Index: V

Symbols & Numbers
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| Z
Index: V
- validating
- credit-card numbers with Luhn checksum: Matching (Programming PHP)
- dates: 3.9.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- form input: 9.3.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- forms: 7.4.9. Form Validation (Programming PHP)
- validation: Validation in the client and middle tiers (Web Database Applications)
- 7. Validation on the Server and Client (Web Database Applications)
- client-side: 7.3. Client-Side Validation with JavaScript (Web Database Applications)
- documents and: 1.4. XHTML (Dynamic HTML)
- event binding and: 6.3.1. Event Handlers as Tag Attributes (Dynamic HTML)
- 6.3.2. Event Handlers as Object Properties (Dynamic HTML)
- for dates: 2.8.3. Validating a Date (Web Database Applications)
- Validating dates (Web Database Applications)
- for email addresses: Validating email addresses (Web Database Applications)
- for numbers: Validating numeric fields (Web Database Applications)
- server-side: 7.2. Server-Side Validation (Web Database Applications)
- Strict validation: 1.4. XHTML (Dynamic HTML)
- XHTML: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
- 6.3.1. Event Handlers as Tag Attributes (Dynamic HTML)
- 6.3.2. Event Handlers as Object Properties (Dynamic HTML)
- 7.2. XHTML Modularization (XHTML Basic and 1.1) (Dynamic HTML)
- validation of form data: 1.6.3. Interact with HTML Forms (JavaScript)
- 15.4. Form Verification Example (JavaScript)
- validation scripts: 8.4.2. The Validation Script (Web Database Applications), for customers: 10.2.1. Customer Validation (Web Database Applications)
- validator for HTML: 2.12.1. A Page That Produces Partial or No Output (Web Database Applications)
- valign attribute
- caption elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- col elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- colgroup elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- <caption> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- <colgroup> tag: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- <col> tag: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- <table> tags: 5.1. The <table> Tag (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- <td> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- 5.4. The <th> and <td> Tags (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- <th> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- 5.4. The <th> and <td> Tags (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- <tr> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- 5.3. The <tr> Tag (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- vAlign property
- caption objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- col objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- colgroup objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- tbody objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- td objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- tfoot objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- th objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- thead objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- tr objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- value attribute: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- button elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- input elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- li elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- <button> tag: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- <input> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- <li> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- <option> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- 6.4. The <select> Tag (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- <param> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- option elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- param elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- value, comparing by: 5.4.1. Equality (==) and Identity (===) (JavaScript)
- value property: 3.3. Two Types of Containment (Dynamic HTML)
- 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
- 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
- 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
- 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
- Attr objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- attribute objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- Button object: 15.3.4. Buttons (JavaScript)
- 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- button objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- Checkbox object: 15.3.5. Toggle Buttons (JavaScript)
- 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- FileUpload object: 15.3.6. Text Fields (JavaScript)
- 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- security restrictions on: 21.2. Restricted Features (JavaScript)
- Hidden object: 15.3.8. Hidden Elements (JavaScript)
- 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- Input object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- input (type="button") objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- input (type="checkbox") objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- input (type="file") objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- input (type="hidden") objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- input (type="password") objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- input (type="radio") objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- input (type="reset") objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- input (type="submit") objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- input (type="text") objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- li objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- Option object: 15.3.7. Select and Option Elements (JavaScript)
- 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- option objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- param objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- Radio object: 15.3.5. Toggle Buttons (JavaScript)
- 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- Reset object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- select objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- Submit object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- Text object: 15.3.6. Text Fields (JavaScript)
- 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- Textarea object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- textarea objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- valueOf( )
- Boolean object: 11.4. JavaScript API Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- Date object: 11.4. JavaScript API Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- Object object: 11.4. JavaScript API Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- valueOf( ): 22.5.2. LiveConnect Data Conversion in Netscape 3 (JavaScript)
- Boolean object: 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- Boolean objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
- Complex class (example): 8.7.4. The valueOf( ) Method (JavaScript)
- Date object: 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- Date objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
- function objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
- Number object: 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- Number objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
- Object object: 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- Object objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
- String object: 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- valueOf( ) method, String objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
- valueOf( ) method: 5.3. Arithmetic Operators (JavaScript)
- Object object: 8.7.4. The valueOf( ) Method (JavaScript)
- objects, converting to numbers: 11.1.1. Object-to-Primitive Conversion (JavaScript)
- values: 3. Data Types and Values (JavaScript)
- assigning to attributes: 3.5.2. CSS Attribute Assignment Syntax (Dynamic HTML)
- attribute values: 1.4. XHTML (Dynamic HTML)
- 5.5. Changing Tag Attribute Values (Dynamic HTML)
- changing for attributes: 4.3. Changing Attribute Values via Scripting (Dynamic HTML)
- 5.5. Changing Tag Attribute Values (Dynamic HTML)
- 5.5. Changing Tag Attribute Values (Dynamic HTML)
- changing for styles: 5.6. Changing Applied Style Values (Dynamic HTML)
- clip attribute: 4.2.3. The clip Attribute (Dynamic HTML)
- data, arrays of: 3.6. Arrays (JavaScript)
- edge measurement attributes: 4.2.2. top, right, bottom, and left Attributes (Dynamic HTML)
- function literals, embedding in programs: 3.4.1. Function Literals (JavaScript)
- functions as: 3.4. Functions (JavaScript)
- identifiers as index values: 5.4.1. Precaching Images (Dynamic HTML)
- none value: 4.2.5. The visibility Attribute (Dynamic HTML)
- null: 3.7. null (JavaScript)
- property, in object literals: 3.5.2. Object Literals (JavaScript)
- return false: 6.4.1. Setting the return Value (Dynamic HTML)
- valuetype attribute, param elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- valuetype attribute, <param>: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- valueType property, param objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- var elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- var keyword: 7.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
- var objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- var statement: 12.8. Miscellaneous Statements (Dynamic HTML)
- 4.2. Variable Declaration (JavaScript)
- 6.13. var (JavaScript)
- var statement (JavaScript): Alphabetical statement reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- var_dump( ): 5.9.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
- A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
- Debugging with print_r( ) and var_dump( ) (Web Database Applications)
- Heterogeneous arrays (Web Database Applications)
- displaying PHP values in human-readable form: 4.2.4. print_r( ) and var_dump( ) (Programming PHP)
- recursion, handling: 5.9.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- viewing object variables: 7.11.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- var_export( ): 7.11.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- variable argument list, processing: 14.7.3. An Example with Variable Argument List (Programming PHP)
- variable content (see dynamic content)
- variable functions: 3.6. Variable Functions (Programming PHP)
- variable substitution: Variable substitution (Web Database Applications)
- variable variables: 1.8.4. See Also (PHP Cookbook)
- calling different functions, depending on variable value: 6.11.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- creating dynamic variable names: 5.5.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
- function-private default values, setting: 5.3.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- global variable names, specifying: 6.12.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- iterating through similarly named variables: 5.5.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- variables: 4. Variables (JavaScript)
- 5.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
- 2.2.6. Objects (Programming PHP)
- 2.3. Variables (Programming PHP)
- 2.1.2. Variables (Web Database Applications)
- assigning array values to: 5.4.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- assigning function return values to: 6.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
- assigning values to: Assignment (Programming PHP)
- assignment and: 2.1.5. Expressions, Operators, and Variable Assignment (Web Database Applications)
- browser information: 1.6.6. Still More Features (JavaScript)
- case-sensitivity in: 2.2. Case Sensitivity (JavaScript)
- case-sensitivity in names: 2.1.1. Case Sensitivity (Programming PHP)
- checking value with isset( ) function: A.2b. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (f-i) (Programming PHP)
- checking values with isset( ) function: 2.3.4. Garbage Collection (Programming PHP)
- class: 7.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
- assigning non-constant value to: 7.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
- property names: 7.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
- stored in an array: 7.9.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- coercing all into array form: 4.5.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- comparing, avoiding errors with = and == operators: 5.2.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- complex data types, encapsulation as strings: 5.8.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- configuration, getting: A.2b. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (f-i) (Programming PHP)
- content/type of, examining: 2.1.7. Examining Variable Type and Content (Web Database Applications)
- converting HTML field names to: 7.4.2. Parameters (Programming PHP)
- converting to/from arrays: 5.6. Converting Between Arrays and Variables (Programming PHP)
- counter: 6.6. while (JavaScript)
- creating dynamic name: 5.5.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- creating for extensions: 14.11. Creating Variables (Programming PHP)
- debugging and: 2.1.2. Variables (Web Database Applications)
- declaring: 4.2. Variable Declaration (JavaScript)
- 6.13. var (JavaScript)
- default value, establishing: 5.3.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- defined, getting: A.2b. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (f-i) (Programming PHP)
- dumping contents as strings: 5.9.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- EGPCS (environment, GET, POST, cookie and server): 7.2. Variables (Programming PHP)
- 12.1.2. Set variables_order (Programming PHP)
- EGPCS (environment, GET, POST, cookies and server): 7.2. Variables (Programming PHP)
- empty, evaluation to boolean false value: 5.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
- environment variable: 2.6.2. Page Branching (Dynamic HTML)
- environment variables: 8.21.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- exchanging values without using temporary variables: 5.4.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- expanding in double-quoted strings: 2.2.3. Strings (Programming PHP)
- in for/in loops: 6.9. for/in (JavaScript)
- frames, using in different: 13.11.3. JavaScript in Interacting Windows (JavaScript)
- function parameters: 6.2.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- Function parameters (Programming PHP)
- functions for: A.1. PHP Functions by Category (Programming PHP)
- global: 4.3. Variable Scope (JavaScript)
- 4.6.1. The Global Object (JavaScript)
- form data and, security issues: 12.1. Global Variables and Form Data (Programming PHP)
- internal PHP, accessing from extension functions: 14.10. Global Variables (Programming PHP)
- reference counting and: 11.3.2. Garbage Collection by Reference Counting (JavaScript)
- SAPI (Server Abstraction API): 14.10.1. SAPI Globals (SG) (Programming PHP)
- global variables: 4.4.1. Browser Support Flagging (Dynamic HTML)
- identifiers: 2.7. Identifiers (JavaScript)
- initializing with PHP: 5.1.5. How PHP Initializes Variables (Web Database Applications)
- initializing, with statements and: 6.18. with (JavaScript)
- interpolating into double-quoted strings: 17.4.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- interpolating into strings: 1.8.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- 4.1.1. Variable Interpolation (Programming PHP)
- JavaScript: 11.2.7. Variables (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- lifetime of: 12.3.5. Window and Variable Lifetime (JavaScript)
- local: 7.3. Function Scope: The Call Object (JavaScript)
- local variables: 6.2.1. Event Objects and Event Models (Dynamic HTML)
- loop, initializing, testing, and updating: 6.8. for (JavaScript)
- mapping names to value positions in memory: 2.3.4. Garbage Collection (Programming PHP)
- mark and sweep garbage collection: 11.3.1. Mark-and-Sweep Garbage Collection (JavaScript)
- multiple scripts and: 12.2.1. The <script> Tag (JavaScript)
- names, $ (dollar sign) in: Variable names (Programming PHP)
- NULL value: 2.2.8. NULL (Programming PHP)
- null values in: 3.7. null (JavaScript)
- as object properties: 4.6. Variables as Properties (JavaScript)
- object, finding: 7.11.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- object references: 6.2. Creating an Object (Programming PHP)
- outputting information about: A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
- passing by reference: 6.4.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- 3.4.2. Passing Parameters by Reference (Programming PHP)
- passing by value: 3.4.1. Passing Parameters by Value (Programming PHP)
- passing by value or by reference: 6.2.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- passing to functions: 2.10.3. How Variables Are Passed to Functions (Web Database Applications)
- with . (period) in names: 9.10.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- PHP: 16.4. Variables (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- dynamic variables: 16.4.1. Dynamic Variables (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- variable scope: 16.9.2. Variable Scope (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- PHP_AUTH_USER and PHP_AUTH_PW: 8.10.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
- $PHP_SELF: 7.2. Variables (Programming PHP)
- property names, using with: 6.3. Accessing Properties and Methods (Programming PHP)
- reading XML from with DOM: 12.4.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
- references to variable stored in another variable: 2.3.1. Variable Variables (Programming PHP)
- removing value with unset( ) function: 2.3.4. Garbage Collection (Programming PHP)
- request, importing into global scope: A.2b. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (f-i) (Programming PHP)
- returning by reference: 6.7.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- scope and: 2.10.2. Variable Scope (Web Database Applications)
- scope of: 4.3. Variable Scope (JavaScript)
- 4.7. Variable Scope Revisited (JavaScript)
- 2.3.3. Variable Scope (Programming PHP)
- 3.3. Variable Scope (Programming PHP)
- with statement and: 6.18. with (JavaScript)
- session, registering: 7.6.2. Sessions (Programming PHP)
- Session basics (Programming PHP)
- set and unset: 5.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
- setting value of: 2.3. Variables (Programming PHP)
- sharing between processes: 5.7.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- static: 5.6.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- Static variables (Programming PHP)
- 3.3.2. Static Variables (Programming PHP)
- syslog, defining: A.2a. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (a-e) (Programming PHP)
- temporary, assigning objects to: 7.7.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
- this: 6.4.1. Declaring Methods (Programming PHP)
- treating as arrays: 9.11.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
- truth values of: 6.10.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- typing/untyped: 4.1. Variable Typing (JavaScript), LiveConnect data conversion: 22.5. LiveConnect Data Conversion (JavaScript)
- unassigned vs. undefined: 4.3.2. Undefined Versus Unassigned (JavaScript)
- undefined, error handling and: 8.16.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- undefined values: 3.8. undefined (JavaScript)
- variable, using with objects: 6.2. Creating an Object (Programming PHP)
- variables_order configuration directive: 8.21.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- variables_order directive in php.ini: 12.1.2. Set variables_order (Programming PHP)
- VARIANT type: 15.3.2. PHP Functions (Programming PHP)
- VBArray objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
- VBScript, converting to PHP COM function calls: 15.3.2. PHP Functions (Programming PHP)
- VBScript scripting language: 1.8. ECMAScript (Dynamic HTML)
- 6. Scripting Events (Dynamic HTML)
- 6.3.3. Event Handlers as <script> Tags (IE 4 and Later) (Dynamic HTML)
- VBScript (Visual Basic Scripting Edition language): 1.3. Client-Side JavaScript (JavaScript)
- The language and type attributes (JavaScript)
- vendor property, navigator object: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- vendorSub property, navigator object: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- verify( ): 15.4. Form Verification Example (JavaScript)
- Case study: A generic JavaScript validation function (Web Database Applications)
- verify-user.php page: 8.27. Program: Website Account (De)activator (PHP Cookbook)
- 8.27. Program: Website Account (De)activator (PHP Cookbook)
- verifying
- existence of objects: 12.3.3. Event Handlers (JavaScript)
- function arguments: 7.4. Function Arguments: The Arguments Object (JavaScript)
- JavaScript version: 20.2.2. Explicit Version Testing (JavaScript)
- Verisign Payflow Pro extension: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- version
- of PHP parser: A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q) (Programming PHP)
- of XML in processing instruction: 11.1. Lightning Guide to XML (Programming PHP)
- version attribute
- html elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- script elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- version attribute, <html> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- version property, html objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- version_compare( ): A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
- versions: 1.1. The Standards Alphabet Soup (Dynamic HTML)
- 1.9. A Fragmenting World (Dynamic HTML)
- browser: 13.6. The Navigator Object (JavaScript)
- 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- CSS style sheets: 18.1.4. Versions of CSS (JavaScript)
- JavaScript: 1.2. Versions of JavaScript (JavaScript)
- 1.2. Versions of JavaScript (JavaScript)
- client-side and core language: 1.3. Client-Side JavaScript (JavaScript)
- compatibility: 20.2. Language Version Compatibility (JavaScript)
- explicitly testing for: 20.2.2. Explicit Version Testing (JavaScript)
- listing with descriptions: 1.2. Versions of JavaScript (JavaScript)
- specifying in language attribute: The language and type attributes (JavaScript)
- The language and type attributes (JavaScript)
- vertical-align attribute (CSS): 11.5. Alphabetical Attribute Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- vertical-align property (CSS): 9.4. CSS Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- vertical bar (see |, under Symbols)
- vertical text, drawing: 15.5.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- verticalAlign property
- CSSStyleDeclaration objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- style objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- vertically aligned widgets: 20.7.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
- very large or very small numbers: 2.14.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
- video, playing movies embedded in web pages: 14.10. Embedded Data (JavaScript)
- view property: UIEvent (JavaScript)
- 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
- event objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- ViewCSS objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- views: 1.4.3. The MySQL DBMS (Web Database Applications), not supported in MySQL: 3.10.4. Limitations of MySQL (Web Database Applications)
- views, DOM: 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
- virtual
- hosting (Apache): 18.1.6. Virtual Hosting (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- hosts: 18. Apache Configuration (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- 19.38. mod_vhost_alias (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- text wrapping: 6.3. The <textarea> Tag (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- web documents: 12.1.2. Creating Virtual Documents (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- virtual documents: 5.9. Client-Side Includes (Dynamic HTML)
- VirtualDocumentRoot directive (Apache): 19.38. mod_vhost_alias (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- VirtualDocumentRootIP directive (Apache): 19.38. mod_vhost_alias (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- VirtualScriptAliasIP directive (Apache): 19.38. mod_vhost_alias (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- viruses, guarding against: 1.7. JavaScript Security (JavaScript)
- visibility, cookies: 16.1. An Overview of Cookies (JavaScript)
- visibility attribute: 4.2.5. The visibility Attribute (Dynamic HTML)
- 4.3.2. Positionable Element Properties (Dynamic HTML)
- ilayer elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- layer elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- <ilayer> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- <layer> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- visibility attribute (CSS): 11.5. Alphabetical Attribute Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- visibility attributes: 18.2. Element Positioning with CSS (JavaScript)
- 18.2.4. Element Display and Visibility (JavaScript)
- overflow and clip: 18.2.5. Partial Visibility: overflow and clip (JavaScript)
- visibility property: 4.3.2. Positionable Element Properties (Dynamic HTML)
- 18.4.2. DHTML in Netscape 4 (JavaScript)
- 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- CSSStyleDeclaration objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- layer objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- style objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- visible property: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- directories objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- locationbar objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- menubar objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- personalbar objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- scrollbars objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- statusbar objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- toolbar objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- visible value
- overflow attribute: 4.2.4. The overflow Attribute (Dynamic HTML)
- visibility attribute: 4.2.5. The visibility Attribute (Dynamic HTML)
- :visited pseudo-class: 11.2.2. Pseudo-Classes (Dynamic HTML)
- :visited style pseudo-class: Style pseudo-classes (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- vlink attribute, body elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- vlink attribute, <body>: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- vLink property: 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript), body objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- vlinkColor property: 14.1.2. Document Properties (JavaScript)
- 14.3. Document Color Properties (JavaScript)
- 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- document objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- voice-family attribute (CSS): 11.5. Alphabetical Attribute Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- voiceFamily, CSSStyleDeclaration objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- voiceFamily property
- CSSStyleDeclaration objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- style objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- void data type: 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
- void loginButtons( ): 10.4. The Winestore Include Files (Web Database Applications)
- void operator: 5.3. Links to Multiple Frames (Dynamic HTML)
- 12.6. Operators (Dynamic HTML)
- 3.8. undefined (JavaScript)
- 5.10.5. The void Operator (JavaScript)
- 12.2.4. JavaScript in URLs (JavaScript)
- void selectDistinct ( ): 10.4. The Winestore Include Files (Web Database Applications)
- void showCart( ): 10.4. The Winestore Include Files (Web Database Applications)
- void showLogin( ): 10.2.2. The Customer <form> (Web Database Applications)
- 10.4. The Winestore Include Files (Web Database Applications)
- void showMessage( ): 10.2.2. The Customer <form> (Web Database Applications)
- 10.4. The Winestore Include Files (Web Database Applications)
- void showPricing( ): 10.4. The Winestore Include Files (Web Database Applications)
- void showVarieties( ): 10.4. The Winestore Include Files (Web Database Applications)
- volume attribute, bgsound elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- volume attribute (CSS): 11.5. Alphabetical Attribute Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- volume property
- bgsound objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- CSSStyleDeclaration objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- style objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- volumeDiscount( ): 2.11.2. Inheritance (Web Database Applications)
- vpopmail extension: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
- vprintf( ): A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
- vspace attribute
- applet elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- iframe elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- img elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- input elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- <applet> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- <embed> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- <img> tag: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- <marquee> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- <object> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- <table> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- 5.1. The <table> Tag (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- 5.1. The <table> Tag (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
- marquee elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- object elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- vspace property: 14.6.4. Other Image Properties (JavaScript)
- 14.6.4. Other Image Properties (JavaScript)
- 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
- applet objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- iframe objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- img objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- input (type="image") objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- marquee objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- object objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
- vsprintf( ): A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
Symbols & Numbers
| A
| B
| C
| D
| E
| F
| G
| H
| I
| J
| K
| L
| M
| N
| O
| P
| Q
| R
| S
| T
| U
| V
| W
| X
| Y
| Z

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