemas (Perl & XML)
schemaLocation attribute: 2.1.2. Namespaces (Java & XML)
8.2. Schema Inclusion with Redefinition (XML Schema) (DTD repository): 3.10. Locating Standard DTDs (XML in a Nutshell)
schemas: 0.. What This Book Covers (XML in a Nutshell)
16. XML Schemas (XML in a Nutshell) Document Type Definitions (DTDs) and XML Schemas (XSLT)
abstract attribute: 16.9.1. Abstract Elements and Types (XML in a Nutshell)
adding constraints on datatypes: 5.5. Back to Our Library (XML Schema)
annotation elements in: 16.2.2. Annotations (XML in a Nutshell)
associating, with instance documents: 11.1. Associating Schemas with Instance Documents (XML Schema)
attribute declarations and: 16.2.5. Attribute Declarations (XML in a Nutshell)
attributes (see attributes)
complex types and: 16.4. Complex Types (XML in a Nutshell)
constructing: 16.2. Schema Basics (XML in a Nutshell)
controlling namespace qualification: 16.3.2. Controlling Qualification (XML in a Nutshell)
creating: 2.2. Our First Schema (XML Schema)
document organization: 16.2.1. Document Organization (XML in a Nutshell)
documenting: 14. Documenting Schemas (XML Schema)
element content
any type: 16.8. Allowing Any Content (XML in a Nutshell)
empty elements: 16.5. Empty Elements (XML in a Nutshell)
mixed: 16.7. Mixed Content (XML in a Nutshell)
simple: 16.6. Simple Content (XML in a Nutshell)
elements (see elements)
elements of: 21.2. Schema Elements (XML in a Nutshell)
enforcing element uniqueness: 16.9.4. Uniqueness and Keys (XML in a Nutshell)
extensible: 13. Creating Extensible Schemas (XML Schema)
facets and: 16.6.2. Facets (XML in a Nutshell)
final attribute: 16.9.2. The Final Attribute (XML in a Nutshell)
fixed attribute: 16.9.3. Setting fixed Facets (XML in a Nutshell)
flat design style: 2.2. Our First Schema (XML Schema)
2.3.3. Flat Design, Global Components (XML Schema)
global components: 2.3.3. Flat Design, Global Components (XML Schema)
importing, with no namespaces: 10.9. Importing Schemas with No Namespaces (XML Schema)
inclusion: 8.1. Schema Inclusion (XML Schema)
isolating simple/complex type definitions: 8.4. Simplifying the Library (XML Schema)
using xs:include and xs:redefine: 10.10. Chameleon Design (XML Schema)
with redefinition: 8.2. Schema Inclusion with Redefinition (XML Schema)
instance documents (see instance documents)
keys and references: Keys and references (XML in a Nutshell)
lexical spaces: 4.1. Lexical and Value Spaces (XML Schema)
lists and: Lists (XML in a Nutshell)
21.2. Schema Elements (XML in a Nutshell)
locating: 11.1. Associating Schemas with Instance Documents (XML Schema)
using multiple documents: 16.8.1. Using Multiple Documents (XML in a Nutshell)
namespace behavior of imported components: 10.8. Namespace Behavior of Imported Components (XML Schema)
namespace declarations: 10.2. Namespace Declarations (XML Schema)
namespaces and: 16.1.2. Namespace Issues (XML in a Nutshell)
16.3. Working with Namespaces (XML in a Nutshell)
21.1. The Schema Namespaces (XML in a Nutshell)
open: 13.2. The Need for Open Schemas (XML Schema)
patterns used in: 6.6. Back to Our Library (XML Schema)
qualified/unqualified attributes and elements: 10.3. To Qualify Or Not to Qualify? (XML Schema)
reference: 21. Schemas Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
referencing other namespaces: 10.6. Referencing Other Namespaces (XML Schema)
regular expressions used in: 6.6. Back to Our Library (XML Schema)
simple types: 16.2.4. Simple Types (XML in a Nutshell)
21.3. Primitive Types (XML in a Nutshell)
defining: 16.6.1. Defining New Simple Types (XML in a Nutshell)
specification for: XML Schemas (XSLT)
splitting components: 13.1.3. Splitting Schema Components (XML Schema)
targetNamespace attribute and: 16.3.1. Target Namespaces (XML in a Nutshell)
unions and: Unions (XML in a Nutshell)
21.2. Schema Elements (XML in a Nutshell)
valid/invalid documents and: 1.1. The Benefits of XML (XML in a Nutshell)
value spaces: 4.1. Lexical and Value Spaces (XML Schema)
vs. DTDs: 16.1.1. Schemas Versus DTDs (XML in a Nutshell)
Schematron: 3.7.2. Schemas (Perl & XML)
Schematron schema language: A.2.1. Rule-Based XML Schema Languages (XML Schema)
A.3.4. Schematron (XML Schema)
1.1. The Benefits of XML (XML in a Nutshell)
1.4. The Evolution of XML (XML in a Nutshell)
16.1. Overview (XML in a Nutshell)
annotations and: The xs:appinfo element (XML in a Nutshell)
sample application: A.8. Schematron (XML Schema)
xs:appinfo element and: 14.2. The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element (XML Schema)
schemes: 2.4.1. SAX2 Feature Flags (SAX2)
EntityResolver interface and: 3.4. The EntityResolver Interface (SAX2)
scripting languages, writing extensions and: Example: Writing extensions in other languages (XSLT)
scripting module (XHTML DTD): 7.3. Authoring Compound Documents with Modular XHTML (XML in a Nutshell)
search( ): NodeIterator (Java & XML)
search methods on the web: 7.4. Prospects for Improved Web-Search Methods (XML in a Nutshell)
section indexes, generating: 9.5.4. Generating the Section Indexes (XSLT)
section menu (tutorials): 9.3.3. Section Menu (XSLT)
select attribute
<xsl:for-each> element and: <xsl:for-each> example (XSLT)
<xsl:param> element and: 4.4.1. Defining a Parameter in a Template (XSLT)
<xsl:sort> element and: Attributes (XSLT)
attributes: Selecting attributes (XSLT)
comments: Selecting comments, processing instructions, and namespace nodes (XSLT)
namespace nodes: Selecting comments, processing instructions, and namespace nodes (XSLT)
processing instructions: Selecting comments, processing instructions, and namespace nodes (XSLT)
text of element: Selecting the text of an element (XSLT)
selector programs for stream processing: 4.4. Stream Applications (Perl & XML)
selectors for Cascading Style Sheets: 12.4. Selectors (XML in a Nutshell)
self axis: 9.5. Unabbreviated Location Paths (XML in a Nutshell)
22.3.2. Axes (XML in a Nutshell) Axis roll call (XSLT)
semicolons (;): 3.1. XML Parsers (Perl & XML)
sequences in element declarations: 3.2.3. Sequences (XML in a Nutshell)
Sergeant, Matt: 4.5. XML::PYX (Perl & XML)
5.7. XML::SAX: The Second Generation (Perl & XML)
8.2. XPath (Perl & XML)
9.3. XML Programming Tools (Perl & XML)
serialization: 5.2.3. DOMSerializer (Java & XML)
3.5.2. Push Mode Event Production (SAX2)
DOM node types: Launching serialization (Java & XML)
recursion: Launching serialization (Java & XML)
serialization, PSVI: B.3.1. PSVI Serialization (XML Schema)
serialization spaces: 4.1. Lexical and Value Spaces (XML Schema)
serialize( ): Getting started (Java & XML) Launching serialization (Java & XML)
invocation: 5.2.4. The Results (Java & XML)
serializeNode( ): Launching serialization (Java & XML)
SerializerTest class: 5.2.1. Getting a DOM Parser (Java & XML)
server-side image map module (XHTML DTD): 7.3. Authoring Compound Documents with Modular XHTML (XML in a Nutshell)
servers: 1.1. Why Use Perl with XML? (Perl & XML)
server.xml file: 10.2.2. Configuring the Servlet Engine (Java & XML)
service element: 13.3. WSDL (Java & XML)
service registry: 13.1. Web Services (Java & XML)
ServletConfig class: 6.2.4. Servlet API Highlights (Java and XSLT)
ServletContext class: 6.2.4. Servlet API Highlights (Java and XSLT)
6.3.3. Source Code (Java and XSLT)
ServletOutputStream class: 8.4.1. Filter Overview (Java and XSLT)
ServletRequestWrapper class: 8.4.1. Filter Overview (Java and XSLT)
ServletResponse interface: 8.4.1. Filter Overview (Java and XSLT)
ServletResponseWrapper class: 8.4.1. Filter Overview (Java and XSLT)
API: 6.2.4. Servlet API Highlights (Java and XSLT)
classes: 6.2.4. Servlet API Highlights (Java and XSLT)
client identification: 10.3.2. Servlets and WML (Java and XSLT)
compared to XML-RPC: 11.4.3. To Servlet or Not To Servlet (Java & XML)
definition: 6.2.2. Deployment Descriptor (Java and XSLT)
deployment: 4.1.2. Servlets as CGI Replacements (Java and XSLT)
design: 6.3.1. Design (Java and XSLT)
development: 10. Web Publishing Frameworks (Java & XML)
DOM and XSLT, using: 6.3. Another Servlet Example (Java and XSLT)
engine configuration for Cocoon: 10.2.2. Configuring the Servlet Engine (Java & XML)
filters: 8.4. Servlet Filters (Java and XSLT)
drawbacks: 8.4.3. Closing Thoughts on Filters (Java and XSLT)
Version 2.3 wrapper classes: 8.4.1. Filter Overview (Java and XSLT)
XSLT transformation: 8.4.2. XSLT Transformation Filter (Java and XSLT) Web page and servlet (Java and XSLT)
session tracking using: 8.2.1. Servlet Session-Tracking API (Java and XSLT)
stylesheets, location: 6.3.6. Locating Stylesheets with Initialization Parameters (Java and XSLT)
syntax: 6.1. Servlet Syntax (Java and XSLT)
threading: 6.5. Servlet Threading Issues (Java and XSLT)
SingleThreadModel interface: 6.5.1. Servlet Threading Model (Java and XSLT)
User-Agent, ascertaining, code for: 8.3. Identifying the Browser (Java and XSLT)
WML implementation: Servlet implementation (Java and XSLT)
XSLT from: 14.2.2. XSLT from a Servlet (Java & XML)
session identifier: 8.2.1. Servlet Session-Tracking API (Java and XSLT)
session tracking: 8.2. Session Tracking Without Cookies (Java and XSLT)
without cookies: 8.2.1. Servlet Session-Tracking API (Java and XSLT)
XSLT, using: 8.2.2. Session Tracking with Java and XSLT (Java and XSLT)
Session-tracking code: 8.2.2. Session Tracking with Java and XSLT (Java and XSLT)
Session-tracking XSLT stylesheet: 8.2.2. Session Tracking with Java and XSLT (Java and XSLT)
set*( ) method: 3.3. Configuring XMLReader Behavior (SAX2)
setAttribute( ): 6.1.1. Creating a New DOM Tree (Java & XML)
7.2.3. Creating XML with JDOM (Java & XML) Working with the factory (Java & XML)
setAttribute( ) (DOM): 24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
setAttribute method for Element node: Methods (Perl & XML)
setAttributeNode( ) (DOM): 24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
setAttributeNode method for Element node: Methods (Perl & XML)
setAttributeNodeNS( ) (DOM): 24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
setAttributeNodeNS method for Element node: Methods (Perl & XML)
setAttributeNS( ) (DOM): 24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
setAttributeNS method for Element node: Methods (Perl & XML)
setContentHandler( ): 3.3. Content Handlers (Java & XML)
3.3.9. The Results (Java & XML)
setContentHandler( ) (SAX): 25.1. The org.xml.sax Package (XML in a Nutshell)
setBufferSize( ): 8.4.2. XSLT Transformation Filter (Java and XSLT)
setDocumentLocator( ), Locator instance: 3.5.3. The Misplaced Locator (Java & XML)
set_document_locator( ) method: Content event handlers (Perl & XML)
setDocumentLocator( ) callback method: 4.1.1. Other ContentHandler Methods (SAX2)
setDocumentLocator( ) (SAX): 19.1. The ContentHandler Interface (XML in a Nutshell)
25.1. The org.xml.sax Package (XML in a Nutshell)
setDriver( ): 11.2.3. Writing the Server (Java & XML)
11.2.4. Writing the Client (Java & XML)
ClassNotFoundException: 11.2.3. Writing the Server (Java & XML)
setDTDHandler( ): 3.3. Content Handlers (Java & XML)
setDTDHandler( ) (SAX): 25.1. The org.xml.sax Package (XML in a Nutshell)
setEncoding( ) function: Providing entity text (SAX2)
setEndAfter( ): 6.3.3. Range (Java & XML)
setEntityResolver( ): 3.3. Content Handlers (Java & XML)
setEntityResolver( ) (SAX): 25.1. The org.xml.sax Package (XML in a Nutshell)
setErrorHandler( ): 3.3. Content Handlers (Java & XML)
3.4. Error Handlers (Java & XML)
setErrorHandler( ) (SAX): 25.1. The org.xml.sax Package (XML in a Nutshell)
setErrorListener( ): Working with the factory (Java & XML)
setExpandEntities( ): 8.1.2. The EntityRef Class (Java & XML)
setFactory( ): 8.2.2. Building with Custom Classes (Java & XML)
setFeature( ): 4.1.1. Setting Properties and Features (Java & XML) Namespaces (Java & XML) Changes in SAX classes (Java & XML)
setFeature( ) function: 2.4.1. SAX2 Feature Flags (SAX2)
3.1.1. The XMLReader Interface (SAX2)
namespace feature flags and: 2.6.3. Namespace Feature Flags (SAX2)
setFeature( ) (SAX): 19.2. SAX Features and Properties (XML in a Nutshell)
setLocale( ) function: 5.2. SAX1 Support (SAX2)
setNamedItem class for Node class (DOM): Methods (Perl & XML)
setNamedItem( ) (DOM): 24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
setNamedItemNS class for Node class (DOM): Methods (Perl & XML)
setNamedItemNS( ) (DOM): 24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
SetNameSpaceProcessing( ): Namespaces (Java & XML)
setParent( ): 4.3.1. XMLFilters (Java & XML)
setParent( ) (SAX): 19.3. Filters (XML in a Nutshell)
setProperty( ): 4.1.1. Setting Properties and Features (Java & XML) Changes in SAX classes (Java & XML)
setProperty( ) function: 3.1.1. The XMLReader Interface (SAX2)
3.2.1. The XMLReaderFactory Class (SAX2)
setProperty( ) (SAX): 19.2. SAX Features and Properties (XML in a Nutshell)
25.4. The org.xml.sax.ext Package (XML in a Nutshell)
setRootPart( ): 13.4.1. A Messaging Service (Java & XML)
sets, manipulating: User-defined character classes (XML Schema)
setStartBefore( ): 6.3.3. Range (Java & XML)
setSystemId( ): 5.3.1. System Identifiers, Files, and URLs (Java and XSLT) Providing entity text (SAX2)
5.3.3. JAXP Stream I/O (Java and XSLT)
6.3.3. Source Code (Java and XSLT)
setText( ): 7.2.3. Creating XML with JDOM (Java & XML)
element, invocation on: 8.1.1. The Text Class (Java & XML)
SGML and XML: 1.4. The Evolution of XML (XML in a Nutshell)
6.1. SGML's Legacy (XML in a Nutshell)
SGML Formal Public Identifiers: 4.3.1. The DeclHandler Interface (SAX2)
SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language): 2. An XML Recap (Perl & XML)
1.2.1. XML's Heritage (XSLT)
Sharpe, Peter: Unique Particle Attribution Rule (XML Schema)
Shift_JIS encoding: 5.4. XML-Defined Character Sets (XML in a Nutshell)
26. Character Sets (XML in a Nutshell)
show attribute (Xlink): 10.2.1. xlink:show (XML in a Nutshell)
Show classes: 4.1.2. Servlets as CGI Replacements (Java and XSLT)
showErrorPage( ): 6.3.3. Source Code (Java and XSLT)
showPage( ): 6.3.3. Source Code (Java and XSLT)
Showtimes XSLT: XSLT stylesheets (Java and XSLT)
sibling elements: Parents and children (XML in a Nutshell)
sibling nodes: 6.1. XML Trees (Perl & XML)
Signatures, XML: 1.4. The Evolution of XML (XML in a Nutshell)
Silverstream: 13.4.4. WSDL (Java & XML)
Simple API for XML (see SAX)
3.4. Putting Parsers to Work (Perl & XML)
0.. What This Book Covers (XML in a Nutshell)
1.2.3. DOM and SAX (XSLT)
simple content and schemas: 16.6. Simple Content (XML in a Nutshell)
simple content models: 2.2. Our First Schema (XML Schema)
creating: 7.3.1. Creation of Simple Content Models (XML Schema)
empty content models as: As simple content models (XML Schema)
defining: 2.2. Our First Schema (XML Schema)
derivation by extension: Derivation by extension (XML Schema)
derivation by restriction: Derivation by restriction (XML Schema)
simple datatypes: 2.2. Our First Schema (XML Schema)
4. Using Predefined Simple Datatypes (XML Schema)
complications with: 5.4. Some Oddities of Simple Types (XML Schema)
controlling derivations: 12.2.4. Simple Types (XML Schema)
creating: 5. Creating Simple Datatypes (XML Schema)
defining: 2.2. Our First Schema (XML Schema)
11.2.1. Defining Simple Types (XML Schema)
globally: Attributes (XML Schema)
extensibility features of different styles: Attributes (XML Schema)
included schemas: 8.1. Schema Inclusion (XML Schema)
example of: 8.4. Simplifying the Library (XML Schema)
redefining: 8.2.1. Redefining of Simple and Complex Types (XML Schema)
specifying, using regular expressions: 6. Using Regular Expressions to Specify Simple Datatypes (XML Schema)
used in schemas: 4.8. Back to Our Library (XML Schema)
vs. complex datatypes: 7.1. Simple Versus Complex Types (XML Schema)
simple links: 10.1. Simple Links (XML in a Nutshell)
Simple Object Access Protocol (see SOAP)
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP): 9.4. SOAP::Lite (Perl & XML)
15.1.2. Communications (XML in a Nutshell)
simple-page-master element (XSL-FO): 13.3. Laying Out the Master Pages (XML in a Nutshell)
simple types for schemas: 16.2.4. Simple Types (XML in a Nutshell)
21.3. Primitive Types (XML in a Nutshell)
defining: 16.6.1. Defining New Simple Types (XML in a Nutshell)
facet elements for: 21.2. Schema Elements (XML in a Nutshell) 5.2.1. JAXP 1.1 Implementation (Java and XSLT) 5.1.3. SAXON Implementation (Java and XSLT) 5.1.2. Xalan 1 Implementation (Java and XSLT)
SimpleXPathViewer class: 8.3.4. Endgame (Java & XML)
single quotes (` ')
controlling: D.13. How Do I Control Angle Brackets and Quote Marks in My Output? (XSLT)
literal values and: 4.5. Variables (XSLT)
parameters and: 4.4.1. Defining a Parameter in a Template (XSLT)
placing inside attribute value: D.1. How Do I Put Quotes Inside an Attribute Value? (XSLT)
replacing one single quote with two: 4.6.1. Implementing a String Replace Function (XSLT)
SingleThreadModel interface: 6.5.1. Servlet Threading Model (Java and XSLT)
6.5.1. Servlet Threading Model (Java and XSLT)
skeleton XSLT stylesheet: 2.2.4. A Skeleton Stylesheet (Java and XSLT)
skipped entities and SAX: 3.5.1. My Parser Doesn't Support SAX 2.0 (Java & XML)
skipped_entity( ) method: Content event handlers (Perl & XML)
skippedEntity( ) function: 4.1.1. Other ContentHandler Methods (SAX2)
slash (/): 3.1.1. The Root Node (XSLT)
beginning absolute XPath expressions: 3.2.3. Relative and Absolute Expressions (XSLT)
slash (\) escape character: 6.2. The Simplest Possible Patterns (XML Schema)
special characters: 6.4.1. Special Characters (XML Schema)
user-defined character classes: User-defined character classes (XML Schema)
slashes (/): 2.9. Free-Form XML and Well-Formed Documents (Perl & XML)
well-formed documents and: 3.1.1. Example (of What Not to Do): A Well-Formedness Checker (Perl & XML)
XPath expressions: 8.2. XPath (Perl & XML)
Slavic languages, Unicode block for: 26.3.7. Cyrillic (XML in a Nutshell)
SOAP: 6.2.2. Roles for Java in XML Messaging (SAX2)
SOAP-RPC calls, necessary operations: 12.3.3. An RPC Client (Java & XML)
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol): 1.2.3. XML-Based Applications (Java & XML)
12. SOAP (Java & XML)
9.4. SOAP::Lite (Perl & XML)
15.1.2. Communications (XML in a Nutshell)
Apache Axis: What's Axis? (Java & XML)
Apache implementation: 12.2. Setting Up (Java & XML)
Apache, stackTrace element: 12.4.2. Better Error Handling (Java & XML)
basic components: 12.1. Starting Out (Java & XML)
custom parameters: 12.4.1. Custom Parameter Types (Java & XML)
encodingStyle attribute: 12.4.1. Custom Parameter Types (Java & XML)
differences in implementations: What's Axis? (Java & XML)
DOMFaultListener: 12.4.2. Better Error Handling (Java & XML)
encoding: 12.1.2. Encoding (Java & XML)
envelope: 12.1.1. The Envelope (Java & XML)
error handling: 12.4.2. Better Error Handling (Java & XML)
IBM SOAP4J: What about IBM SOAP4J? (Java & XML)
installation: 12.2.2. Installation (Java & XML)
admin client: The router servlet and admin client (Java & XML)
clients: The client (Java & XML)
online resources: The router servlet and admin client (Java & XML) The router servlet and admin client (Java & XML)
router servlets: The router servlet and admin client (Java & XML)
invocation: 12.1.3. Invocation (Java & XML)
Microsoft implementation: Isn't Microsoft a player? (Java & XML)
online resources: 12.1. Starting Out (Java & XML)
RPC calls: 12.3.2. An RPC Service (Java & XML)
RPC clients: 12.3.3. An RPC Client (Java & XML)
RPC services: Code artifacts (Java & XML)
deploying: Deploying the service (Java & XML)
updating: Deploying the service (Java & XML)
system design: 12.3. Getting Dirty (Java & XML)
SOAP::Lite module: 9.4. SOAP::Lite (Perl & XML)
SOAPMappingRegistry class: 12.4.1. Custom Parameter Types (Java & XML)
SOAPWiz: 13.4.4. WSDL (Java & XML)
SOCAT (OASIS SGML/Open Catalog): 3.4. The EntityResolver Interface (SAX2)
sockets network API: 1.4.4. Is SAX2 a "Standard"? (SAX2)
software development, testing and debugging: 9.2. Testing and Debugging
software development environments: 9. Development Environment, Testing, and Performance (Java and XSLT)
sorting: 6. Sorting and Grouping Elements (XSLT)
(see also grouping)
elements: 6. Sorting and Grouping Elements (XSLT)
postal addresses: 6.1.1. Our First Example (XSLT)
6.1.3. Another Example (XSLT)
Saxon processor and: 8.2. Extending the Saxon Processor (XSLT)
with document( ) function: 7.4.1. The document( ) Function and Sorting (XSLT)
XML documents: 7.4.1. The document( ) Function and Sorting (XSLT)
source code samples and CDATA sections: 2.6. CDATA Sections (XML in a Nutshell)
Source interface: 5.2.1. JAXP 1.1 Implementation (Java and XSLT)
A.3.2.4. Source (Java & XML)
5.3.1. System Identifiers, Files, and URLs (Java and XSLT)
5.3.2. JAXP I/O Design (Java and XSLT)
B. JAXP API Reference (Java and XSLT)
Source parameter (SAX parser interface): 5.7.3. SAX2 Parser Interface (Perl & XML)
sourcecode, online resources: 0.3. Software and Versions (Java & XML)
SourceLocator interface: A.3.2.5. SourceLocator (Java & XML)
SOX (Schema for Object-Oriented XML) proposal: A.3.2. The W3C XML Schema Family (XML Schema)
spaces, replacing whitespace with: 4.2. Whitespace Processing (XML Schema)
spacing in XML: 2.4. Spacing (Perl & XML)
Spacing Modifier Letters Unicode block: 26.3.4. Spacing Modifier Letters (XML in a Nutshell)
Spanish language, sorting and: 8.2. Extending the Saxon Processor (XSLT)
special attributes: 20.2. Annotated Sample Documents (XML in a Nutshell)
20.3.2. DTD (Document Type Definition) (XML in a Nutshell)
special characters (atoms): 6.4.1. Special Characters (XML Schema)
special characters entity set: 5.10. Character References (XML in a Nutshell)
26.2. HTML4 Entity Sets (XML in a Nutshell)
26.2. HTML4 Entity Sets (XML in a Nutshell)
specifications: 1.2.4. XML Standards (XSLT)
XPath, reference guide to: B. XPath Reference (XSLT)
extensions and: 8. Extending XSLT (XSLT)
reference guide to: A. XSLT Reference (XSLT)
specified attribute (Attr interface): 24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
specified property of Attr class (DOM): Properties (Perl & XML)
Sperberg-McQueen, C.M.: 1.4. The Evolution of XML (XML in a Nutshell) 6.1.1. Splash Screen Servlet Example (Java and XSLT)
Tomcat, deploying to: 6.2.3. Deploying SplashScreenServlet to Tomcat (Java and XSLT)
web.xml: 6.2.2. Deployment Descriptor (Java and XSLT)
splitText( ) (DOM): 24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
splitText method of Text class (DOM): Methods (Perl & XML)
splitting schema components: 13.1.3. Splitting Schema Components (XML Schema)
SQL statements: 4.6.1. Implementing a String Replace Function (XSLT)
square brackets ([ ]): 2.5. Entities (Perl & XML)
square brackets [ ] enclosing predicates: 3.2.7. Predicates (XSLT)
St. Laurent, Simon: A.3.2. The W3C XML Schema Family (XML Schema)
stacks, writing XML document checkers: 3.1.1. Example (of What Not to Do): A Well-Formedness Checker (Perl & XML)
stages (pipeline): 4.5. XML Pipelines (SAX2)
standalone declaration: 2.9.2. standalone (XML in a Nutshell)
external DTD subsets and: 3.1.3. Internal DTD Subsets (XML in a Nutshell)
setting value to 'no': 20.4.2. Validity Constraints (XML in a Nutshell)
XML specification for: 20.2. Annotated Sample Documents (XML in a Nutshell)
20.3.1. Global Syntax Structures (XML in a Nutshell)
standard-completeness of parsers: 3.2. XML::Parser (Perl & XML)
Standard Generalized Markup Language (see SGML)
Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML): 1.2.1. XML's Heritage (XSLT)
standards (see specifications)
start-point( ): 11.6. Points (XML in a Nutshell)
start-tags: 2.2. Elements, Tags, and Character Data (XML in a Nutshell)
attributes and: 2.3. Attributes (XML in a Nutshell)
XML specification for: 20.2. Annotated Sample Documents (XML in a Nutshell)
20.3.3. Document Body (XML in a Nutshell)
start_cdata( ) event handler: 5.1. SAX Event Handlers (Perl & XML) Lexical event handlers (Perl & XML)
startCDATA( ) function: 4.2. The LexicalHandler Interface (SAX2)
startDocument( ): 3.3.2. The Beginning and the End of a Document (Java & XML)
start_document( ) method: 5.1. SAX Event Handlers (Perl & XML) Content event handlers (Perl & XML)
startDocument( ) function: 4.1.1. Other ContentHandler Methods (SAX2)
startDocument( ) (SAX): 19.1. The ContentHandler Interface (XML in a Nutshell)
19.1. The ContentHandler Interface (XML in a Nutshell)
start_dtd( ) event handler: Lexical event handlers (Perl & XML)
startDTD( ) function: 4.2. The LexicalHandler Interface (SAX2)
startElement( ): 3.3.5. Element Callbacks (Java & XML)
3.3.5. Element Callbacks (Java & XML)
callback report: 3.3.4. Namespace Callbacks (Java & XML)
start_element( ) method: 5.1. SAX Event Handlers (Perl & XML) Content event handlers (Perl & XML)
startElement( ) function: 2.3.2. Example: Elements and Text (SAX2)
2.3.2. Example: Elements and Text (SAX2) Attribute lookup by index (SAX2)
2.3.4. Essential ContentHandler Callbacks (SAX2)
2.6.4. ContentHandler and Prefix Mappings (SAX2)
attributeDecl( ) and: 4.3.1. The DeclHandler Interface (SAX2)
NamespaceSupport class and: 5.1.3. The NamespaceSupport Class (SAX2)
using for elements and naming: 2.6.1. What Namespaces Do to XML (SAX2)
XMLReader feature flags and: 3.3.2. XMLReader Feature Flags (SAX2)
startElement( ) (SAX): 19.1. The ContentHandler Interface (XML in a Nutshell)
25.1. The org.xml.sax Package (XML in a Nutshell)
using filters with: 19.3. Filters (XML in a Nutshell)
start_entity( ) event handler: Lexical event handlers (Perl & XML)
startEntity( ) function: 4.2. The LexicalHandler Interface (SAX2)
starting resources: 10.1. Simple Links (XML in a Nutshell)
startPrefixMapping( ): 3.3.4. Namespace Callbacks (Java & XML)
start_prefix_mapping( ) method: Content event handlers (Perl & XML)
startPrefixMapping( ) function: 2.6.3. Namespace Feature Flags (SAX2)
2.6.4. ContentHandler and Prefix Mappings (SAX2)
2.6.4. ContentHandler and Prefix Mappings (SAX2)
3.3.2. XMLReader Feature Flags (SAX2)
startPrefixMapping( ) (SAX): 19.1. The ContentHandler Interface (XML in a Nutshell)
starts-with( ) function: C. XSLT and XPath Function Reference (XSLT)
starts-with( ) (XPath): 9.7. XPath Functions (XML in a Nutshell)
9.7.2. String Functions (XML in a Nutshell)
22.5. XPath Functions (XML in a Nutshell)
startTag( ) Writer method: 3.8. XML::Writer (Perl & XML)
<state> element: 7.4.1. The document( ) Function and Sorting (XSLT)
state information: 1.3.1. Web Development Challenges (Java and XSLT)
stateless protocols: 4.2.2. Model-View-Controller (Java and XSLT)
static content generation: 10. Web Publishing Frameworks (Java & XML)
Sterin, Ilya: 5.4. Drivers for Non-XML Sources (Perl & XML)
9.3. XML Programming Tools (Perl & XML)
store( ): 7.3. XMLProperties (Java & XML)
7.3.1. Storing XML (Java & XML)
7.3.4. Backtracking (Java & XML)
storyboarding: 7.1.2. Screen Flow (Java and XSLT)
strategies in XML processing: 3.3. Stream-Based Versus Tree-Based Processing (Perl & XML)
stream-based processing: 1.2.1. Stream-Based Processing (SAX2)
stream-based processing for parsers: 3.3. Stream-Based Versus Tree-Based Processing (Perl & XML)
stream validator in Ælfred parsers: 1.6.1. Ælfred2 (SAX2)
streaming parsers API: 1.1. Types of XML APIs (SAX2)
StreamResult class: Transforming XML (Java & XML)
streams: 4.1. Working with Streams (Perl & XML)
applications: 4.4. Stream Applications (Perl & XML)
event: 4. Event Streams (Perl & XML)
JAXP I/O: 5.3.3. JAXP Stream I/O (Java and XSLT)
Streams class (example): 5.3.3. JAXP Stream I/O (Java and XSLT)
parsing style: 3.2.2. Parsing Styles (Perl & XML)
StreamSource class: 5.2.1. JAXP 1.1 Implementation (Java and XSLT) Transforming XML (Java & XML)
5.3.3. JAXP Stream I/O (Java and XSLT)
B. JAXP API Reference (Java and XSLT)
strict DTD (XHTML): 7.1.2. Three DTDs for XHTML (XML in a Nutshell)
String class, parsing data with no URI: 3.1.2. The InputSource Class (SAX2)
string datatype: 3.4. XPath Datatypes (XSLT)
converting to boolean values: Converting to boolean values (XSLT)
string datatypes: 4.3. String Datatypes (XML Schema)
regular expressions and: 6.5.1. String Datatypes (XML Schema)
string( ) function: C. XSLT and XPath Function Reference (XSLT)
string functions (XPath): 9.7.2. String Functions (XML in a Nutshell)
string-interning: Interning and entities (Java & XML)
Javadoc sources: Interning and entities (Java & XML)
string-length( ) function: C. XSLT and XPath Function Reference (XSLT)
string-length( ) (XPath): 9.7.2. String Functions (XML in a Nutshell)
22.5. XPath Functions (XML in a Nutshell)
String local element: 2.3.4. Essential ContentHandler Callbacks (SAX2)
String qName element: 2.3.4. Essential ContentHandler Callbacks (SAX2)
string-range( ): 11.7.4. The string-range( ) function (XML in a Nutshell)
string replace function: 4.6.1. Implementing a String Replace Function (XSLT)
String uri element: 2.3.4. Essential ContentHandler Callbacks (SAX2)
string( ) (XPath): 9.7.2. String Functions (XML in a Nutshell)
22.5. XPath Functions (XML in a Nutshell)
StringBuffers: 2.3.4. Essential ContentHandler Callbacks (SAX2)
String.equals( ) function: 3.3.2. XMLReader Feature Flags (SAX2)
String.intern( ) function: 3.3.2. XMLReader Feature Flags (SAX2)
StringReader class: 4.1.2. The Locator Interface (SAX2)
StringWriter class: JDOM to text approach (Java and XSLT)
collapsed: 4.3.3. Collapsed Strings (XML Schema)
in XPath: 9.6.2. Strings (XML in a Nutshell)
22.2. Data Types (XML in a Nutshell)
internalized (SAX feature): 25.3. SAX Features and Properties (XML in a Nutshell)
limiting size of: 5.5. Back to Our Library (XML Schema)
normalized: 4.2. Whitespace Processing (XML Schema)
tokenized: Tokenss (XML Schema)
structural nodes (DOM Core): 18.4.1. Structural Nodes (XML in a Nutshell)
structure module (XHTML DTD): 7.3. Authoring Compound Documents with Modular XHTML (XML in a Nutshell)
structure of XML: 2.2. Markup, Elements, and Structure (Perl & XML)
style attribute module (XHTML DTD): 7.3. Authoring Compound Documents with Modular XHTML (XML in a Nutshell)
style attribute, pie charts and: Example: A library of trigonometric functions (XSLT)
style attributes: 8.2. XPath (Perl & XML)
style class: 7.2.1. XHTML Prototypes (Java and XSLT)
StylesheetCache class: 5.4.2. A Stylesheet Cache (Java and XSLT)
6.4. Stylesheet Caching Revisited (Java and XSLT)
Style module: Style (Java & XML)
style rules: 12.2. CSS Syntax (XML in a Nutshell)
stylesheet element (XSLT): 8.2. xsl:stylesheet and xsl:transform (XML in a Nutshell)
stylesheet module (XHTML DTD): 7.3. Authoring Compound Documents with Modular XHTML (XML in a Nutshell)
stylesheets: 7.2. Direct Display of XML in Browsers (XML in a Nutshell)
2. The Obligatory Hello World Example (XSLT)
2.1. Goals of This Chapter (XSLT)
0.6. Acknowledgments (Java and XSLT)
1.1. Java, XSLT, and the Web (Java and XSLT)
associating with XML documents, specification for: Associating stylesheets with XML documents (XSLT)
compilation: 5.4. Stylesheet Compilation (Java and XSLT)
displaying XML in web browsers: 7.2. Direct Display of XML in Browsers (XML in a Nutshell)
document permanence and: 6.5. Document Permanence (XML in a Nutshell)
emulating for loop (example): 4.7. A Stylesheet That Emulates a for Loop (XSLT)
example of: 2.2.2. A Sample Stylesheet (XSLT)
alternate versions for: 2.4.7. Other Approaches (XSLT)
2.1. XSLT Introduction (Java and XSLT)
how to guide for: D. XSLT Guide (XSLT)
illustrating nodes: 3.5. The XPath View of an XML Document (XSLT) 10.4.1. Creating an XSP Page (Java & XML)
PDF transformation: 10.3.2. Viewing PDFs from XML (Java & XML)
processing of: 2.3. How a Stylesheet Is Processed (XSLT)
structure of: 2.4. Stylesheet Structure (XSLT)
stylesheet-generating with for loop emulation (example): 4.8. A Stylesheet That Generates a Stylesheet That Emulates a for Loop (XSLT)
Toot-O-Matic case study and: 9.2.3. See Just How Much We Could Accomplish Through Stylesheets (XSLT)
tutorials and, transformations for: 9.5. XSLT Source Code (XSLT)
using id( ) function: 5.1.3. A Stylesheet That Uses the id( ) Function (XSLT)
using key( ) function: 5.2.3. Stylesheets That Use the key( ) Function (XSLT)
WML: 10.3.4. WAP and XML (Java & XML)
XSP: 10.4. XSP (Java & XML)
subclassing: 10.2. Subclassing (Perl & XML)
subclassing, JDOM: 8.4.1. More on Subclassing (Java & XML)
subcodes (languages): 5.11.2. Subcodes (XML in a Nutshell)
subdocuments, including: 6.3. Including Subdocuments (SAX2)
subs parsing style: 3.2.2. Parsing Styles (Perl & XML)
subsets (external and internal): 2.5. Entities (Perl & XML)
substitution groups: 12.1. Substitution Groups (XML Schema)
16.8.3. Substitution Groups (XML in a Nutshell)
controlling usage of derivations: 12.2. Controlling Derivations (XML Schema)
defining content models using: Using substitution groups (XML Schema)
head elements of: Using substitution groups (XML Schema)
open schemas and: 13.2.3. And Substitution Groups? (XML Schema)
restricting: Restricting substitution groups (XML Schema)
trees of: Trees of substitution groups (XML Schema)
vs. element groups: 12.1.3. Traditional Declarations or Substitution Groups? (XML Schema)
substitutionGroup attribute: Using substitution groups (XML Schema)
12.1.3. Traditional Declarations or Substitution Groups? (XML Schema)
substring-after( ) function: Procedural design (XSLT) Solution #3: Use recursion to process the IDREFS datatype (XSLT)
C. XSLT and XPath Function Reference (XSLT)
substring-after( ) (XPath): 9.7.2. String Functions (XML in a Nutshell)
22.5. XPath Functions (XML in a Nutshell)
substring-before( ) function: Procedural design (XSLT) Solution #3: Use recursion to process the IDREFS datatype (XSLT)
C. XSLT and XPath Function Reference (XSLT)
substring-before( ) (XPath): 9.7.2. String Functions (XML in a Nutshell)
22.5. XPath Functions (XML in a Nutshell)
substring( ) function: C. XSLT and XPath Function Reference (XSLT)
substring( ) (XPath): 9.7.2. String Functions (XML in a Nutshell)
22.5. XPath Functions (XML in a Nutshell)
substringData( ) (DOM): 24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
substringData method for CharacterData class (DOM): Methods (Perl & XML)
suffixes in element declarations: 3.2.4. The Number of Children (XML in a Nutshell)
sum( ) function: 7.2.1. An Aside: Doing Math with Recursion (XSLT)
C. XSLT and XPath Function Reference (XSLT)
sum( ) (XPath): 9.7.4. Number Functions (XML in a Nutshell)
22.5. XPath Functions (XML in a Nutshell)
summarizer program for stream processing: 4.4. Stream Applications (Perl & XML)
Sun Microsystems Project X: 1.3.2. A Parser (Java & XML)
Sun Solaris, internationalization support: 8.6.3. Putting It All Together (Java and XSLT)
Sun, using JAXP: 1.4.5. Sun's Java API for XML Processing (JAXP) (SAX2)
super keyword and SAX filters: 19.3. Filters (XML in a Nutshell) 14.1.3. Providing a Listing of Available Books (Java & XML)
suppress_errors( ) function: Example: A library of trigonometric functions (XSLT)
surrogate pairs (Java char values): 4.1.3. Internationalization Concerns (SAX2)
SVG, allowed in schema annotations: 14.2. The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element (XML Schema)
SVG files
converting "Hello World" document into: 2.5.1. The Hello World SVG File (XSLT)
trigonometric functions and: Example: A library of trigonometric functions (XSLT)
SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics): 0.. What This Book Covers (XML in a Nutshell)
need for: 4.1. The Need for Namespaces (XML in a Nutshell)
specification for: Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) (XSLT)
syntax for: 4.2.1. Qualified Names, Prefixes, and Local Parts (XML in a Nutshell)
xmlns attribute and: 4.2.4. Setting a Default Namespace with the xmlns Attribute (XML in a Nutshell)
prefixes and namespace URIs: 4.2.3. Namespace URIs (XML in a Nutshell)
Swiss army knife, metaphor for regular expressions: 6.1. The Swiss Army Knife (XML Schema)
switch construct (_ _ Java): Working with nodes (Java & XML)
switch statement (see <xsl:choose> element)
symbols entity set: 5.10. Character References (XML in a Nutshell)
26.2. HTML4 Entity Sets (XML in a Nutshell)
26.2. HTML4 Entity Sets (XML in a Nutshell)
synchronized keyword: 6.5.1. Servlet Threading Model (Java and XSLT)
abbreviated vs. unabbreviated: Unabbreviated syntax (XSLT)
for <xsl:sort> element: What's the deal with that syntax? (XSLT)
syntax errors in XML documents: 3.1.1. Example (of What Not to Do): A Well-Formedness Checker (Perl & XML)
syntax structures of XML documents: 20.3.1. Global Syntax Structures (XML in a Nutshell)
SYNTAX_ERR exception (DOM): 24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
system ID: Working with nodes (Java & XML)
in XML documents: 3.2.3. Using an InputSource (Java & XML)
system ID for notations: 4.3.2. The DTDHandler Interface (SAX2)
system identifiers: 5.1.2. Xalan 1 Implementation (Java and XSLT)
5.3.1. System Identifiers, Files, and URLs (Java and XSLT)
2.5. Entities (Perl & XML)
StreamSource, providing for: 5.3.3. JAXP Stream I/O (Java and XSLT)
SYSTEM keyword: 2.1.1. XML 1.0 (Java & XML)
SYSTEM keyword (document type declaration): Public IDs (XML in a Nutshell)
system-property( ) function: Example: Using extension functions from multiple processors (XSLT)
C. XSLT and XPath Function Reference (XSLT)
system-property( ) (XSLT): 23.3. XSLT Functions (XML in a Nutshell)
system resources, DOM and: 5.4.1. Memory, Performance, and Deferred DOMs (Java & XML)
systemId attribute
DocumentType interface: 24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
Entity interface: 24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
systemId parameter: Always provide absolute URIs (SAX2)
B.10. Document Type Declaration Information Item (SAX2)
EntityResolver interface and: 3.4. The EntityResolver Interface (SAX2)
systemId property
DocumentType class: Properties (Perl & XML)
Entity node: Properties (Perl & XML)
Notation class: Properties (Perl & XML)
System.setProperty( ) function: 3.2.1. The XMLReaderFactory Class (SAX2)

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