Index: E

Symbols & Numbers
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| Z
Index: E
- E constant (Math object): 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- e or E (exponential) notation: 3.1.3. Floating-Point Literals (JavaScript)
- E property, Math object: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
- each( ): 5.7.2. The Iterator Functions (Programming PHP)
- A.2a. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (a-e) (Programming PHP)
- 2.5.3. Using Array Pointers (Web Database Applications)
- 2.5.3. Using Array Pointers (Web Database Applications)
- 2.5.3. Using Array Pointers (Web Database Applications)
- array values and: 6.9.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- sparsely filled arrays: 4.24.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- using with list( ) and while loops for array iteration: 4.5.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
- ECB (Electronic Code Book) mode: 14.8.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- echo: 18.19.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- echo( ): A.2a. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (a-e) (Programming PHP)
- echo command: 1.4. A Walk Through PHP (Programming PHP)
- 4.2.1. echo (Programming PHP)
- echo directive (SSI): 13.2. Basic SSI Directives (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- echo statement: Outputting data with echo and print (Web Database Applications)
- ECMA: 1.8. ECMAScript (Dynamic HTML)
- 2.4. Netscape 6 (Mozilla) DHTML (Dynamic HTML)
- ECMA-262 (see JavaScript)
- 11.1. Versions of JavaScript (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- ECMA-262 standard (JavaScript language): 0. Preface (JavaScript), versions: 1.2. Versions of JavaScript (JavaScript)
- ECMA (European Computer Manufacturers Association): 11.1. Versions of JavaScript (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- ECMAScript: 1.8. ECMAScript (Dynamic HTML)
- 5.5. Changing Tag Attribute Values (Dynamic HTML)
- character sets in: 2.1. Character Set (JavaScript)
- escape sequences: 3.2.2. Escape Sequences in String Literals (JavaScript)
- expressions serving as array and object literals: 2.6. Literals (JavaScript)
- Netscape 4, incompatibilities with: 11.6. Netscape's JavaScript 1.2 Incompatibilities (JavaScript)
- v3
- array literals: 3.6.2. Array Literals (JavaScript)
- global variables and functions, listed: 2.8. Reserved Words (JavaScript)
- identifiers, rules for: 2.7. Identifiers (JavaScript)
- object literal syntax: 3.5.2. Object Literals (JavaScript)
- reserved words, listed: 2.8. Reserved Words (JavaScript)
- throw statement and Error class: 6.16. throw (JavaScript)
- v1, Unicode characters in string literals: 3.2.1. String Literals (JavaScript)
- effectAllowed property
- clipboardData objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- dataTransfer objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- efree( ): 14.5. Memory Management (Programming PHP)
- EG (Executor Globals): 14.10.2. Executor Globals (EG) (Programming PHP)
- EGPCS (environment, GET, POST, cookie and server) variables
- aliases for: 7.2. Variables (Programming PHP)
- controlling with variables_order directive: 12.1.2. Set variables_order (Programming PHP)
- elapsed time
- between two dates: 3.6.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- execution time for each line of PHP code: 8.26.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- since epoch, high precision times: 3.14.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- Electronic Code Book (ECB) mode: 14.8.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- elem element: W3C DOM document tree (Dynamic HTML)
- element containment: 3.3. Two Types of Containment (Dynamic HTML)
- 3.3. Two Types of Containment (Dynamic HTML)
- 3.3.2. The Cascade (Dynamic HTML)
- 3.8.4. Child Selectors (Dynamic HTML)
- element handlers: 11.3.1. Element Handlers (Programming PHP)
- element nodes: 1.6.3. W3C DOM Architecture (Dynamic HTML)
- W3C DOM document tree (Dynamic HTML)
- Element object: Types of nodes (JavaScript)
- Attributes (JavaScript)
- 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
- Element object (JavaScript): 11.4. JavaScript API Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- Element objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- element positioning: 1.5.2. Element Positioning and Layering (Dynamic HTML)
- 4. Adding Dynamic Positioning to Documents (Dynamic HTML)
- element text
- changing: 5.7.1. Changing Element Text (Dynamic HTML)
- Core module and: 1.6. Document Object Model (Dynamic HTML)
- encompassing: 5.10.2. Typical Text Range Operations (Dynamic HTML)
- element types: Binding a class identifier to an element type (Dynamic HTML)
- ElementCSSInlineStyle objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- elementFromPoint( ): 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- elementFromPoint( ) method, document objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- elementFromPoint( ) (IE 4 DOM): 11.4. JavaScript API Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- ELEMENT_NODE property: 9.5.3. Event Handlers (Dynamic HTML)
- elements (see block-level elements empty elements positioning also block-level elements empty elements positioning)
- (see also block-level elements empty elements positioning)
- abstract model and: 1.7. Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) (Dynamic HTML)
- altering: IE text (Dynamic HTML)
- array (see arrays)
- 4.10.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- accessing: 3.6. Arrays (JavaScript)
- adding new: 9.1.3. Adding New Elements to an Array (JavaScript)
- assigning functions to: 7.2. Functions as Data (JavaScript)
- creating arrays: 9.1.1. Creating Arrays (JavaScript)
- length, specifying: 9.1.4. Array Length (JavaScript)
- methods for manipulating: 9.2. Array Methods (JavaScript)
- reading and writing: 9.1.2. Reading and Writing Array Elements (JavaScript)
- undefined: 3.6.2. Array Literals (JavaScript)
- binding to event handlers: 6.3. Binding Event Handlers to Elements (Dynamic HTML)
- changing: IE HTML and elements (Dynamic HTML)
- controlling properties: 1.5.2. Element Positioning and Layering (Dynamic HTML)
- currentStyle property: IE currentStyle property (Dynamic HTML)
- custom APIs and: 4.4.3. Custom APIs (Dynamic HTML)
- deprecated: 1.4. XHTML (Dynamic HTML)
- div tag containment: 3.1. Observing HTML Structures (Dynamic HTML)
- document.all collection: 2.3.1. Element Object References (Dynamic HTML)
- attributes: Attributes (JavaScript)
- setting attribute values on: 17.2.3. Modifying a Document (JavaScript)
- dragging: 6.7. Dragging Elements (Dynamic HTML)
- dynamic content: 2.4.4. Dynamic Content (Dynamic HTML)
- event processing and: 6.2. Event Objects (Dynamic HTML)
- finding in document: 17.2.2. Finding Specific Elements in a Document (JavaScript), IE 4 and DOM: 17.3.2. Finding Document Elements (JavaScript)
- form: 1.6.3. Interact with HTML Forms (JavaScript)
- 15. Forms and Form Elements (JavaScript)
- defining: 15.2. Defining Form Elements (JavaScript)
- scripting: 15.3. Scripting Form Elements (JavaScript)
- head element: The <style> tag (Dynamic HTML)
- W3C DOM document tree (Dynamic HTML)
- event handler attributes: 19.1. Basic Event Handling (JavaScript)
- event handler function, assigning to: 19.1.3. Event Handlers as Properties (JavaScript)
- JavaScript access to: 1.6.1. Control Document Appearance and Content (JavaScript)
- JavaScript objects corresponding to: 19.1.3. Event Handlers as Properties (JavaScript)
- HTML, with multiple options (in forms): 9.11.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- id attribute: 1.6.3. W3C DOM Architecture (Dynamic HTML)
- id attribute, applying style rules to specific: 18.1.1. Applying Style Rules to Document Elements (JavaScript)
- inserting: 5.10.2. Typical Text Range Operations (Dynamic HTML)
- inserting text: 1.6.3. W3C DOM Architecture (Dynamic HTML)
- instant access: 1.6.2. Microsoft IE 4 DOM (Dynamic HTML)
- manipulating via scripts: 6. Scripting Events (Dynamic HTML)
- overlapping versus wrapping: 4.1.3. Overlapping Versus Wrapping Elements (Dynamic HTML)
- positioning with CSS: 18.2. Element Positioning with CSS (JavaScript)
- preventing default actions: 6.4. Preventing Default Event Actions (Dynamic HTML)
- property example: 5.5. Changing Tag Attribute Values (Dynamic HTML)
- pseudo-classes and: Using pseudo-classes (Dynamic HTML)
- pseudo-elements: Using pseudo-elements (Dynamic HTML)
- referencing: 1.6.1. DOM Level 0 (Dynamic HTML)
- 2.3.1. Element Object References (Dynamic HTML)
- 4.3. Changing Attribute Values via Scripting (Dynamic HTML)
- rules and: 1.5.1. CSS Rationale (Dynamic HTML)
- as scriptable objects: 2.3. Internet Explorer DHTML (Dynamic HTML)
- selector and: 3.5.3. Binding CSS Style Sheets to Elements (Dynamic HTML)
- stacking order: 18.2.3. The Third Dimension: z-index (JavaScript)
- style declarations and: The <style> tag (Dynamic HTML)
- unique id identifiers and: 3.7.2. ID Selectors (Dynamic HTML)
- creating new for document: 12.3.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- nodes: 12.3.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- searching DOM tree for: 12.4.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- XML support: 1.4. XHTML (Dynamic HTML)
- W3C DOM document tree (Dynamic HTML)
- elements, array
- checking whether element exists: 5.5.4. Checking Whether an Element Exists (Programming PHP)
- filtering from: 5.9.4. Filtering Elements from an Array (Programming PHP)
- getting number of: 5.3.3. Getting the Size of an Array (Programming PHP)
- idenfitying: 5.2. Identifying Elements of an Array (Programming PHP)
- removing and inserting: 5.5.5. Removing and Inserting Elements in an Array (Programming PHP)
- trversing: 5.7. Traversing Arrays (Programming PHP)
- elements objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- elements[] property: 12.1.2. The Client-Side Object Hierarchy and the Document Object Model (JavaScript)
- 14.5. Forms (JavaScript)
- 15.1. The Form Object (JavaScript)
- 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- fieldsets and: 15.3.9. Fieldset Elements (JavaScript)
- elevation attribute (CSS): 11.5. Alphabetical Attribute Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- elevation property
- CSSStyleDeclaration objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- style objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- ellipses, drawing: 15.3.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook), filled: 15.3.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- else clause: 2.5.1. if (Programming PHP)
- else if statements: 6.4. else if (JavaScript)
- else statements: 6.3. if (JavaScript)
- em elements: 3.3.1. Inheritance (Dynamic HTML)
- W3C DOM text (Dynamic HTML)
- IE HTML and elements (Dynamic HTML)
- 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- em objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- em unit (style size): Length property values (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- em units: 1.5.1. CSS Rationale (Dynamic HTML)
- email
- encrypting with GPG: 14.12.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- functions for: A.1. PHP Functions by Category (Programming PHP)
- IMAP, POP, and NNTP extension: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- sending: 17.2.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- text addresses, converting to mailto: hyperlinks: 13.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
- vpopmail extension: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- web-based client for: 17.4.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- email addresses
- @ symbol in: Validating email addresses (Web Database Applications)
- Case study: A generic JavaScript validation function (Web Database Applications)
- comments embedded in: 13.6.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- hiding from address-harvesting robots: 8.13.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- matching valid with regular expressions: 13.6.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- "do not send" list: 17.2.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- RFC 822-compliant address parser in IMAP extension: 13.6.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- validating: Validating email addresses (Web Database Applications)
- email, administration address: 18. Apache Configuration (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- email receipts: 12. Ordering and Shipping at the Winestore (Web Database Applications)
- 12.2. HTML and Email Receipts (Web Database Applications)
- shipping.1 script and: 10.1.1. Winestore Scripts (Web Database Applications)
- emalloc( ): 14.5. Memory Management (Programming PHP)
- embed elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- embed objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- embedded data, displaying: 14.10. Embedded Data (JavaScript)
- embedded images: 1.6.6. Still More Features (JavaScript)
- embedded links: 5.2.2. Adding Links to Results (Web Database Applications)
- caution with: 5.2.2. Adding Links to Results (Web Database Applications)
- passing data with: 5.1.3. Passing Data with Embedded Links (Web Database Applications)
- embedded scripting languages: 1.3. Client-Side JavaScript (JavaScript)
- embedding
- event handlers: 6.3.1. Event Handlers as Tag Attributes (Dynamic HTML)
- external documents: 5.9.1. The iframe Element (Dynamic HTML)
- fonts in PDF files: 10.3.4. Fonts (Programming PHP)
- JavaScript in HTML tags: 12.2.1. The <script> Tag (JavaScript)
- 12.2.2. Including JavaScript Files (JavaScript)
- PHP in web pages: 2.7. Embedding PHP in Web Pages (Programming PHP)
- ASP tags, using: 2.7.3. ASP Style (Programming PHP)
- echoing content directly: 2.7.5. Echoing Content Directly (Programming PHP)
- script style: 2.7.4. Script Style (Programming PHP)
- SGML tags, using: 2.7.2. SGML Style (Programming PHP)
- XML-compliant tags, using: 2.7.1. XML Style (Programming PHP)
- style sheets: 3.6. Embedding Style Sheets (Dynamic HTML)
- unnamed functions as literal data values in programs: 3.4.1. Function Literals (JavaScript)
- XML data: 5.9.2. Embedding XML Data (Dynamic HTML)
- embeds objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- embeds[] property: 14.10. Embedded Data (JavaScript)
- 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- embolden( ): 17.2.3. Modifying a Document (JavaScript)
- emphasized text, using <b> or <i> HTML tags: 18.17.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- empty( ): A.2a. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (a-e) (Programming PHP)
- Testing, setting, and unsetting variables (Web Database Applications)
- Other <form> issues (Web Database Applications)
- empty( ) method, selection objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- empty arrays: 9.1.1. Creating Arrays (JavaScript)
- empty arrays, constructing: 5.3. Storing Data in Arrays (Programming PHP)
- empty-cells attribute (CSS): 11.5. Alphabetical Attribute Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- empty elements
- creating element example: 2.4.4. Dynamic Content (Dynamic HTML)
- forward slash and: 3.1. Observing HTML Structures (Dynamic HTML)
- generating elements example: W3C DOM document tree (Dynamic HTML)
- requirements: 1.4. XHTML (Dynamic HTML)
- empty expressions: 2.5.4. for (Programming PHP)
- empty set: 4.25.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- empty statements: 6.19. The Empty Statement (JavaScript)
- empty statements, JavaScripts: Empty statements (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- empty strings: 2.6.1. Object Detection over Browser Sniffing (Dynamic HTML)
- assigning as default function parameter value: 6.3.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- assigning to array elements: 4.6.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- error messages: 6.3.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- empty variables, unset variables as: 5.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
- emptyCells property
- CSSStyleDeclaration objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- style objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- enable-ftp: 17.7.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- enabledPlugin property: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript), mimeType objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- enableExternalCapture( ) method, window objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- encapsulation: 6.1. Terminology (Programming PHP)
- encode( ): Encrypting other data in a database (Web Database Applications)
- encodeURI( ): 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript), Global objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
- encodeURI( ) (Global object): 11.4. JavaScript API Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- encodeURIComponent( ): 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript), Global objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
- encodeURIComponent( ) (Global object): 11.4. JavaScript API Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- encoding: 19.24. mod_mime (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- base64 encoding: 14.3.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- format strings for: 1.14.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- HTML entities: 11.10.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook), in HTML-formatted RSS item: 12.5.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- pc_encode( ): 9.4.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- specifying icons for: 19.7. mod_autoindex (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- SQL: 4.5.3. SQL (Programming PHP)
- strings according to URL conventions: RFC 1738 encoding and decoding (Programming PHP)
- strings, C language: 4.5.4. C-String Encoding (Programming PHP)
- URL: 8.9.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
- URLs: 6.1. The <form> Tag (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- 12.2. URL Encoding (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- variables and values into textual form: 5.8.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
- encoding property: 15.1. The Form Object (JavaScript)
- 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
- CSSRule objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- form objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- rule objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- encryption: 14.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
- 9.3.1. MySQL encryption (Web Database Applications)
- Cipher suites (Web Database Applications)
- checking password strength: 14.6.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- email, encrypting with GPG: 14.12.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- encrypting/decrypting data, algorithms for: 14.8.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook), listing of mcrypt algorithms: 14.8.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- functions for: Miscellaneous operators and functions (Web Database Applications)
- keeping passwords out of site files: 14.2.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- lost passwords, dealing with: 14.7.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- mcrypt library: 14.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
- mhash module, hash algorithms: 14.4.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- obscuring data with encoding: 14.3.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- one-way: 14.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
- resources for further reading: E.4. Security and Cryptography Resources (Web Database Applications)
- sharing encrypted data with another web site: 14.10.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- SSL: 14.11.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- storing encrypted data in file or database: 14.9.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- storing passwords: 14.5.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- verifying data with hashes: 14.4.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- encryption (mcrypt extension): B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- enctype attribute, form elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- enctype attribute, <form>: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- enctype property, form objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- end( ): 5.7.2. The Iterator Functions (Programming PHP)
- A.2a. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (a-e) (Programming PHP)
- 2.5.3. Using Array Pointers (Web Database Applications)
- end element handler: 11.3.1. Element Handlers (Programming PHP)
- end-loop statements: 2.3.3. for (Web Database Applications)
- end-of-file handling: A.2b. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (f-i) (Programming PHP), on Unix and Windows: 15.2.8. End-of-File Handling (Programming PHP)
- end-of-line handling, on Unix and Windows: 15.2.7. End-of-Line Handling (Programming PHP)
- end-of-string identifier: 1.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
- @end statement: 12.8. Miscellaneous Statements (Dynamic HTML)
- end tags: 1.4. XHTML (Dynamic HTML)
- 3.1. Observing HTML Structures (Dynamic HTML)
- 2.1.1. PHP Basics (Web Database Applications)
- (see also start/end tags)
- end tags, HTML: 2.2. HTML Syntax (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- end tags, PHP: 18.14.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- endContainer property: 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript), Range objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- end_element( ): 12.5.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- end_html( ) ( 14. The Module (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- endif keyword: 2.5.1. if (Programming PHP)
- endOffset property: 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript), Range objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- endsWith( ): 8.4.1. Prototypes and Built-in Classes (JavaScript)
- entities: 7. Character Entities (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- translation tables for: Entity-quoting only HTML syntax characters (Programming PHP)
- A.2b. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (f-i) (Programming PHP)
- HTML, converting string characters into: Entity-quoting all special characters (Programming PHP)
- XML: 11.3.4. Entity Handlers (Programming PHP), external: External entities (Programming PHP)
- entities for characters: B. HTML Character Entities (Dynamic HTML)
- entities, HTML: 8.9.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- encoding: 11.10.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
- encoding for HTML-formatted RSS item: 12.5.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- encoding in user-entered data: 9.9.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- entities property: 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript), DocumentType objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- entity headers, HTTP: 17.3.4. Entity Headers (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- Entity object: 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
- Entity objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- entity-relationship modeling: 3.1.2. Terminology (Web Database Applications)
- (see also ER modeling)
- ENTITY_NODE property: 9.5.3. Event Handlers (Dynamic HTML)
- EntityReference object: 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
- EntityReference objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE property: 9.5.3. Event Handlers (Dynamic HTML)
- enumerable object properties: 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- enumerating object properties: 6.9. for/in (JavaScript)
- 8.1.3. Enumerating Properties (JavaScript)
- 8.7.6. The propertyIsEnumerable( ) Method (JavaScript)
- Enumerator objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
- $_ENV superglobal array: 8.21.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- 9.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
- environment variables: 15.2.3. The Environment (Programming PHP)
- A.2b. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (f-i) (Programming PHP)
- CGI: 12.4. CGI Environment Variables (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- HOME and USER, setting for GPG: 14.12.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- $HTTP_ENV_VARS array: 7.2. Variables (Programming PHP)
- HTTP_USER_AGENT: 8.8.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- LC_ALL: 16.4.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- ORACLE_SID: 10.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
- reading: 8.21.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- server: 7.3. Server Information (Programming PHP)
- setting: 8.22.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q) (Programming PHP)
- SSI: 13.3. SSI Environment Variables (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- storing passwords in: 14.2.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
- variables_order directive in php.ini: 12.1.2. Set variables_order (Programming PHP)
- environment variables, browser: 1.6.6. Still More Features (JavaScript)
- epoch timestamps: 3.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
- 19.2.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- altering by amount of time zoneÕs offset from UTC: 3.13.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- converting human-readable date and time strings to: 3.10.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
- converting Julian days to/from: 3.11.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- converting to/from time and date parts: 3.3.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- cookies expiration times and: 8.2.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- finding difference between: 3.6.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
- localtime( ), use of: 3.2.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- equal sign operator: 3.5.2. CSS Attribute Assignment Syntax (Dynamic HTML)
- The style attribute in element tags (Dynamic HTML)
- equality (==) operator: 2.4.8. Comparison Operators (Programming PHP)
- equality operator (==): 12.6. Operators (Dynamic HTML)
- 4.12.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- equality operator, vs. assignment operator: 2.2.3. Conditional Expressions (Web Database Applications)
- equality operators: 5.4. Equality Operators (JavaScript)
- Netscape, problems with: Equality and inequality in Netscape (JavaScript)
- rules for determining equality: 5.4.1. Equality (==) and Identity (===) (JavaScript)
- equivalence class: 4.9.1. Character Classes (Programming PHP)
- ER modeling: 3.1.2. Terminology (Web Database Applications)
- C.2. Entity-Relationship Modeling (Web Database Applications)
- for winestore application: The winestore entity-relationship model (Web Database Applications)
- ereg( ): 3.10.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- Matching (Programming PHP)
- A.2a. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (a-e) (Programming PHP)
- 2.7.1. Regular Expression Syntax (Web Database Applications)
- dates, validating and: Validating dates (Web Database Applications)
- extracting values and: Finding and extracting values (Web Database Applications)
- numbers, validating and: Validating numeric fields (Web Database Applications)
- ereg functions: 13.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
- converting to preg: 13.2.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- escaping metacharacters: 13.9.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- preg functions vs.: 13.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
- eregi( ): Matching (Programming PHP)
- A.2a. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (a-e) (Programming PHP)
- Finding and extracting values (Web Database Applications)
- email addresses, validating and: Validating email addresses (Web Database Applications)
- eregi( ) case-insensitive matching: 13.2.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
- eregi_replace( ) function: Replacing (Programming PHP)
- ereg_replace( ): 13.2.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- Replacing (Programming PHP)
- A.2a. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (a-e) (Programming PHP)
- A.2a. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (a-e) (Programming PHP)
- err_header_out( ) (Perl): 15.8. The Perl API (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- err_headers_out( ) (Perl): 15.8. The Perl API (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- error handlers: 13.5. Error Handling (JavaScript)
- error handling: 13.4. Error Handling (Programming PHP)
- custom error handler, using: 8.17.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- custom error handlers for: 10.4.1. Custom Error Handlers (Web Database Applications)
- defining error handlers: 13.4.4. Defining Error Handlers (Programming PHP)
- formating and printing errors (example): 13.4.4. Defining Error Handlers (Programming PHP)
- logging in: Logging in error handlers (Programming PHP)
- output buffering: Output buffering in error handlers (Programming PHP)
- eliminating "headers already sent" errors: 8.19.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- error types, listing of: 8.16.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- for MySQL functions: 4.1.4. Error Handling of MySQL Database Functions (Web Database Applications)
- HTML errors, disabling: 8.24.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- logging error messages to system log: A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
- logging program errors: 8.18.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook), _ _FILE_ _ and _ _LINE_ _ constants: 8.18.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- reporting errors: 13.4.1. Error Reporting (Programming PHP)
- reporting levels: 8.16.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- reverting to prior handler: A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
- setting error handler: A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
- suppressing errors: 13.4.2. Error Suppression (Programming PHP)
- triggering errors: 13.4.3. Triggering Errors (Programming PHP)
- A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
- tuning by altering error-logging sensitivity: 8.16.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- error messages
- default or empty: 6.3.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- displaying: Displaying error messages (Web Database Applications)
- hiding from users: 8.15.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- improving: Improving error messages (Web Database Applications)
- error messages, displaying with alert( ): 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- Error object: 3. Data Types and Values (JavaScript)
- 6.16. throw (JavaScript)
- 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- Error object (JavaScript): 11.4. JavaScript API Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- Error objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
- error reporting: 7.1. Validation and Error Reporting for Web Database Applications (Web Database Applications)
- error suppression (@) operator: 2.4.13. Miscellaneous Operators (Programming PHP)
- ErrorDocument directive (Apache): 18. Apache Configuration (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- errorHandler( ): 10.4.1. Custom Error Handlers (Web Database Applications)
- 10.4.1. Custom Error Handlers (Web Database Applications)
- include file: 4.2.1. Using Include Files in Practice (Web Database Applications)
- 10.4. The Winestore Include Files (Web Database Applications)
- 10.4.1. Custom Error Handlers (Web Database Applications)
- error_log( ): 8.18.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
- Logging in error handlers (Programming PHP)
- A.2a. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (a-e) (Programming PHP)
- 10.4.1. Custom Error Handlers (Web Database Applications)
- logging session errors: Custom storage (Programming PHP)
- ErrorLog directive (Apache): 18. Apache Configuration (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- error_reporting( ): 8.16.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
- 13.4.1. Error Reporting (Programming PHP)
- A.2a. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (a-e) (Programming PHP)
- errors: 1.6.3. Interact with HTML Forms (JavaScript)
- 13.4.1. Error Reporting (Programming PHP)
- checking databasees for: 8.3.3. Error Checking (Programming PHP)
- classes representing: 3.11. Error Objects (JavaScript)
- database, logging: 10.11.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook), classes for: 10.11.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- EvalError object: 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- failing gracefully: 20.1.7. Fail Gracefully (JavaScript)
- functions for: A.1. PHP Functions by Category (Programming PHP)
- functions with identical names: 6.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
- Getopt_Error class: 20.3.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- input, checking for: 1.6.3. Interact with HTML Forms (JavaScript)
- Java method arguments and types: 22.4.5. Java Methods (JavaScript)
- language version, suppressing: 20.2.3. Suppressing Version-Related Errors (JavaScript)
- log file: 18. Apache Configuration (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- logging: 6.11.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- misspelling parameter names: 6.5.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- onerror event handler: 14.6.3. Image Event Handlers (JavaScript)
- 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- RangeError object: 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- ReferenceError object: 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- response document for: 18. Apache Configuration (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- server, HTTP codes for: 17.2.5. Server Errors (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- standard error, reading from a program: 18.24.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- SyntaxError object: 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- TypeError object: 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- URIError object: 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- warnings about, disabling public visibility of: 12.1.1. Initialize Variables (Programming PHP)
- writing to standard error: 18.19.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- XML: 11.3.8. Errors (Programming PHP)
- escape( ): 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript), Global objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
- escape( ) function: 16.2. Storing Cookies (JavaScript)
- escape( ) (Global object): 11.4. JavaScript API Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- escape sequences: 12.9. Special (Escaped) String Characters (Dynamic HTML)
- 3.2.1. String Literals (JavaScript)
- 3.2.2. Escape Sequences in String Literals (JavaScript)
- in double-quoted strings: 2.2.3. Strings (Programming PHP)
- 4.1.3. Double-Quoted Strings (Programming PHP)
- in single-quoted strings: 4.1.2. Single-Quoted Strings (Programming PHP)
- listed: 3.2.2. Escape Sequences in String Literals (JavaScript)
- removing from strings: A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
- escape sequences, PHP: 16.5.3. Strings (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- escape sequences, string: 1.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
- escapes (see character entities encoding URLs)
- escapeshellarg( ): 18.21.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
- 19.12.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- 12.7. Shell Commands (Programming PHP)
- A.2a. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (a-e) (Programming PHP)
- EscapeShellCmd( ): 5.1.4. Security and User Data (Web Database Applications)
- 10.4. The Winestore Include Files (Web Database Applications)
- escaping: 18.21.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- HTML entities: 8.9.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- 11.10.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
- metacharacters in regular expressions: 13.9.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- quotes in query data: 10.10.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- regular expression pattern delimiters: 13.2.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- SQL and shell globbing wildcards: 10.10.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- user-entered data on HTML page: 9.9.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- escaping characters: String literals (Web Database Applications)
- 2.6.1. String Literals (Web Database Applications)
- special characters and: Escaping special characters (Web Database Applications)
- escaping special characters in shell commands: 12.7. Shell Commands (Programming PHP)
- European Computer Manufacturers Association(ECMA): 11.1. Versions of JavaScript (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- European languages, characters for: 16.12.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- E_USER_ERROR: 10.11.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- E_USER_NOTICE: 10.11.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- E_USER_WARNING: 10.11.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- eval( ): 5.4.2. Swap Your Image (Dynamic HTML)
- 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- 7.13.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
- Global objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
- JSObject object: 22.2.1. The JSObject Class (JavaScript)
- 22.7. Java-to-JavaScript Data Conversion (JavaScript)
- 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- string values and String objects, handling: 3.12. Primitive Data Type Wrapper Objects (JavaScript)
- eval( ), security risks of: 12.6. PHP Code (Programming PHP)
- eval( ) (Global object): 11.4. JavaScript API Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- EvalError object: 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- evaluating expressions: 5.1. Expressions (JavaScript)
- event attribute: 6.3.3. Event Handlers as <script> Tags (IE 4 and Later) (Dynamic HTML)
- 7.2. XHTML Modularization (XHTML Basic and 1.1) (Dynamic HTML)
- script elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- event attribute ( tag, IE): 12.2.5. JavaScript in Nonstandard Contexts (JavaScript)
- event-based parsing: 12.5.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- event-based XML parsing: 11.3. Parsing XML (Programming PHP)
- event binding: 6.3. Binding Event Handlers to Elements (Dynamic HTML)
- event bubbling
- click event example: 2.3.5. The Event Model (Dynamic HTML)
- defined: 2.3.5. The Event Model (Dynamic HTML)
- dragging elements and: 6.7. Dragging Elements (Dynamic HTML)
- flexibility of: 6.5. Event Propagation (Dynamic HTML)
- Netscape 6: 2.4.5. The Event Model (Dynamic HTML)
- propagation and: 6.5.1. Event Bubbling (Dynamic HTML)
- event capture: 2.4.5. The Event Model (Dynamic HTML)
- 6.5.3. IE/Windows Event Capture (Dynamic HTML)
- 6.5.3. IE/Windows Event Capture (Dynamic HTML)
- event-driven programming: 12.1.3. The Event-Driven Programming Model (JavaScript)
- event handlers: 9.4. Event Handler Properties (Dynamic HTML)
- 1.5. Client-Side JavaScript: Executable Content in Web Pages (JavaScript)
- 1.6.4. Interact with the User (JavaScript)
- 12.1.3. The Event-Driven Programming Model (JavaScript)
- 12.2.3. Event Handlers (JavaScript)
- 19. Events and Event Handling (JavaScript)
- 2.4. Dynamic Content (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- as HTML attributes: 19.1.2. Event Handlers as Attributes (JavaScript)
- attributes: 2.4.1. Event Handler Attributes (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- attributes of HTML tags: 11.3.8. Events and Event Handling (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- binding to objects: 6.3.2. Event Handlers as Object Properties (Dynamic HTML)
- browsers: 2.4.5. The Event Model (Dynamic HTML)
- 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
- Button object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- Document objects and: 14.1.5. Document Objects and Event Handlers (JavaScript)
- defining event handlers: 14.1.5. Document Objects and Event Handlers (JavaScript)
- writing to document in another frame/window: 14.2. Dynamically Generated Documents (JavaScript)
- for errors: 13.5. Error Handling (JavaScript)
- executing: 12.3.3. Event Handlers (JavaScript)
- form elements: 1.8. Example: Computing Loan Payments with JavaScript (JavaScript)
- 15.3.3. Form Element Event Handlers (JavaScript)
- JavaScript code for: 15.2. Defining Form Elements (JavaScript)
- function, assigning to many elements: 19.1.3. Event Handlers as Properties (JavaScript)
- functions, invoking directly: Explicitly invoking event handlers (JavaScript)
- handleEvent( ) method and: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- HTML 4: 1.3. HTML (Dynamic HTML)
- HTMLElement object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- image: 14.6.3. Image Event Handlers (JavaScript)
- Image object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- Input object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- JavaScript: Event handlers (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- Image rollovers (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- as JavaScript functions: Event handlers as JavaScript functions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- javascript: URL as: 12.2.4. JavaScript in URLs (JavaScript)
- Link object: 14.7.2. Link Event Handlers (JavaScript)
- 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- list of: 16. DOM Event Handlers Index (Dynamic HTML)
- onsubmit and onreset: 15.1. The Form Object (JavaScript)
- as properties: 19.1.3. Event Handlers as Properties (JavaScript)
- registering: 19.2.1. Event Propagation (JavaScript)
- functions: 19.2.2. Event Handler Registration (JavaScript)
- IE event model: 19.3.4. IE Event-Handler Registration (JavaScript)
- mixing original event model and DOM Level 2: 19.2.8. Mixing Event Models (JavaScript)
- objects as: 19.2.4. Registering Objects as Event Handlers (JavaScript)
- return values: 19.1.4. Event Handler Return Values (JavaScript)
- scope of: 19.1.6. Scope of Event Handlers (JavaScript)
- 19.2.2. Event Handler Registration (JavaScript)
- HTML attributes and: 19.1.6. Scope of Event Handlers (JavaScript)
- scripting for actions: 2.3.5. The Event Model (Dynamic HTML)
- this keyword and: 19.1.5. Event Handlers and the this Keyword (JavaScript)
- Window object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- wrapping inside links: 5.4.2. Swap Your Image (Dynamic HTML)
- event handling models: 19. Events and Event Handling (JavaScript)
- DOM Level 2: 19.2. Advanced Event Handling with DOM Level 2 (JavaScript)
- Internet Explorer: 19.3. The Internet Explorer Event Model (JavaScript)
- Netscape 4: 19.4. The Netscape 4 Event Model (JavaScript)
- event keyword: 19.2.7. Example: Dragging Document Elements (JavaScript)
- event listener function: 6.3.5. W3C Event Listeners (Netscape 6 and Later) (Dynamic HTML)
- 6.4.3. W3C preventDefault( ) Method (Netscape 6 and Later) (Dynamic HTML)
- event listeners
- event capture and: 6.5.2. W3C Event Capture (Dynamic HTML)
- event objects and: 2.4.5. The Event Model (Dynamic HTML)
- features: 6.3.5. W3C Event Listeners (Netscape 6 and Later) (Dynamic HTML)
- text nodes as: 6.5.1. Event Bubbling (Dynamic HTML)
- Event Log (Windows NT): 8.15.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- Event object: 19.2.5. Event Modules and Event Types (JavaScript)
- Event (JavaScript)
- 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
- bitmask constants: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- currentTarget property: 19.2.3. addEventListener( ) and the this Keyword (JavaScript)
- Internet Explorer properties: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- security restrictions on setting properties: 21.2. Restricted Features (JavaScript)
- Event object (IE): 19.3.1. The IE Event Object (JavaScript), as global variable: 19.3.2. The IE Event Object as a Global Variable (JavaScript)
- Event object (JavaScript): 11.4. JavaScript API Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- Event object (Netscape): 19.4.1. The Netscape 4 Event Object (JavaScript)
- event objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- characteristics: 6.2. Event Objects (Dynamic HTML)
- event model component: 2.3.5. The Event Model (Dynamic HTML)
- keyboard events and: 6.6. Understanding Keyboard Event Data (Dynamic HTML)
- Netscape 6: 2.4.5. The Event Model (Dynamic HTML)
- pageX/pageY properties: 6.7. Dragging Elements (Dynamic HTML)
- propagation properties: 6.5.2. W3C Event Capture (Dynamic HTML)
- returnValue property: 6.4.2. The event.returnValue Property (IE 5 and Later) (Dynamic HTML)
- event parameter, attachEvent( ): 6.3.4. Attaching Events (IE 5 and Later for Windows) (Dynamic HTML)
- event propagation: 19.2.1. Event Propagation (JavaScript)
- addEventListener( ) method: 6.3.5. W3C Event Listeners (Netscape 6 and Later) (Dynamic HTML)
- bubbling: 19.3. The Internet Explorer Event Model (JavaScript)
- 19.3.3. Event Bubbling in IE (JavaScript)
- capturing
- nested functions and: 19.2.4. Registering Objects as Event Handlers (JavaScript)
- Netscape 4 event model: 19.4.2. Event Capturing in Netscape 4 (JavaScript)
- security restrictions on: 21.2. Restricted Features (JavaScript)
- DOM Level 2: Event (JavaScript)
- 19.2.7. Example: Dragging Document Elements (JavaScript)
- event model component: 2.3.5. The Event Model (Dynamic HTML)
- features: 6.5. Event Propagation (Dynamic HTML)
- Netscape 6: 2.4.5. The Event Model (Dynamic HTML)
- event property: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- script objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- Window object: 19.3.2. The IE Event Object as a Global Variable (JavaScript)
- window objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- event queues: 6.2. Event Objects (Dynamic HTML)
- event target: 19.2.1. Event Propagation (JavaScript)
- event types: 2.4.5. The Event Model (Dynamic HTML)
- 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
- EventException object: 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
- EventListener object: 19.2.4. Registering Objects as Event Handlers (JavaScript)
- 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
- EventListener objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- eventPhase property: 6.5.2. W3C Event Capture (Dynamic HTML)
- Event (JavaScript)
- 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
- event objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- events: 12.1.3. The Event-Driven Programming Model (JavaScript)
- 7.3. Client-Side Validation with JavaScript (Web Database Applications)
- attaching: 6.3.4. Attaching Events (IE 5 and Later for Windows) (Dynamic HTML)
- captureEvents( ) method: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- createEvent( ) method: 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
- default actions by browser in response to: 19.2.1. Event Propagation (JavaScript)
- event handlers versus: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
- event handling and: 19. Events and Event Handling (JavaScript)
- event types and: 19.1.1. Events and Event Types (JavaScript)
- DOM modules for: 19.2.5. Event Modules and Event Types (JavaScript)
- registering handler for type: 19.2.2. Event Handler Registration (JavaScript)
- future considerations: 6.8. Event Futures (Dynamic HTML)
- keyboard character codes: C. Keyboard Event Character Values (Dynamic HTML)
- keyboard events: 6.6. Understanding Keyboard Event Data (Dynamic HTML)
- Microsoft syntax and: 2.3. Internet Explorer DHTML (Dynamic HTML)
- MutationEvent object: 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
- nodes as targets: 1.7. Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) (Dynamic HTML)
- preventing default actions: 6.4. Preventing Default Event Actions (Dynamic HTML)
- releaseEvents( ) method: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- routeEvent( ) method: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- UIEvent object: 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
- Events module: 2.3.5. The Event Model (Dynamic HTML)
- 6.3.5. W3C Event Listeners (Netscape 6 and Later) (Dynamic HTML)
- 6.6. Understanding Keyboard Event Data (Dynamic HTML)
- EventTarget object: 19.2.2. Event Handler Registration (JavaScript)
- 19.2.2. Event Handler Registration (JavaScript)
- 19.2.9. Synthesizing Events (JavaScript)
- 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
- EventTarget objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- ex unit (style size): Length property values (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- Example directive (Apache): 19.15. mod_example (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- examples from this book, web site for: 0.4. Finding the Examples Online (JavaScript)
- Excel
- accessing data with ODBC PHP: 15.4.2. Accessing Excel Data (Programming PHP)
- configuring DSN with ODBC PHP: 15.4.1. Configuring a DSN (Programming PHP)
- limitations as database: 15.4.3. Limitations of Excel as a Database (Programming PHP)
- reading and writing files with PHP COM: 15.3.5. Reading and Writing Excel Files (Programming PHP)
- exception handling, try/catch/finally statement: 6.17. try/catch/finally (JavaScript)
- exceptions
- DOMException: 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
- EventException: 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
- RangeException: 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
- throwing: 6.16. throw (JavaScript)
- Exchange Image File Format (EXIF) extension: 14.4.1. No External Dependencies (Programming PHP)
- Exchangeable Image File Format (EXIF) extension: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- exclusive locks: 18.25.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- exclusive OR operator (^): 12.6. Operators (Dynamic HTML)
- exclusive or (XOR) operator: 5.8. Bitwise Operators (JavaScript)
- exec( ): 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- A.2a. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (a-e) (Programming PHP)
- 5.1.4. Security and User Data (Web Database Applications)
- regular expression objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
- security risks with shell commands: 12.7. Shell Commands (Programming PHP)
- exec directive (SSI): 13.2. Basic SSI Directives (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- exec( ) method: 10.3.1. RegExp Methods for Pattern Matching (JavaScript)
- exec( ) (RegExp object): 11.4. JavaScript API Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- execCommand( ) method
- commands for (list): D. Internet Explorer Commands (Dynamic HTML)
- document objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- TextRange objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- execScript( ) method, window objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- executable content, web page: 1.5. Client-Side JavaScript: Executable Content in Web Pages (JavaScript)
- execute( ): 10.7.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- 8.4.2. Prepare/Execute (Programming PHP)
- execute( ) (DB): 10.7.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
- 10.8.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
- execute permission: 19.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
- executeMultiple( ) (DB): 10.8.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- executeMultiple( ) method: 8.4.2. Prepare/Execute (Programming PHP)
- executing JavaScript programs: 12.3. Execution of JavaScript Programs (JavaScript)
- event handlers: 12.3.3. Event Handlers (JavaScript)
- functions: 12.3.2. Functions (JavaScript)
- JavaScript URLs: 12.3.4. JavaScript URLs (JavaScript)
- scripts: 12.3.1. Scripts (JavaScript)
- Window and variable lifetime: 12.3.5. Window and Variable Lifetime (JavaScript)
- execution
- deferring for script: The defer attribute (JavaScript)
- delaying for JavaScript code: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- repeating periodically for JavaScript code: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- execution (`) operator: 2.4.13. Miscellaneous Operators (Programming PHP)
- execution contexts: 4.6.3. JavaScript Execution Contexts (JavaScript)
- 13.11.3. JavaScript in Interacting Windows (JavaScript)
- execution time, optimizing: 13.5.3. Optimizing Execution Time (Programming PHP)
- Executor Globals (EG): 14.10.2. Executor Globals (EG) (Programming PHP)
- EXIF extension: 14.4.1. No External Dependencies (Programming PHP)
- B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- existence of objects, testing for: 12.3.3. Event Handlers (JavaScript)
- exit statements: 2.5.7. exit and return (Programming PHP)
- exiting loops: 6.10. Labels (JavaScript)
- exp( ): 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- 2.9.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
- A.2a. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (a-e) (Programming PHP)
- Math object: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
- expand( ) method, TextRange objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- expandEntityReference property
- NodeIterator objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- TreeWalker objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- expandEntityReferences property: 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
- 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
- expando property: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- Attr objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- attribute objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- document objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- expat library: 12.5.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- processing an RSS feed and transforming to HTML: 12.5.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- WDDX, use with: 12.11.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- expiration, PHP session ID cookies: Session basics (Programming PHP)
- expiration time for cookies: 8.2.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook), past, for deleting cookies: 8.4.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
- expires attribute (cookie): 16.1. An Overview of Cookies (JavaScript), setting: 16.2. Storing Cookies (JavaScript)
- Expires header: 7.5.3. Expiration (Programming PHP)
- expires property (cookies): 17.4.1. The Set-Cookie Response Header (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- ExpiresActive directive (Apache): 19.16. mod_expires (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- ExpiresByType directive (Apache): 19.16. mod_expires (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- ExpiresDefault directive (Apache): 19.16. mod_expires (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- explicit branching: 4.4.2. Explicit Branching (Dynamic HTML)
- explode( ): Exploding and imploding (Programming PHP)
- A.2a. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (a-e) (Programming PHP)
- Extracting multiple values from a string (Web Database Applications)
- Splitting a string into an array (Web Database Applications)
- bar chart graphic, sizing lines: 15.10. Program: Generating Bar Charts from Poll Results (PHP Cookbook)
- comma-separated data and: 1.10.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- generating time parts with date: 3.5.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- parsing hash from cookie value: 14.4.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- splitting on strings instead of regular expressions: 13.10.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- strings, breaking into pieces: 1.12.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
- exponential functions: 2.9.6. Powers and Logs (Web Database Applications)
- exponential notation: 3.1.3. Floating-Point Literals (JavaScript)
- 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- number to string conversions: 11.1.3. Converting Numbers to Strings (JavaScript)
- exponents: 2.3.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- 2.9.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- exponents, pow( ): 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- expression statements, JavaScript: Expression statements (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- expressions: 5. Expressions and Operators (JavaScript)
- 2.4. Expressions and Operators (Programming PHP)
- 2.1.5. Expressions, Operators, and Variable Assignment (Web Database Applications)
- in array literal elements: 3.6.2. Array Literals (JavaScript)
- autoincrementing and autodecrementing: 2.4.7. Autoincrement and Autodecrement Operators (Programming PHP)
- between { and }, evaluating: 5.5.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- case, evaluating: 6.5. switch (JavaScript)
- combining with comma (,) operator: 6.2. Compound Statements (JavaScript)
- empty: 2.5.4. for (Programming PHP)
- in for loop: 2.5.4. for (Programming PHP)
- interpolating within strings: 1.8.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- JavaScript: 11.2.9. Expressions and Operators (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- literal vs. variable values: 5.1. Expressions (JavaScript)
- operators and: 5.2. Operator Overview (JavaScript)
- data types of operands: 5.2.2. Type of Operands (JavaScript)
- operator associativity: 5.2.4. Operator Associativity (JavaScript)
- operator precedence: 5.2.3. Operator Precedence (JavaScript)
- PHP: 16.6. Expressions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- return statements and: 6.15. return (JavaScript)
- statements: 6.1. Expression Statements (JavaScript)
- ternary conditional operator, using on: 2.5.1. if (Programming PHP)
- as values in object literals: 3.5.2. Object Literals (JavaScript)
- extend( ) method, selection objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- extended regular expressions (see ereg functions regular expressions)
- Extended Server Side Includes (XSSI), conditional statements: 13.5. Conditional Statements (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- ExtendedStatus directive (Apache): 19.33. mod_status (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- extending classes: 7.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
- extends keyword: 7.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
- 6.4.3. Inheritance (Programming PHP)
- extends keyword (PHP): 16.5.6. Objects (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- Extensible Markup Language (see XML)
- 11. XML (Programming PHP)
- Extensible Markup Language (XML): 1.4. The HTTP Protocol (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- Extensible Stylesheet Language (see XSL)
- Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (see XSLT)
- extension_loaded( ): A.2a. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (a-e) (Programming PHP)
- extensions: 13.1. Code Libraries (Programming PHP)
- B. Extension Overview (Programming PHP)
- Apache: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- aspell: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- BCMath: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- bzip2 compression: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- calendar: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- CCVS: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- clibpdf: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- close or shutdown function, triggering resource cleanup: 2.2.7. Resources (Programming PHP)
- COM: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- ctype library: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- CURL: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- Cybercash: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- CyberMUT: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- dBase: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- DBM: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- dbx: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- DOM XML: 12.3.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
- B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- parsing XML: 12.4.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
- dynamically loading: A.2a. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (a-e) (Programming PHP)
- encryption functions: 14.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
- EXIF (Exchange Image File Format): 14.4.1. No External Dependencies (Programming PHP)
- EXIF (Exchangeable Image File Format): B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- FDF (Forms Data Format): B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- filePro: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- FriBiDi: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- FTP: 17.7.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- functions provided by, getting: A.2b. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (f-i) (Programming PHP)
- GD: 15.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
- 15.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
- (see also GD library)
- GD graphics library: 9.2. The GD Extension (Programming PHP)
- gettext: 16.11.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- getting configuration variables for: 8.23.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- GNU MP: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- iconv: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- IMAP: 13.6.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
- 17.4.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
- IMAP, POP, and NNTP: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- Imlib2: 9.2. The GD Extension (Programming PHP)
- Informix: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- Ingres II databases: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- InterBase: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- IRC gateway: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- Java: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- Kerberos: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- LDAP: 17.8.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
- loaded, getting names of: A.2b. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (f-i) (Programming PHP)
- mcrypt: 14.8.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
- mhash: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- Microsoft SQL Server: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- Ming library (Flash movies): B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- mnoGoSearch: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- MySQL: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- ODBC: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- Oracle: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- Ovrimos SQL: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- PDF: 10.1. PDF Extensions (Programming PHP)
- checking whether installed: 13.3.1. Output Buffering (Programming PHP)
- PDFlib: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- PEAR DB: 8.4. Advanced Database Techniques (Programming PHP)
- 8.4.7. Transactions (Programming PHP)
- accessing databases with: 8.1. Using PHP to Access a Database (Programming PHP)
- 8.3. PEAR DB Basics (Programming PHP)
- class and object methods: 8.3. PEAR DB Basics (Programming PHP)
- database performance and: 8.1. Using PHP to Access a Database (Programming PHP)
- getting data from query results: 8.3.5. Fetching Results from a Query (Programming PHP)
- PHP Extension and Application Repository (PEAR): 21.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
- PHP-GTK: 20.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
- 20.6.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- for PHP on Windows: 15.1.3. Adding Extensions to the Base Distribution (Programming PHP)
- platform-specific: 15.2.10. Common Platform-Specific Extensions (Programming PHP)
- PostgreSQL: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- pspell: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- Readline: 20.4.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
- B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- Recode: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- Satellite CORBA Client: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- shmop: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- SNMP: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- sockets: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- SWF (Shockwave Flash): B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- Sybase: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- System V Semaphores and Shared memory: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- vpopmail: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- WDDX: 12.11.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
- B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- writing in C for PHP: 14. Extending PHP (Programming PHP)
- architectural overview: 14.1. Architectural Overview (Programming PHP)
- command-line PHP: 14.3.1. Command-Line PHP (Programming PHP)
- compiling: 14.3.5. Compiling Your Extension (Programming PHP)
- config.m4 file: 14.4. The config.m4 File (Programming PHP)
- creating variables: 14.11. Creating Variables (Programming PHP)
- developers mailing list: 14.14. Where to Go from Here (Programming PHP)
- external dependencies: 14.4.2. External Dependencies (Programming PHP)
- function return values: 14.8. Returning Values (Programming PHP)
- global variables: 14.10. Global Variables (Programming PHP)
- INI entries: 14.12. Extension INI Entries (Programming PHP)
- memory management functions: 14.5. Memory Management (Programming PHP)
- parameter handling: 14.7. Parameter Handling (Programming PHP)
- PHP source code, downloading latest: 14.2.1. The PHP Source (Programming PHP)
- planning: 14.3.2. Planning Your Extension (Programming PHP)
- pval/zval data type: 14.6. The pval/zval Data Type (Programming PHP)
- references: 14.9. References (Programming PHP)
- resources: 14.13. Resources (Programming PHP)
- skeleton extension, creating and fleshing out: 14.3.3. Creating a Skeleton Extension (Programming PHP)
- software tools: 14.2.2. Software Tools (Programming PHP)
- testing: 14.3.6. Testing Your Extension (Programming PHP)
- XML: 12.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
- XML parser: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- XML-RPC: 12.7.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
- xmlrpc: 11.5. Web Services (Programming PHP), documentation, web site: 11.5.2. Clients (Programming PHP)
- xmlrpc-epi: 12.7.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
- XSLT: 12.6.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
- 11.4. Transforming XML with XSLT (Programming PHP)
- B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- YAZ: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- YP/NIS: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- Zend: 14.1. Architectural Overview (Programming PHP)
- zip: 18.27. Program: Unzip (PHP Cookbook)
- ZIP files: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- zlib: 18.26.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
- extensions, filename: 19.5.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- external objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- external programs, running: 18.21.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook), passing input to: 18.22.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- external property, window objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- external style sheets: 9.1.3. External Style Sheets (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- external XML entities: 11.3.4. Entity Handlers (Programming PHP), parsing: External entities (Programming PHP)
- extract( ): 5.6. Converting Between Arrays and Variables (Programming PHP)
- A.2a. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (a-e) (Programming PHP)
- extractContents( ): Manipulating ranges (JavaScript)
- 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
- extractContents( ) method, Range objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- extracting multiple values from arrays: 5.5. Extracting Multiple Values (Programming PHP)
- ext/standard/parsedate.y: 3.10.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
Symbols & Numbers
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